* Copyright (c) 2016 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module type Spec = sig
module Source : Source.S
module Sink : Sink.S
(** should a flow originating at source and entering sink be reported? *)
val should_report : Source.t -> Sink.t -> bool
module type S = sig
include Spec
type t
type astate = t
include AbstractDomain.WithBottom with type astate := astate
module Sources = Source.Set
module Sinks = Sink.Set
module Passthroughs = Passthrough.Set
(** path from a source to a sink with passthroughs at each step in the call stack. the first set
of passthroughs are the ones in the "reporting" procedure that calls the first function in
both the source and sink stack *)
type path = Passthroughs.t * (Source.t * Passthroughs.t) list * (Sink.t * Passthroughs.t) list
val empty : t
(** get the sources of the trace. *)
val sources : t -> Sources.t
(** get the sinks of the trace *)
val sinks : t -> Sinks.t
(** get the passthroughs of the trace *)
val passthroughs : t -> Passthroughs.t
(** get the reportable source-sink flows in this trace. specifying [cur_site] restricts the
reported paths to ones introduced by the call at [cur_site] *)
val get_reports : ?cur_site:CallSite.t -> t -> (Source.t * Sink.t * Passthroughs.t) list
(** get a path for each of the reportable source -> sink flows in this trace. specifying
[cur_site] restricts the reported paths to ones introduced by the call at [cur_site] *)
val get_reportable_paths :
?cur_site:CallSite.t -> t -> trace_of_pname:(Procname.t -> t) -> path list
(** create a loc_trace from a path; [source_should_nest s] should be true when we are going one
deeper into a call-chain, ie when lt_level should be bumper in the next loc_trace_elem, and
similarly for [sink_should_nest] *)
val to_loc_trace :
?desc_of_source:(Source.t -> string) -> ?source_should_nest:(Source.t -> bool) ->
?desc_of_sink:(Sink.t -> string) -> ?sink_should_nest:(Sink.t -> bool) ->
path -> Errlog.loc_trace
(** create a trace from a source *)
val of_source : Source.t -> t
(** ad a source to the current trace *)
val add_source : Source.t -> t -> t
(** add a sink to the current trace. *)
val add_sink : Sink.t -> t -> t
val update_sinks : t -> Sinks.t -> t
(** append the trace for given call site to the current caller trace *)
val append : t -> t -> CallSite.t -> t
(** return true if this trace has no source or sink data *)
val is_empty : t -> bool
val compare : t -> t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
(** pretty-print a path in the context of the given procname *)
val pp_path : Procname.t -> F.formatter -> path -> unit
(** Expand a trace element (i.e., a source or sink) into a list of trace elements bottoming out in
the "original" trace element. The list is always non-empty. *)
module Expander (TraceElem : TraceElem.S) = struct
let expand elem0 ~elems_passthroughs_of_pname ~filter_passthroughs =
let rec expand_ elem (elems_passthroughs_acc, seen_acc) =
let elem_site = TraceElem.call_site elem in
let elem_kind = TraceElem.kind elem in
let seen_acc' = CallSite.Set.add elem_site seen_acc in
let elems, passthroughs = elems_passthroughs_of_pname (CallSite.pname elem_site) in
let is_recursive callee_elem seen =
CallSite.Set.mem (TraceElem.call_site callee_elem) seen in
(* find sinks that are the same kind as the caller, but have a different procname *)
let matching_elems =
~f:(fun callee_elem ->
[%compare.equal : TraceElem.Kind.t] (TraceElem.kind callee_elem) elem_kind &&
not (is_recursive callee_elem seen_acc'))
elems in
(* arbitrarily pick one elem and explore it further *)
match matching_elems with
| callee_elem :: _ ->
(* TODO: pick the shortest path to a sink here instead (t14242809) *)
let filtered_passthroughs =
filter_passthroughs elem_site (TraceElem.call_site callee_elem) passthroughs in
expand_ callee_elem ((elem, filtered_passthroughs) :: elems_passthroughs_acc, seen_acc')
| _ ->
(elem, Passthrough.Set.empty) :: elems_passthroughs_acc, seen_acc' in
fst (expand_ elem0 ([], CallSite.Set.empty))
module Make (Spec : Spec) = struct
include Spec
module Sources = Source.Set
module Sinks = Sink.Set
module Passthroughs = Passthrough.Set
module SourceExpander = Expander(Source)
module SinkExpander = Expander(Sink)
type t =
sources : Sources.t; (** last functions in the trace that returned tainted data *)
sinks : Sinks.t;
