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#include "drake/planning/trajectory_optimization/direct_transcription.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "drake/common/symbolic/decompose.h"
#include "drake/math/autodiff.h"
#include "drake/math/autodiff_gradient.h"
#include "drake/solvers/constraint.h"
#include "drake/systems/analysis/explicit_euler_integrator.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/system_symbolic_inspector.h"
namespace drake {
namespace planning {
namespace trajectory_optimization {
using systems::Context;
using systems::DiscreteValues;
using systems::ExplicitEulerIntegrator;
using systems::FixedInputPortValue;
using systems::InputPort;
using systems::InputPortIndex;
using systems::InputPortSelection;
using systems::IntegratorBase;
using systems::PeriodicEventData;
using systems::PortDataType;
using systems::System;
using systems::SystemSymbolicInspector;
using systems::TimeVaryingLinearSystem;
using trajectories::PiecewisePolynomial;
namespace {
// Implements a constraint on the defect between the state variables
// advanced for one discrete step or one integration for a fixed timestep,
// and the decision variable representing the next state.
class DirectTranscriptionConstraint : public solvers::Constraint {
// @param system The system describing the dynamics of the constraint.
// The reference must remain valid for the lifetime of this constraint.
// @param context A mutable pointer to a context that will be written to in
// order to perform the dynamics evaluations. This context must also
// stay valid for the lifetime of this constraint.
// @param input_port_value A pre-allocated mutable pointer for writing the
// input value, which must be assigned as an input to @p context. It must
// also remain valid.
// @param num_states the integer size of the discrete or continuous
// state vector being optimized.
// @param num_inputs the integer size of the input vector being optimized.
// @param evaluation_time The time along the trajectory at which this
// constraint is evaluated.
// @param fixed_timestep Defines the explicit Euler integration
// timestep for systems with continuous state variables.
DirectTranscriptionConstraint(IntegratorBase<AutoDiffXd>* integrator,
FixedInputPortValue* input_port_value,
int num_states, int num_inputs,
double evaluation_time, TimeStep fixed_timestep)
: Constraint(num_states, num_inputs + 2 * num_states,
fixed_timestep_(fixed_timestep.value) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(evaluation_time >= 0.0);
const Context<AutoDiffXd>& context = integrator->get_context();
DRAKE_DEMAND(context.has_only_discrete_state() ||
DRAKE_DEMAND(context.num_input_ports() == 0 ||
input_port_value_ != nullptr);
if (context.has_only_discrete_state()) {
discrete_state_ = integrator_->get_system().AllocateDiscreteVariables();
} else {
DRAKE_DEMAND(fixed_timestep_ > 0.0);
// Makes sure the autodiff vector is properly initialized.
evaluation_time_.derivatives().resize(2 * num_states_ + num_inputs_);
~DirectTranscriptionConstraint() override = default;
void DoEval(const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorXd>& x,
Eigen::VectorXd* y) const override {
AutoDiffVecXd y_t;
Eval(x.cast<AutoDiffXd>(), &y_t);
*y = math::ExtractValue(y_t);
// The format of the input to the eval() function is a vector
// containing {input, state, next_state}.
void DoEval(const Eigen::Ref<const AutoDiffVecXd>& x,
AutoDiffVecXd* y) const override {
DRAKE_ASSERT(x.size() == num_inputs_ + (2 * num_states_));
// Extract our input variables:
const auto input = x.head(num_inputs_);
const auto state = x.segment(num_inputs_, num_states_);
const auto next_state = x.tail(num_states_);
Context<AutoDiffXd>* context = integrator_->get_mutable_context();
if (context->num_input_ports() > 0) {
if (context->has_only_continuous_state()) {
// Compute the defect between next_state and the explicit Euler
// integration.
