Module IR.Errlog

type node_tag =
| Condition of bool
| Exception of
| Procedure_start of Procname.t
| Procedure_end of Procname.t
type loc_trace_elem = private {
lt_level : int;

nesting level of procedure calls

lt_loc : IBase.Location.t;

source location at the current step in the trace

lt_description : string;

description of the current step in the trace

lt_node_tags : node_tag list;

tags describing the node at the current location


Element of a loc trace

val make_trace_element : int -> IBase.Location.t -> string -> node_tag list -> loc_trace_elem

build a loc_trace_elem from its constituents (unambiguously identified by their types).

type loc_trace = loc_trace_elem list

Trace of locations

val concat_traces : (string * loc_trace) list -> loc_trace
val compute_local_exception_line : loc_trace -> int option

Look at all the trace steps and find those that are arising any exception, then bind them to the closest step at level 0. This extra information adds value to the report itself, and may avoid digging into the trace to understand the cause of the report.

type node =
| UnknownNode
| FrontendNode of {
node_key : Procdesc.NodeKey.t;
| BackendNode of {
node : Procdesc.Node.t;
type err_key = private {
severity : Exceptions.severity;
err_name : IBase.IssueType.t;
err_desc : Localise.error_desc;
val compare_err_key : err_key -> err_key -> int
type err_data = private {
node_id : int;
node_key : Procdesc.NodeKey.t option;
session : int;
loc : IBase.Location.t;
loc_in_ml_source : IBase.Logging.ocaml_pos option;
loc_trace : loc_trace;
err_class : Exceptions.err_class;
visibility : Exceptions.visibility;
linters_def_file : string option;
doc_url : string option;

url to documentation of the issue type

access : string option;
extras : ATDGenerated.Jsonbug_t.extra option;

Data associated to a specific error

val compare_err_data : err_data -> err_data -> int
type t

Type of the error log

val empty : unit -> t

Empty error log

type iter_fun = err_key -> err_data -> unit

type of the function to be passed to iter

val iter : iter_fun -> t -> unit

Apply f to nodes and error names

val fold : (err_key -> err_data -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
val pp_loc_trace_elem : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> loc_trace_elem -> unit
val pp_loc_trace : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> loc_trace -> unit
val pp_errors : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Print errors from error log

val pp_warnings : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Print warnings from error log

val pp_html : IBase.SourceFile.t -> IBase.DB.Results_dir.path -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Print an error log in html format

val update : t -> t -> unit

Update an old error log with a new one

val log_issue : Exceptions.severity -> t -> loc:IBase.Location.t -> node:node -> session:int -> ltr:loc_trace -> linters_def_file:string option -> doc_url:string option -> access:string option -> extras:ATDGenerated.Jsonbug_t.extra option -> exn -> unit