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* Copyright (c) 2016-present, Programming Research Laboratory (ROPAS)
* Seoul National University, Korea
* Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
open AbsLoc
open! AbstractDomain.Types
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module OndemandEnv = BufferOverrunOndemandEnv
module Relation = BufferOverrunDomainRelation
module SPath = Symb.SymbolPath
module Trace = BufferOverrunTrace
module TraceSet = Trace.Set
module LoopHeadLoc = Location
type eval_sym_trace =
{ eval_sym: Bounds.Bound.eval_sym
; trace_of_sym: Symb.Symbol.t -> Trace.Set.t
; eval_locpath: PowLoc.eval_locpath }
module ItvThresholds = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (struct
include Z
let pp = pp_print
module Val = struct
type t =
{ itv: Itv.t
; itv_thresholds: ItvThresholds.t
; sym: Relation.Sym.t
; powloc: PowLoc.t
; arrayblk: ArrayBlk.t
; offset_sym: Relation.Sym.t
; size_sym: Relation.Sym.t
; traces: TraceSet.t
; represents_multiple_values: bool }
let bot : t =
{ itv=
; itv_thresholds= ItvThresholds.empty
; sym=
; powloc=
; arrayblk=
; offset_sym=
; size_sym=
; traces= TraceSet.empty
; represents_multiple_values= false }
let pp fmt x =
let itv_thresholds_pp fmt itv_thresholds =
if Config.bo_debug >= 3 && not (ItvThresholds.is_empty itv_thresholds) then
F.fprintf fmt " (thresholds:%a)" ItvThresholds.pp itv_thresholds
let relation_sym_pp fmt sym =
if Option.is_some Config.bo_relational_domain then F.fprintf fmt ", %a" Relation.Sym.pp sym
let trace_pp fmt traces =
if Config.bo_debug >= 1 then F.fprintf fmt ", %a" TraceSet.pp traces
let represents_multiple_values_str = if x.represents_multiple_values then "M" else "" in
F.fprintf fmt "%s(%a%a%a, %a, %a%a%a%a)" represents_multiple_values_str Itv.pp
itv_thresholds_pp x.itv_thresholds relation_sym_pp x.sym PowLoc.pp x.powloc ArrayBlk.pp
x.arrayblk relation_sym_pp x.offset_sym relation_sym_pp x.size_sym trace_pp x.traces
let sets_represents_multiple_values : represents_multiple_values:bool -> t -> t =
fun ~represents_multiple_values x -> {x with represents_multiple_values}
let unknown_from : callee_pname:_ -> location:_ -> t =
fun ~callee_pname ~location ->
let traces = Trace.(Set.singleton_final location (UnknownFrom callee_pname)) in
{ itv=
; itv_thresholds= ItvThresholds.empty
; sym=
; powloc= PowLoc.unknown
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.unknown
; offset_sym=
; size_sym=
; traces
; represents_multiple_values= false }
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
Itv.( <= )
&& ItvThresholds.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.itv_thresholds ~rhs:rhs.itv_thresholds
&& Relation.Sym.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.sym ~rhs:rhs.sym
&& PowLoc.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.powloc ~rhs:rhs.powloc
&& ArrayBlk.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.arrayblk ~rhs:rhs.arrayblk
&& Relation.Sym.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.offset_sym ~rhs:rhs.offset_sym
&& Relation.Sym.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.size_sym ~rhs:rhs.size_sym
&& Bool.( <= ) lhs.represents_multiple_values rhs.represents_multiple_values
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
if phys_equal prev next then prev
let itv_thresholds = ItvThresholds.join prev.itv_thresholds next.itv_thresholds in
{ itv=
~thresholds:(ItvThresholds.elements itv_thresholds)
| ~num_iters
; itv_thresholds
; sym= Relation.Sym.widen ~prev:prev.sym ~next:next.sym ~num_iters
; powloc= PowLoc.widen ~prev:prev.powloc ~next:next.powloc ~num_iters
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.widen ~prev:prev.arrayblk ~next:next.arrayblk ~num_iters
; offset_sym= Relation.Sym.widen ~prev:prev.offset_sym ~next:next.offset_sym ~num_iters
; size_sym= Relation.Sym.widen ~prev:prev.size_sym ~next:next.size_sym ~num_iters
; traces= TraceSet.join prev.traces next.traces
; represents_multiple_values=
prev.represents_multiple_values || next.represents_multiple_values }
let join : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
if phys_equal x y then x
{ itv= Itv.join
; itv_thresholds= ItvThresholds.join x.itv_thresholds y.itv_thresholds
; sym= Relation.Sym.join x.sym y.sym
; powloc= PowLoc.join x.powloc y.powloc
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.join x.arrayblk y.arrayblk
; offset_sym= Relation.Sym.join x.offset_sym y.offset_sym
; size_sym= Relation.Sym.join x.size_sym y.size_sym
; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces
; represents_multiple_values= x.represents_multiple_values || y.represents_multiple_values }
let get_itv : t -> Itv.t = fun x ->
let get_sym : t -> Relation.Sym.t = fun x -> x.sym
let get_sym_var : t -> Relation.Var.t option = fun x -> Relation.Sym.get_var x.sym
let get_pow_loc : t -> PowLoc.t = fun x -> x.powloc
let get_array_blk : t -> ArrayBlk.t = fun x -> x.arrayblk
let get_array_locs : t -> PowLoc.t = fun x -> ArrayBlk.get_pow_loc x.arrayblk
let get_all_locs : t -> PowLoc.t = fun x -> PowLoc.join x.powloc (get_array_locs x)
let get_offset_sym : t -> Relation.Sym.t = fun x -> x.offset_sym
let get_size_sym : t -> Relation.Sym.t = fun x -> x.size_sym
let get_traces : t -> TraceSet.t = fun x -> x.traces
let of_itv ?(traces = TraceSet.empty) itv = {bot with itv; traces}
let of_int n = of_itv (Itv.of_int n)
let of_big_int n = of_itv (Itv.of_big_int n)
let of_int_lit n = of_itv (Itv.of_int_lit n)
let of_loc ?(traces = TraceSet.empty) x = {bot with powloc= PowLoc.singleton x; traces}
let of_pow_loc ~traces powloc = {bot with powloc; traces}
let of_c_array_alloc :
Allocsite.t -> stride:int option -> offset:Itv.t -> size:Itv.t -> traces:TraceSet.t -> t =
fun allocsite ~stride ~offset ~size ~traces ->
let stride = Option.value_map stride ~default:Itv.nat ~f:Itv.of_int in
{ bot with
arrayblk= ArrayBlk.make_c allocsite ~offset ~size ~stride
; offset_sym= Relation.Sym.of_allocsite_offset allocsite
; size_sym= Relation.Sym.of_allocsite_size allocsite
; traces }
let of_java_array_alloc : Allocsite.t -> length:Itv.t -> traces:TraceSet.t -> t =
fun allocsite ~length ~traces ->
{ bot with
arrayblk= ArrayBlk.make_java allocsite ~length
; size_sym= Relation.Sym.of_allocsite_size allocsite
