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2 years ago
#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "drake/common/constants.h"
#include "drake/math/gradient.h"
#include "drake/math/gradient_util.h"
#include "drake/math/normalize_vector.h"
namespace drake {
namespace math {
* Computes the gradient of the function that converts a unit length quaternion
* to a rotation matrix.
* @param quaternion A unit length quaternion [w;x;y;z]
* @return The gradient
template <typename Derived>
typename drake::math::Gradient<Eigen::Matrix<typename Derived::Scalar, 3, 3>,
dquat2rotmat(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& quaternion) {
typename drake::math::Gradient<Eigen::Matrix<typename Derived::Scalar, 3, 3>,
4>::type ret;
typename Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>::PlainObject qtilde;
typename drake::math::Gradient<Derived, 4>::type dqtilde;
drake::math::NormalizeVector(quaternion, qtilde, &dqtilde);
typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar;
Scalar w = qtilde(0);
Scalar x = qtilde(1);
Scalar y = qtilde(2);
Scalar z = qtilde(3);
ret << w, x, -y, -z, z, y, x, w, -y, z, -w, x, -z, y, x, -w, w, -x, y, -z, x,
w, z, y, y, z, w, x, -x, -w, z, y, w, -x, -y, z;
ret *= 2.0;
ret *= dqtilde;
return ret;
* Computes the gradient of the function that converts a rotation matrix to
* body-fixed z-y'-x'' Euler angles.
* @param R A 3 x 3 rotation matrix
* @param dR A 9 x N matrix, dR(i,j) is the gradient of R(i) w.r.t x(j)
* @return The gradient G. G is a 3 x N matrix.
* G(0,j) is the gradient of roll w.r.t x(j)
* G(1,j) is the gradient of pitch w.r.t x(j)
* G(2,j) is the gradient of yaw w.r.t x(j)
template <typename DerivedR, typename DerivedDR>
typename drake::math::Gradient<
Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedR::Scalar, 3, 1>,
drotmat2rpy(const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedR>& R,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedDR>& dR) {
Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedDR>::RowsAtCompileTime == 9,
typename DerivedDR::Index nq = dR.cols();
typedef typename DerivedR::Scalar Scalar;
typename drake::math::Gradient<Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 3, 1>,
ReturnType drpy(3, nq);
auto dR11_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 0, 0, R.rows());
auto dR21_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 1, 0, R.rows());
auto dR31_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 2, 0, R.rows());
auto dR32_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 2, 1, R.rows());
auto dR33_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 2, 2, R.rows());
Scalar sqterm = R(2, 1) * R(2, 1) + R(2, 2) * R(2, 2);
// droll_dq
drpy.row(0) = (R(2, 2) * dR32_dq - R(2, 1) * dR33_dq) / sqterm;
// dpitch_dq
using namespace std; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
Scalar sqrt_sqterm = sqrt(sqterm);
drpy.row(1) =
(-sqrt_sqterm * dR31_dq +
R(2, 0) / sqrt_sqterm * (R(2, 1) * dR32_dq + R(2, 2) * dR33_dq)) /
(R(2, 0) * R(2, 0) + R(2, 1) * R(2, 1) + R(2, 2) * R(2, 2));
// dyaw_dq
sqterm = R(0, 0) * R(0, 0) + R(1, 0) * R(1, 0);
drpy.row(2) = (R(0, 0) * dR21_dq - R(1, 0) * dR11_dq) / sqterm;
return drpy;
* Computes the gradient of the function that converts rotation matrix to
* quaternion.
