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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#Tue Sep 07 23:54:03 CST 2021
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@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
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<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.collection:collection:1.0.0@jar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common:2.0.0@jar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.arch.core:core-common:2.0.0@jar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.annotation:annotation:1.0.0@jar" level="project" />
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<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle:" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
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<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.palette:palette:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.fragment:fragment:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.vectordrawable:vectordrawable-animated:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.legacy:legacy-support-core-ui:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.legacy:legacy-support-core-utils:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.vectordrawable:vectordrawable:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.loader:loader:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.viewpager:viewpager:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.coordinatorlayout:coordinatorlayout:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.drawerlayout:drawerlayout:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.slidingpanelayout:slidingpanelayout:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.customview:customview:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.swiperefreshlayout:swiperefreshlayout:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.asynclayoutinflater:asynclayoutinflater:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.core:core:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.versionedparcelable:versionedparcelable:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.cursoradapter:cursoradapter:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime:2.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.documentfile:documentfile:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.localbroadcastmanager:localbroadcastmanager:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.print:print:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel:2.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.interpolator:interpolator:1.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata:2.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-core:2.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: androidx.arch.core:core-runtime:2.0.0@aar" level="project" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="Gradle: org.apache.http.legacy-android-31" level="project" />
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 31
buildToolsVersion "31.0.0"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "net.micode.notes"
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 31
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'
dependencies {
implementation 'androidx.mediarouter:mediarouter:1.0.0'
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.arch.core;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.asynclayoutinflater;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.coordinatorlayout;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int coordinatorLayoutStyle = 0x7f03005e;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int keylines = 0x7f030095;
public static final int layout_anchor = 0x7f030099;
public static final int layout_anchorGravity = 0x7f03009a;
public static final int layout_behavior = 0x7f03009b;
public static final int layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 0x7f03009c;
public static final int layout_insetEdge = 0x7f03009d;
public static final int layout_keyline = 0x7f03009e;
public static final int statusBarBackground = 0x7f0300e9;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int bottom = 0x7f080025;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int end = 0x7f08003e;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int left = 0x7f080066;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int none = 0x7f0800b8;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right = 0x7f0800ca;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int start = 0x7f0800e6;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final int top = 0x7f0800f7;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final int Widget_Support_CoordinatorLayout = 0x7f100177;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout = { 0x7f030095, 0x7f0300e9 };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_keylines = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_statusBarBackground = 1;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout_Layout = { 0x10100b3, 0x7f030099, 0x7f03009a, 0x7f03009b, 0x7f03009c, 0x7f03009d, 0x7f03009e };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_android_layout_gravity = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchor = 1;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchorGravity = 2;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_behavior = 3;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 4;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_insetEdge = 5;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_keyline = 6;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.core;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.cursoradapter;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.customview;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.documentfile;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.drawerlayout;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.fragment;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int coordinatorLayoutStyle = 0x7f03005e;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int keylines = 0x7f030095;
public static final int layout_anchor = 0x7f030099;
public static final int layout_anchorGravity = 0x7f03009a;
public static final int layout_behavior = 0x7f03009b;
public static final int layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 0x7f03009c;
public static final int layout_insetEdge = 0x7f03009d;
public static final int layout_keyline = 0x7f03009e;
