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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module Trust = struct
type trust_list = JavaClassName.Set.t [@@deriving compare, equal]
type t = All | Only of trust_list [@@deriving compare, equal]
let is_trust_none trust_list = JavaClassName.Set.is_empty trust_list
let none = Only JavaClassName.Set.empty
let extract_trust_list = function
| Annot.Array class_values ->
(* The only elements of this array can be class names; therefore short-circuit and return None if it's not the case. *)
let trust_list =
IList.traverse_opt class_values ~f:(fun el ->
match el with
| Annot.Class class_typ -> class_typ
|> ~f:(fun name -> Typ.Name.Java.get_java_class_name_exn name)
| _ ->
None )
in trust_list ~f:JavaClassName.Set.of_list
| _ ->
let of_annot annot =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let trust_all = Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"trustAll" in
let* trust_list = Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"value" in
let* trust_classes = extract_trust_list trust_list in
match trust_all with
| None ->
return (Only trust_classes)
| Some (Annot.Bool trust_all') ->
if trust_all' then return All else return (Only trust_classes)
| _ ->
let is_in_trust_list t name =
match t with
| All ->
(* We are interested only in explicit lists *)
| Only classes ->
JavaClassName.Set.exists (JavaClassName.equal name) classes
let is_stricter ~stricter ~weaker =
let is_stricter_trust_list stricter_set weaker_set =
(* stricter trust list should be a strict subset of the weaker one *)
JavaClassName.Set.cardinal stricter_set < JavaClassName.Set.cardinal weaker_set
&& JavaClassName.Set.subset stricter_set weaker_set
match (stricter, weaker) with
| All, All | All, Only _ ->
| Only _, All ->
| Only stricter_trust_list, Only weaker_trust_list ->
is_stricter_trust_list stricter_trust_list weaker_trust_list
let intersect trust1 trust2 =
match (trust1, trust2) with
| Only classes, All ->
Only classes
| All, Only classes ->
Only classes
| Only list1, Only list2 ->
Only (JavaClassName.Set.inter list1 list2)
| All, All ->
let pp fmt t =
match t with
| All ->
F.fprintf fmt "all"
| Only names when JavaClassName.Set.is_empty names ->
F.fprintf fmt "none"
| Only _names ->
F.fprintf fmt "selected"
type t = Default | Local of Trust.t | Strict [@@deriving compare, equal]
let pp fmt t =
match t with
| Default ->
F.fprintf fmt "Def"
| Strict ->
F.fprintf fmt "Strict"
| Local trust ->
F.fprintf fmt "Local(trust=%a)" Trust.pp trust
let of_annot annot =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let* mode = Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"value" in
match mode with
| Annot.Enum {value= "STRICT"} ->
return Strict
| Annot.Enum {value= "LOCAL"} -> (
match Annot.find_parameter annot ~name:"trustOnly" with
| None ->
(* When trustOnly values is missing, the default is in effect, which is Trust.All *)
return (Local Trust.All)
| Some (Annot.Annot trustOnly') ->
let* trust = Trust.of_annot trustOnly' in
return (Local trust)
| Some _ ->
None )
| _ ->
let extract_user_defined_class_name java_class_name =
(* Anonymous inner classes are not proper classes and can not be annotated. Refer to underlying user class *)
JavaClassName.get_user_defined_class_if_anonymous_inner java_class_name
|> Option.value ~default:java_class_name
let extract_mode_from_explicit_class_annotation tenv classname =
match PatternMatch.type_name_get_annotation tenv (Typ.JavaClass classname) with
| Some annots -> (
if Annotations.ia_is_nullsafe_strict annots then Strict
match Annotations.ia_find_nullsafe annots with
| Some nullsafe_annot ->
Option.value_exn (of_annot nullsafe_annot)
~message:"Unexpected change in @Nullsafe annotation format"
| _ ->
Default )
| None ->
(** Get the minimal mode that is stricter or equal than both of given modes *)
let intersect mode1 mode2 =
match (mode1, mode2) with
| Strict, _ | _, Strict ->
| Local trust1, Local trust2 ->
Local (Trust.intersect trust1 trust2)
| Local trust, Default | Default, Local trust ->
Local trust
| Default, Default ->
let of_class tenv class_name =
(* The mode of the class is the strictest over this class's mode annotation and its outer classes *)
let rec of_class_and_outer_classes class_name =
let curr_class_mode = extract_mode_from_explicit_class_annotation tenv class_name in
match JavaClassName.get_outer_class_name class_name with
| Some outer_name ->
intersect curr_class_mode (of_class_and_outer_classes outer_name)
| None ->
let user_defined_class = extract_user_defined_class_name class_name in
of_class_and_outer_classes user_defined_class
let of_java_procname tenv pname =
let class_name = Procname.Java.get_class_type_name pname in
of_class tenv (Typ.Name.Java.get_java_class_name_exn class_name)
let of_procname tenv pname =
match pname with
| Procname.Java jn ->
of_java_procname tenv jn
| _ ->
Logging.die InternalError "Unexpected non-Java procname %a" Procname.pp pname
let is_stricter_than ~stricter ~weaker =
let strict_level mode = match mode with Default -> 0 | Local _ -> 1 | Strict -> 2 in
match (stricter, weaker) with
| Local stricter_trust, Local weaker_trust ->
Trust.is_stricter ~stricter:stricter_trust ~weaker:weaker_trust
| _ ->
strict_level stricter > strict_level weaker
type nested_class_annotation_problem =
| RedundantNestedClassAnnotation
| NestedModeIsWeaker of weak_type
and weak_type = ExtraTrustClass of JavaClassName.t list | Other
let check_problematic_class_annotation tenv user_defined_class =
if JavaClassName.is_anonymous_inner_class_name user_defined_class then
Logging.die InternalError
"check_problematic_class_annotation: should not be called for anonymous classes, but was \
called for %a"
JavaClassName.pp user_defined_class ;
(JavaClassName.get_outer_class_name user_defined_class)
~f:(fun outer_class_name ->
(* Check if the mode of the nested class contradicts the outer's one or is redundant *)
let nested_mode = extract_mode_from_explicit_class_annotation tenv user_defined_class in
if equal Default nested_mode then (* Nested class is not explicitly annotated. *)
Ok ()
let outer_mode = of_class tenv outer_class_name in
if equal nested_mode outer_mode then Error RedundantNestedClassAnnotation
match (nested_mode, outer_mode) with
| Local (Trust.Only nested_trust_list), Local (Trust.Only outer_trust_list) ->
(* Special processing for pair of two Trust(some).
