Library infer

These are the modules used by infer that are not packaged into sub-libraries.

The entry point of this library is the module: InferModules.

The modules are split into several directories in the source tree of infer.


Code + utilities for the Infer.AI abstract interpretation framework. Start at InferModules.AbstractInterpreter.


The backend is responsible for the analysis of a project starting from an intermediate representation stored in the results directory, typically infer-out.

The entry point for the analysis is the module InferModules.InferAnalyze.

The module InferModules.InferPrint is used to export the analysis results.


Transfer functions, abstract domains, and checker configuration.


This is the frontend for the clang compiler. The main entry point is InferModules.ClangWrapper.

General structure

  1. Given a compilation command from the build system, sanitize it, attach ASTExporter clang plugin to the relevant commands and run it.
  2. Parse the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) from the Biniou format into an OCaml data structure.
  3. If enabled, invoke translation to SIL via InferModules.CFrontend.
  4. If enabled, invoke linters via InferModules.CFrontend_checkers_main. More on linters here:

Format of the AST

The OCaml data type is defined in atd format. The clang_ast_t.atd file is generated from the comments in the ASTExporter.h file.

For more information, refer to the relevant documentation in facebook-clang-plugins:

Hacking on the .atd file

  1. Create a simple example (example.cpp) source file with construct that needs to be exported. The smaller the better.
  2. Export the extra information by changing the code in libtooling/ASTExporter.h. For more information, refer to the ATD_GUIDELINES.
  3. Compile Infer with the new version of facebook-clang-plugins. Running make from top level of Infer repository will do that. Sometimes there may be compilation errors due to .atd file changes - they need to be fixed.
  4. Use newly exported information information in the frontend.

Tips & Tricks:


Eradicate @Nullable Checker

Eradicate is a type checker for @Nullable annotations for Java. The goal is to eradicate null pointer exceptions. See the online docs at

The main entry point is module InferModules.Eradicate.


Java Frontend; this is the frontend for Java compilers.

The main entry point is InferModules.JMain.

infer executable

You'll find the infer binary in It is not part of this library.