Module Absint__InterproceduralAnalysis

type 'payload t = {
proc_desc : IR.Procdesc.t;

the procedure to analyze

tenv : IR.Tenv.t;

Tenv.t corresponding to the current procedure

err_log : Absint.Errlog.t;

the issue log for the current procedure (internally a mutable data structure)

exe_env : Absint.Exe_env.t;

Exe_env.t for the current analysis

analyze_dependency : IR.Procname.t -> (IR.Procdesc.t * 'payload) option;

On-demand analysis of callees or other dependencies of the analysis of the current procedure. Uses Ondemand.analyze_procedure.

update_stats : ?⁠add_symops:int -> ?⁠failure_kind:IBase.SymOp.failure_kind -> unit -> unit;

update the Summary.Stats.t of the summary of the current procedure


Analysis data for interprocedural analysis. This is the data for one procedure under analysis, and callbacks to analyze dependencies of it as well as do bookkeeping regarding the current procedure. Basically anything that needs to access the Summary.t of the current procedure should go here.

type 'payload file_t = {
source_file : IBase.SourceFile.t;

the source file under analysis

procedures : IR.Procname.t list;

list of procedures declared in the source file

file_exe_env : Absint.Exe_env.t;

Exe_env.t for the current analysis

analyze_file_dependency : IR.Procname.t -> (IR.Procdesc.t * 'payload) option;

On-demand analysis of dependencies needed for the file analysis, e.g. the proc names in procedures


Analysis data for the analysis of a source file.

val bind_payload : f:('payload1 -> 'payload2 option) -> 'payload1 t -> 'payload2 t