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392 lines
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2 years ago
/// @file
/// Utilities for arithmetic on quaternions.
// @internal Eigen's 4-argument Quaternion constructor uses (w, x, y, z) order.
// HOWEVER: If you use Eigen's 1-argument Quaternion constructor, where the one
// argument is a 4-element Vector, the elements must be in (x, y, z, w) order!
// So, the following two calls will give you the SAME quaternion:
// Quaternion<double>(q(0), q(1), q(2), q(3));
// Quaternion<double>(Vector4d(q(3), q(0), q(1), q(2)))
// which is gross and will cause you much pain. See:
#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_bool.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_deprecated.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/common/is_approx_equal_abstol.h"
#include "drake/math/rotation_matrix.h"
namespace drake {
namespace math {
* Returns a unit quaternion that represents the same orientation as `q1`,
* and has the "shortest" geodesic distance on the unit sphere to `q0`.
template <typename Scalar> Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> ClosestQuaternion(
const Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar>& q0,
const Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar>& q1) {
Eigen::Quaternion<Scalar> q = q1;
if ( < 0)
q.coeffs() *= -1;
return q;
template <typename Derived>
Vector4<typename Derived::Scalar> quatConjugate(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& q) {
// TODO( Switch to Eigen's Quaternion when we fix
// the range problem in Eigen
static_assert(Derived::SizeAtCompileTime == 4, "Wrong size.");
Vector4<typename Derived::Scalar> q_conj;
q_conj << q(0), -q(1), -q(2), -q(3);
return q_conj;
template <typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
Vector4<typename Derived1::Scalar> quatProduct(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived1>& q1,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived2>& q2) {
// TODO( Switch to Eigen's Quaternion when we fix
// the range problem in Eigen
static_assert(Derived1::SizeAtCompileTime == 4, "Wrong size.");
static_assert(Derived2::SizeAtCompileTime == 4, "Wrong size.");
Eigen::Quaternion<typename Derived1::Scalar> q1_eigen(q1(0), q1(1), q1(2),
Eigen::Quaternion<typename Derived2::Scalar> q2_eigen(q2(0), q2(1), q2(2),
auto ret_eigen = q1_eigen * q2_eigen;
Vector4<typename Derived1::Scalar> r;
r << ret_eigen.w(), ret_eigen.x(), ret_eigen.y(), ret_eigen.z();
return r;
template <typename DerivedQ, typename DerivedV>
Vector3<typename DerivedV::Scalar> quatRotateVec(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedQ>& q,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedV>& v) {
// TODO( Switch to Eigen's Quaternion when we fix
// the range problem in Eigen
static_assert(DerivedQ::SizeAtCompileTime == 4, "Wrong size.");
static_assert(DerivedV::SizeAtCompileTime == 3, "Wrong size.");
Vector4<typename DerivedV::Scalar> v_quat;
v_quat << 0, v;
auto q_times_v = quatProduct(q, v_quat);
auto q_conj = quatConjugate(q);
auto v_rot = quatProduct(q_times_v, q_conj);
Vector3<typename DerivedV::Scalar> r = v_rot.template bottomRows<3>();
return r;
template <typename Derived1, typename Derived2>
Vector4<typename Derived1::Scalar> quatDiff(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived1>& q1,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived2>& q2) {
// TODO( Switch to Eigen's Quaternion when we fix
// the range problem in Eigen
return quatProduct(quatConjugate(q1), q2);
template <typename Derived1, typename Derived2, typename DerivedU>
typename Derived1::Scalar quatDiffAxisInvar(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived1>& q1,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived2>& q2,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedU>& u) {
// TODO( Switch to Eigen's Quaternion when we fix
// the range problem in Eigen
static_assert(DerivedU::SizeAtCompileTime == 3, "Wrong size.");
auto r = quatDiff(q1, q2);
return -2.0 + 2 * r(0) * r(0) +
2 * pow(u(0) * r(1) + u(1) * r(2) + u(2) * r(3), 2);
* This function tests whether a quaternion is in "canonical form" meaning that
* it tests whether the quaternion [w, x, y, z] has a non-negative w value.
* Example: [-0.3, +0.4, +0.5, +0.707] is not in canonical form.
* Example: [+0.3, -0.4, -0.5, -0.707] is in canonical form.
* @param quat Quaternion [w, x, y, z] that relates two right-handed
* orthogonal unitary bases e.g., Ax, Ay, Az (A) to Bx, By, Bz (B).
* Note: quat is analogous to the rotation matrix R_AB.
