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#pragma once
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_assert.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_bool.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_copyable.h"
#include "drake/common/drake_throw.h"
#include "drake/common/eigen_types.h"
#include "drake/common/never_destroyed.h"
#include "drake/math/fast_pose_composition_functions.h"
#include "drake/math/roll_pitch_yaw.h"
namespace drake {
namespace math {
namespace internal {
// This is used to select a non-initializing constructor for use by
// RigidTransform.
struct DoNotInitializeMemberFields {};
/// This class represents a 3x3 rotation matrix between two arbitrary frames
/// A and B and helps ensure users create valid rotation matrices. This class
/// relates right-handed orthogonal unit vectors Ax, Ay, Az fixed in frame A
/// to right-handed orthogonal unit vectors Bx, By, Bz fixed in frame B.
/// The monogram notation for the rotation matrix relating A to B is `R_AB`.
/// An example that gives context to this rotation matrix is `v_A = R_AB * v_B`,
/// where `v_B` denotes an arbitrary vector v expressed in terms of Bx, By, Bz
/// and `v_A` denotes vector v expressed in terms of Ax, Ay, Az.
/// See @ref multibody_quantities for monogram notation for dynamics.
/// See @ref orientation_discussion "a discussion on rotation matrices".
/// @note This class does not store the frames associated with a rotation matrix
/// nor does it enforce strict proper usage of this class with vectors.
/// @note When assertions are enabled, several methods in this class perform a
/// validity check and throw std::exception if the rotation matrix is invalid.
/// When assertions are disabled, many of these validity checks are skipped
/// (which helps improve speed). These validity tests are only performed for
/// scalar types for which drake::scalar_predicate<T>::is_bool is `true`. For
/// instance, validity checks are not performed when T is symbolic::Expression.
/// @authors Paul Mitiguy (2018) Original author.
/// @authors Drake team (see
/// @tparam_default_scalar
template <typename T>
class RotationMatrix {
/// Constructs a 3x3 identity %RotationMatrix -- which corresponds to
/// aligning two frames (so that unit vectors Ax = Bx, Ay = By, Az = Bz).
RotationMatrix() : R_AB_(Matrix3<T>::Identity()) {}
/// Constructs a %RotationMatrix from a Matrix3.
/// @param[in] R an allegedly valid rotation matrix.
/// @throws std::exception in debug builds if R fails IsValid(R).
explicit RotationMatrix(const Matrix3<T>& R) { set(R); }
/// Constructs a %RotationMatrix from an Eigen::Quaternion.
/// @param[in] quaternion a non-zero, finite quaternion which may or may not
/// have unit length [i.e., `quaternion.norm()` does not have to be 1].
/// @throws std::exception in debug builds if the rotation matrix
/// R that is built from `quaternion` fails IsValid(R). For example, an
/// exception is thrown if `quaternion` is zero or contains a NaN or infinity.
/// @note This method has the effect of normalizing its `quaternion` argument,
/// without the inefficiency of the square-root associated with normalization.
explicit RotationMatrix(const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quaternion) {
// TODO(mitiguy) Although this method is fairly efficient, consider adding
// an optional second argument if `quaternion` is known to be normalized
// apriori or for some reason the calling site does not want `quaternion`
// normalized.
// Cost for various way to create a rotation matrix from a quaternion.
// Eigen quaternion.toRotationMatrix() = 12 multiplies, 12 adds.
// Drake QuaternionToRotationMatrix() = 12 multiplies, 12 adds.
// Extra cost for two_over_norm_squared = 4 multiplies, 3 adds, 1 divide.
// Extra cost if normalized = 4 multiplies, 3 adds, 1 sqrt, 1 divide.
const T two_over_norm_squared = 2.0 / quaternion.squaredNorm();
set(QuaternionToRotationMatrix(quaternion, two_over_norm_squared));
// @internal In general, the %RotationMatrix constructed by passing a non-unit
// `lambda` to this method is different than the %RotationMatrix produced by
// converting `lambda` to an un-normalized quaternion and calling the
// %RotationMatrix constructor (above) with that un-normalized quaternion.
/// Constructs a %RotationMatrix from an Eigen::AngleAxis.
/// @param[in] theta_lambda an Eigen::AngleAxis whose associated axis (vector
/// direction herein called `lambda`) is non-zero and finite, but which may or
/// may not have unit length [i.e., `lambda.norm()` does not have to be 1].
/// @throws std::exception in debug builds if the rotation matrix
/// R that is built from `theta_lambda` fails IsValid(R). For example, an
/// exception is thrown if `lambda` is zero or contains a NaN or infinity.
explicit RotationMatrix(const Eigen::AngleAxis<T>& theta_lambda) {
// TODO(mitiguy) Consider adding an optional second argument if `lambda` is
// known to be normalized apriori or calling site does not want
// normalization.
const Vector3<T>& lambda = theta_lambda.axis();
const T norm = lambda.norm();
const T& theta = theta_lambda.angle();
set(Eigen::AngleAxis<T>(theta, lambda / norm).toRotationMatrix());
/// Constructs a %RotationMatrix from an %RollPitchYaw. In other words,
/// makes the %RotationMatrix for a Space-fixed (extrinsic) X-Y-Z rotation by
/// "roll-pitch-yaw" angles `[r, p, y]`, which is equivalent to a Body-fixed
/// (intrinsic) Z-Y-X rotation by "yaw-pitch-roll" angles `[y, p, r]`.
/// @param[in] rpy radian measures of three angles [roll, pitch, yaw].
/// @param[in] rpy a %RollPitchYaw which is a Space-fixed (extrinsic) X-Y-Z
/// rotation with "roll-pitch-yaw" angles `[r, p, y]` or equivalently a Body-
/// fixed (intrinsic) Z-Y-X rotation with "yaw-pitch-roll" angles `[y, p, r]`.
/// @retval R_AD, rotation matrix relating frame A to frame D.
/// @note Denoting roll `r`, pitch `p`, yaw `y`, this method returns a
/// rotation matrix `R_AD` equal to the matrix multiplication shown below.
/// ```
/// ⎡cos(y) -sin(y) 0⎤ ⎡ cos(p) 0 sin(p)⎤ ⎡1 0 0 ⎤
/// R_AD = ⎢sin(y) cos(y) 0⎥ * ⎢ 0 1 0 ⎥ * ⎢0 cos(r) -sin(r)⎥
/// ⎣ 0 0 1⎦ ⎣-sin(p) 0 cos(p)⎦ ⎣0 sin(r) cos(r)⎦
/// = R_AB * R_BC * R_CD
/// ```
/// @note In this discussion, A is the Space frame and D is the Body frame.
