Module InferModules__LowerHil
module type HilConfig = sig ... end
module DefaultConfig : HilConfig
module Make : functor (TransferFunctions : InferModules.TransferFunctions.HIL) -> functor (HilConfig : HilConfig) -> sig ... end
Functor for turning HIL transfer functions into SIL transfer functions
module type S = sig ... end
module MakeAbstractInterpreterWithConfig : functor (MakeAbstractInterpreter : InferModules.AbstractInterpreter.Make) -> functor (HilConfig : HilConfig) -> functor (TransferFunctions : InferModules.TransferFunctions.HIL) -> S with type domain = TransferFunctions.Domain.t and module Interpreter = MakeAbstractInterpreter(Make(TransferFunctions)(HilConfig))
Wrapper around Interpreter to prevent clients from having to deal with IdAccessPathMapDomain.
module MakeAbstractInterpreter : functor (TransferFunctions : InferModules.TransferFunctions.HIL) -> sig ... end
Simpler version of the above wrapper that uses the default HIL config