* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* )
open ! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
open PulseBasicInterface
module BaseDomain = PulseBaseDomain
module BaseStack = PulseBaseStack
module BaseMemory = PulseBaseMemory
module BaseAddressAttributes = PulseBaseAddressAttributes
(* * signature common to the "normal" [Domain], representing the post at the current program point,
and the inverted [ PreDomain ] , representing the inferred pre - condition * )
module type BaseDomainSig = sig
(* private because the lattice is not the same for preconditions and postconditions so we don't
want to confuse them * )
type t = private BaseDomain . t
val empty : t
val update : ? stack : BaseStack . t -> ? heap : BaseMemory . t -> ? attrs : BaseAddressAttributes . t -> t -> t
val filter_addr : f : ( AbstractValue . t -> bool ) -> t -> t
(* * filter both heap and attrs *)
val partition_addr :
f : ( AbstractValue . t -> bool )
-> t
-> ( BaseMemory . t * BaseAddressAttributes . t ) * ( BaseMemory . t * BaseAddressAttributes . t )
(* * partition both heap and attrs *)
val pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit
(* just to expose record field names without having to type
[ BaseDomain . heap ] * )
type base_domain = BaseDomain . t =
{ heap : BaseMemory . t ; stack : BaseStack . t ; attrs : BaseAddressAttributes . t }
(* * operations common to [Domain] and [PreDomain], see also the [BaseDomain] signature *)
module BaseDomainCommon = struct
let update ? stack ? heap ? attrs foot =
let new_stack , new_heap , new_attrs =
( Option . value ~ default : foot . stack stack
, Option . value ~ default : foot . heap heap
, Option . value ~ default : foot . attrs attrs )
phys_equal new_stack foot . stack && phys_equal new_heap foot . heap
&& phys_equal new_attrs foot . attrs
then foot
else { stack = new_stack ; heap = new_heap ; attrs = new_attrs }
let filter_addr ~ f foot =
let heap' = BaseMemory . filter ( fun address _ -> f address ) foot . heap in
let attrs' = BaseAddressAttributes . filter ( fun address _ -> f address ) foot . attrs in
update ~ heap : heap' ~ attrs : attrs' foot
let partition_addr ~ f foot =
let heap_yes , heap_no = BaseMemory . partition ( fun address _ -> f address ) foot . heap in
let attrs_yes , attrs_no =
BaseAddressAttributes . partition ( fun address _ -> f address ) foot . attrs
( ( heap_yes , attrs_yes ) , ( heap_no , attrs_no ) )
(* * represents the post abstract state at each program point *)
module Domain : BaseDomainSig = struct
include BaseDomainCommon
include BaseDomain
(* NOTE: [PreDomain] and [Domain] theoretically differ in that [PreDomain] should be the inverted lattice of [Domain], but since we never actually join states or check implication the two collapse into one. *)
module PreDomain : BaseDomainSig = Domain
(* * represents the inferred pre-condition at each program point, biabduction style *)
module SkippedTrace = struct
type t = PulseTrace . t [ @@ deriving compare ]
let pp fmt =
PulseTrace . pp fmt ~ pp_immediate : ( fun fmt ->
F . pp_print_string fmt " call to skipped function occurs here " )
let leq ~ lhs ~ rhs = phys_equal lhs rhs
let join s1 _ = s1
let widen ~ prev ~ next ~ num_iters : _ = join prev next
module SkippedCalls = AbstractDomain . Map ( Procname ) ( SkippedTrace )
(* * biabduction-style pre/post state + skipped calls *)
type t =
{ post : Domain . t (* * state at the current program point *)
; pre : PreDomain . t (* * inferred pre at the current program point *)
; skipped_calls : SkippedCalls . t (* * set of skipped calls *) }
let pp f { post ; pre ; skipped_calls } =
F . fprintf f " @[<v>%a@;PRE=[%a]@;skipped_calls=%a@] " Domain . pp post PreDomain . pp pre
SkippedCalls . pp skipped_calls
let leq ~ lhs ~ rhs =
SkippedCalls . leq ~ lhs : lhs . skipped_calls ~ rhs : rhs . skipped_calls
BaseDomain . isograph_map BaseDomain . empty_mapping
~ lhs : ( rhs . pre :> BaseDomain . t )
~ rhs : ( lhs . pre :> BaseDomain . t )
| NotIsomorphic ->
| IsomorphicUpTo foot_mapping ->
BaseDomain . is_isograph foot_mapping
~ lhs : ( lhs . post :> BaseDomain . t )
~ rhs : ( rhs . post :> BaseDomain . t )
module Stack = struct
let is_abducible astate var =
(* HACK: formals are pre-registered in the initial state *)
BaseStack . mem var ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . stack | | Var . is_global var
(* * [astate] with [astate.post.stack = f astate.post.stack] *)
let map_post_stack ~ f astate =
let new_post = Domain . update astate . post ~ stack : ( f ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . stack ) in
if phys_equal new_post astate . post then astate else { astate with post = new_post }
let eval origin var astate =
match BaseStack . find_opt var ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . stack with
| Some addr_hist ->
( astate , addr_hist )
| None ->
let addr = AbstractValue . mk_fresh () in
let addr_hist = ( addr , origin ) in
let post_stack = BaseStack . add var addr_hist ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . stack in
let pre =
(* do not overwrite values of variables already in the pre *)
if ( not ( BaseStack . mem var ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . stack ) ) && is_abducible astate var
