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#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/symbolic/expression.h"
#include "drake/common/trajectories/piecewise_polynomial.h"
#include "drake/planning/trajectory_optimization/sequential_expression_manager.h"
#include "drake/solvers/mathematical_program.h"
#include "drake/solvers/mathematical_program_result.h"
namespace drake {
namespace planning {
namespace trajectory_optimization {
/// MultipleShooting is an abstract class for trajectory optimization that
/// creates decision variables for inputs, states, and (optionally) sample
/// times along the trajectory, then provides a number of methods for working
/// with those decision variables.
/// MultipleShooting classes add decision variables, costs, and constraints to
/// a MathematicalProgram. You can retrieve that program using prog(), and add
/// additional variables, costs, and constraints using the MathematicalProgram
/// interface directly.
/// Subclasses must implement the abstract methods: DoAddRunningCost()
/// ReconstructInputTrajectory() ReconstructStateTrajectory() using all of the
/// correct interpolation schemes for the specific transcription method, and
/// should add the constraints to impose the %System% dynamics in their
/// constructor.
/// This class assumes that there are a fixed number (N) time steps/samples,
/// and that the trajectory is discretized into timesteps h (N-1 of these),
/// state x (N of these), and control input u (N of these).
/// @ingroup planning_trajectory
class MultipleShooting {
virtual ~MultipleShooting() {}
/// Returns a reference to the MathematicalProgram associated with the
/// trajectory optimization problem.
solvers::MathematicalProgram& prog() { return prog_; }
/// Returns a const reference to the MathematicalProgram associated with the
/// trajectory optimization problem.
/// @exclude_from_pydrake_mkdoc{This overload is not bound.}
const solvers::MathematicalProgram& prog() const { return prog_; }
/// Returns the decision variable associated with the timestep, h, at time
/// index @p index.
/// @throws std::exception if timesteps are not declared as decision
/// variables.
const solvers::VectorDecisionVariable<1> timestep(int index) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(index >= 0 && index < N_ - 1);
return h_vars_.segment<1>(index);
/// Returns a placeholder decision variable (not actually declared as a
/// decision variable in the MathematicalProgram) associated with the time, t.
/// This variable will be substituted for real decision variables at
/// particular times in methods like AddRunningCost. Passing this variable
/// directly into objectives/constraints for the parent classes will result
/// in an error.
const solvers::VectorDecisionVariable<1>& time() const {
return placeholder_t_var_;
/// Returns placeholder decision variables (not actually declared as decision
/// variables in the MathematicalProgram) associated with the state, x, but
/// with the time-index undetermined. These variables will be substituted
/// for real decision variables at particular times in methods like
/// AddRunningCost. Passing these variables directly into
/// objectives/constraints for the parent classes will result in an error.
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& state() const {
return placeholder_x_vars_;
/// Returns placeholder decision variables (not actually declared as decision
/// variables in the MathematicalProgram) associated with the input, u, but
/// with the time-index undetermined. These variables will be substituted
/// for real decision variables at particular times in methods like
/// AddRunningCost. Passing these variables directly into
/// objectives/constraints for the parent classes will result in an error.
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& input() const {
return placeholder_u_vars_;
/// Returns the decision variables associated with the state, x, at time
/// index @p index.
Eigen::VectorBlock<const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable> state(
int index) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(index >= 0 && index < N_);
return x_vars_.segment(index * num_states_, num_states_);
/// Returns the decision variables associated with the state, x, at the
/// initial time index.
Eigen::VectorBlock<const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable> initial_state()
const {
return state(0);
/// Returns the decision variables associated with the state, x, at the final
/// time index.
Eigen::VectorBlock<const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable> final_state()
const {
return state(N_ - 1);
/// Returns the decision variables associated with the input, u, at time
/// index @p index.