public static final int statusBarBackground = 0x7f0300e9;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int bottom = 0x7f080025;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int end = 0x7f08003e;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int left = 0x7f080066;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int none = 0x7f0800b8;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right = 0x7f0800ca;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int start = 0x7f0800e6;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final int top = 0x7f0800f7;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final int Widget_Support_CoordinatorLayout = 0x7f100177;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout = { 0x7f030095, 0x7f0300e9 };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_keylines = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_statusBarBackground = 1;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout_Layout = { 0x10100b3, 0x7f030099, 0x7f03009a, 0x7f03009b, 0x7f03009c, 0x7f03009d, 0x7f03009e };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_android_layout_gravity = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchor = 1;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchorGravity = 2;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_behavior = 3;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 4;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_insetEdge = 5;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_keyline = 6;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.interpolator;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.legacy.coreui;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int coordinatorLayoutStyle = 0x7f03005e;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int keylines = 0x7f030095;
public static final int layout_anchor = 0x7f030099;
public static final int layout_anchorGravity = 0x7f03009a;
public static final int layout_behavior = 0x7f03009b;
public static final int layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 0x7f03009c;
public static final int layout_insetEdge = 0x7f03009d;
public static final int layout_keyline = 0x7f03009e;
public static final int statusBarBackground = 0x7f0300e9;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int bottom = 0x7f080025;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int end = 0x7f08003e;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int left = 0x7f080066;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int none = 0x7f0800b8;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right = 0x7f0800ca;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int start = 0x7f0800e6;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final int top = 0x7f0800f7;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final int Widget_Support_CoordinatorLayout = 0x7f100177;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout = { 0x7f030095, 0x7f0300e9 };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_keylines = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_statusBarBackground = 1;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout_Layout = { 0x10100b3, 0x7f030099, 0x7f03009a, 0x7f03009b, 0x7f03009c, 0x7f03009d, 0x7f03009e };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_android_layout_gravity = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchor = 1;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchorGravity = 2;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_behavior = 3;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 4;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_insetEdge = 5;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_keyline = 6;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.legacy.coreutils;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.lifecycle;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.lifecycle.livedata;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.lifecycle.livedata.core;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.lifecycle.viewmodel;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.loader;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.localbroadcastmanager;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int notification_material_background_media_default_color = 0x7f050043;
public static final int primary_text_default_material_dark = 0x7f050049;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_dark = 0x7f050050;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final int subtitle_corner_radius = 0x7f060076;
public static final int subtitle_outline_width = 0x7f060077;
public static final int subtitle_shadow_offset = 0x7f060078;
public static final int subtitle_shadow_radius = 0x7f060079;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action0 = 0x7f080008;
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int cancel_action = 0x7f08002a;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int end_padder = 0x7f08003f;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int media_actions = 0x7f080070;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int status_bar_latest_event_content = 0x7f0800e7;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int cancel_button_image_alpha = 0x7f090002;
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_media_action = 0x7f0b0039;
public static final int notification_media_cancel_action = 0x7f0b003a;
public static final int notification_template_big_media = 0x7f0b003b;
public static final int notification_template_big_media_custom = 0x7f0b003c;
public static final int notification_template_big_media_narrow = 0x7f0b003d;
public static final int notification_template_big_media_narrow_custom = 0x7f0b003e;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_lines_media = 0x7f0b0041;
public static final int notification_template_media = 0x7f0b0042;
public static final int notification_template_media_custom = 0x7f0b0043;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info_Media = 0x7f1000f1;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2_Media = 0x7f1000f3;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Media = 0x7f1000f4;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time_Media = 0x7f1000f6;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title_Media = 0x7f1000f8;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.palette;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.print;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.recyclerview;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int coordinatorLayoutStyle = 0x7f03005e;
public static final int fastScrollEnabled = 0x7f030073;
public static final int fastScrollHorizontalThumbDrawable = 0x7f030074;
public static final int fastScrollHorizontalTrackDrawable = 0x7f030075;
public static final int fastScrollVerticalThumbDrawable = 0x7f030076;
public static final int fastScrollVerticalTrackDrawable = 0x7f030077;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int keylines = 0x7f030095;
public static final int layoutManager = 0x7f030098;
public static final int layout_anchor = 0x7f030099;
public static final int layout_anchorGravity = 0x7f03009a;
public static final int layout_behavior = 0x7f03009b;
public static final int layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 0x7f03009c;
public static final int layout_insetEdge = 0x7f03009d;
public static final int layout_keyline = 0x7f03009e;
public static final int reverseLayout = 0x7f0300d5;
public static final int spanCount = 0x7f0300e1;
public static final int stackFromEnd = 0x7f0300e7;
public static final int statusBarBackground = 0x7f0300e9;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int fastscroll_default_thickness = 0x7f060054;
public static final int fastscroll_margin = 0x7f060055;
public static final int fastscroll_minimum_range = 0x7f060056;
public static final int item_touch_helper_max_drag_scroll_per_frame = 0x7f06005e;
public static final int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_max_velocity = 0x7f06005f;
public static final int item_touch_helper_swipe_escape_velocity = 0x7f060060;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int bottom = 0x7f080025;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int end = 0x7f08003e;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int item_touch_helper_previous_elevation = 0x7f080053;
