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142 lines
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#include "drake/systems/controllers/pid_controller.h"
#include <string>
#include "drake/common/default_scalars.h"
namespace drake {
namespace systems {
namespace controllers {
template <typename T>
PidController<T>::PidController(const Eigen::VectorXd& kp,
const Eigen::VectorXd& ki,
const Eigen::VectorXd& kd)
: PidController(MatrixX<double>::Identity(2 * kp.size(), 2 * kp.size()), kp,
ki, kd) {}
template <typename T>
PidController<T>::PidController(const MatrixX<double>& state_projection,
const Eigen::VectorXd& kp,
const Eigen::VectorXd& ki,
const Eigen::VectorXd& kd)
: PidController(state_projection,
MatrixX<double>::Identity(kp.size(), kp.size()), kp, ki,
kd) {}
template <typename T>
PidController<T>::PidController(const MatrixX<double>& state_projection,
const MatrixX<double>& output_projection,
const Eigen::VectorXd& kp,
const Eigen::VectorXd& ki,
const Eigen::VectorXd& kd)
: LeafSystem<T>(SystemTypeTag<PidController>{}),
output_projection_(output_projection) {
if (kp_.size() != kd_.size() || kd_.size() != ki_.size()) {
throw std::logic_error(
"Gains must have equal length: |Kp| = " + std::to_string(kp_.size()) +
", |Ki| = " + std::to_string(ki_.size()) +
", |Kd| = " + std::to_string(kd_.size()));
if (state_projection_.rows() != 2 * num_controlled_q_) {
throw std::logic_error(
"State projection row dimension mismatch, expecting " +
std::to_string(2 * num_controlled_q_) + ", is " +
if (output_projection_.cols() != kp_.size()) {
throw std::logic_error(
"Output projection column dimension mismatch, expecting " +
std::to_string(kp_.size()) + ", is " +
output_index_control_ =
this->DeclareVectorOutputPort("control", output_projection_.rows(),
input_index_state_ =
this->DeclareVectorInputPort("estimated_state", num_full_state_)
input_index_desired_state_ =
this->DeclareInputPort("desired_state", kVectorValued,
2 * num_controlled_q_)
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
PidController<T>::PidController(const PidController<U>& other)
: PidController(other.state_projection_, other.output_projection_,
other.kp_, other.ki_, other.kd_) {}
template <typename T>
void PidController<T>::DoCalcTimeDerivatives(
const Context<T>& context, ContinuousState<T>* derivatives) const {
const VectorX<T>& state = get_input_port_estimated_state().Eval(context);
const VectorX<T>& state_d = get_input_port_desired_state().Eval(context);
// The derivative of the continuous state is the instantaneous position error.
VectorBase<T>& derivatives_vector = derivatives->get_mutable_vector();
const VectorX<T> controlled_state_diff =
state_d - (state_projection_.cast<T>() * state);
template <typename T>
void PidController<T>::CalcControl(const Context<T>& context,
BasicVector<T>* control) const {
const VectorX<T>& state = get_input_port_estimated_state().Eval(context);
const VectorX<T>& state_d = get_input_port_desired_state().Eval(context);
// State error.
const VectorX<T> controlled_state_diff =
state_d - (state_projection_.cast<T>() * state);
// Integral error, which is stored in the continuous state.
const VectorX<T>& state_vector =
dynamic_cast<const BasicVector<T>&>(context.get_continuous_state_vector())
// Sets output to the sum of all three terms.
output_projection_.cast<T>() *
((kp_.array() * controlled_state_diff.head(num_controlled_q_).array())
.matrix() +
(kd_.array() * controlled_state_diff.tail(num_controlled_q_).array())
.matrix() +
(ki_.array() * state_vector.array()).matrix()));
// Adds a simple record-based representation of the PID controller to @p dot.
template <typename T>
void PidController<T>::GetGraphvizFragment(int max_depth,
std::stringstream* dot) const {
std::string name = this->get_name();
if (name.empty()) {
name = "PID Controller";
*dot << this->GetGraphvizId() << " [shape=record, label=\"" << name;
*dot << " | { {<u0> x |<u1> x_d} |<y0> y}";
*dot << "\"];" << std::endl;
} // namespace controllers
} // namespace systems
} // namespace drake
class ::drake::systems::controllers::PidController)