Eigen::VectorBlock<const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable> input(
int index) const {
DRAKE_DEMAND(index >= 0);
DRAKE_DEMAND(index < N_);
return u_vars_.segment(index * num_inputs_, num_inputs_);
/// Adds a sequential variable (a variable that has associated decision
/// variables for each time index) to the optimization problem and returns a
/// placeholder variable (not actually declared as a decision variable in the
/// MathematicalProgram). This variable will be substituted for real decision
/// variables at particular times in methods like AddRunningCost(). Passing
/// this variable directly into objectives/constraints for the parent classes
/// will result in an error.
solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable NewSequentialVariable(
int rows, const std::string& name);
/// Returns the decision variables associated with the sequential variable
/// `name` at time index `index`.
/// @see NewSequentialVariable().
solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable GetSequentialVariableAtIndex(
const std::string& name, int index) const;
/// Adds an integrated cost to all time steps, of the form
/// @f[ cost = \int_0^T g(t,x,u) dt, @f]
/// where any instances of time(), state(), and/or input() placeholder
/// variables, as well as placeholder variables returned by calls to
/// NewSequentialVariable(), are substituted with the relevant variables for
/// each time index. The particular integration scheme is determined by the
/// derived class implementation.
void AddRunningCost(const symbolic::Expression& g) { DoAddRunningCost(g); }
/// Adds support for passing in a (scalar) matrix Expression, which is a
/// common output of most symbolic linear algebra operations.
template <typename Derived>
void AddRunningCost(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& g) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(g.rows() == 1 && g.cols() == 1);
DoAddRunningCost(g(0, 0));
/// Adds a constraint to all breakpoints, where any instances in `vars` of
/// time(), state(), and/or input() placeholder variables, as well as
/// placeholder variables returned by calls to NewSequentialVariable(), are
/// substituted with the relevant variables for each time index.
/// @return A vector of the bindings added to each knot point.
/// @pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{shared_ptr}
template <typename C>
std::vector<solvers::Binding<C>> AddConstraintToAllKnotPoints(
std::shared_ptr<C> constraint,
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Variable>>& vars) {
std::vector<solvers::Binding<C>> bindings;
for (int i = 0; i < N_; ++i) {
constraint, sequential_expression_manager_.GetVariables(vars, i)));
return bindings;
/// Adds a constraint to all breakpoints, where any instances of time(),
/// state(), and/or input() placeholder variables, as well as placeholder
/// variables returned by calls to NewSequentialVariable(), are substituted
/// with the relevant variables for each time index.
/// @return A vector of the bindings added to each knot point.
AddConstraintToAllKnotPoints(const symbolic::Formula& f) {
std::vector<solvers::Binding<solvers::Constraint>> bindings;
for (int i = 0; i < N_; i++) {
prog_.AddConstraint(SubstitutePlaceholderVariables(f, i)));
return bindings;
/// Variant of AddConstraintToAllKnotPoints that accepts a vector of
/// formulas.
/// @pydrake_mkdoc_identifier{formulas}
const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Formula>>& f);
// TODO(russt): Add additional cost/constraint wrappers that assign e.g.
// non-symbolic costs (like QuadraticCost)
// by taking in a list of vars that could contain placeholder vars, or
// that assign costs/constraints to a set of interval indices.
/// Adds bounds on all time intervals.
/// @param lower_bound A scalar double lower bound.
/// @param upper_bound A scalar double upper bound.
/// @return The bounding box constraint enforcing time interval bounds.
/// @throws std::exception if timesteps are not declared as decision
/// variables.
solvers::Binding<solvers::BoundingBoxConstraint> AddTimeIntervalBounds(
double lower_bound, double upper_bound);
/// Adds constraints to enforce that all timesteps have equal duration.
/// @return A vector of constraints enforcing all time intervals are equal.
/// @throws std::exception if timesteps are not declared as decision
/// variables.
/// Adds a constraint on the total duration of the trajectory.
/// @param lower_bound A scalar double lower bound.
/// @param upper_bound A scalar double upper bound.
/// @return The constraint enforcing the duration bounds.
/// @throws std::exception if timesteps are not declared as decision
/// variables.
solvers::Binding<solvers::LinearConstraint> AddDurationBounds(
double lower_bound, double upper_bound);
/// Adds a cost to the final time, of the form
/// @f[ cost = e(t,x,u), @f]
/// where any instances of time(), state(), and/or input() placeholder
/// variables, as well as placeholder variables returned by calls to
/// NewSequentialVariable(), are substituted with the relevant variables for
/// the final time index.