* @return `true` if quat.w() is nonnegative (in canonical form), else `false`.
template<typename T>
bool is_quaternion_in_canonical_form(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat) {
return quat.w() >= 0.0;
* This function returns a quaternion in its "canonical form" meaning that
* it returns a quaternion [w, x, y, z] with a non-negative w.
* For example, if passed a quaternion [-0.3, +0.4, +0.5, +0.707], the function
* returns the quaternion's canonical form [+0.3, -0.4, -0.5, -0.707].
* @param quat Quaternion [w, x, y, z] that relates two right-handed
* orthogonal unitary bases e.g., Ax, Ay, Az (A) to Bx, By, Bz (B).
* Note: quat is analogous to the rotation matrix R_AB.
* @return Canonical form of quat, which means that either the original quat
* is returned or a quaternion representing the same orientation but with
* negated [w, x, y, z], to ensure a positive w in returned quaternion.
template<typename T>
Eigen::Quaternion<T> QuaternionToCanonicalForm(
const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat ) {
return is_quaternion_in_canonical_form(quat) ? quat :
Eigen::Quaternion<T>(-quat.w(), -quat.x(), -quat.y(), -quat.z());
* This function tests whether two quaternions represent the same orientation.
* This function converts each quaternion to its canonical form and tests
* whether the absolute value of the difference in corresponding elements of
* these canonical quaternions is within tolerance.
* @param quat1 Quaternion [w, x, y, z] that relates two right-handed
* orthogonal unitary bases e.g., Ax, Ay, Az (A) to Bx, By, Bz (B).
* Note: quat is analogous to the rotation matrix R_AB.
* @param quat2 Quaternion with a description analogous to quat1.
* @param tolerance Nonnegative real scalar defining the allowable difference
* in the orientation described by quat1 and quat2.
* @return `true` if quat1 and quat2 represent the same orientation (to within
* tolerance), otherwise `false`.
template<typename T>
bool AreQuaternionsEqualForOrientation(
const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat1,
const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat2,
const T tolerance) {
const Eigen::Quaternion<T> quat1_canonical = QuaternionToCanonicalForm(quat1);
const Eigen::Quaternion<T> quat2_canonical = QuaternionToCanonicalForm(quat2);
return quat1_canonical.isApprox(quat2_canonical, tolerance);
// Note: To avoid dependence on Eigen's internal ordering of elements in its
// Quaternion class, herein we use `e0 = quat.w()', `e1 = quat.x()`, etc.
// Return value `quatDt` *does* have a specific order as defined above.
/** This function calculates a quaternion's time-derivative from its quaternion
* and angular velocity. Algorithm from [Kane, 1983] Section 1.13, Pages 58-59.
* - [Kane, 1983] "Spacecraft Dynamics," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1983.
* (With P. W. Likins and D. A. Levinson). Available for free .pdf download:
* @param quat_AB Quaternion [w, x, y, z] that relates two right-handed
* orthogonal unitary bases e.g., Ax, Ay, Az (A) to Bx, By, Bz (B).
* Note: quat_AB is analogous to the rotation matrix R_AB.
* @param w_AB_B B's angular velocity in A, expressed in B.
* @retval quatDt Time-derivative of quat_AB, i.e., [ẇ, ẋ, ẏ, ż].
template<typename T>
Vector4<T> CalculateQuaternionDtFromAngularVelocityExpressedInB(
const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat_AB, const Vector3<T>& w_AB_B ) {
const T e0 = quat_AB.w(), e1 = quat_AB.x(),
e2 = quat_AB.y(), e3 = quat_AB.z();
const T wx = w_AB_B[0], wy = w_AB_B[1], wz = w_AB_B[2];
const T e0Dt = (-e1*wx - e2*wy - e3*wz) / 2;
const T e1Dt = (e0*wx - e3*wy + e2*wz) / 2;
const T e2Dt = (e3*wx + e0*wy - e1*wz) / 2;
const T e3Dt = (-e2*wx + e1*wy + e0*wz) / 2;
return Vector4<T>(e0Dt, e1Dt, e2Dt, e3Dt);
// Note: To avoid dependence on Eigen's internal ordering of elements in its
// Quaternion class, herein we use `e0 = quat.w()', `e1 = quat.x()`, etc.
// Parameter `quatDt` *does* have a specific order as defined above.
/** This function calculates angular velocity from a quaternion and its time-
* derivative. Algorithm from [Kane, 1983] Section 1.13, Pages 58-59.
* - [Kane, 1983] "Spacecraft Dynamics," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1983.