/// One way to visualize this rotation sequence is by introducing intermediate
/// frames B and C (useful constructs to understand this rotation sequence).
/// Initially, the frames are aligned so `Di = Ci = Bi = Ai (i = x, y, z)`.
/// Then D is subjected to successive right-handed rotations relative to A.
/// @li 1st rotation R_CD: %Frame D rotates relative to frames C, B, A by a
/// roll angle `r` about `Dx = Cx`. Note: D and C are no longer aligned.
/// @li 2nd rotation R_BC: Frames D, C (collectively -- as if welded together)
/// rotate relative to frame B, A by a pitch angle `p` about `Cy = By`.
/// Note: C and B are no longer aligned.
/// @li 3rd rotation R_AB: Frames D, C, B (collectively -- as if welded)
/// rotate relative to frame A by a roll angle `y` about `Bz = Az`.
/// Note: B and A are no longer aligned.
/// @note This method constructs a RotationMatrix from a RollPitchYaw.
/// Vice-versa, there are high-accuracy RollPitchYaw constructor/methods that
/// form a RollPitchYaw from a rotation matrix.
explicit RotationMatrix(const RollPitchYaw<T>& rpy);
/// (Advanced) Makes the %RotationMatrix `R_AB` from right-handed orthogonal
/// unit vectors `Bx`, `By`, `Bz` so the columns of `R_AB` are `[Bx, By, Bz]`.
/// @param[in] Bx first unit vector in right-handed orthogonal set.
/// @param[in] By second unit vector in right-handed orthogonal set.
/// @param[in] Bz third unit vector in right-handed orthogonal set.
/// @throws std::exception in debug builds if `R_AB` fails IsValid(R_AB).
/// @note In release builds, the caller can subsequently test if `R_AB` is,
/// in fact, a valid %RotationMatrix by calling `R_AB.IsValid()`.
/// @note The rotation matrix `R_AB` relates two sets of right-handed
/// orthogonal unit vectors, namely Ax, Ay, Az and Bx, By, Bz.
/// The rows of `R_AB` are Ax, Ay, Az expressed in frame B (i.e.,`Ax_B`,
/// `Ay_B`, `Az_B`). The columns of `R_AB` are Bx, By, Bz expressed in
/// frame A (i.e., `Bx_A`, `By_A`, `Bz_A`).
static RotationMatrix<T> MakeFromOrthonormalColumns(
const Vector3<T>& Bx, const Vector3<T>& By, const Vector3<T>& Bz) {
RotationMatrix<T> R(internal::DoNotInitializeMemberFields{});
R.SetFromOrthonormalColumns(Bx, By, Bz);
return R;
/// (Advanced) Makes the %RotationMatrix `R_AB` from right-handed orthogonal
/// unit vectors `Ax`, `Ay`, `Az` so the rows of `R_AB` are `[Ax, Ay, Az]`.
/// @param[in] Ax first unit vector in right-handed orthogonal set.
/// @param[in] Ay second unit vector in right-handed orthogonal set.
/// @param[in] Az third unit vector in right-handed orthogonal set.
/// @throws std::exception in debug builds if `R_AB` fails IsValid(R_AB).
/// @note In release builds, the caller can subsequently test if `R_AB` is,
/// in fact, a valid %RotationMatrix by calling `R_AB.IsValid()`.
/// @note The rotation matrix `R_AB` relates two sets of right-handed
/// orthogonal unit vectors, namely Ax, Ay, Az and Bx, By, Bz.
/// The rows of `R_AB` are Ax, Ay, Az expressed in frame B (i.e.,`Ax_B`,
/// `Ay_B`, `Az_B`). The columns of `R_AB` are Bx, By, Bz expressed in
/// frame A (i.e., `Bx_A`, `By_A`, `Bz_A`).
static RotationMatrix<T> MakeFromOrthonormalRows(
const Vector3<T>& Ax, const Vector3<T>& Ay, const Vector3<T>& Az) {
RotationMatrix<T> R(internal::DoNotInitializeMemberFields{});
R.SetFromOrthonormalRows(Ax, Ay, Az);
return R;
/// Makes the %RotationMatrix `R_AB` associated with rotating a frame B
/// relative to a frame A by an angle `theta` about unit vector `Ax = Bx`.
/// @param[in] theta radian measure of rotation angle about Ax.
/// @note Orientation is same as Eigen::AngleAxis<T>(theta, Vector3d::UnitX().
/// @note `R_AB` relates two frames A and B having unit vectors Ax, Ay, Az and
/// Bx, By, Bz. Initially, `Bx = Ax`, `By = Ay`, `Bz = Az`, then B undergoes
/// a right-handed rotation relative to A by an angle `theta` about `Ax = Bx`.
/// ```
/// ⎡ 1 0 0 ⎤
/// R_AB = ⎢ 0 cos(theta) -sin(theta) ⎥
/// ⎣ 0 sin(theta) cos(theta) ⎦
/// ```
static RotationMatrix<T> MakeXRotation(const T& theta);
/// Makes the %RotationMatrix `R_AB` associated with rotating a frame B
/// relative to a frame A by an angle `theta` about unit vector `Ay = By`.
/// @param[in] theta radian measure of rotation angle about Ay.
/// @note Orientation is same as Eigen::AngleAxis<T>(theta, Vector3d::UnitY().
/// @note `R_AB` relates two frames A and B having unit vectors Ax, Ay, Az and
/// Bx, By, Bz. Initially, `Bx = Ax`, `By = Ay`, `Bz = Az`, then B undergoes
/// a right-handed rotation relative to A by an angle `theta` about `Ay = By`.
/// ```
/// ⎡ cos(theta) 0 sin(theta) ⎤
/// R_AB = ⎢ 0 1 0 ⎥
/// ⎣ -sin(theta) 0 cos(theta) ⎦
/// ```
static RotationMatrix<T> MakeYRotation(const T& theta);
/// Makes the %RotationMatrix `R_AB` associated with rotating a frame B
/// relative to a frame A by an angle `theta` about unit vector `Az = Bz`.
/// @param[in] theta radian measure of rotation angle about Az.
/// @note Orientation is same as Eigen::AngleAxis<T>(theta, Vector3d::UnitZ().
/// @note `R_AB` relates two frames A and B having unit vectors Ax, Ay, Az and
/// Bx, By, Bz. Initially, `Bx = Ax`, `By = Ay`, `Bz = Az`, then B undergoes
/// a right-handed rotation relative to A by an angle `theta` about `Az = Bz`.