(** last callees in the trace that transitively called a tainted function (if any) *)
passthroughs : Passthrough.Set.t; (** calls that occurred between source and sink *)
} [@@deriving compare]
let equal = [%compare.equal : t]
type astate = t
type path = Passthroughs.t * (Source.t * Passthroughs.t) list * (Sink.t * Passthroughs.t) list
let pp fmt t =
"%a -> %a via %a"
Sources.pp t.sources Sinks.pp t.sinks Passthroughs.pp t.passthroughs
let sources t =
let sinks t =
let passthroughs t =
let is_empty t =
(* sources empty => sinks empty and passthroughs empty *)
Sources.is_empty t.sources
let get_reports ?cur_site t =
if Sinks.is_empty t.sinks || Sources.is_empty t.sources
let should_report_at_site source sink = match cur_site with
| None ->
| Some call_site ->
(* report when: (1) [cur_site] introduces the sink, and (2) [cur_site] does not also
introduce the source. otherwise, we'll report paths that don't respect control
flow. *)
CallSite.equal call_site (Sink.call_site sink) &&
not (CallSite.equal call_site (Source.call_site source)) in
(* written to avoid closure allocations in hot code. change with caution. *)
let report_source source sinks acc0 =
let report_one sink acc =
if Spec.should_report source sink && should_report_at_site source sink
then (source, sink, t.passthroughs) :: acc
else acc in
Sinks.fold report_one sinks acc0 in
let report_sources source acc =
if Source.is_footprint source
then acc
else report_source source t.sinks acc in
Sources.fold report_sources t.sources []
let pp_path cur_pname fmt (cur_passthroughs, sources_passthroughs, sinks_passthroughs) =
let pp_passthroughs fmt passthroughs =
if not (Passthrough.Set.is_empty passthroughs)
then F.fprintf fmt "(via %a)" Passthrough.Set.pp passthroughs in
let pp_elems elem_to_callsite fmt elems_passthroughs =
let pp_sep fmt () = F.fprintf fmt "@." in
let pp_elem fmt (elem, passthroughs) =
"|=> %a %a"
CallSite.pp (elem_to_callsite elem) pp_passthroughs passthroughs in
(F.pp_print_list ~pp_sep) pp_elem fmt elems_passthroughs in
let pp_sources = pp_elems Source.call_site in
let pp_sinks = pp_elems Sink.call_site in
let original_source = fst (List.hd_exn sources_passthroughs) in
let final_sink = fst (List.hd_exn sinks_passthroughs) in
"Error: %a -> %a. Full trace:@.%a@.Current procedure %a %a@.%a"
Source.pp original_source
Sink.pp final_sink
pp_sources sources_passthroughs
Procname.pp cur_pname
pp_passthroughs cur_passthroughs
pp_sinks (IList.rev sinks_passthroughs)
type passthrough_kind =
| Source (* passthroughs of a source *)
| Sink (* passthroughs of a sink *)
| Top_level (* passthroughs of a top-level source->sink path *)
let get_reportable_paths ?cur_site t ~trace_of_pname =
let filter_passthroughs_ passthrough_kind start_site end_site passthroughs =
let line_number call_site =
(CallSite.loc call_site).Location.line in
let start_line = line_number start_site in
let end_line = line_number end_site in
let between_start_and_end passthrough =
let passthrough_line = line_number (Passthrough.site passthrough) in
match passthrough_kind with
| Source -> passthrough_line >= end_line
| Sink -> passthrough_line <= end_line
| Top_level -> passthrough_line >= start_line && passthrough_line <= end_line in
Passthrough.Set.filter between_start_and_end passthroughs in
let expand_path source sink =
let sources_of_pname pname =
let trace = trace_of_pname pname in
Sources.elements (sources trace), passthroughs trace in
let sinks_of_pname pname =
let trace = trace_of_pname pname in
Sinks.elements (sinks trace), passthroughs trace in
let sources_passthroughs =
let filter_passthroughs = filter_passthroughs_ Source in
source ~elems_passthroughs_of_pname:sources_of_pname ~filter_passthroughs in
let sinks_passthroughs =
let filter_passthroughs = filter_passthroughs_ Sink in
sink ~elems_passthroughs_of_pname:sinks_of_pname ~filter_passthroughs in
sources_passthroughs, sinks_passthroughs in
~f:(fun (source, sink, passthroughs) ->
let sources_passthroughs, sinks_passthroughs = expand_path source sink in
let filtered_passthroughs =
Top_level (Source.call_site source) (Sink.call_site sink) passthroughs in
filtered_passthroughs, sources_passthroughs, sinks_passthroughs)
(get_reports ?cur_site t)
let to_loc_trace
?(desc_of_source=fun source ->
let callsite = Source.call_site source in