* (with P. W. Likins and D. A. Levinson). Available for free .pdf download:
* @param quat_AB Quaternion [w, x, y, z] that relates two right-handed
* orthogonal unitary bases e.g., Ax, Ay, Az (A) to Bx, By, Bz (B).
* Note: quat_AB is analogous to the rotation matrix R_AB.
* @param quatDt Time-derivative of `quat_AB`, i.e. [ẇ, ẋ, ẏ, ż].
* @retval w_AB_B B's angular velocity in A, expressed in B.
template <typename T>
Vector3<T> CalculateAngularVelocityExpressedInBFromQuaternionDt(
const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat_AB, const Vector4<T>& quatDt) {
const T e0 = quat_AB.w(), e1 = quat_AB.x(),
e2 = quat_AB.y(), e3 = quat_AB.z();
const T e0Dt = quatDt[0], e1Dt = quatDt[1],
e2Dt = quatDt[2], e3Dt = quatDt[3];
const T wx = 2*(-e1*e0Dt + e0*e1Dt + e3*e2Dt - e2*e3Dt);
const T wy = 2*(-e2*e0Dt - e3*e1Dt + e0*e2Dt + e1*e3Dt);
const T wz = 2*(-e3*e0Dt + e2*e1Dt - e1*e2Dt + e0*e3Dt);
return Vector3<T>(wx, wy, wz);
/** This function calculates how well a quaternion and its time-derivative
* satisfy the quaternion time-derivative constraint specified in [Kane, 1983]
* Section 1.13, equations 12-13, page 59. For a quaternion [w, x, y, z],
* the quaternion must satisfy: w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1, hence its
* time-derivative must satisfy: 2*(w*ẇ + x*ẋ + y*ẏ + z*ż) = 0.
* - [Kane, 1983] "Spacecraft Dynamics," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1983.
* (with P. W. Likins and D. A. Levinson). Available for free .pdf download:
* @param quat Quaternion [w, x, y, z] that relates two right-handed
* orthogonal unitary bases e.g., Ax, Ay, Az (A) to Bx, By, Bz (B).
* Note: A quaternion like quat_AB is analogous to the rotation matrix R_AB.
* @param quatDt Time-derivative of `quat`, i.e., [ẇ, ẋ, ẏ, ż].
* @retval quaternionDt_constraint_violation The amount the time-
* derivative of the quaternion constraint has been violated, which may be
* positive or negative (0 means the constraint is perfectly satisfied).
template <typename T>
T CalculateQuaternionDtConstraintViolation(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat,
const Vector4<T>& quatDt) {
const T w = quat.w(), x = quat.x(), y = quat.y(), z = quat.z();
const T wDt = quatDt[0], xDt = quatDt[1], yDt = quatDt[2], zDt = quatDt[3];
const T quaternionDt_constraint_violation = 2*(w*wDt + x*xDt + y*yDt + z*zDt);
return quaternionDt_constraint_violation;
/** This function tests if a quaternion satisfies the quaternion constraint
* specified in [Kane, 1983] Section 1.3, equation 4, page 12, i.e., a
* quaternion [w, x, y, z] must satisfy: w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1.
* - [Kane, 1983] "Spacecraft Dynamics," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1983.
* (with P. W. Likins and D. A. Levinson). Available for free .pdf download:
* @param quat Quaternion [w, x, y, z] that relates two right-handed
* orthogonal unitary bases e.g., Ax, Ay, Az (A) to Bx, By, Bz (B).
* Note: A quaternion like quat_AB is analogous to the rotation matrix R_AB.
* @param tolerance Tolerance for quaternion constraint, i.e., how much is
* w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 allowed to differ from 1.
* @return `true` if the quaternion constraint is satisfied within tolerance.
template <typename T>
bool IsQuaternionValid(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat,
const double tolerance) {
using std::abs;
const T quat_norm_error = abs(1.0 - quat.norm());
return (quat_norm_error <= tolerance);
/** This function tests if a quaternion satisfies the time-derivative constraint
* specified in [Kane, 1983] Section 1.13, equation 13, page 59. A quaternion
* [w, x, y, z] must satisfy w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1, hence its
* time-derivative must satisfy 2*(w*ẇ + x*ẋ + y*ẏ + z*ż) = 0.
* Note: To accurately test whether the time-derivative quaternion constraint
* is satisfied, the quaternion constraint is also tested to be accurate.
* - [Kane, 1983] "Spacecraft Dynamics," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1983.
