Module ASTLanguage__CPredicates
type t
= ASTLanguage.ALVar.formula_id * ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp list
val captured_variables_cxx_ref : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ATDGenerated.Clang_ast_t.named_decl_info list
list of cxx references captured by an ObjC Block
val objc_block_is_capturing_var_of_type : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.t -> bool
true if the ObjC Block captures a variable of a given type
val objc_block_is_capturing_values : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
true if the ObjC Block captures any variables
val call_method : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
call_method an m an
is true iff node an is a call to an ObjC method with name containing string m
val call_cxx_method : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
call_cxx_method an m an
is true iff node an is a call to a C++ method with name containing string m
val call_class_method : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
call_class_method an mname
is true iff node an is a call to an ObjC class method with name containing mname
val call_instance_method : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
call_instance_method an mname
is true iff node an is a call to an ObjC instance method with name containing mname
val declaration_name : ATDGenerated.Clang_ast_t.decl -> string option
declaration_name d
returns the name of declaration d
val is_enum_constant : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
is_enum_constant an name
is true iff an is an EnumConstant with name containingname
val is_enum_constant_of_enum : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
val is_global_var : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_global_var an
is true iff an is a global variable (but not a static local)
val is_static_local_var : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_static_local_var an
is true iff an is a static local variable
val is_static_var : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_static_var an
is true iff an is a static local variable
val is_extern_var : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_extern_var an
is true iff an is a extern variable
val is_const_expr_var : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_const_expr_var an
is true iff an is aconst
variable declaration
val is_init_integral_constant_expr : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_init_integra_constant_expr an
is true iff it is an initializer and an integral constant expression, or in C++11, whether the initializer is a constant expression.
val is_qual_type_const : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_qual_type_const an
is true iff an is a qual_typeconst
val has_init_list_const_expr : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is true iff for an InitListExpr where all subexpressions are const expression
val call_function : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
call_function an name
is true iff an is a call to a function whose name containsname
val call_qualified_function : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
call_function an name
is true iff an is a call to a function whose fully qualified name containsname
val is_strong_property : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_strong_property an
is true iff an denotes a objc property declaration withstrong
val is_strong_ivar : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_strong_ivar an
is true iff an denotes a objc ivar withstrong
val is_weak_property : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_weak_property an
is true iff an denotes a objc property declaration withweak
val is_assign_property : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_assign_property an
is true iff an denotes a objc property declaration withassign
val is_property_pointer_type : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_property_pointer_type an
is true iff an denotes a objc property declaration with type pointer
val context_in_synchronized_block : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> bool
true if the current node is in the context of a synchronized objc block
val is_ivar_atomic : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_ivar_atomic an
is true iff an denotes an atomic objc ivar
val is_ivar_readonly : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_ivar_readonly an
is true iff an denotes a readonly objc ivar
val is_method_property_accessor_of_ivar : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> bool
val is_in_block : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> bool
true if the current node is in the context of an objc block
val is_optional_objc_method : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
true if the current node is an objc method declaration which is declared with
val is_call_to_optional_objc_method : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
true if the current node is a call to an objc method declaration which is declared with
val is_in_cxx_constructor : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
is_in_cxx_constructor context name
is true if the curent node is within a CXX constructor whose name containsname
val is_in_cxx_destructor : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
is_in_destructor_constructor context name
is true if the curent node is within a CXX destructor whose name containsname
val is_in_cxx_method : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
is_in_cxx_method context name
is true if the curent node is within a CXX method whose name containsname
val is_in_function : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
is_in_function context name
is true if the curent node is within a function whose name containsname
val is_objc_extension : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> bool
Checks if the current file has an ObjC file extension (I.E.
val is_objc_class_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCInterfaceDecl or ObjCImplementationDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
Matches on
in:@interface MyClass @implementation MyClass
val is_objc_interface_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCInterfaceDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
Matches on
in@interface MyClass
val is_objc_implementation_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCImplementationDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
Matches on
in@implementation MyClass
val is_objc_category_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCCategoryDecl or ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
Matches on
in:@interface MyClass (MyCategory) @implementation MyClass (MyCategory)
val is_objc_category_interface_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCCategoryDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
Matches on
in@interface MyClass (MyCategory)
val is_objc_category_implementation_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
Matches on
in@implementation MyClass (MyCategory)
val is_objc_category_on_class_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCCategoryDecl or ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose class name matches the provided REGEXP
Matches on
in:@interface MyClass (MyCategory) @implementation MyClass (MyCategory)
val is_objc_category_interface_on_class_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCCategoryDecl node whose class name matches the provided REGEXP
Matches on
in@interface MyClass (MyCategory)
val is_objc_category_implementation_on_class_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose class name matches the provided REGEXP
Matches on
in@implementation MyClass (MyCategory)
val is_objc_category_on_subclass_of : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCCategoryDecl or ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose class inherits from a class whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_objc_category_interface_on_subclass_of : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCCategoryDecl node whose class inherits from a class whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_objc_category_implementation_on_subclass_of : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose class inherits from a class whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val adhere_to_protocol : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
true if an objC class adhere to a protocol
val is_objc_protocol_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCProtocolDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_objc_class_method_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMethodDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP and is a class method
val is_objc_instance_method_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMethodDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP and is an instance method
val is_objc_method_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMethodDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_objc_constructor : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> bool
is_in_objc_constructor context
is true if the curent node is within an ObjC constructor
val objc_class_has_only_one_constructor_method_named : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
true if an ObjC class has only one class method and is a constructor whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_objc_dealloc : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> bool
is_in_objc_dealloc context
is true if the curent node is within an ObjC dealloc method
val is_in_objc_subclass_of : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCInterfaceDecl or ObjCImplementationDecl node which inherits from a class whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_interface_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCInterfaceDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_implementation_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCImplementationDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_class_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCInterfaceDecl or ObjCImplementationDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_category_interface_on_class_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCCategoryDecl node whose class name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_category_implementation_on_class_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose class name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_category_on_class_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCCategoryDecl or ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose class name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_category_interface_on_subclass_of : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCCategoryDecl node whose class inherits from a class whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_category_implementation_on_subclass_of : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose class inherits from a class whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_category_on_subclass_of : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCCategoryDecl or ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose class inherits from a class whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_category_interface_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCCategoryDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_category_implementation_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_category_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCCategoryDecl or ObjCCategoryImplDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_protocol_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is a subnode of an ObjCProtocolDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_in_objc_class_method : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node, or a parent node, is an ObjCMethodDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP and is a class method
val is_in_objc_instance_method : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node, or a parent node, is an ObjCMethodDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP and is an instance method
val is_in_objc_method : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node, or a parent node, is an ObjCMethodDecl node whose name matches the provided REGEXP
val is_objc_method_overriding : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMethodDecl node and is overriding a method in the superclass.
