@ -9,46 +9,6 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
module StackDomain (Element : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType) = struct
type astate = Element.t list [@@deriving compare]
let push = List.cons
let pop = List.tl_exn
let is_empty = List.is_empty
let empty = []
let pp fmt x = Pp.semicolon_seq Element.pp fmt x
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
let rec aux lhs rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with
| [], _ ->
| _, [] ->
| x :: xs, y :: ys ->
Int.equal 0 (Element.compare x y) && aux xs ys
aux (List.rev lhs) (List.rev rhs)
let join lhs rhs =
let rec aux acc a b =
match (a, b) with
| [], _ | _, [] ->
| x :: xs, y :: ys ->
if not (Int.equal 0 (Element.compare x y)) then [] else aux (x :: acc) xs ys
aux [] (List.rev lhs) (List.rev rhs)
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
module LockIdentity = struct
type t = AccessPath.t
@ -66,8 +26,12 @@ module LockIdentity = struct
let equal lock lock' = Int.equal 0 (compare lock lock')
let equal_modulo_base ((_, typ), aclist) ((_, typ'), aclist') =
Typ.equal typ typ' && AccessPath.equal_access_list aclist aclist'
let pp fmt (((_, typ), _) as lock) =
Format.fprintf fmt "locks %a in class %a" AccessPath.pp lock (Typ.pp Pp.text) typ
Format.fprintf fmt "locks %a in class %a" AccessPath.pp lock (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ
module LockEvent = struct
@ -83,14 +47,13 @@ module LockEvent = struct
let locks_equal e e' = LockIdentity.equal e.lock e'.lock
let pp_trace fmt = function
| [] ->
| trace ->
Format.fprintf fmt " (trace: %a)" (Pp.semicolon_seq CallSite.pp) trace
let pp fmt e =
let pp_trace fmt = function
| [] ->
| trace ->
Format.fprintf fmt " (trace: %a)" (Pp.semicolon_seq CallSite.pp) trace
Format.fprintf fmt "%a at %a%a" LockIdentity.pp e.lock Location.pp e.loc pp_trace e.trace
@ -101,7 +64,7 @@ module LockEvent = struct
let make lock loc = {lock; loc; trace= []}
let make_loc_trace e =
let make_loc_trace ?(reverse= false) e =
let call_trace, nesting =
List.fold e.trace ~init:([], 0) ~f:(fun (tr, ns) callsite ->
let elem_descr =
@ -112,43 +75,50 @@ module LockEvent = struct
let endpoint_descr = Format.asprintf "Lock acquisition: %a" LockIdentity.pp e.lock in
let endpoint = Errlog.make_trace_element nesting e.loc endpoint_descr [] in
List.rev (endpoint :: call_trace)
let res = endpoint :: call_trace in
if reverse then res else List.rev res
module LockOrder = struct
type t = {before: LockEvent.t option; after: LockEvent.t} [@@deriving compare]
type t = {first: LockEvent.t option; eventually: LockEvent.t} [@@deriving compare]
let pp fmt o =
match o.before with
match o.first with
| None ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Eventually %a" LockEvent.pp o.after
Format.fprintf fmt "Eventually %a" LockEvent.pp o.eventually
| Some lock ->
Format.fprintf fmt "First %a and before releasing it %a" LockEvent.pp lock LockEvent.pp
let get_pair elem = match elem.before with None -> None | Some b -> Some (b, elem.after)
let get_pair elem = match elem.first with None -> None | Some b -> Some (b, elem.eventually)
let may_deadlock elem elem' =
match (elem.before, elem'.before) with
let locks_equal_modulo_base e e' =
LockIdentity.equal_modulo_base e.LockEvent.lock e'.LockEvent.lock
match (elem.first, elem'.first) with
| Some b, Some b' ->
LockEvent.locks_equal b elem'.after && LockEvent.locks_equal b' elem.after
locks_equal_modulo_base b elem'.eventually && locks_equal_modulo_base b' elem.eventually
| _, _ ->
let make_eventually_locks after = {before= None; after}
let make_eventually_locks eventually = {first= None; eventually}
let make_holds_and_locks b after = {before= Some b; after}
let make_holds_and_locks b eventually = {first= Some b; eventually}
let with_callsite callsite o =
{o with after= {o.after with LockEvent.trace= callsite :: o.after.LockEvent.trace}}
{ o with
eventually= {o.eventually with LockEvent.trace= callsite :: o.eventually.LockEvent.trace} }
let make_loc_trace o =
let before_trace = Option.value_map o.before ~default:[] ~f:LockEvent.make_loc_trace in
let after_trace = LockEvent.make_loc_trace o.after in
List.append before_trace after_trace
let first_trace =
Option.value_map o.first ~default:[] ~f:(LockEvent.make_loc_trace ~reverse:true)
let eventually_trace = LockEvent.make_loc_trace o.eventually in
List.rev_append first_trace eventually_trace
module LockOrderDomain = struct
@ -159,73 +129,86 @@ module LockOrderDomain = struct
let is_eventually_locked lock lo =
exists (fun pair -> LockEvent.locks_equal pair.LockOrder.after lock) lo
exists (fun pair -> LockEvent.locks_equal pair.LockOrder.eventually lock) lo
module LockStack = StackDomain (LockEvent)
module LockStack = AbstractDomain.StackDomain (LockEvent)
module LockState = struct
