Performance Statistics gathering and reporting
type stats_kind
| Time of Mtime_clock.counter * InferStdlib.IStd.Unix.process_times |
| Memory |
| TimeAndMemory |
type stats_type
| ClangLinters of InferBase.SourceFile.t |
| ClangFrontend of InferBase.SourceFile.t |
| ClangFrontendLinters of InferBase.SourceFile.t |
| JavaFrontend of InferBase.SourceFile.t |
| PythonFrontend of InferBase.SourceFile.t |
| TotalFrontend |
| Backend of InferBase.SourceFile.t |
| TotalBackend |
| Reporting |
| Driver |
val from_json : Yojson.Basic.json ‑> perf_stats
val aggregate : perf_stats list ‑> Yojson.Basic.json
val get_reporter : stats_type ‑> unit ‑> unit
Get reporting function that can be called at any time to create a performance report
val register_report_at_exit : stats_type ‑> unit
Create performance report when the current process terminates