@ -7,20 +7,8 @@
(* * Global namespace opened in each source file by the build system *)
include module type of Stdio
include module type of Import0
(* * Tuple operations *)
val fst3 : ' a * _ * _ -> ' a
(* * First projection from a triple. *)
val snd3 : _ * ' a * _ -> ' a
(* * Second projection from a triple. *)
val trd3 : _ * _ * ' a -> ' a
(* * Third projection from a triple. *)
(* * Function combinators *)
val ( > > ) : ( ' a -> ' b ) -> ( ' b -> ' c ) -> ' a -> ' c
@ -73,95 +61,63 @@ val check : ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> 'a
val violates : ( ' a -> unit ) -> ' a -> _
(* * Assert that function raises on argument. *)
type ' a or_error = ( ' a , exn * Caml . Printexc . raw_backtrace ) result
val or_error : ( ' a -> ' b ) -> ' a -> unit -> ' b or_error
(* * [or_error f x] runs [f x] and converts unhandled exceptions to errors. *)
(* * Extensions *)
module Invariant : module type of Base . Invariant
module Unit = Base . Unit
type unit = Unit . t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , hash , sexp ]
module Invariant : module type of Core . Invariant
module Bool = Base . Bool
(* * Containers *)
type bool = Bool . t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , hash , sexp ]
module Option = Option
include module type of Option . Monad_infix
include module type of Option . Monad_syntax
module List = List
module Char = Base . Char
module Array : sig
include module type of Array
type char = Char . t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , hash , sexp ]
val pp : ( unit , unit ) fmt -> ' a pp -> ' a array pp
module Int = Base . Int
module IArray = IArray
include module type of IArray . Import
module Set = Set
module Map = Map
module Qset = Qset
type int = Int . t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , hash , sexp ]
(* * Data types *)
module Int64 = Base . Int64
module String : sig
include sig
include module type of Core . String with module Map := Core . String . Map
type int64 = Int64 . t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , hash , sexp ]
module Map : Map . S with type key = string
module Z : sig
include module type of struct include Z end
module Q : sig
include module type of struct include Q end
val of_z : Z . t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val hash_fold_t : t Hash . folder
val t_of_sexp : Sexp . t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp . t
val pp : t pp
val true _ : t
val false _ : t
val of_bool : bool -> t
val is_true : t -> bool
val is_false : t -> bool
module Q : sig
include module type of struct include Q end
module Z : sig
include module type of struct include Z end
val of_z : Z . t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val hash_fold_t : t Hash . folder
val t_of_sexp : Sexp . t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp . t
val pp : t pp
val true _ : t
val false _ : t
val of_bool : bool -> t
val is_true : t -> bool
val is_false : t -> bool
module String : sig
include module type of Base . String
type t = String . t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , hash , sexp ]
module Map : Map . S with type key = string
type string = String . t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , hash , sexp ]
module Option = Option
type ' a option = ' a Option . t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , hash , sexp ]
include module type of Option . Monad_infix
include module type of Option . Monad_syntax with type ' a t = ' a option
module Result = Base . Result
module Array : sig
include module type of Base . Array
val pp : ( unit , unit ) fmt -> ' a pp -> ' a array pp
module IArray = IArray
include module type of IArray . Infix
module List = List
type ' a list = ' a List . t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , hash , sexp ]
module Hash_queue = Core_kernel . Hash_queue
module Set = Set
module Hash_set = Base . Hash_set
module Map = Map
module Qset = Qset
module Hashtbl = Base . Hashtbl