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#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/AutoDiff>
namespace drake {
namespace math {
/** Computes a matrix of AutoDiffScalars from which both the value and
the Jacobian of a function
f:\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{p\times q}
(f: R^n*m -> R^p*q) can be extracted.
The derivative vector for each AutoDiffScalar in the output contains the
derivatives with respect to all components of the argument @f$ x @f$.
The return type of this function is a matrix with the `best' possible
AutoDiffScalar scalar type, in the following sense:
- If the number of derivatives can be determined at compile time, the
AutoDiffScalar derivative vector will have that fixed size.
- If the maximum number of derivatives can be determined at compile time, the
AutoDiffScalar derivative vector will have that maximum fixed size.
- If neither the number, nor the maximum number of derivatives can be
determined at compile time, the output AutoDiffScalar derivative vector
will be dynamically sized.
@p f should have a templated call operator that maps an Eigen matrix
argument to another Eigen matrix. The scalar type of the output of @f$ f @f$
need not match the scalar type of the input (useful in recursive calls to the
function to determine higher order derivatives). The easiest way to create an
@p f is using a C++14 generic lambda.
The algorithm computes the Jacobian in chunks of up to @p MaxChunkSize
derivatives at a time. This has three purposes:
- It makes it so that derivative vectors can be allocated on the stack,
eliminating dynamic allocations and improving performance if the maximum
number of derivatives cannot be determined at compile time.
- It gives control over, and limits the number of required
instantiations of the call operator of f and all the functions it calls.
- Excessively large derivative vectors can result in CPU capacity cache
misses; even if the number of derivatives is fixed at compile time, it may
be better to break up into chunks if that means that capacity cache misses
can be prevented.
@param f function
@param x function argument value at which Jacobian will be evaluated
@return AutoDiffScalar matrix corresponding to the Jacobian of f evaluated
at x.
template <int MaxChunkSize = 10, class F, class Arg>
decltype(auto) jacobian(F &&f, Arg &&x) {
using Eigen::AutoDiffScalar;
using Eigen::Index;
using Eigen::Matrix;
using ArgNoRef = typename std::remove_reference_t<Arg>;
// Argument scalar type.
using ArgScalar = typename ArgNoRef::Scalar;
// Argument scalar type corresponding to return value of this function.
using ReturnArgDerType = Matrix<ArgScalar, ArgNoRef::SizeAtCompileTime, 1, 0,
ArgNoRef::MaxSizeAtCompileTime, 1>;
using ReturnArgAutoDiffScalar = AutoDiffScalar<ReturnArgDerType>;
// Return type of this function.
using ReturnArgAutoDiffType =
decltype(x.template cast<ReturnArgAutoDiffScalar>().eval());
using ReturnType = decltype(f(std::declval<ReturnArgAutoDiffType>()));
// Scalar type of chunk arguments.
using ChunkArgDerType =
Matrix<ArgScalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1, 0, MaxChunkSize, 1>;
using ChunkArgAutoDiffScalar = AutoDiffScalar<ChunkArgDerType>;
// Allocate output.
ReturnType ret;
// Compute derivatives chunk by chunk.
constexpr Index kMaxChunkSize = MaxChunkSize;
Index num_derivs = x.size();
bool values_initialized = false;
for (Index deriv_num_start = 0; deriv_num_start < num_derivs;
deriv_num_start += kMaxChunkSize) {
// Compute chunk size.
Index num_derivs_to_go = num_derivs - deriv_num_start;
Index chunk_size = std::min(kMaxChunkSize, num_derivs_to_go);
// Initialize chunk argument.
auto chunk_arg = x.template cast<ChunkArgAutoDiffScalar>().eval();
for (Index i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
for (Index i = 0; i < chunk_size; i++) {
Index deriv_num = deriv_num_start + i;
chunk_arg(deriv_num).derivatives()(i) = ArgScalar(1);
// Compute Jacobian chunk.
auto chunk_result = f(chunk_arg);
// On first chunk, resize output to match chunk and copy values from chunk
// to result.
if (!values_initialized) {
ret.resize(chunk_result.rows(), chunk_result.cols());
for (Index i = 0; i < chunk_result.size(); i++) {
ret(i).value() = chunk_result(i).value();
values_initialized = true;
// Copy derivatives from chunk to result.
for (Index i = 0; i < chunk_result.size(); i++) {
// Intuitive thing to do, but results in problems with non-matching scalar
// types for recursive jacobian calls:
// ret(i).derivatives().segment(deriv_num_start, chunk_size) =
// chunk_result(i).derivatives();
// Instead, assign each element individually, making use of conversion
// constructors.
for (Index j = 0; j < chunk_size; j++) {
ret(i).derivatives()(deriv_num_start + j) =
return ret;
/** Computes a matrix of AutoDiffScalars from which the value, Jacobian,
and Hessian of a function
f:\mathbb{R}^{n\times m}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{p\times q}
(f: R^n*m -> R^p*q) can be extracted.
The output is a matrix of nested AutoDiffScalars, being the result of calling
::jacobian on a function that returns the output of ::jacobian,
called on @p f.
@p MaxChunkSizeOuter and @p MaxChunkSizeInner can be used to control chunk
sizes (see ::jacobian).
See ::jacobian for requirements on the function @p f and the argument
@p x.
@param f function
@param x function argument value at which Hessian will be evaluated
@return AutoDiffScalar matrix corresponding to the Hessian of f evaluated at
template <int MaxChunkSizeOuter = 10, int MaxChunkSizeInner = 10, class F,
class Arg>
decltype(auto) hessian(F &&f, Arg &&x) {
auto jac_fun = [&](const auto &x_inner) {
return jacobian<MaxChunkSizeInner>(f, x_inner);
return jacobian<MaxChunkSizeOuter>(jac_fun, x);
} // namespace math
} // namespace drake