Module InferModules__Summary

Procedure summaries: the results of the capture and all the analysis for a single procedure, plus some statistics

module Stats : sig ... end
module Status : sig ... end
type t = {
payloads : InferModules.Payloads.t;
mutable sessions : int;

Session number: how many nodes went through symbolic execution

stats : Stats.t;
status : Status.t;
proc_desc : InferIR.Procdesc.t;
err_log : InferIR.Errlog.t;
mutable callee_pnames : InferIR.Typ.Procname.Set.t;

summary of a procedure name

val poly_fields : t InferBase.PolyFields.t
val get_proc_name : t -> InferIR.Typ.Procname.t

Get the procedure name

val get_proc_desc : t -> InferIR.Procdesc.t
val get_attributes : t -> InferIR.ProcAttributes.t

Get the attributes of the procedure.

val get_formals : t -> (InferIR.Mangled.t * InferIR.Typ.t) list

Get the formal parameters of the procedure

val get_err_log : t -> InferIR.Errlog.t
val get_loc : t -> InferBase.Location.t
val get_signature : t -> string

Return the signature of a procedure declaration as a string

val get_status : t -> Status.t

Return the status (active v.s. inactive) of a procedure summary

val pp_html : InferBase.SourceFile.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Print the summary in html format

val pp_text : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Print the summary in text format

module OnDisk : sig ... end
module SummaryValue : InferBase.Memcached.Value with type t = t option
module SummaryServer : InferBase.Memcached.Server with module Value = SummaryValue