Module Integration__Buck

val wrap_buck_call : ?⁠extend_env:(string * string) list -> label:string -> string list -> string list

Wrap a call to buck while (i) logging standard error to our standard error in real time; (ii) redirecting standard out to a file, the contents of which are returned; (iii) protect the child process from SIGQUIT.

In a call wrap_buck_call ~extend_env ~label cmd, extend_env is a list of pairs (variable, value) that will extend the environment of the subprocess; label is appended to buck_ to make the prefix of the temporary file storing the standard output of the command, for quick identification; cmd is a list of strings making up the shell command to execute; the return value is the standard output of the command split on newlines.

val buck_config : IBase.BuckMode.t -> string list
val parse_command_and_targets : IBase.BuckMode.t -> filter_kind:[< `Yes | `No | `Auto ] -> string list -> string * string list * string list
type flavored_arguments = {
command : string;
rev_not_targets : string list;
targets : string list;
val add_flavors_to_buck_arguments : IBase.BuckMode.t -> filter_kind:[< `Yes | `No | `Auto ] -> extra_flavors:string list -> string list -> flavored_arguments

Add infer flavors to the targets in the given buck arguments, depending on the infer analyzer. For instance, in capture mode, the buck command: build //foo/bar:baz#some,flavor becomes: build //foo/bar:baz#infer-capture-all,some,flavor

val store_args_in_file : string list -> string list

Given a list of arguments, stores them in a file if needed and returns the new command line

val filter_compatible : [> `Targets ] -> string list -> string list

keep only the options compatible with the given Buck subcommand

val clang_flavor_capture : prog:string -> buck_build_cmd:string list -> unit

do a buck/clang flavor capture given the prog and build command (buck args)