Module InferModules__CTL

This module defines a language to define checkers. These checkers are interpreted over the AST of the program. A checker is defined by a CTL formula which expresses a condition saying when the checker should report a problem.

type transitions =
| AccessorForProperty of InferModules.ALVar.alexp

decl to decl

| Body

decl to stmt

| FieldName of InferModules.ALVar.alexp

stmt to stmt, decl to decl

| Fields

stmt to stmt, decl to decl

| InitExpr

decl to stmt

| Super

decl to decl

| ParameterName of InferModules.ALVar.alexp

stmt to stmt, decl to decl

| ParameterPos of InferModules.ALVar.alexp

stmt to stmt, decl to decl

| Parameters

stmt to stmt, decl to decl

| Cond
| PointerToDecl

stmt to decl

| Protocol

decl to decl

| SourceExpr

Transition labels used for example to switch from decl to stmt

val compare_transitions : transitions -> transitions -> int
type t =
| True
| False
| Atomic of InferModules.CPredicates.t

Atomic formula

| Not of t
| And of t * t
| Or of t * t
| Implies of t * t
| InNode of InferModules.ALVar.alexp list * t
| AX of transitions option * t

AX phi <=> for all children of the current node phi holds

| EX of transitions option * t

EX phi <=> exist a child of the current node such that phi holds

| AF of transitions option * t

AF phi <=> for all path from the current node there is a descendant where phi holds

| EF of transitions option * t

EF phi <=> there exits a a path from the current node with a descendant where phi hold

| AG of transitions option * t

AG phi <=> for all discendant of the current node phi hold

| EG of transitions option * t

EG phi <=> there exists a path (of descendants) from the current node where phi hold at each node of the path

| AU of transitions option * t * t

AU(phi1, phi2) <=> for all paths from the current node phi1 holds in every node until ph2 holds

| EU of transitions option * t * t

EU(phi1, phi2) <=> there exists a path from the current node such that phi1 holds until phi2 holds

| EH of InferModules.ALVar.alexp list * t

EHclassesphi <=> there exists a node defining a super class in the hierarchy of the class defined by the current node (if any) where phi holds

| ET of InferModules.ALVar.alexp list * transitions option * t

ET T l phi <=> there exists a descentant an of the current node such that an is of type in set T making a transition to a node an' via label l, such that in an phi holds.

| InObjCClass of t * t

A ctl formula

val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
type clause =
| CLet of InferModules.ALVar.formula_id * InferModules.ALVar.t list * t

Let clause: let id = definifion;

| CSet of InferModules.ALVar.keyword * t

Set clause: set id = definition

| CDesc of InferModules.ALVar.keyword * string

Description clause eg: set message = "..."

| CPath of [ `WhitelistPath | `BlacklistPath ] * InferModules.ALVar.t list
type ctl_checker = {
id : string;

Checker's id

definitions : clause list;

A list of let/set definitions

type al_file = {
import_files : string list;
global_macros : clause list;
global_paths : (string * InferModules.ALVar.alexp list) list;
checkers : ctl_checker list;
val print_checker : ctl_checker -> unit
val eval_formula : t -> InferModules.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> InferModules.CLintersContext.context -> InferModules.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node option

return the evaluation of the formula and a witness

val save_dotty_when_in_debug_mode : InferBase.SourceFile.t -> unit
val next_state_via_transition : InferModules.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> transitions -> InferModules.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node list
val create_ctl_evaluation_tracker : InferBase.SourceFile.t -> unit
module Debug : sig ... end