/// ```
/// ⎡ cos(theta) -sin(theta) 0 ⎤
/// R_AB = ⎢ sin(theta) cos(theta) 0 ⎥
/// ⎣ 0 0 1 ⎦
/// ```
static RotationMatrix<T> MakeZRotation(const T& theta);
/// Creates a 3D right-handed orthonormal basis B from a given vector b_A,
/// returned as a rotation matrix R_AB. It consists of orthogonal unit vectors
/// u_A, v_A, w_A where u_A is the normalized b_A in the axis_index column of
/// R_AB and v_A has one element which is zero. If an element of b_A is zero,
/// then one element of w_A is 1 and the other two elements are 0.
/// @param[in] b_A vector expressed in frame A that when normalized as
/// u_A = b_A.normalized() represents Bx, By, or Bz (depending on axis_index).
/// @param[in] axis_index The index ∈ {0, 1, 2} of the unit vector associated
/// with u_A, 0 means u_A is Bx, 1 means u_A is By, and 2 means u_A is Bz.
/// @pre axis_index is 0 or 1 or 2.
/// @throws std::exception if b_A cannot be made into a unit vector because
/// b_A contains a NaN or infinity or |b_A| < 1.0E-10.
/// @see MakeFromOneUnitVector() if b_A is known to already be unit length.
/// @retval R_AB the rotation matrix with properties as described above.
static RotationMatrix<T> MakeFromOneVector(
const Vector3<T>& b_A, int axis_index) {
const Vector3<T> u_A = NormalizeOrThrow(b_A, __func__);
return MakeFromOneUnitVector(u_A, axis_index);
/// (Advanced) Creates a right-handed orthonormal basis B from a given
/// unit vector u_A, returned as a rotation matrix R_AB.
/// @param[in] u_A unit vector which is expressed in frame A and is either
/// Bx or By or Bz (depending on the value of axis_index).
/// @param[in] axis_index The index ∈ {0, 1, 2} of the unit vector associated
/// with u_A, 0 means u_A is Bx, 1 means u_A is By, and 2 means u_A is Bz.
/// @pre axis_index is 0 or 1 or 2.
/// @throws std::exception in Debug builds if u_A is not a unit vector, i.e.,
/// |u_A| is not within a tolerance of 4ε ≈ 8.88E-16 to 1.0.
/// @note This method is designed for maximum performance and does not verify
/// u_A as a unit vector in Release builds. Consider MakeFromOneVector().
/// @retval R_AB the rotation matrix whose properties are described in
/// MakeFromOneVector().
static RotationMatrix<T> MakeFromOneUnitVector(const Vector3<T>& u_A,
int axis_index);
/// Creates a %RotationMatrix templatized on a scalar type U from a
/// %RotationMatrix templatized on scalar type T. For example,
/// ```
/// RotationMatrix<double> source = RotationMatrix<double>::Identity();
/// RotationMatrix<AutoDiffXd> foo = source.cast<AutoDiffXd>();
/// ```
/// @tparam U Scalar type on which the returned %RotationMatrix is templated.
/// @note `RotationMatrix<From>::cast<To>()` creates a new
/// `RotationMatrix<To>` from a `RotationMatrix<From>` but only if
/// type `To` is constructible from type `From`.
/// This cast method works in accordance with Eigen's cast method for Eigen's
/// %Matrix3 that underlies this %RotationMatrix. For example, Eigen
/// currently allows cast from type double to AutoDiffXd, but not vice-versa.
template <typename U>
RotationMatrix<U> cast() const {
// TODO(Mitiguy) Make the RotationMatrix::cast() method more robust. It is
// currently limited by Eigen's cast() for the matrix underlying this class.
// Consider the following logic to improve casts (and address issue #11785).
// 1. If relevant, use Eigen's underlying cast method.
// 2. Strip derivative data when casting from `<AutoDiffXd>` to `<double>`.
// 3. Call ExtractDoubleOrThrow() when casting from `<symbolic::Expression>`
// to `<double>`.
// 4. The current RotationMatrix::cast() method incurs overhead due to its
// underlying call to a RotationMatrix constructor. Perhaps create
// specialized code to return a reference if casting to the same type,
// e.g., casting from `<double>` to `<double>' should be inexpensive.
const Matrix3<U> m = R_AB_.template cast<U>();
return RotationMatrix<U>(m, true);
/// Sets `this` %RotationMatrix from a Matrix3.
/// @param[in] R an allegedly valid rotation matrix.
/// @throws std::exception in debug builds if R fails IsValid(R).
void set(const Matrix3<T>& R) {
/// Returns the 3x3 identity %RotationMatrix.
// @internal This method's name was chosen to mimic Eigen's Identity().
static const RotationMatrix<T>& Identity() {
static const never_destroyed<RotationMatrix<T>> kIdentity;
return kIdentity.access();
/// Returns `R_BA = R_AB⁻¹`, the inverse (transpose) of this %RotationMatrix.
/// @note For a valid rotation matrix `R_BA = R_AB⁻¹ = R_ABᵀ`.
// @internal This method's name was chosen to mimic Eigen's inverse().
RotationMatrix<T> inverse() const {
return RotationMatrix<T>(R_AB_.transpose());
/// Returns `R_BA = R_AB⁻¹`, the transpose of this %RotationMatrix.
/// @note For a valid rotation matrix `R_BA = R_AB⁻¹ = R_ABᵀ`.
// @internal This method's name was chosen to mimic Eigen's transpose().
RotationMatrix<T> transpose() const {
return RotationMatrix<T>(R_AB_.transpose());
/// Returns the Matrix3 underlying a %RotationMatrix.
/// @see col(), row()
const Matrix3<T>& matrix() const { return R_AB_; }
/// Returns `this` rotation matrix's iᵗʰ row (i = 0, 1, 2).
/// For `this` rotation matrix R_AB (which relates right-handed
/// sets of orthogonal unit vectors Ax, Ay, Az to Bx, By, Bz),
/// - row(0) returns Ax_B (Ax expressed in terms of Bx, By, Bz).
/// - row(1) returns Ay_B (Ay expressed in terms of Bx, By, Bz).
/// - row(2) returns Az_B (Az expressed in terms of Bx, By, Bz).
/// @param[in] index requested row index (0 <= index <= 2).
/// @see col(), matrix()
/// @throws In Debug builds, asserts (0 <= index <= 2).
/// @note For efficiency and consistency with Eigen, this method returns
/// the same quantity returned by Eigen's row() operator.