* (with P. W. Likins and D. A. Levinson). Available for free .pdf download:
* @param quat Quaternion [w, x, y, z] that relates two right-handed
* orthogonal unitary bases e.g., Ax, Ay, Az (A) to Bx, By, Bz (B).
* Note: A quaternion like quat_AB is analogous to the rotation matrix R_AB.
* @param quatDt Time-derivative of `quat`, i.e., [ẇ, ẋ, ẏ, ż].
* @param tolerance Tolerance for quaternion constraints.
* @return `true` if both of the two previous constraints are within tolerance.
template <typename T>
bool IsBothQuaternionAndQuaternionDtOK(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat,
const Vector4<T>& quatDt,
const double tolerance) {
using std::abs;
// For an accurate test, the quaternion should be reasonably accurate.
if ( !IsQuaternionValid(quat, tolerance) ) return false;
const T quatDt_test = CalculateQuaternionDtConstraintViolation(quat, quatDt);
return abs(quatDt_test) <= tolerance;
/** This function tests if a quaternion and a quaternions time-derivative
* can calculate and match an angular velocity to within a tolerance.
* Note: This function first tests if the quaternion [w, x, y, z] satisfies
* w^2 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1 (to within tolerance) and if its time-derivative
* satisfies w*ẇ + x*ẋ + y*ẏ + z*ż = 0 (to within tolerance). Lastly, it
* tests if each element of the angular velocity calculated from quat and quatDt
* is within tolerance of w_B (described below).
* @param quat Quaternion [w, x, y, z] that relates two right-handed
* orthogonal unitary bases e.g., Ax, Ay, Az (A) to Bx, By, Bz (B).
* Note: A quaternion like quat_AB is analogous to the rotation matrix R_AB.
* @param quatDt Time-derivative of `quat`, i.e., [ẇ, ẋ, ẏ, ż].
* @param w_B Rigid body B's angular velocity in frame A, expressed in B.
* @param tolerance Tolerance for quaternion constraints.
* @return `true` if all three of the previous constraints are within tolerance.
template <typename T>
bool IsQuaternionAndQuaternionDtEqualAngularVelocityExpressedInB(
const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quat,
const Vector4<T>& quatDt,
const Vector3<T>& w_B,
const double tolerance) {
// Ensure time-derivative of quaternion satisfies quarternionDt test.
if ( !math::IsBothQuaternionAndQuaternionDtOK(quat, quatDt, tolerance) )
return false;
const Eigen::Vector3d w_from_quatDt =
math::CalculateAngularVelocityExpressedInBFromQuaternionDt(quat, quatDt);
return is_approx_equal_abstol(w_from_quatDt, w_B, tolerance);
namespace internal {
* Given a unit-length quaternion, convert this quaternion to angle-axis
* representation. Note that we always choose the angle to be within [0, pi].
* This function is the same as Eigen::AngleAxis<T>(Eigen::Quaternion<T> z),
* but it works for T=symbolic::Expression.
* @note If you just want to use T=double, then call
* Eigen::AngleAxisd(Eigen::Quaterniond z). We add this function only to support
* templated function that allows T=symbolic::Expression.
* @param quaternion Must be a unit quaternion.
* @return angle_axis The angle-axis representation of the quaternion. Note
* that the angle is within [0, pi].
template <typename T>
Eigen::AngleAxis<T> QuaternionToAngleAxisLikeEigen(
const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quaternion) {
Eigen::AngleAxis<T> result;
using std::atan2;
T sin_half_angle_abs = quaternion.vec().norm();
if constexpr (scalar_predicate<T>::is_bool) {
if (sin_half_angle_abs < Eigen::NumTraits<T>::epsilon()) {
sin_half_angle_abs = quaternion.vec().stableNorm();
using std::abs;
result.angle() = T(2.) * atan2(sin_half_angle_abs, abs(quaternion.w()));
const Vector3<T> unit_axis(T(1.), T(0.), T(0.));
// We use if_then_else here (instead of if statement) because using "if"
// with symbolic expression causes runtime error in this case (The symbolic
// formula needs to evaluate with an empty symbolic Environment).
const boolean<T> is_sin_angle_zero = sin_half_angle_abs == T(0.);
const boolean<T> is_w_negative = quaternion.w() < T(0.);
const T axis_sign = if_then_else(is_w_negative, T(-1), T(1));
result.axis() = if_then_else(
is_sin_angle_zero, unit_axis,
(axis_sign * quaternion.vec() / sin_half_angle_abs).eval());
return result;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace math
} // namespace drake