The problem if when there is an attempt to introduce additional trust in nested that did not exist
in outer.
let extra_trusted_classes_in_nested =
JavaClassName.Set.diff nested_trust_list outer_trust_list
if not (JavaClassName.Set.is_empty extra_trusted_classes_in_nested) then
(ExtraTrustClass (JavaClassName.Set.elements extra_trusted_classes_in_nested)))
else Ok ()
| _ ->
if is_stricter_than ~stricter:outer_mode ~weaker:nested_mode then
Error (NestedModeIsWeaker Other)
else Ok () )
~default:(Ok ())
let is_in_trust_list t name =
match t with Strict | Default -> false | Local trust -> Trust.is_in_trust_list trust name
let severity = function
| Strict | Local _ ->
(* Explicit @Nullsafe modes suppose that enforcement is made on CI side to not allow violations in the codebase.
Hence it should be an error.
move visibility into IssueType and make it static, move severity but keep it dynamic Summary: - "visibility" (whether an issue to report is something to show the user or something that is only used for debugging or for detecting other issues) is an intrinsic property of an issue type and thus belongs in `IssueType.t`. - "severity" (warning/error/...) is something that each issue should have a default for ("a memory leak is by default an ERROR", a "condition always true is by default a warning"), but can also be overriden at run-time. Right now only nullsafe uses that capability: when in "strict mode", some warnings become errors. We can imagine extending this to other issue types, or even providing config flags to turn warnings into errors, like compilers often have. To guess the default severity (since it's dynamic it can be hard to know for sure!), I tried to find places where it was reported as the source of truth, but also later diffs test these defaults against our tests (by removing most of the dynamic changes in severity). With this diff there are 3 places where severity is set: 1. The default severity in IssueType.t: this is unused for now. 2. The severity from `Exceptions.recognize_exception`: this is semi-statically determined and, if set, takes precedence over number 3 (which looks wrong to me!) 3. The severity passed to `Errlog.log_issue` when we actually add an issue to the error log: this is used only when (2) is unset. The next diffs will make 1 the default, delete 2, and make 3 optional but override 1 when passed. Reviewed By: skcho Differential Revision: D21904538 fbshipit-source-id: a674b42d8
5 years ago
| Default ->
(* Enforcement is not supposed to be setup in default modes. *)
move visibility into IssueType and make it static, move severity but keep it dynamic Summary: - "visibility" (whether an issue to report is something to show the user or something that is only used for debugging or for detecting other issues) is an intrinsic property of an issue type and thus belongs in `IssueType.t`. - "severity" (warning/error/...) is something that each issue should have a default for ("a memory leak is by default an ERROR", a "condition always true is by default a warning"), but can also be overriden at run-time. Right now only nullsafe uses that capability: when in "strict mode", some warnings become errors. We can imagine extending this to other issue types, or even providing config flags to turn warnings into errors, like compilers often have. To guess the default severity (since it's dynamic it can be hard to know for sure!), I tried to find places where it was reported as the source of truth, but also later diffs test these defaults against our tests (by removing most of the dynamic changes in severity). With this diff there are 3 places where severity is set: 1. The default severity in IssueType.t: this is unused for now. 2. The severity from `Exceptions.recognize_exception`: this is semi-statically determined and, if set, takes precedence over number 3 (which looks wrong to me!) 3. The severity passed to `Errlog.log_issue` when we actually add an issue to the error log: this is used only when (2) is unset. The next diffs will make 1 the default, delete 2, and make 3 optional but override 1 when passed. Reviewed By: skcho Differential Revision: D21904538 fbshipit-source-id: a674b42d8
5 years ago