/// The returned quantity can be assigned in various ways, e.g., as
/// `const auto& Az_B = row(2);` or `RowVector3<T> Az_B = row(2);`
const Eigen::Block<const Matrix3<T>, 1, 3, false> row(int index) const {
// The returned value from this method mimics Eigen's row() method which was
// found in Eigen/src/plugins/BlockMethods.h. The Eigen Matrix3 R_AB_ that
// underlies this class is a column major matrix. To return a row,
// InnerPanel = false is passed as the last template parameter above.
DRAKE_ASSERT(0 <= index && index <= 2);
return R_AB_.row(index);
/// Returns `this` rotation matrix's iᵗʰ column (i = 0, 1, 2).
/// For `this` rotation matrix R_AB (which relates right-handed
/// sets of orthogonal unit vectors Ax, Ay, Az to Bx, By, Bz),
/// - col(0) returns Bx_A (Bx expressed in terms of Ax, Ay, Az).
/// - col(1) returns By_A (By expressed in terms of Ax, Ay, Az).
/// - col(2) returns Bz_A (Bz expressed in terms of Ax, Ay, Az).
/// @param[in] index requested column index (0 <= index <= 2).
/// @see row(), matrix()
/// @throws In Debug builds, asserts (0 <= index <= 2).
/// @note For efficiency and consistency with Eigen, this method returns
/// the same quantity returned by Eigen's col() operator.
/// The returned quantity can be assigned in various ways, e.g., as
/// `const auto& Bz_A = col(2);` or `Vector3<T> Bz_A = col(2);`
const Eigen::Block<const Matrix3<T>, 3, 1, true> col(int index) const {
// The returned value from this method mimics Eigen's col() method which was
// found in Eigen/src/plugins/BlockMethods.h. The Eigen Matrix3 R_AB_ that
// underlies this class is a column major matrix. To return a column,
// InnerPanel = true is passed as the last template parameter above.
DRAKE_ASSERT(0 <= index && index <= 2);
return R_AB_.col(index);
/// In-place multiply of `this` rotation matrix `R_AB` by `other` rotation
/// matrix `R_BC`. On return, `this` is set to equal `R_AB * R_BC`.
/// @param[in] other %RotationMatrix that post-multiplies `this`.
/// @returns `this` rotation matrix which has been multiplied by `other`.
/// @note It is possible (albeit improbable) to create an invalid rotation
/// matrix by accumulating round-off error with a large number of multiplies.
RotationMatrix<T>& operator*=(const RotationMatrix<T>& other) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, double>) {
internal::ComposeRR(*this, other, this);
} else {
SetUnchecked(matrix() * other.matrix());
return *this;
/// Calculates `this` rotation matrix `R_AB` multiplied by `other` rotation
/// matrix `R_BC`, returning the composition `R_AB * R_BC`.
/// @param[in] other %RotationMatrix that post-multiplies `this`.
/// @returns rotation matrix that results from `this` multiplied by `other`.
/// @note It is possible (albeit improbable) to create an invalid rotation
/// matrix by accumulating round-off error with a large number of multiplies.
RotationMatrix<T> operator*(const RotationMatrix<T>& other) const {
RotationMatrix<T> R_AC(internal::DoNotInitializeMemberFields{});
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, double>) {
internal::ComposeRR(*this, other, &R_AC);
} else {
R_AC.R_AB_ = matrix() * other.matrix();
return R_AC;
/// Calculates the product of `this` inverted and another %RotationMatrix.
/// If you consider `this` to be the rotation matrix R_AB, and `other` to be
/// R_AC, then this method returns R_BC = R_AB⁻¹ * R_AC. For T==double, this
/// method can be _much_ faster than inverting first and then performing the
/// composition because it can take advantage of the orthogonality of
/// rotation matrices. On some platforms it can use SIMD instructions for
/// further speedups.
/// @param[in] other %RotationMatrix that post-multiplies `this` inverted.
/// @retval R_BC where R_BC = this⁻¹ * other.
/// @note It is possible (albeit improbable) to create an invalid rotation
/// matrix by accumulating round-off error with a large number of multiplies.
RotationMatrix<T> InvertAndCompose(const RotationMatrix<T>& other) const {
const RotationMatrix<T>& R_AC = other; // Nicer name.
RotationMatrix<T> R_BC(internal::DoNotInitializeMemberFields{});
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, double>) {
internal::ComposeRinvR(*this, R_AC, &R_BC);
} else {
const RotationMatrix<T> R_BA = inverse();
R_BC = R_BA * R_AC;
return R_BC;
/// Calculates `this` rotation matrix `R_AB` multiplied by an arbitrary
/// Vector3 expressed in the B frame.
/// @param[in] v_B 3x1 vector that post-multiplies `this`.
/// @returns 3x1 vector `v_A = R_AB * v_B`.
Vector3<T> operator*(const Vector3<T>& v_B) const {
return Vector3<T>(matrix() * v_B);
/// Multiplies `this` %RotationMatrix `R_AB` by the n vectors `v1`, ... `vn`,
/// where each vector has 3 elements and is expressed in frame B.
/// @param[in] v_B `3 x n` matrix whose n columns are regarded as arbitrary
/// vectors `v1`, ... `vn` expressed in frame B.
/// @retval v_A `3 x n` matrix whose n columns are vectors `v1`, ... `vn`
/// expressed in frame A.
/// @code{.cc}
/// const RollPitchYaw<double> rpy(0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
/// const RotationMatrix<double> R_AB(rpy);
/// Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 2> v_B;
/// v_B.col(0) = Vector3d(4, 5, 6);
/// v_B.col(1) = Vector3d(9, 8, 7);
/// const Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 2> v_A = R_AB * v_B;
/// @endcode
template <typename Derived>
Eigen::Matrix<typename Derived::Scalar, 3, Derived::ColsAtCompileTime>
operator*(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& v_B) const {
if (v_B.rows() != 3) {
throw std::logic_error(
"Error: Inner dimension for matrix multiplication is not 3.");
// Express vectors in terms of frame A as v_A = R_AB * v_B.
return matrix() * v_B;
/// Returns how close the matrix R is to being a 3x3 orthonormal matrix by
/// computing `‖R ⋅ Rᵀ - I‖∞` (i.e., the maximum absolute value of the
/// difference between the elements of R ⋅ Rᵀ and the 3x3 identity matrix).
/// @param[in] R matrix being checked for orthonormality.
/// @returns `‖R ⋅ Rᵀ - I‖∞`
static T GetMeasureOfOrthonormality(const Matrix3<T>& R) {
const Matrix3<T> m = R * R.transpose();
return GetMaximumAbsoluteDifference(m, Matrix3<T>::Identity());
/// Tests if a generic Matrix3 has orthonormal vectors to within the threshold
/// specified by `tolerance`.