/// @return The final cost added to the problem.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Cost> AddFinalCost(const symbolic::Expression& e) {
return prog_.AddCost(SubstitutePlaceholderVariables(e, N_ - 1));
/// Adds support for passing in a (scalar) matrix Expression, which is a
/// common output of most symbolic linear algebra operations.
/// @return The final cost added to the problem.
/// @note Derived classes will need to type
/// using MultipleShooting::AddFinalCost;
/// to "unhide" this method.
solvers::Binding<solvers::Cost> AddFinalCost(
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixX<symbolic::Expression>>& matrix) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(matrix.rows() == 1 && matrix.cols() == 1);
return AddFinalCost(matrix(0, 0));
typedef std::function<
void(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& sample_times,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& values)> TrajectoryCallback;
typedef std::function<void(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& sample_times,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& states,
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>& inputs,
const std::vector<Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::MatrixXd>>& values)>
* Adds a callback method to visualize intermediate results of input variables
* used in the trajectory optimization. The callback should be of the form
* MyVisualization(sample_times, values),
* where breaks is a N-by-1 VectorXd of sample times, and values is a
* num_inputs-by-N MatrixXd representing the current (intermediate) value of
* the input trajectory at the break points in each column.
* @note Just like other costs/constraints, not all solvers support callbacks.
* Adding a callback here will force MathematicalProgram::Solve to select a
* solver that support callbacks. For instance, adding a visualization
* callback to a quadratic programming problem may result in using a nonlinear
* programming solver as the default solver.
AddInputTrajectoryCallback(const TrajectoryCallback& callback);
* Adds a callback method to visualize intermediate results of state variables
* used in the trajectory optimization. The callback should be of the form
* MyVisualization(sample_times, values),
* where sample_times is a N-by-1 VectorXd of sample times, and values is a
* num_states-by-N MatrixXd representing the current (intermediate) value of
* the state trajectory at the break points in each column.
* @note Just like other costs/constraints, not all solvers support callbacks.
* Adding a callback here will force MathematicalProgram::Solve to select a
* solver that support callbacks. For instance, adding a visualization
* callback to a quadratic programming problem may result in using a nonlinear
* programming solver as the default solver.
AddStateTrajectoryCallback(const TrajectoryCallback& callback);
* Adds a callback method to visualize intermediate results of all variables
* used in the trajectory optimization. The callback should be of the form
* MyVisualization(sample_times, states, inputs, values),
* where sample_times is an N-by-1 VectorXd of sample times, states is a
* num_states-by-N MatrixXd of the current (intermediate) state trajectory at
* the break points, inputs is a num_inputs-by-N MatrixXd of the current
* (intermediate) input trajectory at the break points and values is a
* vector of num_rows-by-N MatrixXds of the current (intermediate) extra
* sequential variables specified by @p names at the break points.
* @note Just like other costs/constraints, not all solvers support callbacks.
* Adding a callback here will force MathematicalProgram::Solve to select a
* solver that support callbacks. For instance, adding a visualization
* callback to a quadratic programming problem may result in using a nonlinear
* programming solver as the default solver.
AddCompleteTrajectoryCallback(const CompleteTrajectoryCallback& callback,
const std::vector<std::string>& names);
/// Set the initial guess for the trajectory decision variables.
/// @param traj_init_u Initial guess for trajectory for control
/// input. The number of rows for each segment in @p traj_init_u must
/// be equal to num_inputs (the first param of the constructor). If
/// empty, then a default small non-zero initial value is used instead.
/// @param traj_init_x Initial guess for trajectory for state
/// input. The number of rows for each segment in @p traj_init_x must
/// be equal to num_states (the second param of the constructor). If
/// empty, then a default small non-zero initial value is used instead.
/// If time steps are decision variables, then the initial guess for
/// the time steps are evenly distributed to match the duration of the
/// @p traj_init_u and @p traj_init_x.