Format.asprintf "return from %a" Procname.pp (CallSite.pname callsite))
?(source_should_nest=(fun _ -> true))
?(desc_of_sink=fun sink ->
let callsite = Sink.call_site sink in
Format.asprintf "call to %a" Procname.pp (CallSite.pname callsite))
?(sink_should_nest=(fun _ -> true))
(passthroughs, sources, sinks) =
let trace_elems_of_passthroughs lt_level passthroughs acc0 =
let trace_elem_of_passthrough passthrough acc =
let passthrough_site = Passthrough.site passthrough in
let desc = F.asprintf "flow through %a" Procname.pp (CallSite.pname passthrough_site) in
(Errlog.make_trace_element lt_level (CallSite.loc passthrough_site) desc []) :: acc in
(* sort passthroughs by ascending line number to create a coherent trace *)
let sorted_passthroughs =
(fun passthrough1 passthrough2 ->
let loc1 = CallSite.loc (Passthrough.site passthrough1) in
let loc2 = CallSite.loc (Passthrough.site passthrough2) in
Int.compare loc1.Location.line loc2.Location.line)
(Passthroughs.elements passthroughs) in
List.fold_right ~f:trace_elem_of_passthrough sorted_passthroughs ~init:acc0 in
let get_nesting should_nest elems start_nesting =
let level = ref start_nesting in
let get_nesting_ ((elem, _) as pair) =
if should_nest elem
then incr level;
pair, !level in
List.map ~f:get_nesting_ (IList.rev elems) in
let trace_elems_of_path_elem call_site desc ~is_source ((elem, passthroughs), lt_level) acc =
let desc = desc elem in
let loc = CallSite.loc (call_site elem) in
if is_source
let trace_elem = Errlog.make_trace_element lt_level loc desc [] in
trace_elems_of_passthroughs (lt_level + 1) passthroughs (trace_elem :: acc)
let trace_elem = Errlog.make_trace_element (lt_level - 1) loc desc [] in
trace_elem :: (trace_elems_of_passthroughs lt_level passthroughs acc) in
let trace_elems_of_source =
trace_elems_of_path_elem Source.call_site desc_of_source ~is_source:true in
let trace_elems_of_sink =
trace_elems_of_path_elem Sink.call_site desc_of_sink ~is_source:false in
let sources_with_level = get_nesting source_should_nest sources (-1) in
let sinks_with_level = get_nesting sink_should_nest sinks 0 in
let trace_prefix =
List.fold_right ~f:trace_elems_of_sink sinks_with_level ~init:[]
|> trace_elems_of_passthroughs 0 passthroughs in
~f:(fun acc source -> trace_elems_of_source source acc)
let of_source source =
let sources = Sources.singleton source in
let passthroughs = Passthroughs.empty in
let sinks = Sinks.empty in
{ sources; passthroughs; sinks; }
let add_source source t =
let sources = Sources.add source t.sources in
{ t with sources; }
let add_sink sink t =
let sinks = Sinks.add sink t.sinks in
{ t with sinks; }
let update_sinks t sinks = { t with sinks }
(** compute caller_trace + callee_trace *)
let append caller_trace callee_trace callee_site =
if is_empty callee_trace
then caller_trace
let non_footprint_callee_sources =
Sources.filter (fun source -> not (Source.is_footprint source)) callee_trace.sources in
let sources =
if Sources.subset non_footprint_callee_sources caller_trace.sources
~f:(fun sink -> Source.with_callsite sink callee_site)
(Sources.elements non_footprint_callee_sources)
|> Sources.of_list
|> Sources.union caller_trace.sources in
let sinks =
if Sinks.subset callee_trace.sinks caller_trace.sinks
~f:(fun sink -> Sink.with_callsite sink callee_site)
(Sinks.elements callee_trace.sinks)
|> Sinks.of_list
|> Sinks.union caller_trace.sinks in
let passthroughs =
if phys_equal sources caller_trace.sources && phys_equal sinks caller_trace.sinks
(* this callee didn't add any new sources or any news sinks; it's just a passthrough *)
Passthroughs.add (Passthrough.make callee_site) caller_trace.passthroughs
caller_trace.passthroughs in
{ sources; sinks; passthroughs; }
let empty =
let sources = Sources.empty in
let sinks = Sinks.empty in
let passthroughs = Passthroughs.empty in
{ sources; sinks; passthroughs; }
let (<=) ~lhs ~rhs =
phys_equal lhs rhs ||
(Sources.subset lhs.sources rhs.sources &&
Sinks.subset lhs.sinks rhs.sinks &&
Passthroughs.subset lhs.passthroughs rhs.passthroughs)
let join t1 t2 =
if phys_equal t1 t2
then t1
let sources = Sources.union t1.sources t2.sources in
let sinks = Sinks.union t1.sinks t2.sinks in
let passthroughs = Passthroughs.union t1.passthroughs t2.passthroughs in
{ sources; sinks; passthroughs; }
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ =
join prev next