public static final int left = 0x7f080066;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int none = 0x7f0800b8;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right = 0x7f0800ca;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int start = 0x7f0800e6;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final int top = 0x7f0800f7;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final int Widget_Support_CoordinatorLayout = 0x7f100177;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout = { 0x7f030095, 0x7f0300e9 };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_keylines = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_statusBarBackground = 1;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout_Layout = { 0x10100b3, 0x7f030099, 0x7f03009a, 0x7f03009b, 0x7f03009c, 0x7f03009d, 0x7f03009e };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_android_layout_gravity = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchor = 1;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchorGravity = 2;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_behavior = 3;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 4;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_insetEdge = 5;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_keyline = 6;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
public static final int[] RecyclerView = { 0x10100c4, 0x10100f1, 0x7f030073, 0x7f030074, 0x7f030075, 0x7f030076, 0x7f030077, 0x7f030098, 0x7f0300d5, 0x7f0300e1, 0x7f0300e7 };
public static final int RecyclerView_android_orientation = 0;
public static final int RecyclerView_android_descendantFocusability = 1;
public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollEnabled = 2;
public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollHorizontalThumbDrawable = 3;
public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollHorizontalTrackDrawable = 4;
public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollVerticalThumbDrawable = 5;
public static final int RecyclerView_fastScrollVerticalTrackDrawable = 6;
public static final int RecyclerView_layoutManager = 7;
public static final int RecyclerView_reverseLayout = 8;
public static final int RecyclerView_spanCount = 9;
public static final int RecyclerView_stackFromEnd = 10;
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.slidingpanelayout;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.swiperefreshlayout;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.vectordrawable;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int coordinatorLayoutStyle = 0x7f03005e;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int keylines = 0x7f030095;
public static final int layout_anchor = 0x7f030099;
public static final int layout_anchorGravity = 0x7f03009a;
public static final int layout_behavior = 0x7f03009b;
public static final int layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 0x7f03009c;
public static final int layout_insetEdge = 0x7f03009d;
public static final int layout_keyline = 0x7f03009e;
public static final int statusBarBackground = 0x7f0300e9;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int bottom = 0x7f080025;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int end = 0x7f08003e;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int left = 0x7f080066;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int none = 0x7f0800b8;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right = 0x7f0800ca;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int start = 0x7f0800e6;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final int top = 0x7f0800f7;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final int Widget_Support_CoordinatorLayout = 0x7f100177;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout = { 0x7f030095, 0x7f0300e9 };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_keylines = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_statusBarBackground = 1;
public static final int[] CoordinatorLayout_Layout = { 0x10100b3, 0x7f030099, 0x7f03009a, 0x7f03009b, 0x7f03009c, 0x7f03009d, 0x7f03009e };
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_android_layout_gravity = 0;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchor = 1;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_anchorGravity = 2;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_behavior = 3;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_dodgeInsetEdges = 4;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_insetEdge = 5;
public static final int CoordinatorLayout_Layout_layout_keyline = 6;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.versionedparcelable;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.viewpager;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011c;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f050041;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f050042;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f05004e;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f050051;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070159;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f07015a;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f07015b;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f07015c;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f07015d;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f07015e;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f07015f;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f080030;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080048;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004e;
public static final int info = 0x7f080051;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080052;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080067;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080068;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b9;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800c0;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800c1;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800c2;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800cb;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800cc;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800ec;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800ef;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800f0;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800f3;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800f4;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0037;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0038;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003f;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b0040;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0044;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0045;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a7;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100173;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100174;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011c };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package net.micode.notes.test;
public final class R {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.arch.core;
public final class R {
private R() {}
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
* This class was automatically generated by the
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It
* should not be modified by hand.
