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How to install Infer from source

Pre-compiled clang versions

We provide a source release of Infer packaged with pre-build binaries for clang and facebook-clang-plugins for Linux and MacOS. We encourage you to use this release as compiling clang is time-consuming. Install the dependencies as explained in the next section, then follow the instructions in our Getting Started page to compile and install Infer.

Infer dependencies for MacOSX

Here are the prerequisites to be able to compile Infer on MacOSX. This is required to be able to use the release (faster), or to compile everything from source (see the end of this document).

  • opam >= 1.2.0 (instructions here)
  • reason >= 0.0.5 (installation)
  • Python 2.7
  • Java (only needed for the Java analysis)
  • clang in Xcode command line tools. You can install them with the command xcode-select --install (only needed for the C/Objective-C analysis)
  • Xcode >= 6.1 (only needed for the C/Objective-C analysis)
  • autoconf >= 2.63 and automake >= 1.11.1 (if building from git)

You can install some of these dependencies using Homebrew:

brew install autoconf automake opam caskroom/cask/brew-cask && \
brew cask install caskroom/versions/java7

Infer dependencies for Linux

Here are the prerequisites to be able to compile Infer on Linux. This is required to be able to use the release (faster), or to compile everything from source (see the end of this document).

  • opam >= 1.2.0
  • reason >= 0.0.5 (installation)
  • Python 2.7
  • Java (only needed for the Java analysis)
  • gcc >= 4.7.2 or clang >= 3.1 (only needed for the C/Objective-C analysis)
  • autoconf >= 2.63 and automake >= 1.11.1 (if building from git)

See also the distro-specific instructions for Ubuntu and Debian below.

Install Infer from source

Run the following commands to get Infer up and running:

# Checkout Infer
git clone
cd infer
# Compile Infer
./ java
# Install Infer into your PATH
export PATH=`pwd`/infer/bin:$PATH

Replace ./ java with ./ clang to build the C and Objective-C analyzer from source. Beware that this command may take a really long time because it will compile a custom version of clang. This custom version is used by Infer to parse C and Objective-C source code. We encourage you to use a release instead, which ship with clang already compiled.

See ./ --help for more options, eg ./ on its own will build the analyzers for both Java and C/ObjC.

Install Infer from source without opam

If for some reason you prefer to install Infer's OCaml dependencies by some means other than opam, you can still compile Infer by running:

make # or make java
# Install Infer into your PATH
export PATH=`pwd`/infer/bin:$PATH

How to install the dependencies on Linux

Here are instructions on how to install the dependencies needed to compile Infer on a few Linux distributions.

Debian 7 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y \
  autoconf \
  automake \
  build-essential \
  git \
  libgmp-dev \
  libmpc-dev \
  libmpfr-dev \
  m4 \
  openjdk-7-jdk \
  python-software-properties \
  unzip \

Debian 8

sudo apt install -y \
  autoconf \
  automake \
  build-essential \
  git \
  libgmp-dev \
  libmpc-dev \
  libmpfr-dev \
  m4 \
  openjdk-7-jdk \
  unzip \
  zlib1g-dev \
  opam \
  rsync \
  pkg-config \
  libncurses-dev \
  python \

Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install -y \
  autoconf \
  automake \
  build-essential \
  g++-4.8 \
  gcc-4.8 \
  git \
  libgmp-dev \
  libmpc-dev \
  libmpfr-dev \
  m4 \
  openjdk-7-jdk \
  python-software-properties \
  unzip \
sudo update-alternatives \
  --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 60 \
  --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8

Setting up opam

Unfortunately, the version of opam that ships with some Linux distributions is broken, so you'll have to get it from the web:

chmod +x opam-1.2.2-x86_64-Linux
sudo cp opam-1.2.2-x86_64-Linux /usr/local/bin/opam
opam init --comp=4.02.3

Alternatively, follow the instructions from the opam webpage.