@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import random
from collections import Counter
# 初始化扑克牌,生成52张牌,不包括大小王
suits = ['H', 'D', 'S', 'C'] # Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs
values = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']
deck = [v + s for s in suits for v in values]
# 牌型判断函数
def is_bomb(cards):
# 判断是否为豹子(炸弹),三张点相同的牌
return cards[0][:-1] == cards[1][:-1] == cards[2][:-1]
def is_straight_flush(cards):
# 判断是否为顺金(同花顺),花色相同的顺子
return is_flush(cards) and is_straight(cards)
def is_flush(cards):
# 判断是否为金花(色皮),花色相同,非顺子
return cards[0][-1] == cards[1][-1] == cards[2][-1]
def is_straight(cards):
# 判断是否为顺子(拖拉机),花色不同的顺子
values = sorted(['23456789TJQKA'.index(c[:-1]) if c[:-1] != '10' else 8 for c in cards])
return values == list(range(values[0], values[0] + 3))
def is_pair(cards):
# 判断是否为对子,两张点数相同的牌
values = [c[:-1] for c in cards]
return len(set(values)) == 2
def is_special(cards):
# 判断是否为特殊牌型,花色不同的235
values = sorted(['23456789TJQKA'.index(c[:-1]) if c[:-1] != '10' else 8 for c in cards])
suits = set(c[-1] for c in cards)
return values == [0, 1, 2] and len(suits) == 3
def get_hand_type(cards):
# 获取牌型的类型
if is_special(cards):
return '特殊'
if is_bomb(cards):
return '豹子'
if is_straight_flush(cards):
return '顺金'
if is_flush(cards):
return '金花'
if is_straight(cards):
return '顺子'
if is_pair(cards):
return '对子'
return '单张' # 三张牌不组成任何类型的牌,单张
# 模拟游戏并统计结果
results = Counter()
# 模拟10000次游戏
for _ in range(10000):
# 洗牌
# 发牌,每位玩家3张牌
player1 = deck[:3]
player2 = deck[3:6]
# 统计每位玩家的牌型
results[get_hand_type(player1)] += 1
results[get_hand_type(player2)] += 1
# 计算概率
total_hands = 20000 # 两个玩家,每人10000次
probabilities = {hand: count / total_hands for hand, count in results.items()}
# 输出结果
for hand, prob in probabilities.items():
print(f"{hand}: {prob:.4f}")