Merge branch 'main' of
@ -1,3 +1,54 @@
int main(){
#include "BasicBlock.h"
return 0;
#include "Constant.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "IRStmtBuilder.h"
#include "Module.h"
#include "Type.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#define CONST_INT(num) \
ConstantInt::create(num, module)
#define CONST_FP(num) \
ConstantFloat::create(num, module) // 得到常数值的表示,方便后面多次用到
using namespace SysYF::IR;
int main()
// 创建module和builder
auto module = Module::create("SysYF code");
auto builder = IRStmtBuilder::create(nullptr, module);
SysYF::Ptr<Type> Int32Type = Type::get_int32_type(module);
SysYF::Ptr<Type> FloatType = Type::get_float_type(module);
// main 函数
auto mainFun = Function::create(FunctionType::create(Int32Type, {}), "main", module);
auto bb = BasicBlock::create(module, "entry", mainFun);
// 分配空间和赋初值
auto ret_Alloca = builder->create_alloca(Int32Type); // int return
auto b_Alloca = builder->create_alloca(FloatType); // float b
auto ArrayType_a = ArrayType::get(Int32Type, 2); // Type of Array a
auto a_Alloca = builder->create_alloca(ArrayType_a); // int a[2]
auto a0GEP = builder->create_gep(a_Alloca, {CONST_INT(0), CONST_INT(0)}); // a[0] pointer
auto a1GEP = builder->create_gep(a_Alloca, {CONST_INT(0), CONST_INT(1)}); // a[1] pointer
builder->create_store(CONST_FP(1.8), b_Alloca); // b = 1.8
builder->create_store(CONST_INT(2), a0GEP); // a[0] = 2
builder->create_store(CONST_INT(0), a1GEP); // a[1] = 0
// 计算返回值
auto b_Load = builder->create_load(b_Alloca); // load b
auto a0_Load = builder->create_load(a0GEP); // load a[0]
auto a0_float = builder->create_sitofp(a0_Load, FloatType); // int to float
auto ans_float = builder->create_fmul(b_Load, a0_float); // b * a[0]
auto ans_int = builder->create_fptosi(ans_float, Int32Type); // float to int
builder->create_store(ans_int, a1GEP); // store ans to a[1]
builder->create_store(ans_int, ret_Alloca); // return ans
// return
auto ret_Load = builder->create_load(ret_Alloca);
// 输出IR
std::cout << module->print();
@ -1,3 +1,63 @@
int main(){
#include "BasicBlock.h"
return 0;
#include "Constant.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "IRStmtBuilder.h"
#include "Module.h"
#include "Type.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#define CONST_INT(num) \
ConstantInt::create(num, module)
#define CONST_FP(num) \
ConstantFloat::create(num, module) // 得到常数值的表示,方便后面多次用到
using namespace SysYF::IR;
int main()
// 创建module和builder
auto module = Module::create("SysYF code");
auto builder = IRStmtBuilder::create(nullptr, module);
SysYF::Ptr<Type> Int32Type = Type::get_int32_type(module);
SysYF::Ptr<Type> FloatType = Type::get_float_type(module);
// 全局变量
auto zero_initializer = ConstantZero::create(Int32Type, module);
auto a = GlobalVariable::create("a", module, Int32Type, false, zero_initializer);
auto b = GlobalVariable::create("b", module, Int32Type, false, zero_initializer);
// main 函数
auto mainFunTy = Function::create(FunctionType::create(Int32Type, {}), "main", module);
auto bb = BasicBlock::create(module, "entry", mainFunTy);
// 赋初值
builder->create_store(CONST_INT(3), a); // a = 3
builder->create_store(CONST_INT(0), b); // b = 0
// 建立while循环
auto condBB = BasicBlock::create(module, "condBB_while", mainFunTy);
auto trueBB = BasicBlock::create(module, "trueBB_while", mainFunTy);
auto falseBB = BasicBlock::create(module, "falseBB_while", mainFunTy);
// while循环条件
auto a_Load = builder->create_load(a); // load a
auto icmp = builder->create_icmp_gt(a_Load, CONST_INT(0));
builder->create_cond_br(icmp, trueBB, falseBB);
// while循环体
a_Load = builder->create_load(a); // load a
auto b_Load = builder->create_load(b); // load b
auto add = builder->create_iadd(b_Load, a_Load);
auto sub = builder->create_isub(a_Load, CONST_INT(1));
builder->create_store(add, b); // b = b + a
builder->create_store(sub, a); // a = a - 1
builder->create_br(condBB); // 跳转到循环条件
// while循环结束
// return
auto ret_Load = builder->create_load(b);
// 输出IR
std::cout << module->print();
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