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王京 14fe3d1429
2 years ago
.. 中期检验所用代码以及文档 2 years ago
push_release 中期检验所用代码以及文档 2 years ago

Docker / Apt / S3 Release Process

Initial Setup

This process only needs to be done once per system. The scripts may be run on Linux (tested on Ubuntu Focal) or Mac (at your own risk, not tested recently).

Install required packages


brew install gnupg brew install gnupg@1.4
brew install aptly
brew install docker
[brew install docker-credential-helper]
brew install awscli


apt install gnupg1
apt install aptly
apt install docker
apt install awscli

Warning: When running this process on on Focal, aptly will need to be updated to 1.5.0 to handle the zst compression used in Jammy packages ( To update, follow the instructions here:

Note: There are compatibility issues with gnupg2 and aptly. See this issue, for example.

Configure aptly

Download .aptly.conf from S3 to your home directory

On AWS, in IAM / Users / <username> / Security Credentials, select Create Access Key.

Replace all (3) instances of "awsAccessKeyID" and "awsSecretAccessKey" in .aptly.conf with the created values.

Set rootDir in .aptly.conf to your local home directory (e.g. /Users/<username>/.aptly)

Import the gpg key

Download the public key from S3.

Using the passphrase from the AWS Secrets Manager, run:

gpg[1] --import <key.asc>

Note: It is not clear if gpg or gpg1 is correct to use on Ubuntu

Get the push_release script

Clone the drake repository:

git clone

In tools/release_engineering/dev/push_release, replace the placeholder gpg_key with the value from the AWS Secrets Manager.

Run script for docker and tar

Once your machine is set-up, run the push_release script as described below:

push_release <version> <date>

The release creator will provide the version and date. Throughout this process, dont use v on the version string. For example:

./push_release 0.32.0 20210714

Note: If running the script while sshed into Mac, you may need to run:

security unlock keychain

If prompted, use the docker ID and password from AWS Secrets Manager.

When prompted, enter the passphrase from AWS Secrets Manager.

Verify that:

  1. s3://drake-packages/drake/release contains a set of drake-<version>-[...].tar.gz[...] files for each supported configuration (e.g. Focal, Jammy and Mac).

  2. Dockerhub has <version> tags for each supported configuration (e.g. Focal and Jammy).

Copy apt packages to S3

  1. The deb files are created by Jenkins jobs run by the release manager and are uploaded to GitHub as release artifacts. Download the .deb files for Focal and Jammy from:<version>

  2. Copy the .deb files to S3:

     aws s3 cp drake-dev_<version>-1_amd64-<focal|jammy>.deb \

Note: This requires the aws client, appropriate permissions, etc. If its easier, use the web interface to upload the deb files.

Note: The configuration name is not include in the deb filename uploaded to S3

Verify that:

  1. The *.deb files are in AWS S3/Buckets/drake-packages/drake/release/<configuration>/drake-dev_<version>-1_amd64.deb for each supported configuration (e.g. focal and jammy)

Run script to push apt release

[Optional] Add a new configuration

For example, to add Jammy:

  1. Edit ~/.aptly.conf to add a jammy section

  2. Add a jammy folder to drake-apt s3 bucket

  3. Edit the push_release script:

    1. After downloading the aptly database from S3, create the drake-jammy repo with the command aptly repo create -distribution=jammy drake-jammy. For example:

       # Download the current version of the aptly database from S3.
       aws s3 sync --delete s3://drake-infrastructure/aptly/.aptly "${HOME}/.aptly"
       aptly repo create -distribution=jammy drake-jammy
    2. The first time a repo is published we must use aptly publish snapshot instead of aptly publish switch:

       aptly publish snapshot -gpg-key="${gpg_key: -8}" -distribution="jammy" "drake-${platform}-${binary_version}" \

Follow instructions below as normal. Dont forget to revert the changes to the push_release script!

[Optional] Add a package

First, check which packages are already included in the repo. From the command line:

aptly repo show -with-packages drake-<distro>

For example:

aptly repo show -with-packages drake-jammy

Name: drake-jammy
Default Distribution: jammy
Default Component: main
Number of packages: 1

Edit the push_release script to add the package. Add the following line for each package after .aptly directory is cloned from AWS but before the for() loop so its only done once. Use the full path to the .deb file.

aptly repo add [-force-replace] drake-<distro> <package_name>

For example:

# Download the current version of the aptly database from S3.
aws s3 sync --delete s3://drake-infrastructure/aptly/.aptly "${HOME}/.aptly"

# Add new packages
aptly repo add drake-jammy ~/drake_release/lcm_1.4.0-gabdd8a2_amd64.deb
aptly repo add drake-jammy ~/drake_release/libbot2_0.0.1.20221116-1_amd64.deb

Follow instructions below as normal. Dont forget to revert the changes to the push_release script!

Verify packages have been added:

aptly repo show -with-packages drake-jammy

Name: drake-jammy
Default Distribution: jammy
Default Component: main
Number of packages: 4

Run the script

./push_release <version> <date> --apt --no-docker --no-tar

When prompted, enter the passphrase from AWS Secrets Manager (the script will prompt for the same passphrase multiple times).