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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module Trust = struct
type trust_list = JavaClassName.Set.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
type t = All | Only of trust_list [@@deriving compare, equal]
let is_trust_none trust_list = JavaClassName.Set.is_empty trust_list
let none = Only JavaClassName.Set.empty
let extract_trust_list = function
| Annot.Array class_values ->
(* The only elements of this array can be class names; therefore short-circuit and return None if it's not the case. *)
let trust_list =
IList.traverse_opt class_values ~f:(fun el ->
match el with
| Annot.Class class_typ ->
| class_typ
|> ~f:(fun name -> Typ.Name.Java.get_java_class_name_exn name)
| _ ->
None )
| trust_list ~f:JavaClassName.Set.of_list
| _ ->
let of_annot annot =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let trust_all = Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"trustAll" in
let* trust_list = Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"value" in
let* trust_classes = extract_trust_list trust_list in
match trust_all with
| None ->
return (Only trust_classes)
| Some (Annot.Bool trust_all') ->
if trust_all' then return All else return (Only trust_classes)
| _ ->
let is_in_trust_list t name =
match t with
| All ->
(* We are interested only in explicit lists *)
| Only classes ->
JavaClassName.Set.exists (JavaClassName.equal name) classes
let is_stricter ~stricter ~weaker =
let is_stricter_trust_list stricter_set weaker_set =
(* stricter trust list should be a strict subset of the weaker one *)
JavaClassName.Set.cardinal stricter_set < JavaClassName.Set.cardinal weaker_set
&& JavaClassName.Set.subset stricter_set weaker_set
match (stricter, weaker) with
| All, All | All, Only _ ->
| Only _, All ->
| Only stricter_trust_list, Only weaker_trust_list ->
is_stricter_trust_list stricter_trust_list weaker_trust_list
let intersect trust1 trust2 =
match (trust1, trust2) with
| Only classes, All ->
Only classes
| All, Only classes ->
Only classes
| Only list1, Only list2 ->
Only (JavaClassName.Set.inter list1 list2)
| All, All ->
let pp fmt t =
match t with
| All ->
F.fprintf fmt "all"
| Only names when JavaClassName.Set.is_empty names ->
F.fprintf fmt "none"
| Only _names ->
F.fprintf fmt "selected"
type t = Default | Local of Trust.t | Strict [@@deriving compare, equal]
let pp fmt t =
match t with
| Default ->
F.fprintf fmt "Def"
| Strict ->
F.fprintf fmt "Strict"
| Local trust ->
F.fprintf fmt "Local(trust=%a)" Trust.pp trust
let of_annot annot =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* mode = Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"value" in
match mode with
| Annot.Enum {value= "STRICT"} ->
return Strict
| Annot.Enum {value= "LOCAL"} -> (
match Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"trustOnly" with
| None ->
(* When trustOnly values is missing, the default is in effect, which is Trust.All *)
return (Local Trust.All)
| Some (Annot.Annot trustOnly') ->
let* trust = Trust.of_annot trustOnly' in
return (Local trust)
| Some _ ->
None )
| _ ->
let extract_user_defined_class_name java_class_name =
(* Anonymous inner classes are not proper classes and can not be annotated. Refer to underlying user class *)
JavaClassName.get_user_defined_class_if_anonymous_inner java_class_name
|> Option.value ~default:java_class_name
let extract_mode_from_explicit_class_annotation tenv classname =
match PatternMatch.type_name_get_annotation tenv (Typ.JavaClass classname) with
| Some annots -> (
if Annotations.ia_is_nullsafe_strict annots then Strict
match Annotations.ia_find_nullsafe annots with
| Some nullsafe_annot ->
Option.value_exn (of_annot nullsafe_annot)
~message:"Unexpected change in @Nullsafe annotation format"
| _ ->
Default )
| None ->
(** Get the minimal mode that is stricter or equal than both of given modes *)
let intersect mode1 mode2 =
match (mode1, mode2) with
| Strict, _ | _, Strict ->
| Local trust1, Local trust2 ->
Local (Trust.intersect trust1 trust2)
| Local trust, Default | Default, Local trust ->
Local trust
| Default, Default ->
let of_class tenv class_name =
(* The mode of the class is the strictest over this class's mode annotation and its outer classes *)
let rec of_class_and_outer_classes class_name =
let curr_class_mode = extract_mode_from_explicit_class_annotation tenv class_name in
match JavaClassName.get_outer_class_name class_name with
| Some outer_name ->
intersect curr_class_mode (of_class_and_outer_classes outer_name)
| None ->
let user_defined_class = extract_user_defined_class_name class_name in
of_class_and_outer_classes user_defined_class
let of_java_procname tenv pname =
let class_name = Procname.Java.get_class_type_name pname in
of_class tenv (Typ.Name.Java.get_java_class_name_exn class_name)
let of_procname tenv pname =
match pname with
| Procname.Java jn ->
of_java_procname tenv jn
| _ ->
Logging.die InternalError "Unexpected non-Java procname %a" Procname.pp pname
let is_stricter_than ~stricter ~weaker =
let strict_level mode = match mode with Default -> 0 | Local _ -> 1 | Strict -> 2 in
match (stricter, weaker) with
| Local stricter_trust, Local weaker_trust ->
Trust.is_stricter ~stricter:stricter_trust ~weaker:weaker_trust
| _ ->
strict_level stricter > strict_level weaker
type nested_class_annotation_problem =
| RedundantNestedClassAnnotation
| NestedModeIsWeaker of weak_type
and weak_type = ExtraTrustClass of JavaClassName.t list | Other
let check_problematic_class_annotation tenv user_defined_class =
if JavaClassName.is_anonymous_inner_class_name user_defined_class then
Logging.die InternalError
"check_problematic_class_annotation: should not be called for anonymous classes, but was \
called for %a"
JavaClassName.pp user_defined_class ;
(JavaClassName.get_outer_class_name user_defined_class)
~f:(fun outer_class_name ->
(* Check if the mode of the nested class contradicts the outer's one or is redundant *)
let nested_mode = extract_mode_from_explicit_class_annotation tenv user_defined_class in
if equal Default nested_mode then (* Nested class is not explicitly annotated. *)
Ok ()
let outer_mode = of_class tenv outer_class_name in
if equal nested_mode outer_mode then Error RedundantNestedClassAnnotation
match (nested_mode, outer_mode) with
| Local (Trust.Only nested_trust_list), Local (Trust.Only outer_trust_list) ->
(* Special processing for pair of two Trust(some).
The problem if when there is an attempt to introduce additional trust in nested that did not exist
in outer.
let extra_trusted_classes_in_nested =
JavaClassName.Set.diff nested_trust_list outer_trust_list
if not (JavaClassName.Set.is_empty extra_trusted_classes_in_nested) then
(ExtraTrustClass (JavaClassName.Set.elements extra_trusted_classes_in_nested)))
else Ok ()
| _ ->
if is_stricter_than ~stricter:outer_mode ~weaker:nested_mode then
Error (NestedModeIsWeaker Other)
else Ok () )
~default:(Ok ())
let is_in_trust_list t name =
match t with Strict | Default -> false | Local trust -> Trust.is_in_trust_list trust name
let severity = function
| Strict | Local _ ->
(* Explicit @Nullsafe modes suppose that enforcement is made on CI side to not allow violations in the codebase.
Hence it should be an error.
| Default ->
(* Enforcement is not supposed to be setup in default modes. *)