/// @param[in] R an allegedly orthonormal rotation matrix.
/// @param[in] tolerance maximum allowable absolute difference between R * Rᵀ
/// and the identity matrix I, i.e., checks if `‖R ⋅ Rᵀ - I‖∞ <= tolerance`.
/// @returns `true` if R is an orthonormal matrix.
static boolean<T> IsOrthonormal(const Matrix3<T>& R, double tolerance) {
return GetMeasureOfOrthonormality(R) <= tolerance;
/// Tests if a generic Matrix3 seems to be a proper orthonormal rotation
/// matrix to within the threshold specified by `tolerance`.
/// @param[in] R an allegedly valid rotation matrix.
/// @param[in] tolerance maximum allowable absolute difference of `R * Rᵀ`
/// and the identity matrix I (i.e., checks if `‖R ⋅ Rᵀ - I‖∞ <= tolerance`).
/// @returns `true` if R is a valid rotation matrix.
static boolean<T> IsValid(const Matrix3<T>& R, double tolerance) {
return IsOrthonormal(R, tolerance) && R.determinant() > 0;
/// Tests if a generic Matrix3 is a proper orthonormal rotation matrix to
/// within the threshold of get_internal_tolerance_for_orthonormality().
/// @param[in] R an allegedly valid rotation matrix.
/// @returns `true` if R is a valid rotation matrix.
static boolean<T> IsValid(const Matrix3<T>& R) {
return IsValid(R, get_internal_tolerance_for_orthonormality());
/// Tests if `this` rotation matrix R is a proper orthonormal rotation matrix
/// to within the threshold of get_internal_tolerance_for_orthonormality().
/// @returns `true` if `this` is a valid rotation matrix.
boolean<T> IsValid() const { return IsValid(matrix()); }
/// Returns `true` if `this` is exactly equal to the identity matrix.
/// @see IsNearlyIdentity().
boolean<T> IsExactlyIdentity() const {
return matrix() == Matrix3<T>::Identity();
/// Returns true if `this` is within tolerance of the identity RigidTransform.
/// @param[in] tolerance non-negative number that is generally the default
/// value, namely RotationMatrix::get_internal_tolerance_for_orthonormality().
/// @see IsExactlyIdentity().
boolean<T> IsNearlyIdentity(
double tolerance = get_internal_tolerance_for_orthonormality()) const {
return IsNearlyEqualTo(matrix(), Matrix3<T>::Identity(), tolerance);
/// Compares each element of `this` to the corresponding element of `other`
/// to check if they are the same to within a specified `tolerance`.
/// @param[in] other %RotationMatrix to compare to `this`.
/// @param[in] tolerance maximum allowable absolute difference between the
/// matrix elements in `this` and `other`.
/// @returns `true` if `‖this - other‖∞ <= tolerance`.
/// @see IsExactlyEqualTo().
boolean<T> IsNearlyEqualTo(const RotationMatrix<T>& other,
double tolerance) const {
return IsNearlyEqualTo(matrix(), other.matrix(), tolerance);
/// Compares each element of `this` to the corresponding element of `other`
/// to check if they are exactly the same.
/// @param[in] other %RotationMatrix to compare to `this`.
/// @returns true if each element of `this` is exactly equal to the
/// corresponding element in `other`.
/// @see IsNearlyEqualTo().
boolean<T> IsExactlyEqualTo(const RotationMatrix<T>& other) const {
return matrix() == other.matrix();
/// Computes the infinity norm of `this` - `other` (i.e., the maximum absolute
/// value of the difference between the elements of `this` and `other`).
/// @param[in] other %RotationMatrix to subtract from `this`.
/// @returns `‖this - other‖∞`
T GetMaximumAbsoluteDifference(const RotationMatrix<T>& other) const {
return GetMaximumAbsoluteDifference(matrix(), other.matrix());
/// Given an approximate rotation matrix M, finds the %RotationMatrix R
/// closest to M. Closeness is measured with a matrix-2 norm (or equivalently
/// with a Frobenius norm). Hence, this method creates a %RotationMatrix R
/// from a 3x3 matrix M by minimizing `‖R - M‖₂` (the matrix-2 norm of (R-M))
/// subject to `R * Rᵀ = I`, where I is the 3x3 identity matrix. For this
/// problem, closeness can also be measured by forming the orthonormal matrix
/// R whose elements minimize the double-summation `∑ᵢ ∑ⱼ (R(i,j) - M(i,j))²`
/// where `i = 1:3, j = 1:3`, subject to `R * Rᵀ = I`. The square-root of
/// this double-summation is called the Frobenius norm.
/// @param[in] M a 3x3 matrix.
/// @param[out] quality_factor. The quality of M as a rotation matrix.
/// `quality_factor` = 1 is perfect (M = R). `quality_factor` = 1.25 means
/// that when M multiplies a unit vector (magnitude 1), a vector of magnitude
/// as large as 1.25 may result. `quality_factor` = 0.8 means that when M
/// multiplies a unit vector, a vector of magnitude as small as 0.8 may
/// result. `quality_factor` = 0 means M is singular, so at least one of the
/// bases related by matrix M does not span 3D space (when M multiples a unit
/// vector, a vector of magnitude as small as 0 may result).
/// @returns proper orthonormal matrix R that is closest to M.
/// @throws std::exception if R fails IsValid(R).
/// @note William Kahan (UC Berkeley) and Hongkai Dai (Toyota Research
/// Institute) proved that for this problem, the same R that minimizes the
/// Frobenius norm also minimizes the matrix-2 norm (a.k.a an induced-2 norm),
/// which is defined [Dahleh, Section 4.2] as the column matrix u which
/// maximizes `‖(R - M) u‖ / ‖u‖`, where `u ≠ 0`. Since the matrix-2 norm of
/// any matrix A is equal to the maximum singular value of A, minimizing the
/// matrix-2 norm of (R - M) is equivalent to minimizing the maximum singular
/// value of (R - M).
/// - [Dahleh] "Lectures on Dynamic Systems and Controls: Electrical
/// Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology"
static RotationMatrix<T>
ProjectToRotationMatrix(const Matrix3<T>& M, T* quality_factor = nullptr) {
const Matrix3<T> M_orthonormalized =
ProjectMatrix3ToOrthonormalMatrix3(M, quality_factor);
return RotationMatrix<T>(M_orthonormalized, true);
/// Returns an internal tolerance that checks rotation matrix orthonormality.
