Module InferBase.CommandLineOption

Definition and parsing of command line arguments

val warnf : ('a, Format.formatter, unit) InferStdlib.IStd.format ‑> 'a

Print to stderr in case of error, fails in strict mode

type parse_mode =
| InferCommand

(** parse arguments as arguments for infer *)

| Javac

(** parse arguments passed to the Java compiler *)

| NoParse

(** all arguments are anonymous arguments, no parsing is attempted *)

include sig ... end
val compare_parse_mode : parse_mode ‑> parse_mode ‑> int
val is_originator : bool
val init_work_dir : string
type 'a t = ?⁠deprecated:string list ‑> long:string ‑> ?⁠short:char ‑> ?⁠parse_mode:parse_mode ‑> ?⁠in_help:(InferGenerated.InferCommand.t * string) list ‑> ?⁠meta:string ‑> string ‑> 'a

The mk_* functions declare command line options, while parse parses then according to the declared options.

The arguments of the declaration functions are largely treated uniformly:

val mk_set : 'a InferStdlib.IStd.ref ‑> 'a ‑> unit t

mk_set variable value defines a command line option which sets variable to value.

val mk_bool : ?⁠deprecated_no:string list ‑> ?⁠default:bool ‑> ?⁠f:(bool ‑> bool) ‑> bool InferStdlib.IStd.ref t

mk_bool long short doc defines a bool ref set by the command line flag --long (and -s), and cleared by the flag --no-long (and -S). If long already has a "no-" prefix, or s is capital, then the existing prefixes will instead be removed. The default value is false unless overridden by ~default:true. The doc string will be prefixed with either "Activates:" or "Deactivates:", so should be phrased accordingly.

val mk_bool_group : ?⁠deprecated_no:string list ‑> ?⁠default:bool ‑> ?⁠f:(bool ‑> bool) ‑> (bool InferStdlib.IStd.ref list ‑> bool InferStdlib.IStd.ref list ‑> bool InferStdlib.IStd.ref) t

mk_bool_group children not_children behaves as mk_bool with the addition that all the children are also set and the no_children are unset. A child can be unset by including "--no-child" later in the arguments.

val mk_int : default:int ‑> ?⁠f:(int ‑> int) ‑> int InferStdlib.IStd.ref t
val mk_int_opt : ?⁠default:int ‑> ?⁠f:(int ‑> int) ‑> int option InferStdlib.IStd.ref t
val mk_float_opt : ?⁠default:float ‑> float option InferStdlib.IStd.ref t
val mk_string : default:string ‑> ?⁠f:(string ‑> string) ‑> string InferStdlib.IStd.ref t
val mk_string_opt : ?⁠default:string ‑> ?⁠f:(string ‑> string) ‑> ?⁠mk_reset:bool ‑> string option InferStdlib.IStd.ref t

An option "--long-reset" is automatically created that resets the reference to None when found on the command line, unless mk_reset is false.

val mk_string_list : ?⁠default:string list ‑> ?⁠f:(string ‑> string) ‑> string list InferStdlib.IStd.ref t

mk_string_list defines a string list ref, initialized to [] unless overridden by ~default. Each argument of an occurrence of the option will be prepended to the list, so the final value will be in the reverse order they appeared on the command line.

An option "--long-reset" is automatically created that resets the list to when found on the command line.

val mk_path : default:string ‑> ?⁠f:(string ‑> string) ‑> string InferStdlib.IStd.ref t

like mk_string but will resolve the string into an absolute path so that children processes agree on the absolute path that the option represents

val mk_path_opt : ?⁠default:string ‑> string option InferStdlib.IStd.ref t

analogous of mk_string_opt with the extra feature of mk_path

val mk_path_list : ?⁠default:string list ‑> string list InferStdlib.IStd.ref t

analogous of mk_string_list with the extra feature of mk_path

val mk_symbol : default:'a ‑> symbols:(string * 'a) list ‑> eq:('a ‑> 'a ‑> bool) ‑> ?⁠f:('a ‑> 'a) ‑> 'a InferStdlib.IStd.ref t

mk_symbol long symbols defines a command line flag --long <symbol> where (<symbol>,_) is an element of symbols.

val mk_symbol_opt : symbols:(string * 'a) list ‑> ?⁠f:('a ‑> 'a) ‑> ?⁠mk_reset:bool ‑> 'a option InferStdlib.IStd.ref t

mk_symbol_opt is similar to mk_symbol but defaults to None. If mk_reset is false then do not create an additional --long-reset option to reset the value of the option to None.