* @param R A 3 x 3 rotation matrix
* @param dR A 9 x N matrix, dR(i,j) is the gradient of R(i) w.r.t x_var(j)
* @return The gradient G. G is a 4 x N matrix
* G(0,j) is the gradient of w w.r.t x_var(j)
* G(1,j) is the gradient of x w.r.t x_var(j)
* G(2,j) is the gradient of y w.r.t x_var(j)
* G(3,j) is the gradient of z w.r.t x_var(j)
template <typename DerivedR, typename DerivedDR>
typename drake::math::Gradient<
Eigen::Matrix<typename DerivedR::Scalar, 4, 1>,
drotmat2quat(const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedR>& R,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedDR>& dR) {
Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedDR>::RowsAtCompileTime == 9,
typedef typename DerivedR::Scalar Scalar;
typedef typename drake::math::Gradient<
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 4, 1>,
DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>::type ReturnType;
typename DerivedDR::Index nq = dR.cols();
auto dR11_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 0, 0, R.rows());
auto dR12_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 0, 1, R.rows());
auto dR13_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 0, 2, R.rows());
auto dR21_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 1, 0, R.rows());
auto dR22_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 1, 1, R.rows());
auto dR23_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 1, 2, R.rows());
auto dR31_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 2, 0, R.rows());
auto dR32_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 2, 1, R.rows());
auto dR33_dq =
getSubMatrixGradient<DerivedDR::ColsAtCompileTime>(dR, 2, 2, R.rows());
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 4, 3> A;
A.row(0) << 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
A.row(1) << 1.0, -1.0, -1.0;
A.row(2) << -1.0, 1.0, -1.0;
A.row(3) << -1.0, -1.0, 1.0;
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 4, 1> B = A * R.diagonal();
typename Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, 4, 1>::Index ind, max_col;
Scalar val = B.maxCoeff(&ind, &max_col);
ReturnType dq(4, nq);
using namespace std; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
switch (ind) {
case 0: {
// val = trace(M)
auto dvaldq = dR11_dq + dR22_dq + dR33_dq;
auto dwdq = dvaldq / (4.0 * sqrt(1.0 + val));
auto w = sqrt(1.0 + val) / 2.0;
auto wsquare4 = 4.0 * w * w;
dq.row(0) = dwdq;
dq.row(1) =
((dR32_dq - dR23_dq) * w - (R(2, 1) - R(1, 2)) * dwdq) / wsquare4;
dq.row(2) =
((dR13_dq - dR31_dq) * w - (R(0, 2) - R(2, 0)) * dwdq) / wsquare4;
dq.row(3) =
((dR21_dq - dR12_dq) * w - (R(1, 0) - R(0, 1)) * dwdq) / wsquare4;
case 1: {
// val = M(1, 1) - M(2, 2) - M(3, 3)
auto dvaldq = dR11_dq - dR22_dq - dR33_dq;
auto s = 2.0 * sqrt(1.0 + val);
auto ssquare = s * s;
auto dsdq = dvaldq / sqrt(1.0 + val);
dq.row(0) =
((dR32_dq - dR23_dq) * s - (R(2, 1) - R(1, 2)) * dsdq) / ssquare;
dq.row(1) = .25 * dsdq;
dq.row(2) =
((dR12_dq + dR21_dq) * s - (R(0, 1) + R(1, 0)) * dsdq) / ssquare;
dq.row(3) =
((dR13_dq + dR31_dq) * s - (R(0, 2) + R(2, 0)) * dsdq) / ssquare;
case 2: {
// val = M(2, 2) - M(1, 1) - M(3, 3)
auto dvaldq = -dR11_dq + dR22_dq - dR33_dq;
auto s = 2.0 * (sqrt(1.0 + val));
auto ssquare = s * s;
auto dsdq = dvaldq / sqrt(1.0 + val);
dq.row(0) =
((dR13_dq - dR31_dq) * s - (R(0, 2) - R(2, 0)) * dsdq) / ssquare;
dq.row(1) =
((dR12_dq + dR21_dq) * s - (R(0, 1) + R(1, 0)) * dsdq) / ssquare;
dq.row(2) = .25 * dsdq;
dq.row(3) =
((dR23_dq + dR32_dq) * s - (R(1, 2) + R(2, 1)) * dsdq) / ssquare;
default: {
// val = M(3, 3) - M(2, 2) - M(1, 1)
auto dvaldq = -dR11_dq - dR22_dq + dR33_dq;
auto s = 2.0 * (sqrt(1.0 + val));
auto ssquare = s * s;
auto dsdq = dvaldq / sqrt(1.0 + val);
dq.row(0) =
((dR21_dq - dR12_dq) * s - (R(1, 0) - R(0, 1)) * dsdq) / ssquare;
dq.row(1) =
((dR13_dq + dR31_dq) * s - (R(0, 2) + R(2, 0)) * dsdq) / ssquare;
dq.row(2) =
((dR23_dq + dR32_dq) * s - (R(1, 2) + R(2, 1)) * dsdq) / ssquare;
dq.row(3) = .25 * dsdq;
return dq;
} // namespace math
} // namespace drake