/// @returns internal tolerance (small multiplier of double-precision epsilon)
/// used to check whether or not a rotation matrix is orthonormal.
/// @note The tolerance is chosen by developers to ensure a reasonably
/// valid (orthonormal) rotation matrix.
/// @note To orthonormalize a 3x3 matrix, use ProjectToRotationMatrix().
static constexpr double get_internal_tolerance_for_orthonormality() {
return kInternalToleranceForOrthonormality;
/// Returns a RollPitchYaw that represents `this` %RotationMatrix, with
/// roll-pitch-yaw angles `[r, p, y]` in the range
/// `-π <= r <= π`, `-π/2 <= p <= π/2`, `-π <= y <= π`.
/// @note This new high-accuracy algorithm avoids numerical round-off issues
/// encountered by some algorithms when pitch is within 1E-6 of π/2 or -π/2.
RollPitchYaw<T> ToRollPitchYaw() const { return RollPitchYaw(*this); }
/// Returns a quaternion q that represents `this` %RotationMatrix. Since the
/// quaternion `q` and `-q` represent the same %RotationMatrix, this method
/// chooses to return a canonical quaternion, i.e., with q(0) >= 0.
Eigen::Quaternion<T> ToQuaternion() const { return ToQuaternion(R_AB_); }
/// Returns a unit quaternion q associated with the 3x3 matrix M. Since the
/// quaternion `q` and `-q` represent the same %RotationMatrix, this method
/// chooses to return a canonical quaternion, i.e., with q(0) >= 0.
/// @param[in] M 3x3 matrix to be made into a quaternion.
/// @returns a unit quaternion q in canonical form, i.e., with q(0) >= 0.
/// @throws std::exception in debug builds if the quaternion `q`
/// returned by this method cannot construct a valid %RotationMatrix.
/// For example, if `M` contains NaNs, `q` will not be a valid quaternion.
static Eigen::Quaternion<T> ToQuaternion(
const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix3<T>>& M);
/// Utility method to return the Vector4 associated with ToQuaternion().
/// @see ToQuaternion().
Vector4<T> ToQuaternionAsVector4() const {
return ToQuaternionAsVector4(R_AB_);
/// Utility method to return the Vector4 associated with ToQuaternion(M).
/// @param[in] M 3x3 matrix to be made into a quaternion.
/// @see ToQuaternion().
static Vector4<T> ToQuaternionAsVector4(const Matrix3<T>& M) {
const Eigen::Quaternion<T> q = ToQuaternion(M);
return Vector4<T>(q.w(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z());
/// Returns an AngleAxis `theta_lambda` containing an angle `theta` and unit
/// vector (axis direction) `lambda` that represents `this` %RotationMatrix.
/// @note The orientation and %RotationMatrix associated with `theta * lambda`
/// is identical to that of `(-theta) * (-lambda)`. The AngleAxis returned by
/// this method chooses to have `0 <= theta <= pi`.
/// @returns an AngleAxis with `0 <= theta <= pi` and a unit vector `lambda`.
Eigen::AngleAxis<T> ToAngleAxis() const {
const Eigen::AngleAxis<T> theta_lambda(this->matrix());
return theta_lambda;
/// (Internal use only) Constructs a RotationMatrix without initializing the
/// underlying 3x3 matrix. For use by RigidTransform and RotationMatrix only.
explicit RotationMatrix(internal::DoNotInitializeMemberFields) {}
// Make RotationMatrix<U> templatized on any typename U be a friend of a
// %RotationMatrix templatized on any other typename T.
// This is needed for the method RotationMatrix<T>::cast<U>() to be able to
// use the necessary private constructor.
template <typename U>
friend class RotationMatrix;
// Declares the allowable tolerance (small multiplier of double-precision
// epsilon) used to check whether or not a rotation matrix is orthonormal.
static constexpr double kInternalToleranceForOrthonormality{
128 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()};
// Constructs a %RotationMatrix from a Matrix3. No check is performed to test
// whether or not the parameter R is a valid rotation matrix.
// @param[in] R an allegedly valid rotation matrix.
// @note The second parameter is just a dummy to distinguish this constructor
// from any of the other constructors.
RotationMatrix(const Matrix3<T>& R, bool) : R_AB_(R) {}
// Sets `this` %RotationMatrix from a Matrix3. No check is performed to
// test whether or not the parameter R is a valid rotation matrix.
// @param[in] R an allegedly valid rotation matrix.
void SetUnchecked(const Matrix3<T>& R) { R_AB_ = R; }
// Sets `this` %RotationMatrix `R_AB` from right-handed orthogonal unit
// vectors `Bx`, `By`, `Bz` so that the columns of `this` are `[Bx, By, Bz]`.
// @param[in] Bx first unit vector in right-handed orthogonal basis.
// @param[in] By second unit vector in right-handed orthogonal basis.
// @param[in] Bz third unit vector in right-handed orthogonal basis.
// @throws std::exception in debug builds if `R_AB` fails IsValid(R_AB).
// @note The rotation matrix `R_AB` relates two sets of right-handed
// orthogonal unit vectors, namely `Ax`, `Ay`, `Az` and `Bx`, `By`, `Bz`.
// The rows of `R_AB` are `Ax`, `Ay`, `Az` whereas the
// columns of `R_AB` are `Bx`, `By`, `Bz`.
void SetFromOrthonormalColumns(const Vector3<T>& Bx,
const Vector3<T>& By,
const Vector3<T>& Bz) {
R_AB_.col(0) = Bx;
R_AB_.col(1) = By;
R_AB_.col(2) = Bz;
// Sets `this` %RotationMatrix `R_AB` from right-handed orthogonal unit
// vectors `Ax`, `Ay`, `Az` so that the rows of `this` are `[Ax, Ay, Az]`.
// @param[in] Ax first unit vector in right-handed orthogonal basis.
// @param[in] Ay second unit vector in right-handed orthogonal basis.
// @param[in] Az third unit vector in right-handed orthogonal basis.
// @throws std::exception in debug builds if `R_AB` fails R_AB.IsValid().
// @see SetFromOrthonormalColumns() for additional notes.
void SetFromOrthonormalRows(const Vector3<T>& Ax,
const Vector3<T>& Ay,
const Vector3<T>& Az) {
R_AB_.row(0) = Ax;
R_AB_.row(1) = Ay;
R_AB_.row(2) = Az;
// Computes the infinity norm of R - `other` (i.e., the maximum absolute
// value of the difference between the elements of R and `other`).
// @param[in] R matrix from which `other` is subtracted.
// @param[in] other matrix to subtract from R.