; traces }
let of_literal_string : Typ.IntegerWidths.t -> string -> t =
fun integer_type_widths s ->
let allocsite = Allocsite.literal_string s in
let stride = Some (integer_type_widths.char_width / 8) in
let offset = in
let size = Itv.of_int (String.length s + 1) in
of_c_array_alloc allocsite ~stride ~offset ~size ~traces:TraceSet.empty
let deref_of_literal_string s =
let max_char = String.fold s ~init:0 ~f:(fun acc c -> max acc (Char.to_int c)) in
of_itv (Itv.set_lb_zero (Itv.of_int max_char))
let modify_itv : Itv.t -> t -> t = fun i x -> {x with itv= i}
let unknown_bit : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv=; sym=}
let neg : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.neg; sym=}
let lnot : t -> t = fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.lnot |> Itv.of_bool; sym=}
let lift_itv : (Itv.t -> Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> ?f_trace:_ -> t -> t -> t =
fun f ?f_trace x y ->
let itv = f in
let itv_thresholds = ItvThresholds.join x.itv_thresholds y.itv_thresholds in
let traces =
match f_trace with
| Some f_trace ->
f_trace x.traces y.traces
| None -> (
match (Itv.eq itv, Itv.eq itv with
| true, false ->
| false, true ->
| true, true | false, false ->
TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces )
{bot with itv; itv_thresholds; traces}
let lift_cmp_itv : (Itv.t -> Itv.t -> Boolean.t) -> Boolean.EqualOrder.t -> t -> t -> t =
fun cmp_itv cmp_loc x y ->
let b =
, PowLoc.is_bot x.powloc
, ArrayBlk.is_bot x.arrayblk
, PowLoc.is_bot y.powloc
, ArrayBlk.is_bot y.arrayblk )
| NonBottom _, true, true, NonBottom _, true, true ->
| Bottom, false, true, Bottom, false, true ->
PowLoc.lift_cmp cmp_loc x.powloc y.powloc
| Bottom, true, false, Bottom, true, false ->
ArrayBlk.lift_cmp_itv cmp_itv cmp_loc x.arrayblk y.arrayblk
| _ ->
let itv = Itv.of_bool b in
{bot with itv; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces}
let plus_a = lift_itv
let minus_a = lift_itv Itv.minus
let get_iterator_itv : t -> t =
fun i ->
let itv = Itv.get_iterator_itv in
of_itv itv ~traces:i.traces
let mult = lift_itv Itv.mult
let div = lift_itv Itv.div
let mod_sem = lift_itv Itv.mod_sem
let shiftlt = lift_itv Itv.shiftlt
let shiftrt = lift_itv Itv.shiftrt
let band_sem = lift_itv Itv.band_sem
let lt_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.lt_sem Boolean.EqualOrder.strict_cmp
let gt_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.gt_sem Boolean.EqualOrder.strict_cmp
let le_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.le_sem Boolean.EqualOrder.loose_cmp
let ge_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.ge_sem Boolean.EqualOrder.loose_cmp
let eq_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.eq_sem Boolean.EqualOrder.eq
let ne_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.ne_sem
let land_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.land_sem
let lor_sem : t -> t -> t = lift_cmp_itv Itv.lor_sem
(* TODO: get rid of those cases *)
let warn_against_pruning_multiple_values : t -> t =
fun x ->
if x.represents_multiple_values && Config.write_html then
L.d_printfln_escaped ~color:Pp.Red "Pruned %a that represents multiple values" pp x ;
let lift_prune1 : (Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> t -> t =
fun f x -> warn_against_pruning_multiple_values {x with itv= f}
let lift_prune_length1 : (Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> t -> t =
fun f x ->
warn_against_pruning_multiple_values {x with arrayblk= ArrayBlk.transform_length ~f x.arrayblk}
let lift_prune2 :
(Itv.t -> Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> (ArrayBlk.t -> ArrayBlk.t -> ArrayBlk.t) -> t -> t -> t =
fun f g x y ->
let itv = f in
let itv_thresholds =
Option.value_map (Itv.is_const ~default:x.itv_thresholds ~f:(fun z ->
|> ItvThresholds.add Z.(z - one)
|> ItvThresholds.add z
|> ItvThresholds.add Z.(z + one) )
let arrayblk = g x.arrayblk y.arrayblk in
phys_equal itv
&& phys_equal itv_thresholds x.itv_thresholds
&& phys_equal arrayblk x.arrayblk
then (* x hasn't changed, don't join traces *)
{x with itv; itv_thresholds; arrayblk; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces}
let prune_eq_zero : t -> t = lift_prune1 Itv.prune_eq_zero
let prune_ne_zero : t -> t = lift_prune1 Itv.prune_ne_zero
let prune_ge_one : t -> t = lift_prune1 Itv.prune_ge_one
let prune_length_eq_zero : t -> t = lift_prune_length1 Itv.prune_eq_zero
let prune_length_ge_one : t -> t = lift_prune_length1 Itv.prune_ge_one
let prune_comp : Binop.t -> t -> t -> t =
fun c -> lift_prune2 (Itv.prune_comp c) (ArrayBlk.prune_comp c)
let is_null : t -> bool =
fun x -> Itv.is_false && PowLoc.is_bot x.powloc && ArrayBlk.is_bot x.arrayblk
let prune_eq : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
if is_null y then {x with itv=; powloc=; arrayblk=}
else lift_prune2 Itv.prune_eq ArrayBlk.prune_eq x y
let prune_ne : t -> t -> t = lift_prune2 Itv.prune_ne ArrayBlk.prune_ne
let is_pointer_to_non_array x = (not (PowLoc.is_bot x.powloc)) && ArrayBlk.is_bot x.arrayblk
(* In the pointer arithmetics, it returns top, if we cannot
precisely follow the physical memory model, e.g., (&x + 1). *)
let lift_pi : (ArrayBlk.t -> Itv.t -> ArrayBlk.t) -> t -> t -> t =
fun f x y ->
let traces = TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces in
if is_pointer_to_non_array x then {bot with itv=; traces}
else {bot with arrayblk= f x.arrayblk; traces}
let plus_pi : t -> t -> t = fun x y -> lift_pi ArrayBlk.plus_offset x y
let minus_pi : t -> t -> t = fun x y -> lift_pi ArrayBlk.minus_offset x y
let minus_pp : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
let itv =
if is_pointer_to_non_array x && is_pointer_to_non_array y then
else ArrayBlk.diff x.arrayblk y.arrayblk
{bot with itv; traces= TraceSet.join x.traces y.traces}
let get_symbols : t -> Itv.SymbolSet.t =
fun x -> Itv.SymbolSet.union (Itv.get_symbols (ArrayBlk.get_symbols x.arrayblk)
let normalize : t -> t =
fun x -> {x with itv= Itv.normalize; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.normalize x.arrayblk}
let subst : t -> eval_sym_trace -> Location.t -> t =
fun x {eval_sym; trace_of_sym; eval_locpath} location ->
let symbols = get_symbols x in