val mk_symbol_seq : ?⁠default:'a list ‑> symbols:(string * 'a) list ‑> eq:('a ‑> 'a ‑> bool) ‑> 'a list InferStdlib.IStd.ref t

mk_symbol_seq long symbols defines a command line flag --long <symbol sequence> where <symbol sequence> is a comma-separated sequence of <symbol>s such that (<symbol>,_) is an element of symbols.

val mk_json : Yojson.Basic.json InferStdlib.IStd.ref t
val mk_anon : unit ‑> string list InferStdlib.IStd.ref

mk_anon () defines a string list ref of the anonymous command line arguments, in the reverse order they appeared on the command line.

val mk_rest_actions : ?⁠parse_mode:parse_mode ‑> ?⁠in_help:(InferGenerated.InferCommand.t * string) list ‑> string ‑> usage:string ‑> (string ‑> parse_mode) ‑> string list InferStdlib.IStd.ref

mk_rest_actions doc ~usage command_to_parse_mode defines a string list ref of the command line arguments following "--", in the reverse order they appeared on the command line. usage is the usage message in case of parse errors or if --help is passed. For example, calling mk_action and parsing exe -opt1 -opt2 -- arg1 arg2 will result in the returned ref containing arg2; arg1. Additionally, the first arg following "--" is passed to command_to_parse_mode to obtain the parse action that will be used to parse the remaining arguments.

type command_doc
val mk_command_doc : title:string ‑> section:int ‑> version:string ‑> date:string ‑> short_description:string ‑> synopsis:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ‑> description:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ‑> ?⁠options:[ `Prepend of Cmdliner.Manpage.block list | `Replace of Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ] ‑> ?⁠exit_status:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ‑> ?⁠environment:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ‑> ?⁠files:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ‑> ?⁠notes:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ‑> ?⁠bugs:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ‑> ?⁠examples:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ‑> see_also:Cmdliner.Manpage.block list ‑> string ‑> command_doc

mk_command_doc ~title ~section ~version ~short_description ~synopsis ~description ~see_also command_exe records information about a command that is used to create its man page. A lot of the concepts are taken from man-pages(7).

val mk_subcommand : InferGenerated.InferCommand.t ‑> ?⁠on_unknown_arg:[ `Add | `Skip | `Reject ] ‑> name:string ‑> ?⁠deprecated_long:string ‑> ?⁠parse_mode:parse_mode ‑> ?⁠in_help:(InferGenerated.InferCommand.t * string) list ‑> command_doc option ‑> unit

mk_subcommand command ~long command_doc defines the subcommand command. A subcommand is activated by passing name, and by passing --deprecated_long if specified. A man page is automatically generated for command based on the information in command_doc, if available (otherwise the command is considered internal). on_unknown_arg is the action taken on unknown anonymous arguments; it is `Reject by default.

val args_env_var : string

environment variable use to pass arguments from parent to child processes

val strict_mode_env_var : string
val env_var_sep : char

separator of argv elements when encoded into environment variables

val extend_env_args : string list ‑> unit

extend_env_args args appends args to those passed via args_env_var

val parse : ?⁠config_file:string ‑> usage:InferStdlib.IStd.Arg.usage_msg ‑> parse_mode ‑> InferGenerated.InferCommand.t option ‑> InferGenerated.InferCommand.t option * (int ‑> 'a)

parse ~usage parse_mode command parses command line arguments as specified by preceding calls to the mk_* functions, and returns:

The decoded values of the inferconfig file config_file, if provided, are parsed, followed by the decoded values of the environment variable args_env_var, followed by Sys.argv if parse_mode is one that should parse command line arguments (this is defined in the implementation of this module). Therefore arguments passed on the command line supersede those specified in the environment variable, which themselves supersede those passed via the config file.

WARNING: An argument will be interpreted as many times as it appears in all of the config file, the environment variable, and the command line. The args_env_var is set to the set of options parsed in args_env_var and on the command line.

val is_env_var_set : string ‑> bool

is_env_var_set var is true if $var=1

val show_manual : ?⁠internal_section:string ‑> Cmdliner.Manpage.format ‑> command_doc ‑> InferGenerated.InferCommand.t option ‑> unit

Display the manual of command to the user, or command_doc if command is None. format is used as for Cmdliner.Manpage.print. If internal_section is specified, add a section titled internal_section about internal (hidden) options.

val keep_args_file : bool InferStdlib.IStd.ref