evaluation_time_ + fixed_timestep_));
*y = next_state - context->get_continuous_state_vector().CopyToVector();
} else {
context->SetDiscreteState(0, state);
*y = next_state - discrete_state_->get_vector(0).get_value();
void DoEval(const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<symbolic::Variable>>&,
VectorX<symbolic::Expression>*) const override {
throw std::logic_error(
"DirectTranscriptionConstraint does not support symbolic evaluation.");
IntegratorBase<AutoDiffXd>* const integrator_;
std::unique_ptr<DiscreteValues<AutoDiffXd>> discrete_state_;
FixedInputPortValue* const input_port_value_{nullptr};
const int num_states_{0};
const int num_inputs_{0};
AutoDiffXd evaluation_time_{0};
const double fixed_timestep_{0};
double get_period(const System<double>* system, std::string message) {
std::optional<PeriodicEventData> periodic_data =
if (!periodic_data.has_value()) {
throw std::invalid_argument(message);
DRAKE_DEMAND(periodic_data->offset_sec() == 0.0);
return periodic_data->period_sec();
int get_input_port_size(
const System<double>* system,
std::variant<InputPortSelection, InputPortIndex> input_port_index) {
if (system->get_input_port_selection(input_port_index)) {
return system->get_input_port_selection(input_port_index)->size();
} else {
return 0;
} // end namespace
const System<double>* system, const Context<double>& context,
int num_time_samples,
const std::variant<InputPortSelection, InputPortIndex>& input_port_index)
: MultipleShooting(get_input_port_size(system, input_port_index),
context.num_total_states(), num_time_samples,
"This constructor is for discrete-time "
"systems. For continuous-time "
"systems, you must use a different "
"constructor that specifies the "
discrete_time_system_(true) {
ValidateSystem(*system, context, input_port_index);
// First try symbolic dynamics.
if (!AddSymbolicDynamicConstraints(system, context, input_port_index)) {
AddAutodiffDynamicConstraints(system, context, input_port_index);
const TimeVaryingLinearSystem<double>* system,
const Context<double>& context, int num_time_samples,
const std::variant<InputPortSelection, InputPortIndex>& input_port_index)
: MultipleShooting(get_input_port_size(system, input_port_index),
context.num_total_states(), num_time_samples,
/* N.B. Ensures that MultipleShooting is well-formed */),
discrete_time_system_(true) {
if (!context.has_only_discrete_state()) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"This constructor is for discrete-time systems. For continuous-time "
"systems, you must use a different constructor that specifies the "
ValidateSystem(*system, context, input_port_index);
for (int i = 0; i < N() - 1; i++) {
const double t = system->time_period() * i;
state(i+1).cast<symbolic::Expression>() ==
system->A(t) * state(i).cast<symbolic::Expression>() +
system->B(t) * input(i).cast<symbolic::Expression>());
const System<double>* system, const Context<double>& context,
int num_time_samples, TimeStep fixed_timestep,
const std::variant<InputPortSelection, InputPortIndex>& input_port_index)
: MultipleShooting(get_input_port_size(system, input_port_index),
context.num_total_states(), num_time_samples,
discrete_time_system_(false) {
if (!context.has_only_continuous_state()) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"This constructor is for continuous-time systems. For discrete-time "
"systems, you must use a different constructor that doesn't specify "
"the timestep.");
DRAKE_DEMAND(fixed_timestep.value > 0.0);
if (context.num_input_ports() > 0) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_inputs() == get_input_port_size(system, input_port_index));
// First try symbolic dynamics.
if (!AddSymbolicDynamicConstraints(system, context, input_port_index)) {
AddAutodiffDynamicConstraints(system, context, input_port_index);
void DirectTranscription::DoAddRunningCost(const symbolic::Expression& g) {
// Cost = \sum_n g(n,x[n],u[n]) dt
for (int i = 0; i < N() - 1; i++) {
prog().AddCost(SubstitutePlaceholderVariables(g * fixed_timestep(), i));
PiecewisePolynomial<double> DirectTranscription::ReconstructInputTrajectory(
const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult& result) const {
Eigen::VectorXd times = GetSampleTimes(result);
std::vector<double> times_vec(N());
std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> inputs(N());
for (int i = 0; i < N(); i++) {
times_vec[i] = times(i);
inputs[i] = result.GetSolution(input(i));
// TODO(russt): Implement DTTrajectories and return one of those instead.
return PiecewisePolynomial<double>::ZeroOrderHold(times_vec, inputs);
PiecewisePolynomial<double> DirectTranscription::ReconstructStateTrajectory(
const solvers::MathematicalProgramResult& result) const {
Eigen::VectorXd times = GetSampleTimes(result);
std::vector<double> times_vec(N());
std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> states(N());
for (int i = 0; i < N(); i++) {
times_vec[i] = times(i);
states[i] = result.GetSolution(state(i));
// TODO(russt): Implement DTTrajectories and return one of those instead.