package androidx.asynclayoutinflater;
public final class R {
private R() {}
public static final class attr {
private attr() {}
public static final int alpha = 0x7f030027;
public static final int font = 0x7f030079;
public static final int fontProviderAuthority = 0x7f03007b;
public static final int fontProviderCerts = 0x7f03007c;
public static final int fontProviderFetchStrategy = 0x7f03007d;
public static final int fontProviderFetchTimeout = 0x7f03007e;
public static final int fontProviderPackage = 0x7f03007f;
public static final int fontProviderQuery = 0x7f030080;
public static final int fontStyle = 0x7f030081;
public static final int fontVariationSettings = 0x7f030082;
public static final int fontWeight = 0x7f030083;
public static final int ttcIndex = 0x7f03011a;
public static final class color {
private color() {}
public static final int notification_action_color_filter = 0x7f05003c;
public static final int notification_icon_bg_color = 0x7f05003d;
public static final int ripple_material_light = 0x7f050049;
public static final int secondary_text_default_material_light = 0x7f05004c;
public static final class dimen {
private dimen() {}
public static final int compat_button_inset_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004b;
public static final int compat_button_inset_vertical_material = 0x7f06004c;
public static final int compat_button_padding_horizontal_material = 0x7f06004d;
public static final int compat_button_padding_vertical_material = 0x7f06004e;
public static final int compat_control_corner_material = 0x7f06004f;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_height = 0x7f060050;
public static final int compat_notification_large_icon_max_width = 0x7f060051;
public static final int notification_action_icon_size = 0x7f060067;
public static final int notification_action_text_size = 0x7f060068;
public static final int notification_big_circle_margin = 0x7f060069;
public static final int notification_content_margin_start = 0x7f06006a;
public static final int notification_large_icon_height = 0x7f06006b;
public static final int notification_large_icon_width = 0x7f06006c;
public static final int notification_main_column_padding_top = 0x7f06006d;
public static final int notification_media_narrow_margin = 0x7f06006e;
public static final int notification_right_icon_size = 0x7f06006f;
public static final int notification_right_side_padding_top = 0x7f060070;
public static final int notification_small_icon_background_padding = 0x7f060071;
public static final int notification_small_icon_size_as_large = 0x7f060072;
public static final int notification_subtext_size = 0x7f060073;
public static final int notification_top_pad = 0x7f060074;
public static final int notification_top_pad_large_text = 0x7f060075;
public static final class drawable {
private drawable() {}
public static final int notification_action_background = 0x7f07014e;
public static final int notification_bg = 0x7f07014f;
public static final int notification_bg_low = 0x7f070150;
public static final int notification_bg_low_normal = 0x7f070151;
public static final int notification_bg_low_pressed = 0x7f070152;
public static final int notification_bg_normal = 0x7f070153;
public static final int notification_bg_normal_pressed = 0x7f070154;
public static final int notification_icon_background = 0x7f070155;
public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 0x7f070156;
public static final int notification_template_icon_low_bg = 0x7f070157;
public static final int notification_tile_bg = 0x7f070158;
public static final int notify_panel_notification_icon_bg = 0x7f070159;
public static final class id {
private id() {}
public static final int action_container = 0x7f080010;
public static final int action_divider = 0x7f080012;
public static final int action_image = 0x7f080013;
public static final int action_text = 0x7f08001a;
public static final int actions = 0x7f08001b;
public static final int async = 0x7f080022;
public static final int blocking = 0x7f080024;
public static final int chronometer = 0x7f08002f;
public static final int forever = 0x7f080047;
public static final int icon = 0x7f08004c;
public static final int icon_group = 0x7f08004d;
public static final int info = 0x7f080050;
public static final int italic = 0x7f080051;
public static final int line1 = 0x7f080065;
public static final int line3 = 0x7f080066;
public static final int normal = 0x7f0800b4;
public static final int notification_background = 0x7f0800bb;
public static final int notification_main_column = 0x7f0800bc;
public static final int notification_main_column_container = 0x7f0800bd;