// @returns `‖R - other‖∞`
static T GetMaximumAbsoluteDifference(const Matrix3<T>& R,
const Matrix3<T>& other) {
const Matrix3<T> R_difference = R - other;
return R_difference.template lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>();
// Compares corresponding elements in two matrices to check if they are the
// same to within a specified `tolerance`.
// @param[in] R matrix to compare to `other`.
// @param[in] other matrix to compare to R.
// @param[in] tolerance maximum allowable absolute difference between the
// matrix elements in R and `other`.
// @returns `true` if `‖R - `other`‖∞ <= tolerance`.
static boolean<T> IsNearlyEqualTo(const Matrix3<T>& R,
const Matrix3<T>& other,
double tolerance) {
const T R_max_difference = GetMaximumAbsoluteDifference(R, other);
return R_max_difference <= tolerance;
// Throws an exception if R is not a valid %RotationMatrix.
// @param[in] R an allegedly valid rotation matrix.
// @note If the underlying scalar type T is non-numeric (symbolic), no
// validity check is made and no exception is thrown.
static void ThrowIfNotValid(const Matrix3<T>& R);
// Given an approximate rotation matrix M, finds the orthonormal matrix R
// closest to M. Closeness is measured with a matrix-2 norm (or equivalently
// with a Frobenius norm). Hence, this method creates an orthonormal matrix R
// from a 3x3 matrix M by minimizing `‖R - M‖₂` (the matrix-2 norm of (R-M))
// subject to `R * Rᵀ = I`, where I is the 3x3 identity matrix. For this
// problem, closeness can also be measured by forming the orthonormal matrix R
// whose elements minimize the double-summation `∑ᵢ ∑ⱼ (R(i,j) - M(i,j))²`
// where `i = 1:3, j = 1:3`, subject to `R * Rᵀ = I`. The square-root of
// this double-summation is called the Frobenius norm.
// @param[in] M a 3x3 matrix.
// @param[out] quality_factor. The quality of M as a rotation matrix.
// `quality_factor` = 1 is perfect (M = R). `quality_factor` = 1.25 means
// that when M multiplies a unit vector (magnitude 1), a vector of magnitude
// as large as 1.25 may result. `quality_factor` = -1 means M relates two
// perfectly orthonormal bases, but one is right-handed whereas the other is
// left-handed (M is a "reflection"). `quality_factor` = -0.8 means M
// relates a right-handed basis to a left-handed basis and when M multiplies
// a unit vector, a vector of magnitude as small as 0.8 may result.
// `quality_factor` = 0 means M is singular, so at least one of the bases
// related by matrix M does not span 3D space (when M multiples a unit vector,
// a vector of magnitude as small as 0 may result).
// @return orthonormal matrix R that is closest to M (note det(R) may be -1).
// @note The SVD part of this algorithm can be derived as a modification of
// section 3.2 in
// @note William Kahan (UC Berkeley) and Hongkai Dai (Toyota Research
// Institute) proved that for this problem, the same R that minimizes the
// Frobenius norm also minimizes the matrix-2 norm (a.k.a an induced-2 norm),
// which is defined [Dahleh, Section 4.2] as the column matrix u which
// maximizes `‖(R - M) u‖ / ‖u‖`, where `u ≠ 0`. Since the matrix-2 norm of
// any matrix A is equal to the maximum singular value of A, minimizing the
// matrix-2 norm of (R - M) is equivalent to minimizing the maximum singular
// value of (R - M).
// - [Dahleh] "Lectures on Dynamic Systems and Controls: Electrical
// Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology"
static Matrix3<T> ProjectMatrix3ToOrthonormalMatrix3(
const Matrix3<T>& M, T* quality_factor);
// This is a helper method for RotationMatrix::ToQuaternion that returns a
// Quaternion that is neither sign-canonicalized nor magnitude-normalized.
// This method is used for scalar types where scalar_predicate<T>::is_bool is
// true (e.g., T = `double` and T = `AutoDiffXd`). For types where is_bool
// is false (e.g., T = `symbolic::Expression`), the alternative specialization
// below is used instead. We have two implementations so that this method is
// as fast and compact as possible when `T = double`.
// N.B. Keep the math in this method in sync with the other specialization,
// immediately below.
template <typename S = T>
static std::enable_if_t<scalar_predicate<S>::is_bool, Eigen::Quaternion<S>>
const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix3<S>>& M) {
// This implementation is adapted from simbody at
T w, x, y, z; // Elements of the quaternion, w relates to cos(theta/2).
const T trace = M.trace();
if (trace >= M(0, 0) && trace >= M(1, 1) && trace >= M(2, 2)) {
// This branch occurs if the trace is larger than any diagonal element.
w = T(1) + trace;
x = M(2, 1) - M(1, 2);
y = M(0, 2) - M(2, 0);
z = M(1, 0) - M(0, 1);
} else if (M(0, 0) >= M(1, 1) && M(0, 0) >= M(2, 2)) {
// This branch occurs if M(0,0) is largest among the diagonal elements.
w = M(2, 1) - M(1, 2);
x = T(1) - (trace - 2 * M(0, 0));
y = M(0, 1) + M(1, 0);
z = M(0, 2) + M(2, 0);
} else if (M(1, 1) >= M(2, 2)) {
// This branch occurs if M(1,1) is largest among the diagonal elements.
w = M(0, 2) - M(2, 0);
x = M(0, 1) + M(1, 0);
y = T(1) - (trace - 2 * M(1, 1));
z = M(1, 2) + M(2, 1);
} else {
// This branch occurs if M(2,2) is largest among the diagonal elements.
w = M(1, 0) - M(0, 1);
x = M(0, 2) + M(2, 0);
y = M(1, 2) + M(2, 1);
z = T(1) - (trace - 2 * M(2, 2));
// Create a quantity q (which is not yet a unit quaternion).
// Note: Eigen's Quaternion constructor does not normalize.
return Eigen::Quaternion<T>(w, x, y, z);
// Refer to the same-named method above for comments and details about the
// algorithm being used, the meaning of the branches, etc. This method is
// identical except that the if-elseif chain is replaced with a symbolic-
// conditional formulation.
