Module IR__Instrs

type reversed
type not_reversed
type _ t
type not_reversed_t = not_reversed t

defined for convenience: we can write Instrs.not_reversed_t in other modules instead of Instrs.not_reversed Instrs.t

val empty : _ t
val singleton : IR.Sil.instr -> _ t
val append_list : not_reversed t -> IR.Sil.instr list -> not_reversed t
val of_list : IR.Sil.instr list -> not_reversed t
val filter_map : not_reversed t -> f:(IR.Sil.instr -> IR.Sil.instr option) -> not_reversed t
val map : not_reversed t -> f:(IR.Sil.instr -> IR.Sil.instr) -> not_reversed t

replace every instruction instr with f instr. Preserve physical equality. *

val map_and_fold : not_reversed t -> f:('a -> IR.Sil.instr -> 'a * IR.Sil.instr) -> init:'a -> not_reversed t

replace every instruction instr with snd (f context instr). The context is computed by folding f on init and previous instructions (before instr) in the collection. Preserve physical equality. *

val concat_map_and_fold : not_reversed t -> f:('a -> IR.Sil.instr -> 'a * IR.Sil.instr array) -> init:'a -> not_reversed t

Like map_and_fold but replace every instruction instr with the list snd (f context instr) by threading an accumulator. Preserve physical equality. *

val concat_map : not_reversed t -> f:(IR.Sil.instr -> IR.Sil.instr array) -> not_reversed t

replace every instruction instr with the list f instr. Preserve physical equality. *

val reverse_order : not_reversed t -> reversed t
val is_empty : _ t -> bool
val count : _ t -> int
val exists : _ t -> f:(IR.Sil.instr -> bool) -> bool
val for_all : _ t -> f:(IR.Sil.instr -> bool) -> bool
val nth_exists : _ t -> int -> bool
val nth_exn : _ t -> int -> IR.Sil.instr
val last : _ t -> IR.Sil.instr option
val find_map : _ t -> f:(IR.Sil.instr -> 'a option) -> 'a option
val pp : IStdlib.Pp.env -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> _ t -> unit
val fold : (_ tIR.Sil.instr'a) IStdlib.IStd.Container.fold
val foldi : _ t -> init:'a -> f:(int -> 'a -> IR.Sil.instr -> 'a) -> 'a
val iter : (_ tIR.Sil.instr) IStdlib.IStd.Container.iter
val get_underlying_not_reversed : not_reversed t -> IR.Sil.instr array
val instrs_get_normal_vars : not_reversed t -> IR.Ident.t list