Module Pulselib.PulseExecutionDomain
module AbductiveDomain = PulseAbductiveDomain
module LatentIssue = PulseLatentIssue
type 'abductive_domain_t base_t
ContinueProgram of 'abductive_domain_t
represents the state at the program point
ExitProgram of AbductiveDomain.summary
represents the state originating at exit/divergence.
AbortProgram of AbductiveDomain.summary
represents the state at the program point that caused an error
LatentAbortProgram of
astate : AbductiveDomain.summary;
latent_issue : LatentIssue.t;
this path leads to an error but we don't have conclusive enough data to report it yet
ISLLatentMemoryError of AbductiveDomain.summary
represents the state at the program point that might cause an error; used for
.pulse_isltype t
= AbductiveDomain.t base_t
include Absint.AbstractDomain.NoJoin with type t := t
include IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.PrintableType
val pp : IStdlib.PrettyPrintable.F.formatter -> t -> unit
val continue : AbductiveDomain.t -> t
val mk_initial : IR.Tenv.t -> IR.Procdesc.t -> t
val is_unsat_cheap : t -> bool
type summary
= AbductiveDomain.summary base_t
val summary_of_posts : IR.Tenv.t -> IR.Procdesc.t -> t list -> summary list
val force_exit_program : IR.Tenv.t -> IR.Procdesc.t -> t -> t option