// N.B. Keep the math in this method in sync with the other specialization,
// immediately above.
template <typename S = T>
static std::enable_if_t<!scalar_predicate<S>::is_bool, Eigen::Quaternion<S>>
const Eigen::Ref<const Matrix3<S>>& M) {
const T M00 = M(0, 0); const T M01 = M(0, 1); const T M02 = M(0, 2);
const T M10 = M(1, 0); const T M11 = M(1, 1); const T M12 = M(1, 2);
const T M20 = M(2, 0); const T M21 = M(2, 1); const T M22 = M(2, 2);
const T trace = M00 + M11 + M22;
const Vector4<T> wxyz =
if_then_else(trace >= M00 && trace >= M11 && trace >= M22, Vector4<T>{
T(1) + trace,
M21 - M12,
M02 - M20,
M10 - M01,
}, if_then_else(M00 >= M11 && M00 >= M22, Vector4<T>{
M21 - M12,
T(1) - (trace - 2 * M00),
M01 + M10,
M02 + M20,
}, if_then_else(M11 >= M22, Vector4<T>{
M02 - M20,
M01 + M10,
T(1) - (trace - 2 * M11),
M12 + M21,
}, /* else */ Vector4<T>{
M10 - M01,
M02 + M20,
M12 + M21,
T(1) - (trace - 2 * M22),
return Eigen::Quaternion<T>(wxyz(0), wxyz(1), wxyz(2), wxyz(3));
// Constructs a 3x3 rotation matrix from a Quaternion.
// @param[in] quaternion a quaternion which may or may not have unit length.
// @param[in] two_over_norm_squared is supplied by the calling method and is
// usually pre-computed as `2 / quaternion.squaredNorm()`. If `quaternion`
// has already been normalized [`quaternion.norm() = 1`] or there is a reason
// (unlikely) that the calling method determines that normalization is
// unwanted, the calling method should just past `two_over_norm_squared = 2`.
// @internal The cost of Eigen's quaternion.toRotationMatrix() is 12 adds and
// 12 multiplies. This method also costs 12 adds and 12 multiplies, but
// has a provision for an efficient algorithm for always calculating an
// orthogonal rotation matrix (whereas Eigen's algorithm does not).
// @throws std::exception if all the elements of quaternion are zero.
// Throws std::exception in debug builds if any of the elements in quaternion
// are infinity or NaN.
static Matrix3<T> QuaternionToRotationMatrix(
const Eigen::Quaternion<T>& quaternion, const T& two_over_norm_squared);
// Throws an exception if the vector v does not have a measurable magnitude
// within 4ε of 1 (where machine epsilon ε ≈ 2.22E-16).
// @param[in] v The vector to test.
// @param[in] function_name The name of the calling function; included in the
// exception message.
// @throws std::exception if |v| cannot be verified to be within 4ε of 1.
// An exception is thrown if v contains nonfinite numbers (NaN or infinity).
// @note no exception is thrown if v is a symbolic type.
static void ThrowIfNotUnitLength(const Vector3<T>& v,
const char* function_name);
// Returns the unit vector in the direction of v or throws an exception if v
// cannot be "safely" normalized.
// @param[in] v The vector to normalize.
// @param[in] function_name The name of the calling function; included in the
// exception message.
// @throws std::exception if v contains nonfinite numbers (NaN or infinity)
// or |v| < 1E-10.
// @note no exception is thrown if v is a symbolic type.
static Vector3<T> NormalizeOrThrow(const Vector3<T>& v,
const char* function_name);
// Stores the underlying rotation matrix relating two frames (e.g. A and B).
// For speed, `R_AB_` is uninitialized (public constructors set its value).
// The elements are stored in column-major order, per Eigen's default,
// see
Matrix3<T> R_AB_;
// To enable low-level optimizations we insist that RotationMatrix<double> is
// packed into 9 consecutive doubles, with no extra alignment padding.
static_assert(sizeof(RotationMatrix<double>) == 9 * sizeof(double),
"Low-level optimizations depend on RotationMatrix<double> being stored as "
"9 sequential doubles in memory, with no extra memory alignment padding.");
/// Abbreviation (alias/typedef) for a RotationMatrix double scalar type.
/// @relates RotationMatrix
using RotationMatrixd = RotationMatrix<double>;
/// Projects an approximate 3 x 3 rotation matrix M onto an orthonormal matrix R
/// so that R is a rotation matrix associated with a angle-axis rotation by an
/// angle θ about a vector direction `axis`, with `angle_lb <= θ <= angle_ub`.
/// @param[in] M the matrix to be projected.
/// @param[in] axis vector direction associated with angle-axis rotation for R.
/// axis can be a non-unit vector, but cannot be the zero vector.
/// @param[in] angle_lb the lower bound of the rotation angle θ.
/// @param[in] angle_ub the upper bound of the rotation angle θ.
/// @return Rotation angle θ of the projected matrix, angle_lb <= θ <= angle_ub
/// @throws std::exception if axis is the zero vector or
/// if angle_lb > angle_ub.
/// @note This method is useful for reconstructing a rotation matrix for a
/// revolute joint with joint limits.
/// @note This can be formulated as an optimization problem
/// <pre>
/// min_θ trace((R - M)ᵀ*(R - M))
/// subject to R = I + sinθ * A + (1 - cosθ) * A² (1)
/// angle_lb <= θ <= angle_ub
/// </pre>
/// where A is the cross product matrix of a = axis / axis.norm() = [a₁, a₂, a₃]
/// <pre>
/// A = [ 0 -a₃ a₂]
/// [ a₃ 0 -a₁]
/// [-a₂ a₁ 0 ]
/// </pre>
/// Equation (1) is the Rodriguez Formula that computes the rotation matrix R
/// from the angle-axis rotation with angle θ and vector direction `axis`.
/// For details, see
/// The objective function can be simplified as
/// <pre>
/// max_θ trace(Rᵀ * M + Mᵀ * R)
/// </pre>
/// By substituting the matrix `R` with the angle-axis representation, the
/// optimization problem is formulated as
/// <pre>
/// max_θ sinθ * trace(Aᵀ*M) - cosθ * trace(Mᵀ * A²)
/// subject to angle_lb <= θ <= angle_ub
/// </pre>
/// By introducing α = atan2(-trace(Mᵀ * A²), trace(Aᵀ*M)), we can compute the
/// optimal θ as
/// <pre>
/// θ = π/2 + 2kπ - α, if angle_lb <= π/2 + 2kπ - α <= angle_ub, k ∈ integers
/// else
/// θ = angle_lb, if sin(angle_lb + α) >= sin(angle_ub + α)
/// θ = angle_ub, if sin(angle_lb + α) < sin(angle_ub + α)
/// </pre>
/// @see GlobalInverseKinematics for an usage of this function.
double ProjectMatToRotMatWithAxis(const Eigen::Matrix3d& M,
const Eigen::Vector3d& axis,
double angle_lb,
double angle_ub);
} // namespace math
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::math::RotationMatrix)