// TODO(russt): For continuous time, this should return a cubic polynomial.
return PiecewisePolynomial<double>::ZeroOrderHold(times_vec, states);
bool DirectTranscription::AddSymbolicDynamicConstraints(
const System<double>* system, const Context<double>& context,
const std::variant<InputPortSelection, InputPortIndex>& input_port_index) {
using symbolic::Expression;
const auto symbolic_system = system->ToSymbolicMaybe();
if (!symbolic_system) {
return false;
auto symbolic_context = symbolic_system->CreateDefaultContext();
if (SystemSymbolicInspector::IsAbstract(*symbolic_system,
*symbolic_context)) {
return false;
const InputPort<Expression>* input_port =
ExplicitEulerIntegrator<Expression> integrator(
*symbolic_system, fixed_timestep(), symbolic_context.get());
VectorX<Expression> next_state(num_states());
for (int i = 0; i < N() - 1; i++) {
if (input_port) {
input_port->FixValue(symbolic_context.get(), input(i).cast<Expression>());
if (discrete_time_system_) {
const DiscreteValues<Expression>& discrete_state =
next_state = discrete_state.get_vector(0).get_value();
} else {
(i + 1) * fixed_timestep()));
next_state =
if (i == 0 && !IsAffine(next_state,
symbolic::Variables(prog().decision_variables()))) {
// Note: only check on the first iteration, where we can return false
// before adding any constraints to the program. For i>0, the
// AddLinearEqualityConstraint call with throw.
return false;
prog().AddLinearEqualityConstraint(state(i + 1) == next_state);
return true;
void DirectTranscription::AddAutodiffDynamicConstraints(
const System<double>* system, const Context<double>& context,
const std::variant<InputPortSelection, InputPortIndex>& input_port_index) {
system_ = system->ToAutoDiffXd();
DRAKE_DEMAND(system_ != nullptr);
context_ = system_->CreateDefaultContext();
input_port_ = system_->get_input_port_selection(input_port_index);
if (input_port_) {
// Verify that the input port is not abstract valued.
if (input_port_->get_data_type() == PortDataType::kAbstractValued) {
throw std::logic_error(
"The specified input port is abstract-valued, but "
"DirectTranscription only supports vector-valued input ports. Did "
"you perhaps forget to pass a non-default `input_port_index` "
// Provide a fixed value for the input port and keep an alias around.
input_port_value_ = &input_port_->FixValue(
integrator_ = std::make_unique<ExplicitEulerIntegrator<AutoDiffXd>>(
*system_, fixed_timestep(), context_.get());
// For N-1 timesteps, add a constraint which depends on the breakpoint
// along with the state and input vectors at that breakpoint and the
// next.
for (int i = 0; i < N() - 1; i++) {
// Add the dynamic constraints.
// Note that these constraints all share a context and inout_port_value,
// so should not be evaluated in parallel.
auto constraint = std::make_shared<DirectTranscriptionConstraint>(
integrator_.get(), input_port_value_, num_states(), num_inputs(),
i * fixed_timestep(), TimeStep{fixed_timestep()});
prog().AddConstraint(constraint, {input(i), state(i), state(i + 1)});
void DirectTranscription::ConstrainEqualInputAtFinalTwoTimesteps() {
if (num_inputs() > 0) {
prog().AddLinearEqualityConstraint(input(N() - 2) == input(N() - 1));
void DirectTranscription::ValidateSystem(
const System<double>& system, const Context<double>& context,
const std::variant<InputPortSelection, InputPortIndex>& input_port_index) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_states() == context.get_discrete_state(0).size());
if (context.num_input_ports() > 0) {
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_inputs() ==
get_input_port_size(&system, input_port_index));
} // namespace trajectory_optimization
} // namespace planning
} // namespace drake