let traces_caller =
(fun symbol traces -> TraceSet.join (trace_of_sym symbol) traces)
symbols TraceSet.empty
let traces = location ~traces_caller ~traces_callee:x.traces in
{ x with
itv= Itv.subst eval_sym
; powloc= PowLoc.subst x.powloc eval_locpath
; arrayblk= ArrayBlk.subst x.arrayblk eval_sym eval_locpath
; traces }
(* normalize bottom *)
|> normalize
let add_assign_trace_elem location locs x =
let traces = Trace.(Set.add_elem location (Assign locs)) x.traces in
{x with traces}
let set_array_length : Location.t -> length:t -> t -> t =
fun location ~length v ->
{ v with
arrayblk= ArrayBlk.set_length v.arrayblk
; traces= Trace.(Set.add_elem location ArrayDeclaration) length.traces }
let transform_array_length : Location.t -> f:(Itv.t -> Itv.t) -> t -> t =
fun location ~f v ->
{ v with
arrayblk= ArrayBlk.transform_length ~f v.arrayblk
; traces= Trace.(Set.add_elem location (through ~risky_fun:None)) v.traces }
let set_array_offset : Location.t -> Itv.t -> t -> t =
fun location offset v ->
{ v with
arrayblk= ArrayBlk.set_offset offset v.arrayblk
; traces= Trace.(Set.add_elem location (through ~risky_fun:None)) v.traces }
let set_array_stride : Z.t -> t -> t =
fun new_stride v ->
PhysEqual.optim1 v ~res:{v with arrayblk= ArrayBlk.set_stride new_stride v.arrayblk}
let unknown_locs = of_pow_loc PowLoc.unknown ~traces:TraceSet.empty
let is_mone x = Itv.is_mone (get_itv x)
let of_path tenv ~may_last_field integer_type_widths location typ path =
let is_java = Language.curr_language_is Java in
L.d_printfln_escaped "Val.of_path %a : %a%s%s" SPath.pp_partial path (Typ.pp Pp.text) typ
(if may_last_field then ", may_last_field" else "")
(if is_java then ", is_java" else "") ;
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Tint _ | Tfloat _ | Tvoid | Tfun _ | TVar _ ->
let l = Loc.of_path path in
let traces = TraceSet.singleton location (Trace.Parameter l) in
let unsigned = Typ.is_unsigned_int typ in
of_itv ~traces (Itv.of_normal_path ~unsigned path)
| Tptr (elt, _) ->
if is_java || SPath.is_this path then
let deref_kind =
if is_java then SPath.Deref_JavaPointer else SPath.Deref_COneValuePointer
let deref_path = SPath.deref ~deref_kind path in
let l = Loc.of_path deref_path in
let traces = TraceSet.singleton location (Trace.Parameter l) in
{bot with powloc= PowLoc.singleton l; traces}
let deref_kind = SPath.Deref_CPointer in
let deref_path = SPath.deref ~deref_kind path in
let l = Loc.of_path deref_path in
let traces = TraceSet.singleton location (Trace.Parameter l) in
let arrayblk =
let allocsite = Allocsite.make_symbol deref_path in
let stride =
match elt.Typ.desc with
| Typ.Tint ikind ->
Itv.of_int (Typ.width_of_ikind integer_type_widths ikind)
| _ ->
let offset = Itv.of_offset_path path in
let size = Itv.of_length_path path in
ArrayBlk.make_c allocsite ~stride ~offset ~size
{bot with arrayblk; traces}
| Tstruct typename -> (
match BufferOverrunTypModels.dispatch tenv typename with
| Some (CArray {deref_kind; length}) ->
let deref_path = SPath.deref ~deref_kind path in
let l = Loc.of_path deref_path in
let traces = TraceSet.singleton location (Trace.Parameter l) in
let allocsite = Allocsite.make_symbol deref_path in
let offset = in
let size = Itv.of_int_lit length in
of_c_array_alloc allocsite ~stride:None ~offset ~size ~traces
| Some JavaCollection ->
let deref_path = SPath.deref ~deref_kind:Deref_ArrayIndex path in
let l = Loc.of_path deref_path in
let traces = TraceSet.singleton location (Trace.Parameter l) in
let allocsite = Allocsite.make_symbol deref_path in
let length = Itv.of_length_path path in
of_java_array_alloc allocsite ~length ~traces
| None ->
let l = Loc.of_path path in
let traces = TraceSet.singleton location (Trace.Parameter l) in
of_loc ~traces l )
| Tarray {length; stride} ->
let deref_path = SPath.deref ~deref_kind:Deref_ArrayIndex path in
let l = Loc.of_path deref_path in
let traces = TraceSet.singleton location (Trace.Parameter l) in
let allocsite = Allocsite.make_symbol deref_path in
let size =
match length with
| None (* IncompleteArrayType, no-size flexible array *) ->
Itv.of_length_path path
| Some length
when may_last_field && (IntLit.iszero length || IntLit.isone length)
(* 0/1-sized flexible array *) ->
Itv.of_length_path path
| Some length ->
Itv.of_big_int (IntLit.to_big_int length)
if is_java then of_java_array_alloc allocsite ~length:size ~traces
let stride = stride ~f:(fun n -> IntLit.to_int_exn n) in
let offset = in
of_c_array_alloc allocsite ~stride ~offset ~size ~traces
let on_demand : default:t -> OndemandEnv.t -> Loc.t -> t =
fun ~default {tenv; typ_of_param_path; may_last_field; entry_location; integer_type_widths} l ->
match Loc.is_literal_string l with
| Some s ->
deref_of_literal_string s
| None -> (
match Loc.is_literal_string_strlen l with
| Some s ->
of_itv (Itv.of_int (String.length s))
| None -> (
match Loc.get_path l with
| None ->
L.d_printfln_escaped "Val.on_demand for %a -> no path" Loc.pp l ;
| Some path -> (
match typ_of_param_path path with
| None ->
L.d_printfln_escaped "Val.on_demand for %a -> no type" Loc.pp l ;
| Some typ ->
L.d_printfln_escaped "Val.on_demand for %a" Loc.pp l ;
let may_last_field = may_last_field path in
let path = OndemandEnv.canonical_path typ_of_param_path path in
of_path tenv ~may_last_field integer_type_widths entry_location typ path ) ) )
module Itv = struct
let zero_255 = of_itv Itv.zero_255
let m1_255 = of_itv Itv.m1_255
let nat = of_itv Itv.nat
let pos = of_itv Itv.pos
let top = of_itv
let unknown_bool = of_itv Itv.unknown_bool
let zero = of_itv
module StackLocs = struct
include AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Loc)
let bot = empty
module MemPure = struct
include AbstractDomain.Map (Loc) (Val)
let bot = empty
let range :
filter_loc:(Loc.t -> LoopHeadLoc.t option) -> t -> Polynomials.NonNegativePolynomial.t =
fun ~filter_loc mem ->
(fun loc v acc ->
match filter_loc loc with
| Some loop_head_loc ->
v |> Val.get_itv |> Itv.range loop_head_loc |> Itv.ItvRange.to_top_lifted_polynomial
|> Polynomials.NonNegativePolynomial.mult acc
| None ->
acc )
let join oenv astate1 astate2 =
if phys_equal astate1 astate2 then astate1
(fun l v1_opt v2_opt ->
match (v1_opt, v2_opt) with
| Some v1, Some v2 ->
