Module Nullsafe__AnnotatedNullability

type t =
| Nullable of nullable_origin
| ProvisionallyNullable of Nullsafe.ProvisionalAnnotation.t

Exist only for specical run modes

| ThirdPartyNonnull
| UncheckedNonnull of unchecked_nonnull_origin
| LocallyTrustedNonnull
| LocallyCheckedNonnull
| StrictNonnull of strict_nonnull_origin

See Nullability.t for explanation

and nullable_origin =
| AnnotatedNullable

The type is expicitly annotated with @Nullable in the code

| AnnotatedPropagatesNullable

If a function param is annotated as @PropagatesNullable, this param is automatically nullable

| HasPropagatesNullableInParam

If a method has at least one param marked as @PropagatesNullable, return value is automatically nullable

| ModelledNullable

nullsafe knows it is nullable via its internal models

and unchecked_nonnull_origin =
| AnnotatedNonnull

The type is explicitly annotated as non nullable via one of nonnull annotations Nullsafe recognizes

| ImplicitlyNonnull

Infer was run in mode where all not annotated (non local) types are treated as non nullable

and strict_nonnull_origin =
| ExplicitNonnullThirdParty

Third party annotated as @Nonnull is considered strict. This is a controversial choice and might be an unsoundness issue. The reason is practical. The best we can do for third party is to register it in third party signature repository. Though this typically requires human review, in practice errors are inevitable. On the other hand, if the library owner explicitly annotated a function as nonnull, we assume this was made for reason. In practice, requiring such methods to be registered in third party folder, will introduce user friction but will not significantly increase safety. So our approach here is optimistic. If some particular method or library is known to contain wrong @Nonnull annotations, third party repository is a way to override this.

| ModelledNonnull

nullsafe knows it is non-nullable via its internal models

| StrictMode

under strict mode we consider non-null declarations to be trusted

| PrimitiveType

Primitive types are non-nullable by language design

| EnumValue

Java enum value are statically initialized with non-nulls according to language semantics

| SyntheticField

Fake field that is not part of user codebase, but rather artifact of codegen/annotation processor

val compare : t -> t -> int
val compare_nullable_origin : nullable_origin -> nullable_origin -> int
val compare_unchecked_nonnull_origin : unchecked_nonnull_origin -> unchecked_nonnull_origin -> int
val compare_strict_nonnull_origin : strict_nonnull_origin -> strict_nonnull_origin -> int
val compare : t -> t -> int
val compare_nullable_origin : nullable_origin -> nullable_origin -> int
val compare_unchecked_nonnull_origin : unchecked_nonnull_origin -> unchecked_nonnull_origin -> int
val compare_strict_nonnull_origin : strict_nonnull_origin -> strict_nonnull_origin -> int
val compare : t -> t -> int
val compare_nullable_origin : nullable_origin -> nullable_origin -> int
val compare_unchecked_nonnull_origin : unchecked_nonnull_origin -> unchecked_nonnull_origin -> int
val compare_strict_nonnull_origin : strict_nonnull_origin -> strict_nonnull_origin -> int
val get_nullability : t -> Nullsafe.Nullability.t
val of_type_and_annotation : is_callee_in_trust_list:bool -> nullsafe_mode:Nullsafe.NullsafeMode.t -> is_third_party:bool -> IR.Typ.t -> IR.Annot.Item.t -> t

Given the type and its annotations, returns its nullability. NOTE: it does not take into account models etc., so this is intended to be used as a helper function for more high-level annotation processing. is_callee_in_trust_list defines whether the callee class is in the caller's explicitly provided trust list and therefore whether its nullability should be refined.

val can_be_considered_for_provisional_annotation : t -> bool

A method for the special mode where imaginary (provisional) @Nullable annotations are added to the code: see also ProvisionalAnnotation.t. This is a helper method useful for preliminary filtration of types that:

  • can be semantically annotated as @Nullable in the source code e.g. non-primitive types
  • makes logical sense to annotate - e.g. the source code is under control.
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit