@ -30,19 +30,6 @@ end
(** version of the binary files, to be incremented for each change *)
let version = 27
(** Retry the function while an exception filtered is thrown,
or until the timeout in seconds expires. *)
let retry_exception ~timeout ~catch_exn ~f x =
let init_time = Mtime_clock.counter () in
let expired () = Mtime.Span.compare timeout (Mtime_clock.count init_time) <= 0 in
let rec retry () =
try f x with e when catch_exn e && not (expired ()) -> Utils.yield () ; (retry [@tailcall]) ()
retry ()
type 'a write_command = Replace of 'a
let create_serializer (key: Key.t) : 'a serializer =
let read_data ((key': Key.t), (version': int), (value: 'a)) source_msg =
if key <> key' then (
@ -62,58 +49,17 @@ let create_serializer (key: Key.t) : 'a serializer =
let read_from_string (str: string) : 'a option =
read_data (Marshal.from_string str 0) "string"
(* The reads happen without synchronization.
The writes are synchronized with a .lock file. *)
let read_from_file (fname: DB.filename) : 'a option =
let fname_str = DB.filename_to_string fname in
match In_channel.create ~binary:true fname_str with
| exception Sys_error _ ->
| inc ->
let read () =
In_channel.seek inc 0L ;
read_data (Marshal.from_channel inc) fname_str
(* The serialization is based on atomic file renames,
so the deserialization cannot read a file while it is being written. *)
let filename = DB.filename_to_string fname in
try Utils.with_file_in filename ~f:(fun inc -> read_data (Marshal.from_channel inc) filename)
with Sys_error _ -> None
let catch_exn = function
| End_of_file ->
| Failure _ ->
true (* handle input_value: truncated object *)
| _ ->
(* Retry to read for 1 second in case of end of file, *)
(* which indicates that another process is writing the same file. *)
let one_second = Mtime.Span.of_uint64_ns (Int64.of_int 1_000_000_000) in
~f:(fun () -> retry_exception ~timeout:one_second ~catch_exn ~f:read ())
~finally:(fun () -> In_channel.close inc)
let write_to_tmp_file fname data =
let fname_tmp =
Filename.temp_file ~in_dir:(Filename.dirname fname) (Filename.basename fname) ".tmp"
Utils.write_file_with_locking fname_tmp ~f:(fun outc ->
Marshal.to_channel outc (key, version, data) [] ) ;
(* The .lock file is used to synchronize the writers.
Once a lock on `file.lock` is obtained, the new data is written into a temporary file
and rename is used to move it atomically to `file` *)
let execute_write_command_with_lock (fname: DB.filename) (cmd: 'a write_command) =
let fname_str = DB.filename_to_string fname in
let fname_str_lock = fname_str ^ ".lock" in
Utils.write_file_with_locking fname_str_lock ~delete:true ~f:(fun _outc ->
let data_to_write : 'a = match cmd with Replace data -> data in
let fname_str_tmp = write_to_tmp_file fname_str data_to_write in
(* Rename is atomic: the readers can only see one version of this file,
possibly stale but not corrupted. *)
Unix.rename ~src:fname_str_tmp ~dst:fname_str )
let write_to_file ~(data: 'a) (fname: DB.filename) =
execute_write_command_with_lock fname (Replace data)
let filename = DB.filename_to_string fname in
Utils.with_intermediate_temp_file_out filename ~f:(fun outc ->
Marshal.to_channel outc (key, version, data) [] )
{read_from_string; read_from_file; write_to_file}