Compare commits
No commits in common. 'main' and 'SpyderController' have entirely different histories.
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import openpyxl
from entity.BilibiliVideo import BilibiliVideo
# 创建一个函数,用于将 BilibiliVideo 实例的属性写入 Excel 表格中
def write_to_excel(video_instances, excel_filename):
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
ws =
# 添加表头
ws.append(['bvId', 'title', 'url', 'uploadTime', 'uploadTimeText', 'topNo', 'viewCount', 'likeCount', 'coinCount',
'favoriteCount', 'commentCount', 'bulletCount', 'creatorId', 'creatorName', 'creatorFanCount'])
# 遍历 BilibiliVideo 实例列表,逐个写入表格
for video_instance in video_instances:
ws.append([video_instance.bvId, video_instance.title, video_instance.url, video_instance.uploadTime,
video_instance.uploadTimeText, video_instance.topNo, video_instance.viewCount, video_instance.likeCount,
video_instance.coinCount, video_instance.favoriteCount, video_instance.commentCount,
video_instance.bulletCount, video_instance.creatorId, video_instance.creatorName,
# 保存 Excel 文件
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 测试数据
test_cases = [
BilibiliVideo("BV1a4411C7i2", "视频标题1", "", 1648927200, 1, 100000, 5000, 2000, 3000, 1000, 500, "up123456", "UP主A", 1000000),
BilibiliVideo("BV1F5411S8h3", "视频标题2", "", 1648830800, 2, 80000, 4000, 1500, 2000, 800, 400, "up234567", "UP主B", 800000),
BilibiliVideo("BV1bW411d9c4", "视频标题3", "", 1648734400, 3, 60000, 3000, 1000, 1500, 600, 300, "up345678", "UP主C", 600000),
BilibiliVideo("BV1qy411z5k5", "视频标题4", "", 1648638000, 4, 40000, 2000, 800, 1000, 400, 200, "up456789", "UP主D", 400000),
BilibiliVideo("BV1R4411J0a6", "视频标题5", "", 1648541600, 5, 20000, 1000, 500, 700, 200, 100, "up567890", "UP主E", 200000),
BilibiliVideo("BV1gW411H8d7", "视频标题6", "", 1648445200, 6, 10000, 500, 300, 400, 100, 50, "up678901", "UP主F", 100000),
BilibiliVideo("BV1py411t6v8", "视频标题7", "", 1648348800, 7, 5000, 300, 200, 300, 50, 30, "up789012", "UP主G", 50000),
BilibiliVideo("BV1Qy411S3x9", "视频标题8", "", 1648252400, 8, 2000, 100, 100, 200, 20, 10, "up890123", "UP主H", 20000),
BilibiliVideo("BV1a4411C4y0", "视频标题9", "", 1648156000, 9, 1000, 50, 50, 100, 10, 5, "up901234", "UP主I", 10000),
BilibiliVideo("BV1F5411C2r1", "视频标题10", "", 1648059600, 10, 500, 30, 20, 50, 5, 3, "up012345", "UP主J", 5000)
# 将测试数据写入 Excel 文件
write_to_excel(test_cases, 'bilibili_videos_with_charts.xlsx')
import openpyxl
def calculate_ratio_and_update(file_path, sheet_name):
# 打开 Excel 文件
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
sheet = wb[sheet_name]
# 遍历除第一行外的每一行数据
for row_num in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1):
value1 = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=7).value #观看
value2 = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=8).value#点赞
value3 = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=9).value#投币
value4 = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=10).value#收藏
value5 = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=11).value#评论
value6 = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=15).value#粉丝
value7 = sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=12).value # 弹幕
if value1 is not None and value2 is not None:
value1 = float(value1)
value2 = float(value2)
value3 = float(value3)
value4 = float(value4)
value5 = float(value5)
value6 = float(value6)
ratio1 = value2 / value1
sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=17).value = ratio1 #
ratio2 = value3 / value1
sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=18).value = ratio2
ratio3 = value4 / value1
sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=19).value = ratio3
ratio4 = value6 / value1
sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=20).value = ratio4
ratio5 = value5 + value7
sheet.cell(row=row_num, column=21).value = ratio5
# 保存文件
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 示例用法
file_path = 'bilibili_videos_with_charts.xlsx' # Excel 文件路径
sheet_name = 'Sheet' # 工作表名称
calculate_ratio_and_update(file_path, sheet_name)
print("Data analysis written to the Excel file.")
import openpyxl
from openpyxl.chart import BarChart, Reference, AreaChart
def create_bar_chart(file_name, sheet_name):
# 读取Excel文件
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_name)
ws = wb[sheet_name]
# 创建柱状图
bar_chart = BarChart()
bar_chart.title = "观众对于视频的认可度"
bar_chart.y_axis.title = "Data"
bar_chart.x_axis.title = "Index"
# 设置柱状图数据
bar_data = Reference(ws, min_col=17, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
bar_categories = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
bar_chart.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
# 添加柱状图到工作表
ws.add_chart(bar_chart, "V1")
# 调用函数并传入文件名和工作表名
# 创建柱状图
bar_chart = BarChart()
bar_chart.title = "收益"
bar_chart.y_axis.title = "Data"
bar_chart.x_axis.title = "Index"
# 设置柱状图数据
bar_data = Reference(ws, min_col=18, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
bar_categories = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
bar_chart.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
# 添加柱状图到工作表
ws.add_chart(bar_chart, "AD1")
# 创建面积图
area_chart = AreaChart()
area_chart.title = "视频实用性"
area_chart.y_axis.title = "Data"
area_chart.x_axis.title = "Index"
# 设置面积图数据
area_data = Reference(ws, min_col=19, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
area_categories = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
area_chart.add_data(area_data, titles_from_data=True)
# 添加面积图到工作表
ws.add_chart(area_chart, "AL1")
# 创建柱状图
bar_chart_2 = BarChart()
bar_chart_2.title = "视频惊艳程度"
bar_chart_2.y_axis.title = "Data"
bar_chart_2.x_axis.title = "Index"
# 设置柱状图数据
bar_data_2 = Reference(ws, min_col=20, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
bar_categories_2 = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
bar_chart_2.add_data(bar_data_2, titles_from_data=True)
# 添加柱状图到工作表
ws.add_chart(bar_chart_2, "AT1")
# 创建柱状图
bar_chart_3 = BarChart()
bar_chart_3.title = "视频的互动性"
bar_chart_3.y_axis.title = "Data"
bar_chart_3.x_axis.title = "Index"
# 设置柱状图数据
bar_data_3 = Reference(ws, min_col=21, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
bar_categories_3 = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=2, max_row=ws.max_row)
bar_chart_3.add_data(bar_data_3, titles_from_data=True)
# 添加柱状图到工作表
ws.add_chart(bar_chart_3, "BB1")
# 保存Excel文件
if __name__ == '__main__':
create_bar_chart('bilibili_videos_with_charts.xlsx', 'Sheet')
def write_english_texts(file_path, sheet_name, texts):
# 打开 Excel 文件
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(file_path)
sheet = wb[sheet_name]
# 循环写入不同的英文文本到第一行的第17到21列
for i, text in enumerate(texts, start=17):
sheet.cell(row=1, column=i).value = text
# 保存文件
file_path = 'bilibili_videos_with_charts.xlsx' # Excel 文件路径
sheet_name = 'Sheet' # 工作表名称
english_texts = [
] # 要写入的英文文本列表
if __name__ == '__main__':
write_english_texts(file_path, sheet_name, english_texts)
print("Data analysis chart written to the Excel file.")
Reference in new issue