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#pragma once
#include <utility>
#include <Eigen/Core>
namespace drake {
namespace math {
* For a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix Y, decompose it into XX, where
* the number of rows in X equals to the rank of Y.
* Notice that this decomposition is not unique. For any orthonormal matrix U,
* s.t UU = identity, X_prime = UX also satisfies X_primeX_prime = Y. Here
* we only return one valid decomposition.
* @param Y A symmetric positive semidefinite matrix.
* @param zero_tol We will need to check if some value (for example, the
* absolute value of Y's eigenvalues) is smaller than zero_tol. If it is, then
* we deem that value as 0.
* @retval X. The matrix X satisfies XX = Y and X.rows() = rank(Y).
* @pre 1. Y is positive semidefinite.
* 2. zero_tol is non-negative.
* @throws std::exception when the pre-conditions are not satisfied.
* @note We only use the lower triangular part of Y.
Eigen::MatrixXd DecomposePSDmatrixIntoXtransposeTimesX(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& Y, double zero_tol);
* Rewrite a quadratic form xQx + bx + c to
* (Rx+d)(Rx+d)
* where
* <pre>
* RR = Q
* Rd = b / 2
* dd = c
* </pre>
* This decomposition requires the matrix
* <pre>
* Q b/2
* b/2 c
* </pre>
* to be positive semidefinite.
* We return R and d with the minimal number of rows, namely the rows of R
* and d equal to the rank of the matrix
* <pre>
* Q b/2
* b/2 c
* </pre>
* Notice that R might have more rows than Q, For example, the quadratic
* expression x² + 2x + 5 =(x+1)² + 2², it can be decomposed as
* <pre>
* 1 * x + 1 * 1 * x + 1
* 0 2 0 2
* </pre>
* Here R has 2 rows while Q only has 1 row.
* On the other hand the quadratic expression x² + 2x + 1 can be decomposed
* as (x+1) * (x+1), where R has 1 row, same as Q.
* Also notice that this decomposition is not unique. For example, with any
* permutation matrix P, we can define
* <pre>
* R = P*R
* d = P*d
* </pre>
* Then (R*x+d)(R*x+d) gives the same quadratic form.
* @param Q The square matrix.
* @param b The vector containing the linear coefficients.
* @param c The constant term.
* @param tol We will determine if this quadratic form is always non-negative,
* by checking the Eigen values of the matrix
* [Q b/2]
* [b/2 c]
* are all greater than -tol. @default is 0.
* @retval (R, d). R and d have the same number of rows. R.cols() == x.rows().
* R.rows() equals to the rank of the matrix
* <pre>
* [Q b/2]
* [b/2 c]
* </pre>
* @pre 1. The quadratic form is always non-negative, namely the matrix
* <pre>
* [Q b/2]
* [b/2 c]
* </pre>
* is positive semidefinite.
* 2. `Q` and `b` are of the correct size.
* 3. `tol` is non-negative.
* @throws std::exception if the precondition is not satisfied.
std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXd>
DecomposePositiveQuadraticForm(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& Q,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& b,
double c, double tol = 0);
/** Given two quadratic forms, x'Sx > 0 and x'Px, (with P symmetric and full
* rank), finds a change of variables x = Ty, which simultaneously diagonalizes
* both forms (as inspired by "balanced truncation" in model-order reduction
* [1]). In this note, we use abs(M) to indicate the elementwise absolute
* value.
* Adapting from [1], we observe that there is a family of coordinate systems
* that can simultaneously diagonalize T'ST and T'PT. Using D to denote a
* diagonal matrix, we call the result S-normal if T'ST = I and abs(T'PT) = D²,
* call it P-normal if T'ST = D² and abs(T'PT) = I, and call it "balanced" if
* T'ST = D and abs(T'PT) = D¹. Note that if P > 0, then T'PT = D¹.
* We find x=Ty such that T'ST = D and abs(T'PT) = D¹, where D is diagonal. The
* recipe is:
* - Factorize S = LL', and choose R=L¹.
* - Take svd(RPR') = UΣV', and note that U=V for positive definite matrices,
* and V is U up to a sign flip of the singular vectors for all symmetric
* matrices.
* - Choose T = R'U Σ^{-1/4}, where the matrix exponent can be taken elementwise
* because Σ is diagonal. This gives T'ST = Σ^{-1/2} (by using U'U=I), and
* abs(T'PT) = Σ^{1/2}. If P > 0, then T'PT = Σ^{1/2}.
* Note that the numerical "balancing" can address the absolute scaling of the
* quadratic forms, but not the relative scaling. To understand this, consider
* the scalar case: we have two quadratic functions, sx² and px², with s>0, p>0.
* We'd like to choose x=Ty so that sT²y² and pT²y² are "balanced" (we'd like
* them both to be close to y²). We'll choose T=p^{-1/4}s^{-1/4}, which gives
* sx² = sqrt(s/p)y², and px² = sqrt(p/s)y². For instance if s=1e8 and p=1e8,
* then t=1e-4 and st^2 = pt^2 = 1. But if s=10, p=1e7, then t=0.01, and st^2 =
* 1e-3, pt^2 = 1e3.
* In the matrix case, the absolute scaling is important -- it ensures that the
* two quadratic forms have the same matrix condition number and makes them as
* close as possible to 1. Besides absolute scaling, in the matrix case the
* balancing transform diagonalizes both quadratic forms.
* [1] B. Moore, Principal component analysis in linear systems:
* Controllability, observability, and model reduction, IEEE Trans. Automat.
* Contr., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 1732, Feb. 1981.
Eigen::MatrixXd BalanceQuadraticForms(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& S,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& P);
} // namespace math
} // namespace drake