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adding-models Adding models

Why do we need models

When analyzing projects with call dependencies between functions, Infer follows the call graph to decide in which order to analyze these functions. The main goal is to use the analysis summary of a function wherever this function is called. On the following example:

int foo(int x) {
  if (x < 42) {
    return x;
  } else {
    return 0;

int bar() {
  return foo(24);

int baz() {
  return foo(54);

Infer starts with the analysis on foo and detect that this function either returns 0 if the argument is greater than or equal to 42, or returns the value of the argument otherwise. With this information, Infer detects that bar always returns 24 and baz always returns 0.

Now, it may happen that the code of some function is not available during the analysis. For example, this happens when a project uses pre-compiled libraries. The most typical case is the use of the standard library like in the following example:

#include <stdlib.h>

int* create() {
  int *p = malloc(sizeof(int));
  if (p == NULL) exit(1);
  return p;

void assign(int x, int *p) {
  *p = x;

int* my_function() {
  int *p = create();
  assign(42, p);
  return p;

Here, Infer will start with the analysis of create but will not find the source code for malloc. To deal with this situation, Infer relies on models of the missing functions to proceed with the analysis. The function malloc is internally modeled as either returning NULL, or returning a valid and allocated pointer. Similarly, the function exit is modeled as terminating the execution. Using these two models, Infer detects that create always returns an allocated pointer and that my_function is safe.

At this point, it is important to note that missing source code and missing models do not make the analysis fail. Missing functions are treated as having no effect. However, even though skipping these missing functions is fine in most cases, there can be cases where it affects the quality of the analysis. For example, missing models can lead to incorrect bug reports.

Consider the case of a function lib_exit having the same semantics as exit but defined in an pre-compiled library not part of the project being analyzed:

void lib_exit(int);

int* create() {
  int *p = malloc(sizeof(int));
  if (p == NULL) lib_exit(1);
  return p;

In this case, Infer will not be able to know that the return statement is only possible in the case where p is not null. When analyzing my_function, Infer will consider the null case and report a null dereference error in the call to assign(42, p).

Similarly, considering a function lib_alloc equivalent to malloc, and the function create now defined as:

int* lib_alloc(int);

int* create() {
  int *p = lib_alloc(sizeof(int));
  return p;

Then Infer will not report any null dereference in my_function.

Examples of models

Some models for C

Adding new models is easy. The models for C can be found in infer/models/c/src/. The file libc_basic.c contains models for some of the most commonly encountered functions from the C standard library. For example, the function xmalloc, which is essentially the same function as create defined above, is modeled by:

void *xmalloc(size_t size) {
  void *ret = malloc(size);
  return ret;

The function xmalloc is modeled using malloc to create an allocated object and the macro INFER_EXCLUDE_CONDITION used to eliminate the case where malloc can return null. The list of helper functions and macros for writing models can be found in infer_builtins.c.

For a slightly more complex example, realloc is modeled as:

void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) {
  if(ptr==0) { // if ptr in NULL, behave as malloc
    return malloc(size);
  int old_size;
  int can_enlarge;
  old_size = __get_array_size(ptr); // force ptr to be an array
  can_enlarge = __infer_nondet_int(); // nondeterministically choose whether the current block can be enlarged
  if(can_enlarge) {
    __set_array_size(ptr, size); // enlarge the block
    return ptr;
  int *newblock = malloc(size);
  if(newblock) {
    return newblock;
  else { // if new allocation fails, do not free the old block
    return newblock;

This model is based on existing models for malloc and free and three helper functions:

  • __get_array_size(ptr) which allows to manipulate with a model what Infer knows about the size of the allocated memory
  • __set_array_size(ptr, size) to modify the information about the size of the allocated memory
  • __infer_nondet_int() to create a variable which can have any possible integer value

For Java

The models for Java are following the same approach and the list of helper functions is in:

infer/models/java/src/com/facebook/infer/models/ infer/models/java/src/com/facebook/infer/models/

For example, Infer treats Java hash maps using a recency abstraction model: Infer remembers the last two keys being added by put and checked by containsKey, which can be used to make sure that no null pointer exceptions are coming from the fact that get(key) returns null when key is not in the map. This behavior can just be implemented via a model written in Java with the help of few helper functions understood by Infer. These models can be found in:


and just rely on these two methods:

  • InferUndefined.boolean_undefined() to create a non-deterministic choice
  • (V)InferUndefined.object_undefined() to create a non null undefined object of type V

How to add new models

Let's look at a toy example in Java. As explained above, models for C, Objective-C and Java are all following the same approach.

import lib.Server;

public class Test {

  enum Status {

  Status convertStatus(Server s) {
    switch (s.getStatus()) {
    case 0:
      return Status.SUCCESS;
    case 1:
      return Status.FAILURE;
    case 2:
      return Status.FAILURE;
    default: // should not happen
      return null;

  String statusName(Server s) {
    Status status = convertStatus(s);


Assuming that the class lib.Server is part of a pre-compiled library, Infer will report a null pointer exception in statusName. This happens whenever s.getStatus() returns a value greater that 3, in which case the default branch of the switch statement is taken and convertStatus returns null. However, we know from the documentation that the method lib.Server.getStatus can only return 0, 1, or 2. A possible approach would be to use an assertion like the Guava Preconditions.checkState to inform Infer about the invariant:

Status convertStatus(Server s) {
  int serverStatus = s.getStatus();
  Preconditions.checkState(serverStatus >= 0 && serverStatus < 3);
  switch (s.getStatus()) {

However, in the case where adding preconditions is not possible, we can then write a model for getStatus() in order to make the analysis more precise.

To create a model for getStatus(), we need to add a class with the name and the same package as for the original method. In this example:

  • create a file infer/models/java/src/infer/models/ with the following content:
package infer.models;

import com.facebook.infer.models.InferBuiltins;
import com.facebook.infer.models.InferUndefined;

public class Server {

  public int getStatus() {
    int status = InferUndefined.int_undefined();
    InferBuiltins.assume(status >= 0 && status < 3);
    return status;
  • recompile infer:

    make -C infer
  • run the analysis again:

    infer run -- javac

Now it should no longer report a null pointer exception.