/// @throws std::exception if @p traj_init_u and @p traj_init_x are both
/// empty, or if @p traj_init_u and @p traj_init_x are both non-empty, and
/// have different start and end times.
// TODO(russt): Consider taking the actual breakpoints from
// traj_init_{u,x} iff they match the number of sample times.
void SetInitialTrajectory(
const trajectories::PiecewisePolynomial<double>& traj_init_u,
const trajectories::PiecewisePolynomial<double>& traj_init_x);
/// Returns a vector containing the elapsed time at each breakpoint.
Eigen::VectorXd GetSampleTimes(
const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& h_var_values) const;
/// Returns a vector containing the elapsed time at each breakpoint at the
/// solution.
Eigen::VectorXd GetSampleTimes(
const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult& result) const {
return GetSampleTimes(result.GetSolution(h_vars_));
/// Returns a matrix containing the input values (arranged in columns) at
/// each breakpoint at the solution.
Eigen::MatrixXd GetInputSamples(
const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult& result) const;
/// Returns a matrix containing the state values (arranged in columns) at
/// each breakpoint at the solution.
Eigen::MatrixXd GetStateSamples(
const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult& result) const;
/// Returns a matrix containing the sequential variable values (arranged in
/// columns) at each breakpoint at the solution.
/// @param name The name of sequential variable to get the results for. Must
/// correspond to an already added sequential variable.
Eigen::MatrixXd GetSequentialVariableSamples(
const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult& result,
const std::string& name) const;
/// Get the input trajectory at the solution as a PiecewisePolynomial. The
/// order of the trajectory will be determined by the integrator used in
/// the dynamic constraints. Requires that the system has at least one input
/// port.
virtual trajectories::PiecewisePolynomial<double> ReconstructInputTrajectory(
const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult&) const = 0;
/// Get the state trajectory at the solution as a PiecewisePolynomial. The
/// order of the trajectory will be determined by the integrator used in
/// the dynamic constraints.
virtual trajectories::PiecewisePolynomial<double> ReconstructStateTrajectory(
const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult&) const = 0;
double fixed_timestep() const {
return fixed_timestep_;
/// Constructs a MultipleShooting instance with fixed sample times. It creates
/// new placeholder variables for input and state.
/// @param num_inputs Number of inputs at each sample point.
/// @param num_states Number of states at each sample point.
/// @param num_time_samples Number of time samples.
/// @param fixed_timestep The spacing between sample times.
/// @param prog (optional). If non-null, then additional decision variables,
/// costs, and constraints will be added into the existing
/// MathematicalProgram. This can be useful for, e.g., combining multiple
/// trajectory optimizations into a single program, coupled by a few
/// constraints. If nullptr, then a new MathematicalProgram will be
/// allocated.
MultipleShooting(int num_inputs, int num_states, int num_time_samples,
double fixed_timestep,
solvers::MathematicalProgram* prog = nullptr);
/// Constructs a MultipleShooting instance with fixed sample times. It uses
/// the provided `input` and `state` as placeholders instead of creating new
/// placeholder variables for them.
/// @param input Placeholder variables for input.
/// @param state Placeholder variables for state.
/// @param num_time_samples Number of time samples.
/// @param fixed_timestep The spacing between sample times.
/// @param prog (optional). If non-null, then additional decision variables,
/// costs, and constraints will be added into the existing
/// MathematicalProgram. This can be useful for, e.g., combining multiple
/// trajectory optimizations into a single program, coupled by a few
/// constraints. If nullptr, then a new MathematicalProgram will be
/// allocated.
MultipleShooting(const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& input,
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& state,
int num_time_samples, double fixed_timestep,
solvers::MathematicalProgram* prog = nullptr);
/// Constructs a MultipleShooting instance with sample times as decision
/// variables. It creates new placeholder variables for input, state, and
/// time.
/// @param num_inputs Number of inputs at each sample point.
/// @param num_states Number of states at each sample point.
/// @param num_time_samples Number of time samples.
/// @param minimum_timestep Minimum spacing between sample times.
