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#include "drake/systems/controllers/inverse_dynamics_controller.h"
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "drake/systems/controllers/inverse_dynamics.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/diagram_builder.h"
#include "drake/systems/primitives/adder.h"
#include "drake/systems/primitives/constant_vector_source.h"
#include "drake/systems/primitives/demultiplexer.h"
using drake::multibody::MultibodyPlant;
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
namespace controllers {
template <typename T>
void InverseDynamicsController<T>::SetUp(
std::unique_ptr<multibody::MultibodyPlant<T>> owned_plant,
const VectorX<double>& kp, const VectorX<double>& ki,
const VectorX<double>& kd) {
DiagramBuilder<T> builder;
InverseDynamics<T>* inverse_dynamics{};
if (owned_plant) {
inverse_dynamics = builder.template AddSystem<InverseDynamics<T>>(
std::move(owned_plant), InverseDynamics<T>::kInverseDynamics);
} else {
inverse_dynamics = builder.template AddSystem<InverseDynamics<T>>(
multibody_plant_for_control_, InverseDynamics<T>::kInverseDynamics);
const int num_positions = multibody_plant_for_control_->num_positions();
const int num_velocities = multibody_plant_for_control_->num_velocities();
const int num_actuators = multibody_plant_for_control_->num_actuators();
const int dim = kp.size();
DRAKE_DEMAND(num_positions == dim);
if (num_positions != num_actuators) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(R"""(
Your plant has {} positions, but only {} actuators.
InverseDynamicsController (currently) only supports fully-actuated robots. For
instance, you cannot use this directly if your robot/model has an unactuated
floating base.
Note that commonly, the MultibodyPlant used for control is not the same
one used for simulation; the simulation model might contain the robot and also
some objects in the world which the controller does not have direct
observations of nor control over. See
| for some further discussion.)""",
num_positions, num_actuators));
if (num_positions != num_velocities) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(R"""(
Your plant has {} positions, but {} velocities. Likely you have a quaternion
floating base. InverseDynamicsController currently requires that the
number of positions matches the number of velocities, and does not support
joints modeled with quaternions.)""", num_positions, num_velocities));
(q*, v*) |
---------> | | |
(q, v) |PID| |
---------> | | --+--> | |
| | inverse dynamics | ---> force
------------------> | |
// Adds a PID.
pid_ = builder.template AddSystem<PidController<T>>(kp, ki, kd);
// Adds a adder to do PID's acceleration + reference acceleration.
auto adder = builder.template AddSystem<Adder<T>>(2, dim);
// Adds PID's output with reference acceleration
builder.Connect(pid_->get_output_port_control(), adder->get_input_port(0));
// Connects desired acceleration to inverse dynamics
// Exposes estimated state input port.
// Connects estimated state to PID.
input_port_index_estimated_state_ = builder.ExportInput(
pid_->get_input_port_estimated_state(), "estimated_state");
// Connects estimated state to inverse dynamics.
// Exposes reference state input port.
input_port_index_desired_state_ = builder.ExportInput(
pid_->get_input_port_desired_state(), "desired_state");
if (!has_reference_acceleration_) {
// Uses a zero constant source for reference acceleration.
auto zero_feedforward_acceleration =
builder.template AddSystem<ConstantVectorSource<T>>(
} else {
// Exposes reference acceleration input port.
input_port_index_desired_acceleration_ =
builder.ExportInput(adder->get_input_port(1), "desired_acceleration");
// Exposes inverse dynamics' output force port.
output_port_index_control_ =
builder.ExportOutput(inverse_dynamics->get_output_port_force(), "force");
template <typename T>
void InverseDynamicsController<T>::set_integral_value(
Context<T>* context, const Eigen::Ref<const VectorX<T>>& value) const {
Context<T>& pid_context =
Diagram<T>::GetMutableSubsystemContext(*pid_, context);
pid_->set_integral_value(&pid_context, value);
template <typename T>
const MultibodyPlant<T>& plant, const VectorX<double>& kp,
const VectorX<double>& ki, const VectorX<double>& kd,
bool has_reference_acceleration)
: multibody_plant_for_control_(&plant),
has_reference_acceleration_(has_reference_acceleration) {
SetUp(nullptr, kp, ki, kd);
template <typename T>
std::unique_ptr<multibody::MultibodyPlant<T>> plant,
const VectorX<double>& kp, const VectorX<double>& ki,
const VectorX<double>& kd, bool has_reference_acceleration)
: multibody_plant_for_control_(plant.get()),
has_reference_acceleration_(has_reference_acceleration) {
SetUp(std::move(plant), kp, ki, kd);
template <typename T>
InverseDynamicsController<T>::~InverseDynamicsController() = default;
} // namespace controllers
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::systems::controllers::InverseDynamicsController)