public static final int right_icon = 0x7f0800c5;
public static final int right_side = 0x7f0800c6;
public static final int tag_transition_group = 0x7f0800e6;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_event_manager = 0x7f0800e7;
public static final int tag_unhandled_key_listeners = 0x7f0800e8;
public static final int text = 0x7f0800e9;
public static final int text2 = 0x7f0800ea;
public static final int time = 0x7f0800ed;
public static final int title = 0x7f0800ee;
public static final class integer {
private integer() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_maxnum = 0x7f090008;
public static final class layout {
private layout() {}
public static final int notification_action = 0x7f0b0035;
public static final int notification_action_tombstone = 0x7f0b0036;
public static final int notification_template_custom_big = 0x7f0b003d;
public static final int notification_template_icon_group = 0x7f0b003e;
public static final int notification_template_part_chronometer = 0x7f0b0042;
public static final int notification_template_part_time = 0x7f0b0043;
public static final class string {
private string() {}
public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 0x7f0f00a1;
public static final class style {
private style() {}
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification = 0x7f1000ef;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Info = 0x7f1000f0;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Line2 = 0x7f1000f2;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Time = 0x7f1000f5;
public static final int TextAppearance_Compat_Notification_Title = 0x7f1000f7;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionContainer = 0x7f100170;
public static final int Widget_Compat_NotificationActionText = 0x7f100171;
public static final class styleable {
private styleable() {}
public static final int[] ColorStateListItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x101031f, 0x7f030027 };
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_android_alpha = 1;
public static final int ColorStateListItem_alpha = 2;
public static final int[] FontFamily = { 0x7f03007b, 0x7f03007c, 0x7f03007d, 0x7f03007e, 0x7f03007f, 0x7f030080 };
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderAuthority = 0;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderCerts = 1;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchStrategy = 2;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderFetchTimeout = 3;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderPackage = 4;
public static final int FontFamily_fontProviderQuery = 5;
public static final int[] FontFamilyFont = { 0x1010532, 0x1010533, 0x101053f, 0x101056f, 0x1010570, 0x7f030079, 0x7f030081, 0x7f030082, 0x7f030083, 0x7f03011a };
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_font = 0;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontWeight = 1;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontStyle = 2;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_ttcIndex = 3;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_android_fontVariationSettings = 4;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_font = 5;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontStyle = 6;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontVariationSettings = 7;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_fontWeight = 8;
public static final int FontFamilyFont_ttcIndex = 9;
public static final int[] GradientColor = { 0x101019d, 0x101019e, 0x10101a1, 0x10101a2, 0x10101a3, 0x10101a4, 0x1010201, 0x101020b, 0x1010510, 0x1010511, 0x1010512, 0x1010513 };
public static final int GradientColor_android_startColor = 0;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endColor = 1;
public static final int GradientColor_android_type = 2;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerX = 3;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerY = 4;
public static final int GradientColor_android_gradientRadius = 5;
public static final int GradientColor_android_tileMode = 6;
public static final int GradientColor_android_centerColor = 7;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startX = 8;
public static final int GradientColor_android_startY = 9;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endX = 10;
public static final int GradientColor_android_endY = 11;
public static final int[] GradientColorItem = { 0x10101a5, 0x1010514 };
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_color = 0;
public static final int GradientColorItem_android_offset = 1;
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