Some (Val.join v1 v2)
| Some v1, None | None, Some v1 ->
let v2 = Val.on_demand oenv l in
Some (Val.join v1 v2)
| None, None ->
None )
astate1 astate2
let widen oenv ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
if phys_equal prev next then prev
(fun l v1_opt v2_opt ->
match (v1_opt, v2_opt) with
| Some v1, Some v2 ->
Some (Val.widen ~prev:v1 ~next:v2 ~num_iters)
| Some v1, None ->
let v2 = Val.on_demand oenv l in
Some (Val.widen ~prev:v1 ~next:v2 ~num_iters)
| None, Some v2 ->
let v1 = Val.on_demand oenv l in
Some (Val.widen ~prev:v1 ~next:v2 ~num_iters)
| None, None ->
None )
prev next
module AliasTarget = struct
type t =
| Simple of Loc.t
| SimplePlusA of Loc.t * IntLit.t
| Empty of Loc.t
| Fgets of Loc.t
| Nullity of Loc.t
[@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal: t]
let pp fmt = function
| Simple l ->
Loc.pp fmt l
| SimplePlusA (l, i) ->
if IntLit.isnegative i then F.fprintf fmt "%a-%a" Loc.pp l IntLit.pp (IntLit.neg i)
else F.fprintf fmt "%a+%a" Loc.pp l IntLit.pp i
| Empty l ->
F.fprintf fmt "empty(%a)" Loc.pp l
| Fgets l ->
F.fprintf fmt "fgets(%a)" Loc.pp l
| Nullity l ->
F.fprintf fmt "nullity(%a)" Loc.pp l
let fgets l = Fgets l
let nullity l = Nullity l
let use l = function
| Simple l' | SimplePlusA (l', _) | Empty l' | Fgets l' | Nullity l' ->
Loc.equal l l'
let loc_map x ~f =
match x with
| Simple l ->
| (f l) ~f:(fun l -> Simple l)
| SimplePlusA (l, i) ->
| (f l) ~f:(fun l -> SimplePlusA (l, i))
| Empty l ->
| (f l) ~f:(fun l -> Empty l)
| Fgets l ->
| (f l) ~f:(fun l -> Fgets l)
| Nullity l ->
| (f l) ~f:(fun l -> Nullity l)
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs = equal lhs rhs
let join x y =
assert (equal x y) ;
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
(* Relations between values of logical variables(registers) and program variables
"AliasTarget.Simple relation": Since Sil distinguishes logical and program variables, we need a
relation for pruning values of program variables. For example, a C statement "if(x){...}" is
translated to "%r=load(x); if(%r){...}" in Sil. At the load statement, we record the alias
between the values of %r and x, then we can prune not only the value of %r, but also that of x
inside the if branch.
"AliasTarget.Empty relation": For pruning vector.length with vector::empty() results, we adopt a
specific relation between %r and v, where %r=v.empty(). So, if %r!=0, v's array length
([v.length]) is pruned by v.length=0. On the other hand, if %r==0, v's array length is pruned by
"AliasTarget.Nullity relation": For pruning vector.length with vector::empty() results, we adopt
a specific relation between %r and i, where %r=v.empty() and i=v.length. So, if %r!=0, i is
pruned by i=0. On the other hand, if %r==0, i is pruned by i>=1. This is similar to the
AliasTarget.Empty relation, but is used when there is a program variable [i] for the length of
the array. *)
module AliasMap = struct
include AbstractDomain.Map (Ident) (AliasTarget)
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt x ->
if not (is_empty x) then
let pp_sep fmt () = F.fprintf fmt ", @," in
let pp1 fmt (k, v) = F.fprintf fmt "%a=%a" Ident.pp k AliasTarget.pp v in
F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp1 fmt (bindings x)
let load : Ident.t -> AliasTarget.t -> t -> t = add
let store : Loc.t -> t -> t = fun l m -> filter (fun _ y -> not (AliasTarget.use l y)) m
let find : Ident.t -> t -> AliasTarget.t option = find_opt
module AliasRet = struct
include AbstractDomain.Flat (AliasTarget)
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit = fun fmt x -> F.pp_print_string fmt "ret=" ; pp fmt x
module Alias = struct
type t = {map: AliasMap.t; ret: AliasRet.t}
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
else AliasMap.( <= ) && AliasRet.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.ret ~rhs:rhs.ret
let join x y =
if phys_equal x y then x else {map= AliasMap.join; ret= AliasRet.join x.ret y.ret}
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
if phys_equal prev next then prev
{ map= AliasMap.widen ~num_iters
; ret= AliasRet.widen ~prev:prev.ret ~next:next.ret ~num_iters }
let pp fmt x =
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov 2>{ %a%s%a }@]" AliasMap.pp
(if AliasMap.is_empty then "" else ", ")
AliasRet.pp x.ret
let bot : t = {map= AliasMap.empty; ret= AliasRet.bottom}
let lift_map : (AliasMap.t -> AliasMap.t) -> t -> t = fun f a -> {a with map= f}
let bind_map : (AliasMap.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a = fun f a -> f
let find : Ident.t -> t -> AliasTarget.t option = fun x -> bind_map (AliasMap.find x)
let find_ret : t -> AliasTarget.t option = fun x -> AliasRet.get x.ret
let load : Ident.t -> AliasTarget.t -> t -> t = fun id loc -> lift_map (AliasMap.load id loc)
let store_simple : Loc.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun loc e a ->
let a = lift_map ( loc) a in
match e with
| Exp.Var l when Loc.is_return loc ->
let update_ret retl = {a with ret= AliasRet.v retl} in
Option.value_map (find l a) ~default:a ~f:update_ret
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Var id, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i))
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusA _, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i), Exp.Var id) ->
lift_map (AliasMap.load id (AliasTarget.SimplePlusA (loc, IntLit.neg i))) a
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.MinusA _, Exp.Var id, Exp.Const (Const.Cint i)) ->
lift_map (AliasMap.load id (AliasTarget.SimplePlusA (loc, i))) a
| _ ->
let store_empty : Val.t -> Loc.t -> t -> t =
fun formal loc a ->
let a = lift_map ( loc) a in
let locs = Val.get_all_locs formal in
match PowLoc.is_singleton_or_more locs with
| IContainer.Singleton loc ->
{a with ret= AliasRet.v (AliasTarget.nullity loc)}
| _ ->
let fgets : Ident.t -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun id locs a ->
let a = PowLoc.fold (fun loc acc -> lift_map ( loc) acc) locs a in
match PowLoc.is_singleton_or_more locs with
| IContainer.Singleton loc ->
load id (AliasTarget.fgets loc) a
| _ ->
let remove_temp : Ident.t -> t -> t = fun temp -> lift_map (AliasMap.remove temp)
module CoreVal = struct
type t = Val.t
