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#Install Infer
We provide pre-built Infer binaries for Linux and MacOS. If you just wish to use Infer, and are not interested in making contributions to it, then these binaries are all you need. Otherwise, if you wish to compile Infer, here are also instructions to do so, depending on your operating system.
##Install the Infer binaries
###Mac OS X
Get the latest infer-osx-vXX.tar.xz
from infer releases and run the commands below in your terminal to install Infer.
tar xf infer-osx-vXX.tar.xz
# this assumes you use bash, adapt to your needs in case you use
# another shell
echo "export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/infer-osx/infer/infer/bin" \
>> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
###Linux (64 bit)
Get the latest infer-linux64-vXX.tar.xz
from infer releases and run the commands below in your terminal to install Infer.
tar xf infer-linux64-vXX.tar.xz
# this assumes you use bash, adapt to your needs in case you use
# another shell
echo "export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/infer-0.1-x64-linux/infer/infer/bin" \
>> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
##Install Infer from source
The following instructions describe how to compile Infer on different platforms.
### Download the Infer repository
git clone https://github.com/facebook/infer.git
To analyse C and ObjC, Infer requires clang and the facebook-clang-plugin. If you wish to analyse only Java/Android code, then you could skip these dependencies. Details below.
###MacOS X
(Instructions here)
Requirements for Java analysis
Java <= 1.7
- Android dev setup for analysis of Android apps.
Requirements for C/ObjC analysis
XCode <= 6.3, >= 6.1
(XCode command line tools. You can install them with the commandxcode-select --install
###Installation instructions
Install OCaml dependencies:
opam init --comp=4.01.0 # (answer 'y' to the question)
opam install sawja.1.5 atdgen.1.5.0 javalib.2.3 extlib.1.5.4
If you do not require support for the C/Objective C analysis in Infer, and only wish to analyse Java files, continue with these instructions. By the way, Java 1.8 is not supported.
cd infer
make -C infer java
export PATH=`pwd`/infer/bin:$PATH
To compile support for both Java and C/Objective C, do this instead.
cd infer
./update-fcp.sh && ../facebook-clang-plugin/clang/setup.sh && ./compile-fcp.sh # go have a coffee :)
make -C infer
export PATH=`pwd`/infer/bin:$PATH
These instructions were tested on Linux (64 Bit), on the following distributions: Debian 7, Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS.
Install OCaml dependencies:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git openjdk-7-jdk m4 zlib1g-dev python-software-properties build-essential libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev unzip
wget https://github.com/ocaml/opam/releases/download/1.2.2/opam-1.2.2-x86_64-Linux -O opam
chmod +x opam
./opam init --comp=4.01.0 #(then say 'y' to the final question)
eval `./opam config env`
./opam install sawja.1.5 atdgen.1.5.0 javalib.2.3 extlib.1.5.4 #(then say 'y' to the question)
If you do not require support for the C/Objective C analysis in Infer, and only wish to analyse Java files, continue with these instructions. By the way, Java 1.8 is not supported.
cd infer
make -C infer java
export PATH=`pwd`/infer/bin:$PATH
To compile support for both Java and C/Objective C, do this instead. If your distribution is Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS, you need to install gcc 4.8
and g++ 4.8
as well. Follow the following instructions to do that. You may skip this step in other distributions.
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8
Then continue with:
cd infer
../facebook-clang-plugin/clang/setup.sh # go have a coffee :)
make -C infer
export PATH=`pwd`/infer/bin:$PATH