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#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
namespace drake {
namespace math {
/// Given ᴮd/dt(v) (the time derivative in frame B of an arbitrary 3D vector v)
/// and given ᴬωᴮ (frame B's angular velocity in another frame A), this method
/// computes ᴬd/dt(v) (the time derivative in frame A of v) by:
/// ᴬd/dt(v) = ᴮd/dt(v) + ᴬωᴮ x v
/// This mathematical operation is known as the "Transport Theorem" or the
/// "Golden Rule for Vector Differentiation" [Mitiguy 2016, §7.3]. It was
/// discovered by Euler in 1758. Its explicit notation with superscript
/// frames was invented by Thomas Kane in 1950. Its use as the defining
/// property of angular velocity was by Mitiguy in 1993.
/// In source code and comments, we use the following monogram notations:
/// DtA_v = ᴬd/dt(v) denotes the time derivative in frame A of the vector v.
/// DtA_v_E = [ᴬd/dt(v)]_E denotes the time derivative in frame A of vector v,
/// with the resulting new vector quantity expressed in a frame E.
/// In source code, this mathematical operation is performed with all vectors
/// expressed in the same frame E as [ᴬd/dt(v)]ₑ = [ᴮd/dt(v)]ₑ + [ᴬωᴮ]ₑ x [v]ₑ
/// which in monogram notation is: <pre>
/// DtA_v_E = DtB_v_E + w_AB_E x v_E
/// </pre>
/// [Mitiguy 2016] Mitiguy, P., 2016. Advanced Dynamics & Motion Simulation.
template <typename v_Type, typename DtB_v_Type, typename w_AB_Type>
Vector3<typename v_Type::Scalar> ConvertTimeDerivativeToOtherFrame(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<v_Type>& v_E,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DtB_v_Type>& DtB_v_E,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<w_AB_Type>& w_AB_E) {
// All input vectors must be three dimensional vectors.
typedef typename v_Type::Scalar T;
// All input vectors must be templated on the same scalar type.
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename DtB_v_Type::Scalar, T>,
"DtB_v_E must be templated on the same scalar type as v_E");
static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename w_AB_Type::Scalar, T>,
"w_AB_E must be templated on the same scalar type as v_E");
return DtB_v_E + w_AB_E.cross(v_E);
} // namespace math
} // namespace drake