let compare x y =
let r = (Val.get_itv x) (Val.get_itv y) in
if r <> 0 then r else (Val.get_array_blk x) (Val.get_array_blk y)
let pp fmt x = F.fprintf fmt "(%a, %a)" Itv.pp (Val.get_itv x) ArrayBlk.pp (Val.get_array_blk x)
let is_symbolic v =
let itv = Val.get_itv v in
if Itv.is_bottom itv then ArrayBlk.is_symbolic (Val.get_array_blk v) else Itv.is_symbolic itv
let is_empty v = Itv.is_bottom (Val.get_itv v) && ArrayBlk.is_empty (Val.get_array_blk v)
module PruningExp = struct
type t = Unknown | Binop of {bop: Binop.t; lhs: CoreVal.t; rhs: CoreVal.t} [@@deriving compare]
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with
| _, Unknown ->
| Unknown, _ ->
| Binop {bop= bop1; lhs= lhs1; rhs= rhs1}, Binop {bop= bop2; lhs= lhs2; rhs= rhs2} ->
Binop.equal bop1 bop2 && Val.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs1 ~rhs:lhs2 && Val.( <= ) ~lhs:rhs1 ~rhs:rhs2
let join x y =
match (x, y) with
| Binop {bop= bop1; lhs= lhs1; rhs= rhs1}, Binop {bop= bop2; lhs= lhs2; rhs= rhs2}
when Binop.equal bop1 bop2 ->
Binop {bop= bop1; lhs= Val.join lhs1 lhs2; rhs= Val.join rhs1 rhs2}
| _, _ ->
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
match (prev, next) with
| Binop {bop= bop1; lhs= lhs1; rhs= rhs1}, Binop {bop= bop2; lhs= lhs2; rhs= rhs2}
when Binop.equal bop1 bop2 ->
{ bop= bop1
; lhs= Val.widen ~prev:lhs1 ~next:lhs2 ~num_iters
; rhs= Val.widen ~prev:rhs1 ~next:rhs2 ~num_iters }
| _, _ ->
let pp fmt x =
match x with
| Unknown ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "Unknown"
| Binop {bop; lhs; rhs} ->
F.fprintf fmt "(%a %s %a)" CoreVal.pp lhs (Binop.str Pp.text bop) CoreVal.pp rhs
let make bop ~lhs ~rhs = Binop {bop; lhs; rhs}
let is_unknown = function Unknown -> true | Binop _ -> false
let is_symbolic = function
| Unknown ->
| Binop {lhs; rhs} ->
CoreVal.is_symbolic lhs || CoreVal.is_symbolic rhs
let is_empty =
let le_false v = Itv.( <= ) ~lhs:(Val.get_itv v) in
| Unknown ->
| Binop {bop= Lt; lhs; rhs} ->
le_false (Val.lt_sem lhs rhs)
| Binop {bop= Gt; lhs; rhs} ->
le_false (Val.gt_sem lhs rhs)
| Binop {bop= Le; lhs; rhs} ->
le_false (Val.le_sem lhs rhs)
| Binop {bop= Ge; lhs; rhs} ->
le_false (Val.ge_sem lhs rhs)
| Binop {bop= Eq; lhs; rhs} ->
le_false (Val.eq_sem lhs rhs)
| Binop {bop= Ne; lhs; rhs} ->
le_false (Val.ne_sem lhs rhs)
| Binop _ ->
assert false
let subst x eval_sym_trace location =
match x with
| Unknown ->
| Binop {bop; lhs; rhs} ->
{ bop
; lhs= Val.subst lhs eval_sym_trace location
; rhs= Val.subst rhs eval_sym_trace location }
module PrunedVal = struct
type t = {v: CoreVal.t; pruning_exp: PruningExp.t} [@@deriving compare]
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
Val.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.v ~rhs:rhs.v && PruningExp.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.pruning_exp ~rhs:rhs.pruning_exp
let join x y = {v= Val.join x.v y.v; pruning_exp= PruningExp.join x.pruning_exp y.pruning_exp}
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
{ v= Val.widen ~prev:prev.v ~next:next.v ~num_iters
; pruning_exp= PruningExp.widen ~prev:prev.pruning_exp ~next:next.pruning_exp ~num_iters }
let pp fmt x =
CoreVal.pp fmt x.v ;
if not (PruningExp.is_unknown x.pruning_exp) then
F.fprintf fmt " by %a" PruningExp.pp x.pruning_exp
let make v pruning_exp = {v; pruning_exp}
let get_val x = x.v
let subst {v; pruning_exp} eval_sym_trace location =
{ v= Val.subst v eval_sym_trace location
; pruning_exp= PruningExp.subst pruning_exp eval_sym_trace location }
let is_symbolic {v; pruning_exp} = CoreVal.is_symbolic v || PruningExp.is_symbolic pruning_exp
let is_empty {v; pruning_exp} = CoreVal.is_empty v || PruningExp.is_empty pruning_exp
(* [PrunePairs] is a map from abstract locations to abstract values that represents pruned results
in the latest pruning. It uses [InvertedMap] because more pruning means smaller abstract
states. *)
module PrunePairs = struct
include AbstractDomain.InvertedMap (Loc) (PrunedVal)
let forget locs x = filter (fun l _ -> not (PowLoc.mem l locs)) x
module LatestPrune = struct
(* Latest p: The pruned pairs 'p' has pruning information (which
abstract locations are updated by which abstract values) in the
latest pruning.
TrueBranch (x, p): After a pruning, the variable 'x' is assigned
by 1. There is no other memory updates after the latest pruning.
FalseBranch (x, p): After a pruning, the variable 'x' is assigned
by 0. There is no other memory updates after the latest pruning.
V (x, ptrue, pfalse): After two non-sequential prunings ('ptrue'
and 'pfalse'), the variable 'x' is assigned by 1 and 0,
respectively. There is no other memory updates after the latest
Top: No information about the latest pruning. *)
type t =
| Latest of PrunePairs.t
| TrueBranch of Pvar.t * PrunePairs.t
| FalseBranch of Pvar.t * PrunePairs.t
| V of Pvar.t * PrunePairs.t * PrunePairs.t
| Top
let pvar_pp = Pvar.pp Pp.text
let pp fmt = function
| Top ->
| Latest p ->
F.fprintf fmt "LatestPrune: latest %a" PrunePairs.pp p
| TrueBranch (v, p) ->
F.fprintf fmt "LatestPrune: true(%a) %a" pvar_pp v PrunePairs.pp p
| FalseBranch (v, p) ->
F.fprintf fmt "LatestPrune: false(%a) %a" pvar_pp v PrunePairs.pp p
| V (v, p1, p2) ->
F.fprintf fmt "LatestPrune: v(%a) %a / %a" pvar_pp v PrunePairs.pp p1 PrunePairs.pp p2
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
match (lhs, rhs) with
| _, Top ->
| Top, _ ->
| Latest p1, Latest p2 ->
PrunePairs.( <= ) ~lhs:p1 ~rhs:p2
| TrueBranch (x1, p1), TrueBranch (x2, p2)
| FalseBranch (x1, p1), FalseBranch (x2, p2)
| TrueBranch (x1, p1), V (x2, p2, _)
| FalseBranch (x1, p1), V (x2, _, p2) ->
Pvar.equal x1 x2 && PrunePairs.( <= ) ~lhs:p1 ~rhs:p2
| V (x1, ptrue1, pfalse1), V (x2, ptrue2, pfalse2) ->
Pvar.equal x1 x2
&& PrunePairs.( <= ) ~lhs:ptrue1 ~rhs:ptrue2
&& PrunePairs.( <= ) ~lhs:pfalse1 ~rhs:pfalse2
| _, _ ->
let join x y =
match (x, y) with
| _, _ when ( <= ) ~lhs:x ~rhs:y ->
| _, _ when ( <= ) ~lhs:y ~rhs:x ->
| Latest p1, Latest p2 ->
Latest (PrunePairs.join p1 p2)
| FalseBranch (x1, p1), FalseBranch (x2, p2) when Pvar.equal x1 x2 ->
FalseBranch (x1, PrunePairs.join p1 p2)
| TrueBranch (x1, p1), TrueBranch (x2, p2) when Pvar.equal x1 x2 ->
TrueBranch (x1, PrunePairs.join p1 p2)