/// @param maximum_timestep Maximum spacing between sample times.
/// @param prog (optional). If non-null, then additional decision variables,
/// costs, and constraints will be added into the existing
/// MathematicalProgram. This can be useful for, e.g., combining multiple
/// trajectory optimizations into a single program, coupled by a few
/// constraints. If nullptr, then a new MathematicalProgram will be
/// allocated.
MultipleShooting(int num_inputs, int num_states, int num_time_samples,
double minimum_timestep, double maximum_timestep,
solvers::MathematicalProgram* prog = nullptr);
/// Constructs a MultipleShooting instance with sample times as decision
/// variables. It uses the provided `input`, `state`, and `time` as
/// placeholders instead of creating new placeholder variables for them.
/// @param input Placeholder variables for input.
/// @param state Placeholder variables for state.
/// @param time Placeholder variable for time.
/// @param num_time_samples Number of time samples.
/// @param minimum_timestep Minimum spacing between sample times.
/// @param maximum_timestep Maximum spacing between sample times.
/// @param prog (optional). If non-null, then additional decision variables,
/// costs, and constraints will be added into the existing
/// MathematicalProgram. This can be useful for, e.g., combining multiple
/// trajectory optimizations into a single program, coupled by a few
/// constraints. If nullptr, then a new MathematicalProgram will be
/// allocated.
MultipleShooting(const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& input,
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& state,
const solvers::DecisionVariable& time, int num_time_samples,
double minimum_timestep, double maximum_timestep,
solvers::MathematicalProgram* prog = nullptr);
/// Replaces e.g. placeholder_x_var_ with x_vars_ at time interval
/// @p interval_index, for all placeholder variables.
symbolic::Expression SubstitutePlaceholderVariables(
const symbolic::Expression& e, int interval_index) const;
/// Replaces e.g. placeholder_x_var_ with x_vars_ at time interval
/// @p interval_index, for all placeholder variables.
symbolic::Formula SubstitutePlaceholderVariables(const symbolic::Formula& f,
int interval_index) const;
int num_inputs() const { return num_inputs_; }
int num_states() const { return num_states_; }
int N() const { return N_; }
bool timesteps_are_decision_variables() const {
return timesteps_are_decision_variables_;
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& h_vars() const { return h_vars_; }
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& u_vars() const { return u_vars_; }
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& x_vars() const { return x_vars_; }
/// Returns the decision variables associated with the sequential variable
/// `name`.
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable GetSequentialVariable(
const std::string& name) const;
MultipleShooting(const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& input,
const solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable& state,
int num_time_samples,
const std::optional<solvers::DecisionVariable>& time_var,
double minimum_timestep, double maximum_timestep,
solvers::MathematicalProgram* prog = nullptr);
MultipleShooting(int num_inputs, int num_states, int num_time_samples,
bool timesteps_are_decision_variables,
double minimum_timestep, double maximum_timestep,
solvers::MathematicalProgram* prog = nullptr);
virtual void DoAddRunningCost(const symbolic::Expression& g) = 0;
// Helper method that performs the work for SubstitutePlaceHolderVariables
symbolic::Substitution ConstructPlaceholderVariableSubstitution(
int interval_index) const;
const std::unique_ptr<solvers::MathematicalProgram> owned_prog_;
solvers::MathematicalProgram& prog_;
const int num_inputs_{};
const int num_states_{};
const int N_{}; // Number of time samples
const bool timesteps_are_decision_variables_{false};
const double fixed_timestep_{0.0};
solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable h_vars_; // Time deltas between each
// input/state sample or the empty
// vector (if timesteps are fixed).
solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable x_vars_;
solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable u_vars_;
// See description of the public time(), state(), and input() accessor methods
// for details about the placeholder variables.
solvers::VectorDecisionVariable<1> placeholder_t_var_;
solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable placeholder_x_vars_;
solvers::VectorXDecisionVariable placeholder_u_vars_;
internal::SequentialExpressionManager sequential_expression_manager_;
} // namespace trajectory_optimization
} // namespace planning
} // namespace drake