A method is said to override any method in the class base classes, its protocols, or its categories' protocols, that has the same selector and is of the same kind (class or instance). A method in an implementation is not considered as overriding the same method in the interface or its categories.
val is_objc_method_exposed : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMethodDecl node and is exposed in an interface.
A method is said to be exposed if it's overriding a method or it's declared in a matching interface. For example, a method defined in a class implementation is exposed if it's declared in the class interface or interface extension, but not if it's declared in a category on the class. If the current node is a subnode of an ObjCInterfaceDecl, ObjCCategoryDecl, or ObjCProtocolDecl, this predicate returns false.
val captures_cxx_references : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
captures_cxx_references an
is true iff the node an captures some CXX references
val is_binop_with_kind : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
is_binop_with_kind an binop
is true iff an denotes a binary operator of kind binop
val is_unop_with_kind : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
is_unop_of_kind an unop
is true iff an denotes a unary operator of kind unop
val has_cast_kind : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
has_cast_kind an cast
is true iff an denotes a cast operation of kind cast
val isa : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
node an is of class classname
val is_node : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
is_node an nodename
is true iff an is a node of kind nodename
val declaration_has_name : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
val declaration_ref_name : ?kind:ATDGenerated.Clang_ast_t.decl_kind -> ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
declaration_ref_has_name an n
is true iff node an is a DeclRefExpr with name containing string n. The optional parameter kind allow to distinguish between special kind of decl_ref_exprs likeis_enum_constant
val is_class : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
val pp_predicate : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val has_type : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
val has_value : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
val method_return_type : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
val has_type_subprotocol_of : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
val get_selector : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> string option
val within_responds_to_selector_block : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
val objc_method_call_within_responds_to_selector_block : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
true if a ObjC method call is withing the scope of a responds_to_selector check
val using_namespace : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
val receiver_class_method_call : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ATDGenerated.Clang_ast_t.decl option
val receiver_method_call : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ATDGenerated.Clang_ast_t.decl option
val is_receiver_objc_class_type : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMessageExpr node and has a receiver equivalent to the
val is_receiver_objc_id_type : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMessageExpr node and has a receiver equivalent to the
val is_receiver_subclass_of : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMessageExpr node and has a receiver which inherits from a class whose name matches the provided REGEXP.
val is_receiver_class_named : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMessageExpr node and has a receiver whose class name matches the provided REGEXP.
val is_receiver_super : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMessageExpr node and has a receiver which is equal to
.Matches on
super myMethod
val is_receiver_self : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
Checks if the current node is an ObjCMessageExpr node and has a receiver which is equal to
val is_at_selector_with_name : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
an is an expression
with whose name in the language of re
val has_visibility_attribute : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
val cxx_construct_expr_has_name : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
true if the node is a CXXConstruct with name matching the provided REGEXP
val has_used_attribute : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
val has_no_escape_attribute : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
val within_available_class_block : ASTLanguage.CLintersContext.context -> ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
val has_type_const_ptr_to_objc_class : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
val is_decl : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
is_decl an is true iff an is a node denoting a declaration
val get_ast_node_type_ptr : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ATDGenerated.Clang_ast_t.type_ptr option
val is_method_called_by_superclass : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
val is_cxx_copy_constructor : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
true if the current node is a C++ copy constructor
val has_cxx_fully_qualified_name : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
true iff node has C++ fully qualified name (w/class and namespace) matching the given regexp
val has_cxx_fully_qualified_name_in_custom_symbols : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> string -> bool
true iff node has C++ fully qualified name (w/class and namespace) matching a prefix on the given named custom symbol list
val is_in_source_file : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
True iff the source file path of the given node matches the given regexp or string.
val is_referencing_decl_from_source_file : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp -> bool
True iff the given node is a DeclRefExpr referencing a decl whose source file path matches the given regexp or string.
val is_cxx_method_overriding : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> ASTLanguage.ALVar.alexp option -> bool
True iff the current node is a CXXMethodDecl node and is overriding a method whose fully-qualified name (with class and namespace) matches the given regexp (if given, otherwise any overriding method satisfies).
val is_init_expr_cxx11_constant : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
true if the current node is classified as C++11 constant expression by the AST. It works only for VarDecl init expr
val cxx_construct_expr_has_no_parameters : ASTLanguage.Ctl_parser_types.ast_node -> bool
true if a construct expr has no subexpressions
true is a declaration has an Unavailable attribute