| FalseBranch (x', pfalse), TrueBranch (y', ptrue)
| TrueBranch (x', ptrue), FalseBranch (y', pfalse)
when Pvar.equal x' y' ->
V (x', ptrue, pfalse)
| TrueBranch (x1, ptrue1), V (x2, ptrue2, pfalse)
| V (x2, ptrue2, pfalse), TrueBranch (x1, ptrue1)
when Pvar.equal x1 x2 ->
V (x1, PrunePairs.join ptrue1 ptrue2, pfalse)
| FalseBranch (x1, pfalse1), V (x2, ptrue, pfalse2)
| V (x2, ptrue, pfalse2), FalseBranch (x1, pfalse1)
when Pvar.equal x1 x2 ->
V (x1, ptrue, PrunePairs.join pfalse1 pfalse2)
| V (x1, ptrue1, pfalse1), V (x2, ptrue2, pfalse2) when Pvar.equal x1 x2 ->
V (x1, PrunePairs.join ptrue1 ptrue2, PrunePairs.join pfalse1 pfalse2)
| _, _ ->
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
let top = Top
let forget locs =
let is_mem_locs x = PowLoc.mem (Loc.of_pvar x) locs in
| Latest p ->
Latest (PrunePairs.forget locs p)
| TrueBranch (x, p) ->
if is_mem_locs x then Top else TrueBranch (x, PrunePairs.forget locs p)
| FalseBranch (x, p) ->
if is_mem_locs x then Top else FalseBranch (x, PrunePairs.forget locs p)
| V (x, ptrue, pfalse) ->
if is_mem_locs x then Top
else V (x, PrunePairs.forget locs ptrue, PrunePairs.forget locs pfalse)
| Top ->
module Reachability = struct
module M = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (PrunedVal)
type t = M.t
let equal = M.equal
let pp = M.pp
(* It keeps only symbolic pruned values, because non-symbolic ones are useless to see the
reachability. *)
let add v x = if PrunedVal.is_symbolic v then M.add v x else x
let of_latest_prune latest_prune =
let of_prune_pairs p = PrunePairs.fold (fun _ v acc -> add v acc) p M.empty in
match latest_prune with
| LatestPrune.Latest p | LatestPrune.TrueBranch (_, p) | LatestPrune.FalseBranch (_, p) ->
of_prune_pairs p
| LatestPrune.V (_, ptrue, pfalse) ->
M.inter (of_prune_pairs ptrue) (of_prune_pairs pfalse)
| LatestPrune.Top ->
let make latest_prune = of_latest_prune latest_prune
let add_latest_prune latest_prune x = M.union x (of_latest_prune latest_prune)
let subst x eval_sym_trace location =
let exception Unreachable in
let subst1 x acc =
let v = PrunedVal.subst x eval_sym_trace location in
if PrunedVal.is_empty v then raise Unreachable else add v acc
match M.fold subst1 x M.empty with x -> `Reachable x | exception Unreachable -> `Unreachable
module MemReach = struct
type 'has_oenv t0 =
{ stack_locs: StackLocs.t
; mem_pure: MemPure.t
; alias: Alias.t
; latest_prune: LatestPrune.t
; relation: Relation.t
; oenv: ('has_oenv, OndemandEnv.t) GOption.t }
type no_oenv_t = GOption.none t0
type t = GOption.some t0
let init : OndemandEnv.t -> t =
fun oenv ->
{ stack_locs=
; mem_pure=
; alias=
; latest_prune=
; relation= Relation.empty
; oenv= GOption.GSome oenv }
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then true
StackLocs.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.stack_locs ~rhs:rhs.stack_locs
&& MemPure.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.mem_pure ~rhs:rhs.mem_pure
&& Alias.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.alias ~rhs:rhs.alias
&& LatestPrune.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.latest_prune ~rhs:rhs.latest_prune
&& Relation.( <= ) ~lhs:lhs.relation ~rhs:rhs.relation
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
if phys_equal prev next then prev
else (
assert (phys_equal prev.oenv next.oenv) ;
let oenv = GOption.value prev.oenv in
{ stack_locs= StackLocs.widen ~prev:prev.stack_locs ~next:next.stack_locs ~num_iters
; mem_pure= MemPure.widen oenv ~prev:prev.mem_pure ~next:next.mem_pure ~num_iters
; alias= Alias.widen ~prev:prev.alias ~next:next.alias ~num_iters
; latest_prune= LatestPrune.widen ~prev:prev.latest_prune ~next:next.latest_prune ~num_iters
; relation= Relation.widen ~prev:prev.relation ~next:next.relation ~num_iters
; oenv= prev.oenv } )
let join : t -> t -> t =
fun x y ->
assert (phys_equal x.oenv y.oenv) ;
let oenv = GOption.value x.oenv in
{ stack_locs= StackLocs.join x.stack_locs y.stack_locs
; mem_pure= MemPure.join oenv x.mem_pure y.mem_pure
; alias= Alias.join x.alias y.alias
; latest_prune= LatestPrune.join x.latest_prune y.latest_prune
; relation= Relation.join x.relation y.relation
; oenv= x.oenv }
let pp : F.formatter -> _ t0 -> unit =
fun fmt x ->
F.fprintf fmt "StackLocs:@;%a@;MemPure:@;%a@;Alias:@;%a@;%a" StackLocs.pp x.stack_locs
MemPure.pp x.mem_pure Alias.pp x.alias LatestPrune.pp x.latest_prune ;
if Option.is_some Config.bo_relational_domain then
F.fprintf fmt "@;Relation:@;%a" Relation.pp x.relation
let unset_oenv : t -> no_oenv_t = function x -> {x with oenv= GOption.GNone}
let is_stack_loc : Loc.t -> _ t0 -> bool = fun l m -> StackLocs.mem l m.stack_locs
let find_opt : Loc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t option = fun l m -> MemPure.find_opt l m.mem_pure
let find_stack : Loc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t = fun l m -> Option.value (find_opt l m)
let find_heap_default : default:Val.t -> Loc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t =
fun ~default l m ->
IOption.value_default_f (find_opt l m) ~f:(fun () ->
GOption.value_map m.oenv ~default ~f:(fun oenv -> Val.on_demand ~default oenv l) )
let find_heap : Loc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t = fun l m -> find_heap_default l m
let find : Loc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t =
fun l m -> if is_stack_loc l m then find_stack l m else find_heap l m
let find_set : PowLoc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t =
fun locs m ->
let find_join loc acc = Val.join acc (find loc m) in
PowLoc.fold find_join locs
let find_alias : Ident.t -> _ t0 -> AliasTarget.t option = fun k m -> Alias.find k m.alias
let find_simple_alias : Ident.t -> _ t0 -> (Loc.t * IntLit.t option) option =
fun k m ->
match Alias.find k m.alias with
| Some (AliasTarget.Simple l) ->
Some (l, None)
| Some (AliasTarget.SimplePlusA (l, i)) ->
Some (l, Some i)
| Some (AliasTarget.Empty _ | AliasTarget.Fgets _ | AliasTarget.Nullity _) | None ->
let find_ret_alias : _ t0 -> AliasTarget.t option = fun m -> Alias.find_ret m.alias
let load_alias : Ident.t -> AliasTarget.t -> t -> t =
fun id loc m -> {m with alias= Alias.load id loc m.alias}
let store_simple_alias : Loc.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun loc e m -> {m with alias= Alias.store_simple loc e m.alias}
let store_empty_alias : Val.t -> Loc.t -> t -> t =
fun formal loc m -> {m with alias= Alias.store_empty formal loc m.alias}
let fgets_alias : Ident.t -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun id locs m -> {m with alias= Alias.fgets id locs m.alias}
let add_stack_loc : Loc.t -> t -> t = fun k m -> {m with stack_locs= StackLocs.add k m.stack_locs}
let add_stack : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun k v m ->
{m with stack_locs= StackLocs.add k m.stack_locs; mem_pure= MemPure.add k v m.mem_pure}
let replace_stack : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun k v m -> {m with mem_pure= MemPure.add k v m.mem_pure}
let add_heap : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun x v m ->
let v =
let sym =
if Itv.is_bottom (Val.get_itv v) then else Relation.Sym.of_loc x
let offset_sym, size_sym =
if ArrayBlk.is_bot (Val.get_array_blk v) then (,
else (Relation.Sym.of_loc_offset x, Relation.Sym.of_loc_size x)
{v with Val.sym; Val.offset_sym; Val.size_sym}
{m with mem_pure= MemPure.add x v m.mem_pure}
let add_unknown_from :
Ident.t -> callee_pname:Typ.Procname.t option -> location:Location.t -> t -> t =
fun id ~callee_pname ~location m ->
let val_unknown = Val.unknown_from ~callee_pname ~location in
add_stack (Loc.of_id id) val_unknown m |> add_heap Loc.unknown val_unknown
let strong_update : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun locs v m ->
let strong_update1 l m = if is_stack_loc l m then replace_stack l v m else add_heap l v m in
PowLoc.fold strong_update1 locs m
let transformi_mem : f:(Loc.t -> Val.t -> Val.t) -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun ~f locs m ->
let transform_mem1 l m =
let add, find =
if is_stack_loc l m then (replace_stack, find_stack)
else (add_heap, find_heap_default
add l (f l (find l m)) m
PowLoc.fold transform_mem1 locs m
let transform_mem : f:(Val.t -> Val.t) -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun ~f -> transformi_mem ~f:(fun _ v -> f v)
let weak_update locs v m =
~f:(fun l v' -> if Loc.represents_multiple_values l then Val.join v' v else v)
locs m
let update_mem : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun ploc v s ->
if can_strong_update ploc then strong_update ploc v s
else (
L.d_printfln_escaped "Weak update for %a <- %a" PowLoc.pp ploc Val.pp v ;
weak_update ploc v s )
let remove_temp : Ident.t -> t -> t =
fun temp m ->
let l = Loc.of_id temp in
{ m with
stack_locs= StackLocs.remove l m.stack_locs
; mem_pure= MemPure.remove l m.mem_pure
; alias= Alias.remove_temp temp m.alias }
let remove_temps : Ident.t list -> t -> t =
fun temps m -> List.fold temps ~init:m ~f:(fun acc temp -> remove_temp temp acc)
let set_prune_pairs : PrunePairs.t -> t -> t =
fun prune_pairs m -> {m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.Latest prune_pairs}
let apply_latest_prune : Exp.t -> t -> t =
let apply1 l v acc = update_mem (PowLoc.singleton l) (PrunedVal.get_val v) acc in
fun e m ->
match (m.latest_prune, e) with
| LatestPrune.V (x, prunes, _), Exp.Var r
| LatestPrune.V (x, _, prunes), Exp.UnOp (Unop.LNot, Exp.Var r, _) -> (
match find_simple_alias r m with
| Some (Loc.Var (Var.ProgramVar y), None) when Pvar.equal x y ->
PrunePairs.fold apply1 prunes m
| _ ->
m )
| _ ->
let update_latest_prune : updated_locs:PowLoc.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun ~updated_locs e1 e2 m ->
match (e1, e2, m.latest_prune) with
| Lvar x, Const (Const.Cint i), LatestPrune.Latest p ->
if IntLit.isone i then {m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.TrueBranch (x, p)}
else if IntLit.iszero i then {m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.FalseBranch (x, p)}
else {m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.forget updated_locs m.latest_prune}
| _, _, _ ->
{m with latest_prune= LatestPrune.forget updated_locs m.latest_prune}
let get_latest_prune : t -> LatestPrune.t = fun {latest_prune} -> latest_prune
let get_reachable_locs_from : (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list -> PowLoc.t -> _ t0 -> PowLoc.t =
let add_reachable1 ~root loc v acc =
if Loc.equal root loc then PowLoc.union acc (Val.get_all_locs v)
else if Loc.is_field_of ~loc:root ~field_loc:loc then PowLoc.add loc acc
else acc
let rec add_from_locs heap locs acc = PowLoc.fold (add_from_loc heap) locs acc
and add_from_loc heap loc acc =
if PowLoc.mem loc acc then acc
let reachable_locs = MemPure.fold (add_reachable1 ~root:loc) heap PowLoc.empty in
add_from_locs heap reachable_locs (PowLoc.add loc acc)
let add_param_locs formals mem acc =
let add_loc loc _ acc = if Loc.has_param_path formals loc then PowLoc.add loc acc else acc in
MemPure.fold add_loc mem acc
fun formals locs m ->
let locs = add_param_locs formals m.mem_pure locs in
add_from_locs m.mem_pure locs PowLoc.empty
let range :
filter_loc:(Loc.t -> LoopHeadLoc.t option) -> t -> Polynomials.NonNegativePolynomial.t =
fun ~filter_loc {mem_pure} -> MemPure.range ~filter_loc mem_pure
let get_relation : t -> Relation.t = fun m -> m.relation
let is_relation_unsat : t -> bool = fun m -> Relation.is_unsat m.relation
let lift_relation : (Relation.t -> Relation.t) -> t -> t =
fun f m -> {m with relation= f m.relation}
let meet_constraints : Relation.Constraints.t -> t -> t =
fun constrs -> lift_relation (Relation.meet_constraints constrs)
let store_relation :
-> Relation.SymExp.t option * Relation.SymExp.t option * Relation.SymExp.t option
-> t
-> t =
fun locs symexp_opts -> lift_relation (Relation.store_relation locs symexp_opts)
let forget_locs : PowLoc.t -> t -> t = fun locs -> lift_relation (Relation.forget_locs locs)
let init_param_relation : Loc.t -> t -> t = fun loc -> lift_relation (Relation.init_param loc)
let init_array_relation :
-> offset_opt:Itv.t option
-> size:Itv.t
-> size_exp_opt:Relation.SymExp.t option
-> t
-> t =
fun allocsite ~offset_opt ~size ~size_exp_opt ->
lift_relation (Relation.init_array allocsite ~offset_opt ~size ~size_exp_opt)
let instantiate_relation : Relation.SubstMap.t -> caller:t -> callee:no_oenv_t -> t =
fun subst_map ~caller ~callee ->
{ caller with
relation= Relation.instantiate subst_map ~caller:caller.relation ~callee:callee.relation }
(* unsound *)
let set_first_idx_of_null : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun loc idx m -> update_mem (PowLoc.singleton (Loc.of_c_strlen loc)) idx m
(* unsound *)
let unset_first_idx_of_null : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t =
fun loc idx m ->
let old_c_strlen = find_heap (Loc.of_c_strlen loc) m in
let idx_itv = Val.get_itv idx in
if Boolean.is_true (Itv.lt_sem idx_itv (Val.get_itv old_c_strlen)) then m
let new_c_strlen = Val.of_itv ~traces:(Val.get_traces idx) (Itv.incr idx_itv) in
set_first_idx_of_null loc new_c_strlen m
module Mem = struct
include AbstractDomain.BottomLifted (MemReach)
type 'has_oenv t0 = 'has_oenv MemReach.t0 AbstractDomain.Types.bottom_lifted
type no_oenv_t = GOption.none t0
let bot : t = Bottom
let init : OndemandEnv.t -> t = fun oenv -> NonBottom (MemReach.init oenv)
let f_lift_default : default:'a -> ('h MemReach.t0 -> 'a) -> 'h t0 -> 'a =
fun ~default f m -> match m with Bottom -> default | NonBottom m' -> f m'
let is_stack_loc : Loc.t -> _ t0 -> bool =
fun k -> f_lift_default ~default:false (MemReach.is_stack_loc k)
let find : Loc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t = fun k -> f_lift_default (MemReach.find k)
let find_stack : Loc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t =
fun k -> f_lift_default (MemReach.find_stack k)
let find_set : PowLoc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t =
fun k -> f_lift_default (MemReach.find_set k)
let find_opt : Loc.t -> _ t0 -> Val.t option =
fun k -> f_lift_default ~default:None (MemReach.find_opt k)
let find_alias : Ident.t -> _ t0 -> AliasTarget.t option =
fun k -> f_lift_default ~default:None (MemReach.find_alias k)
let find_simple_alias : Ident.t -> _ t0 -> (Loc.t * IntLit.t option) option =
fun k -> f_lift_default ~default:None (MemReach.find_simple_alias k)
let find_ret_alias : _ t0 -> AliasTarget.t option =
fun m -> f_lift_default ~default:None MemReach.find_ret_alias m
let load_alias : Ident.t -> AliasTarget.t -> t -> t =
fun id loc -> map ~f:(MemReach.load_alias id loc)
let load_simple_alias : Ident.t -> Loc.t -> t -> t =
fun id loc -> load_alias id (AliasTarget.Simple loc)
let load_empty_alias : Ident.t -> Loc.t -> t -> t =
fun id loc -> load_alias id (AliasTarget.Empty loc)
let store_simple_alias : Loc.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun loc e -> map ~f:(MemReach.store_simple_alias loc e)
let store_empty_alias : Val.t -> Loc.t -> t -> t =
fun formal loc -> map ~f:(MemReach.store_empty_alias formal loc)
let fgets_alias : Ident.t -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun id locs -> map ~f:(MemReach.fgets_alias id locs)
let add_stack_loc : Loc.t -> t -> t = fun k -> map ~f:(MemReach.add_stack_loc k)
let add_stack : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t = fun k v -> map ~f:(MemReach.add_stack k v)
let add_heap : Loc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t = fun k v -> map ~f:(MemReach.add_heap k v)
let add_unknown_from : Ident.t -> callee_pname:Typ.Procname.t -> location:Location.t -> t -> t =
fun id ~callee_pname ~location ->
map ~f:(MemReach.add_unknown_from id ~callee_pname:(Some callee_pname) ~location)
let add_unknown : Ident.t -> location:Location.t -> t -> t =
fun id ~location -> map ~f:(MemReach.add_unknown_from id ~callee_pname:None ~location)
let strong_update : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t = fun p v -> map ~f:(MemReach.strong_update p v)
let get_reachable_locs_from : (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list -> PowLoc.t -> _ t0 -> PowLoc.t =
fun formals locs ->
f_lift_default ~default:PowLoc.empty (MemReach.get_reachable_locs_from formals locs)
let update_mem : PowLoc.t -> Val.t -> t -> t = fun ploc v -> map ~f:(MemReach.update_mem ploc v)
let transform_mem : f:(Val.t -> Val.t) -> PowLoc.t -> t -> t =
fun ~f ploc -> map ~f:(MemReach.transform_mem ~f ploc)
let remove_temps : Ident.t list -> t -> t = fun temps -> map ~f:(MemReach.remove_temps temps)
let set_prune_pairs : PrunePairs.t -> t -> t =
fun prune_pairs -> map ~f:(MemReach.set_prune_pairs prune_pairs)
let apply_latest_prune : Exp.t -> t -> t = fun e -> map ~f:(MemReach.apply_latest_prune e)
let update_latest_prune : updated_locs:PowLoc.t -> Exp.t -> Exp.t -> t -> t =
fun ~updated_locs e1 e2 -> map ~f:(MemReach.update_latest_prune ~updated_locs e1 e2)
let get_latest_prune : t -> LatestPrune.t =
f_lift_default ~default:LatestPrune.Top MemReach.get_latest_prune
let get_relation : t -> Relation.t =
fun m -> f_lift_default MemReach.get_relation m
let meet_constraints : Relation.Constraints.t -> t -> t =
fun constrs -> map ~f:(MemReach.meet_constraints constrs)
let is_relation_unsat m = f_lift_default ~default:true MemReach.is_relation_unsat m
let store_relation :
-> Relation.SymExp.t option * Relation.SymExp.t option * Relation.SymExp.t option
-> t
-> t =
fun locs symexp_opts -> map ~f:(MemReach.store_relation locs symexp_opts)
let forget_locs : PowLoc.t -> t -> t = fun locs -> map ~f:(MemReach.forget_locs locs)
let[@warning "-32"] init_param_relation : Loc.t -> t -> t =
fun loc -> map ~f:(MemReach.init_param_relation loc)
let init_array_relation :
-> offset_opt:Itv.t option
-> size:Itv.t
-> size_exp_opt:Relation.SymExp.t option
-> t
-> t =
fun allocsite ~offset_opt ~size ~size_exp_opt ->
map ~f:(MemReach.init_array_relation allocsite ~offset_opt ~size ~size_exp_opt)
let instantiate_relation : Relation.SubstMap.t -> caller:t -> callee:no_oenv_t -> t =
fun subst_map ~caller ~callee ->
match callee with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom callee ->
map ~f:(fun caller -> MemReach.instantiate_relation subst_map ~caller ~callee) caller
let unset_oenv = function Bottom -> Bottom | NonBottom m -> NonBottom (MemReach.unset_oenv m)
let set_first_idx_of_null loc idx = map ~f:(MemReach.set_first_idx_of_null loc idx)
let unset_first_idx_of_null loc idx = map ~f:(MemReach.unset_first_idx_of_null loc idx)
let get_c_strlen locs m =
let get_c_strlen' loc acc =
match loc with Loc.Allocsite _ -> Val.join acc (find (Loc.of_c_strlen loc) m) | _ -> acc
PowLoc.fold get_c_strlen' locs
let pp f m = AbstractDomain.BottomLiftedUtils.pp ~pp:MemReach.pp f m