include AbstractDomain.Pair (LockStack) (LockOrderDomain)
include AbstractDomain.InvertedMap (LockIdentity) (LockStack)
let empty = (LockStack.empty, LockOrderDomain.empty)
let is_taken lock map = try not (find lock map |> LockStack.is_empty) with Not_found -> false
let is_empty (ls, lo) = LockStack.is_empty ls && LockOrderDomain.is_empty lo
let acquire lock_event map =
let lock_id = lock_event.LockEvent.lock in
let current_value = try find lock_id map with Not_found -> LockStack.empty in
let new_value = LockStack.push lock_event current_value in
add lock_id new_value map
(* for every lock b held locally, add a pair (b, lock_event), plus (None, lock_event) *)
let add_order_pairs ls lock_event acc =
(* add no pairs whatsoever if we already hold that lock *)
if List.exists ls ~f:(LockEvent.locks_equal lock_event) then acc
let release lock_id map =
let current_value = try find lock_id map with Not_found -> LockStack.empty in
if LockStack.is_empty current_value then map
let add_eventually_locks acc =
(* don't add an eventually-locks pair if there is already another with same endpoint*)
if LockOrderDomain.is_eventually_locked lock_event acc then acc
let elem = LockOrder.make_eventually_locks lock_event in
LockOrderDomain.add elem acc
let add_holds_and_locks acc before =
(* never add a pair of the form (a,a) -- should never happen due to the check above *)
let elem = LockOrder.make_holds_and_locks before lock_event in
let new_value = LockStack.pop current_value in
if LockStack.is_empty new_value then remove lock_id map else add lock_id new_value map
let fold_over_events f map init =
let ff _ lock_state acc = List.fold lock_state ~init:acc ~f in
fold ff map init
include AbstractDomain.Pair (LockState) (LockOrderDomain)
let empty = (LockState.empty, LockOrderDomain.empty)
let is_empty (ls, lo) = LockState.is_empty ls && LockOrderDomain.is_empty lo
(* for every lock b held locally, add a pair (b, lock_event), plus (None, lock_event) *)
let add_order_pairs ls lock_event acc =
(* add no pairs whatsoever if we already hold that lock *)
if LockState.is_taken lock_event.LockEvent.lock ls then acc
let add_eventually_locks acc =
(* don't add an eventually-locks pair if there is already another with same endpoint*)
if LockOrderDomain.is_eventually_locked lock_event acc then acc
let elem = LockOrder.make_eventually_locks lock_event in
LockOrderDomain.add elem acc
List.fold ls ~init:acc ~f:add_holds_and_locks |> add_eventually_locks
let lock actuals ((ls, lo) as astate) loc =
match actuals with
| (HilExp.AccessExpression exp) :: _ ->
let newlock_event = LockEvent.make (AccessExpression.to_access_path exp) loc in
let lo' =
(* do not add any order pairs if we already hold the lock *)
if List.exists ls ~f:(LockEvent.locks_equal newlock_event) then lo
else add_order_pairs ls newlock_event lo
let ls' = LockStack.push newlock_event ls in
(ls', lo')
| _ ->
let unlock _ (ls, lo) = ((if LockStack.is_empty ls then ls else LockStack.pop ls), lo)
let integrate_summary ~caller_state:(ls, lo) ~callee_summary callee_pname loc =
(* for each pair (b,a) in the callee, add (l,b) and (l,a) to the current state, where
l is held locally *)
let do_elem elem acc =
Option.value_map elem.LockOrder.before ~default:acc ~f:(fun b -> add_order_pairs ls b acc)
|> add_order_pairs ls elem.LockOrder.after
let callsite = CallSite.make callee_pname loc in
(* add callsite to the "after" trace *)
let elems = LockOrderDomain.with_callsite callsite callee_summary in
let lo' = LockOrderDomain.fold do_elem elems lo in
(ls, lo')
let add_holds_and_locks acc first =
(* never add a pair of the form (a,a) -- should never happen due to the check above *)
let elem = LockOrder.make_holds_and_locks first lock_event in
LockOrderDomain.add elem acc
LockState.fold_over_events add_holds_and_locks ls acc |> add_eventually_locks
let to_summary astate = snd astate
let acquire lockid (ls, lo) loc =
let newlock_event = LockEvent.make lockid loc in
let lo' = add_order_pairs ls newlock_event lo in
let ls' = LockState.acquire newlock_event ls in
(ls', lo')
let release lockid (ls, lo) = (LockState.release lockid ls, lo)
let integrate_summary ~caller_state:(ls, lo) ~callee_summary callee_pname loc =
(* for each pair (b,a) in the callee, add (l,b) and (l,a) to the current state, where
l is held locally *)
let do_elem elem acc =
Option.value_map elem.LockOrder.first ~default:acc ~f:(fun b -> add_order_pairs ls b acc)
|> add_order_pairs ls elem.LockOrder.eventually
let callsite = CallSite.make callee_pname loc in
(* add callsite to the "eventually" trace *)
let elems = LockOrderDomain.with_callsite callsite callee_summary in
let lo' = LockOrderDomain.fold do_elem elems lo in
(ls, lo')
include LockState
let to_summary astate = snd astate
type summary = LockOrderDomain.astate