Module InferBase__ProcessPool

Pool of parallel workers that can both receive tasks from the master process and start doing tasks on their own. Unix pipes are used for communication, all while refreshing a task bar periodically.

Due to ondemand analysis, workers may do tasks unprompted (eg, when analysing a procedure, a process will typically end up analysing all its callees). Thus, children need to update the main process (which is in charge of the task bar) whenever they start analysing a new procedure, and whenever they resume analysing a previous procedure. This is more complicated than what, eg, `ParMap` can handle because of the bidirectional flow between children and parents.

The children send "Ready" or "I'm working on task <some string>" messages that are used to respectively send them more tasks ("Do x") or update the task bar with the description provided by the child.

See also ProcessPoolState.

type (_, _) t

A ('work, 'final) t process pool accepts tasks of type 'work and produces an array of results of type 'final. 'work and 'final will be marshalled over a Unix pipe.

type 'a task_generator = {
remaining_tasks : unit -> int;

number of tasks remaining to complete -- only used for reporting, so imprecision is not a bug

is_empty : unit -> bool;

when should the main loop of the task manager stop expecting new tasks

finished : 'a -> unit;

Process pool calls finished x when a worker finishes item x. This is only called if next () has previously returned Some x and x was sent to a worker.

next : unit -> 'a option;

next () generates the next work item. If is_empty () is true then next () must return None. However, it is OK to for next () to return None when is_empty is false. This corresponds to the case where there is more work to be done, but it is not schedulable until some already scheduled work is finished.


abstraction for generating jobs

val create : jobs:int -> child_prelude:(unit -> unit) -> f:('work -> unit) -> child_epilogue:(unit -> 'final) -> tasks:'work task_generator -> ('work'final) t

Create a new pool of processes running jobs jobs in parallel

val run : (_'final) t -> 'final option InferStdlib.IStd.Array.t

use the processes in the given process pool to run all the given tasks in parallel and return the results of the epilogues