Module InferModules.BiabductionSummary
module Jprop : sig ... end
Module for joined props: the result of joining together propositions repeatedly
module Visitedset : InferStdlib.IStd.Caml.Set.S with type Visitedset.elt = * int list
set of visited nodes: node id and list of lines of all the instructions
type 'a spec
pre : 'a Jprop.t;
posts : ('a Prop.t * Paths.Path.t) list;
visited : Visitedset.t;
A spec consists of: pre: a joined prop posts: a list of props with path visited: a list of pairs (node_id, line) for the visited nodes
module NormSpec : sig ... end
encapsulate type for normalized specs
val normalized_specs_to_specs : NormSpec.t list -> Prop.normal spec list
Cast a list of normalized specs to a list of specs
val pp_spec : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> _ spec -> unit
val spec_normalize : InferIR.Tenv.t -> Prop.normal spec -> NormSpec.t
Convert spec into normal form w.r.t. variable renaming
val equal_phase : phase -> phase -> bool
val string_of_phase_short : phase -> string
val get_specs_from_preposts : NormSpec.t list option -> Prop.normal spec list
type t
preposts : NormSpec.t list;
phase : phase;
val opt_get_phase : t option -> phase
val pp : InferStdlib.Pp.env -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit