Module IBase__ResultsDirEntryName
type id
| BuckDependencies | list of Buck directories with infer-out/ directories |
| CaptureDB | the capture database |
| ChangedFunctions | results of the clang test determinator |
| Debug | directory containing debug data |
| Differential | contains the results of infer reportdiff |
| DuplicateFunctions | list of duplicated functions |
| JavaClassnamesCache | used when capturing Java jar dependencies |
| JavaGlobalTypeEnvironment | internal Tenv .t object corresponding to the whole project |
| LintDotty | directory of linters' dotty debug output for CTL evaluation |
| LintIssues | directory of linters' issues |
| Logs | log file |
| NullsafeFileIssues | file-wide issues of the nullsafe analysis |
| PerfEvents | file containing events for performance profiling |
| ProcnamesLocks | directory of per-Procname .t file locks, used by the analysis scheduler in certain modes |
| RacerDIssues | directory of issues reported by the RacerD analysis |
| ReportCostsJson | reports of the costs analysis |
| ReportHtml | directory of the HTML report |
| ReportJson | the main product of the analysis: report.json |
| ReportText | a human-readable textual version of report.json |
| RetainCycles | directory of retain cycles dotty files |
| RunState | internal data about the last infer run |
| Specs | directory containing summaries as .specs files |
| StarvationIssues | directory of issues reported by the starvation analysis |
| Temporary | directory containing temp files |
| TestDeterminatorReport | the report produced by the test determinator capture mode |
| TestDeterminatorTempResults | a directory |
val get_path : results_dir:string -> id -> string
the absolute path for the given entry
val get_issues_directories : unit -> id list
all the entries that correspond to directories containing temporary issue logs for certain analyses
val to_delete_before_incremental_capture_and_analysis : results_dir:string -> string list
utility for ResultsDir
.scrub_for_incremental, you probably want to use that instead
val to_delete_before_caching_capture : results_dir:string -> string list
utility for ResultsDir
.scrub_for_caching, you probably want to use that instead
val buck_infer_deps_file_name : string
sad that we have to have this here but some code path is looking for all files with that name in buck-out/