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#include "drake/math/discrete_lyapunov_equation.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/is_approx_equal_abstol.h"
namespace drake {
namespace math {
using Eigen::Matrix2d;
using Eigen::MatrixXd;
using Eigen::VectorXcd;
namespace {
const double kTolerance = 5 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
bool is_zero(double x, double eps = 1e-10) { return std::fabs(x) < eps; }
// TODO(weiqiao.han): figure out what the tolerance ε ought to be.
} // namespace
MatrixXd RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixXd>& A,
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixXd>& Q) {
if (A.rows() != A.cols() || Q.rows() != Q.cols() || A.rows() != Q.rows()) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(): A and Q must be square and of equal "
DRAKE_DEMAND(is_approx_equal_abstol(Q, Q.transpose(), 1e-10));
VectorXcd eig_val{A.eigenvalues()};
for (int i = 0; i < eig_val.size(); ++i) {
if (is_zero(eig_val(i).imag()) &&
(is_zero(eig_val(i).real() - 1) || is_zero(eig_val(i).real() + 1))) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(): Solution is not unique!");
for (int j = i + 1; j < eig_val.size(); ++j) {
std::complex<double> eig_prod = eig_val(i) * eig_val(j);
if (is_zero(eig_prod.real() - 1) && is_zero(eig_prod.imag())) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(): Solution is not unique!");
// The cases where A is 1-by-1 or 2-by-2 are caught as we have an efficient
// methods at hand to solve these without the use of Schur factorization.
if (static_cast<int>(A.cols()) == 1)
return internal::Solve1By1RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(A, Q);
if (static_cast<int>(A.cols()) == 2) {
// Reducing Q to upper triangular form.
MatrixXd Q_upper{Q};
Q_upper(1, 0) = NAN;
return internal::Solve2By2RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(A, Q_upper);
// Transform into reduced form S' * X̅ * S - X̅ = -Q̅, where A = U*S*U', X =
// U*X̅*U', Q = U*Q̅*U', U is the unitary matrix, and S the reduced form.
Eigen::RealSchur<MatrixXd> schur(A);
const MatrixXd U{schur.matrixU()};
MatrixXd S{schur.matrixT()};
if ( != Eigen::Success) {
throw std::runtime_error(
"RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(): Schur factorization failed.");
// Reduce the symmetric Q̅ to its upper triangular form Q̅_ᵤₚₚₑᵣ.
MatrixXd Q_bar_upper{MatrixXd::Constant(Q.rows(), Q.cols(), NAN)};
Q_bar_upper.triangularView<Eigen::Upper>() = U.transpose() * Q * U;
// This transformation is not in adherence to [2]! In keeping with the
// routine, the transformation should be U.transpose()*X*U, however this is
// a typo! See [1] for references!
return (U *
internal::SolveReducedRealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(S, Q_bar_upper) *
namespace internal {
using Eigen::Matrix3d;
using Eigen::Vector3d;
using Eigen::VectorXd;
Vector1d Solve1By1RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(
const Eigen::Ref<const Vector1d>& A, const Eigen::Ref<const Vector1d>& Q) {
return Vector1d(-Q(0) / (A(0) * A(0) - 1));
Matrix2d Solve2By2RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(
const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix2d>& A, const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix2d>& Q) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(std::isnan(Q(1, 0)));
// Rewrite AᵀXA - X + Q = 0 (case where A,Q are 2-by-2) into linear set A_vec
// *vec(X) = -vec(Q) and solve for X.
Matrix3d A_vec;
A_vec << A(0, 0) * A(0, 0) - 1, 2 * A(0, 0) * A(1, 0), A(1, 0) * A(1, 0),
A(0, 0) * A(0, 1), A(0, 0) * A(1, 1) + A(0, 1) * A(1, 0) - 1,
A(1, 0) * A(1, 1), A(0, 1) * A(0, 1), 2 * A(0, 1) * A(1, 1),
A(1, 1) * A(1, 1) - 1;
const Vector3d Q_vec(-Q(0, 0), -Q(0, 1), -Q(1, 1));
// See for
// quick overview of possible solver algorithms.
// ColPivHouseholderQR is accurate and fast for small systems.
const Vector3d x{A_vec.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(Q_vec)};
Matrix2d X;
X << x(0), x(1), x(1), x(2);
return X;
MatrixXd SolveReducedRealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixXd>& S,
const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixXd>& Q_bar) {
const int m{static_cast<int>(S.rows())};
if (m == 1) return Solve1By1RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(S, Q_bar);
if (m == 2) return Solve2By2RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(S, Q_bar);
// Notation & partition adapted from SB03MD:
// S = [s₁₁ s'] Q̅ = [q̅₁₁ q̅'] X̅ = [x̅₁₁ x̅']
// [0 S₁] , [q̅ Q₁] , [x̅ X₁]
// where s₁₁ is a 1-by-1 or 2-by-2 matrix.
// s₁₁'x̅₁₁s₁₁ - x̅₁₁ = -q̅₁₁ (4.1)
// S₁'x̅s₁₁ - x̅ = -q̅₁₁ - sx̅₁₁s₁₁ (4.2)
// S₁'X₁S₁ - X₁ = -Q₁ - sx̅₁₁s' - [s(S₁'x̅)' + (S₁'x̅)s'] (4.3)
int n{1}; // n equals the size of the n-by-n block in the left-upper
// corner of S.
// Check if the top block of S is 1-by-1 or 2-by-2.
if (std::abs(S(1, 0)) > kTolerance * S.norm()) {
n = 2;
// TODO(FischerGundlach) Reserve memory and pass it to recursive function
// calls.
const MatrixXd s_11{S.topLeftCorner(n, n)};
const MatrixXd s{S.transpose().bottomLeftCorner(m - n, n)};
const MatrixXd S_1{S.bottomRightCorner(m - n, m - n)};
const MatrixXd q_bar_11{Q_bar.topLeftCorner(n, n)};
const MatrixXd q_bar{Q_bar.transpose().bottomLeftCorner(m - n, n)};
const MatrixXd Q_1{Q_bar.bottomRightCorner(m - n, m - n)};
MatrixXd x_bar_11(n, n), x_bar(m - n, n);
if (n == 1) {
// solving equation 4.1
x_bar_11 << Solve1By1RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(s_11, q_bar_11);
// solving equation 4.2
const MatrixXd lhs{s_11(0) * S_1.transpose() -
MatrixXd::Identity(S_1.cols(), S_1.rows())};
const VectorXd rhs{-q_bar - s * x_bar_11 * s_11};
x_bar << lhs.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(rhs);
} else {
// solving equation 4.1
x_bar_11 << Solve2By2RealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(s_11, q_bar_11);
// solving equation 4.2
// The equation reads as S₁'x̅s₁₁ - x̅ = -q̅₁₁ - sx̅₁₁s₁,
// where S₁ ∈ ℝᵐ⁻²ˣᵐ⁻²; x̅, q̅₁₁, s ∈ ℝᵐ⁻²ˣ² and s₁₁, x̅₁₁, s₁ ∈ ℝ²ˣ².
// We solve the linear equation by vectorization and feeding it into
// colPivHouseHolderQr().
// Notation:
// The elements in s₁₁ are names as the following:
// s₁₁ = [s₁₁(0,0) s₁₁(0,1); s₁₁(1,0) s₁₁(1,1)].
// Note that eigen starts counting at 0, and not as above at 1.
// The ith column of a matrix is accessed by [i], i.e. the first column
// of x̅ is x̅[0].
// Writing out the lhs of equation 4.2 gives:
// S₁'x̅s₁₁ - x̅ =
// [ s₁₁(0,0)*S₁' - I, s₁₁(1,0)*S₁'] * [x̅[0]]
// [ s₁₁(0,1)*S₁' , s₁₁(1,1)*S₁' - I] [x̅[1]]
// Define:
// x_bar_vec = [x̅[0]' x̅[1]']' where [i] is the ith column
// lhs = [s₁(0,0)*S₁' - I s₁₁(1,0)*S₁'; s₁₁(0,1)*S₁' s₁₁(1,1)*S₁' - I]
// rhs = -[(q̅+sx̅₁₁s₁₁)[0]' (q̅+sx̅₁₁s₁₁)[1]']'
// lhs*x_vec = rhs.
// This expression can be fed into colPivHouseHolderQr() and solved.
// Finally, construct x_bar from x_vec.
MatrixXd lhs(2 * (m - 2), 2 * (m - 2));
lhs << s_11(0, 0) * S_1.transpose() -
MatrixXd::Identity(m - 2, m - 2),
s_11(1, 0) * S_1.transpose(), s_11(0, 1) * S_1.transpose(),
s_11(1, 1) * S_1.transpose() - MatrixXd::Identity(m - 2, m - 2);
VectorXd rhs(2 * (m - 2), 1);
rhs << (-q_bar - s * x_bar_11 * s_11).col(0),
(-q_bar - s * x_bar_11 * s_11).col(1);
VectorXd x_bar_vec{lhs.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(rhs)};
x_bar.col(0) = x_bar_vec.segment(0, m - 2);
x_bar.col(1) = x_bar_vec.segment(m - 2, m - 2);
// Set up equation 4.3
const Eigen::MatrixXd temp_summand{s * (S_1.transpose() * x_bar).transpose()};
// Since Q₁ is only a upper triangular matrix, with NAN in the lower part,
// Q_NEW_ᵤₚₚₑᵣ is so as well.
const Eigen::MatrixXd Q_new_upper{Q_1 + s * x_bar_11 * s.transpose() +
temp_summand + temp_summand.transpose()};
// The solution is found recursively.
MatrixXd X_bar(S.cols(), S.rows());
X_bar << x_bar_11, x_bar.transpose(), x_bar,
SolveReducedRealDiscreteLyapunovEquation(S_1, Q_new_upper);
return X_bar;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace math
} // namespace drake