(* HACK: do not record the history of values in the pre as they are unused *)
let foot_stack = BaseStack . add var ( addr , [] ) ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . stack in
let foot_heap = BaseMemory . register_address addr ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . heap in
PreDomain . update ~ stack : foot_stack ~ heap : foot_heap astate . pre
else astate . pre
( { post = Domain . update astate . post ~ stack : post_stack
; pre
; skipped_calls = astate . skipped_calls }
, addr_hist )
let add var addr_loc_opt astate =
map_post_stack astate ~ f : ( fun stack -> BaseStack . add var addr_loc_opt stack )
let remove_vars vars astate =
let vars_to_remove =
let is_in_pre var astate = BaseStack . mem var ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . stack in
List . filter vars ~ f : ( fun var -> not ( is_in_pre var astate ) )
map_post_stack astate ~ f : ( fun stack ->
BaseStack . filter ( fun var _ -> not ( List . mem ~ equal : Var . equal vars_to_remove var ) ) stack )
let fold f astate accum = BaseStack . fold f ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . stack accum
let find_opt var astate = BaseStack . find_opt var ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . stack
let mem var astate = BaseStack . mem var ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . stack
let exists f astate = BaseStack . exists f ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . stack
module AddressAttributes = struct
open IResult . Let_syntax
(* * if [address] is in [pre] then add the attribute [attr] *)
let abduce_attribute address attribute astate =
L . d_printfln " Abducing %a:%a " AbstractValue . pp address Attribute . pp attribute ;
let new_pre =
if BaseMemory . mem address ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . heap then
PreDomain . update astate . pre
~ attrs : ( BaseAddressAttributes . add_one address attribute ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . attrs )
else astate . pre
if phys_equal new_pre astate . pre then astate else { astate with pre = new_pre }
let check_valid access_trace addr astate =
let + () = BaseAddressAttributes . check_valid addr ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . attrs in
(* if [address] is in [pre] and it should be valid then that fact goes in the precondition *)
abduce_attribute addr ( MustBeValid access_trace ) astate
(* * [astate] with [astate.post.attrs = f astate.post.attrs] *)
let map_post_attrs ~ f astate =
let new_post = Domain . update astate . post ~ attrs : ( f ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . attrs ) in
if phys_equal new_post astate . post then astate else { astate with post = new_post }
let invalidate address invalidation location astate =
map_post_attrs astate ~ f : ( BaseAddressAttributes . invalidate address invalidation location )
let allocate address location astate =
map_post_attrs astate ~ f : ( BaseAddressAttributes . allocate address location )
let add_one address attributes astate =
map_post_attrs astate ~ f : ( BaseAddressAttributes . add_one address attributes )
let get_closure_proc_name addr astate =
BaseAddressAttributes . get_closure_proc_name addr ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . attrs
let get_citv addr astate = BaseAddressAttributes . get_citv addr ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . attrs
let get_bo_itv addr astate =
BaseAddressAttributes . get_bo_itv addr ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . attrs
let std_vector_reserve addr astate =
map_post_attrs astate ~ f : ( BaseAddressAttributes . std_vector_reserve addr )
let is_std_vector_reserved addr astate =
BaseAddressAttributes . is_std_vector_reserved addr ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . attrs
let abduce_and_add value attrs astate =
Attributes . fold attrs ~ init : astate ~ f : ( fun astate attr ->
let astate =
if Attribute . is_suitable_for_pre attr then abduce_attribute value attr astate else astate
add_one value attr astate )
let find_opt address astate =
BaseAddressAttributes . find_opt address ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . attrs
module Memory = struct
module Access = BaseMemory . Access
module Edges = BaseMemory . Edges
(* * [astate] with [astate.post.heap = f astate.post.heap] *)
let map_post_heap ~ f astate =
let new_post = Domain . update astate . post ~ heap : ( f ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . heap ) in
if phys_equal new_post astate . post then astate else { astate with post = new_post }
let add_edge ( addr , history ) access new_addr_hist location astate =
map_post_heap astate ~ f : ( BaseMemory . add_edge addr access new_addr_hist )
| > AddressAttributes . map_post_attrs
~ f : ( BaseAddressAttributes . add_one addr ( WrittenTo ( Trace . Immediate { location ; history } ) ) )
let find_edge_opt address access astate =
BaseMemory . find_edge_opt address access ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . heap
let eval_edge ( addr_src , hist_src ) access astate =
match find_edge_opt addr_src access astate with
| Some addr_hist_dst ->
( astate , addr_hist_dst )
| None ->
let addr_dst = AbstractValue . mk_fresh () in
let addr_hist_dst = ( addr_dst , hist_src ) in
let post_heap =
BaseMemory . add_edge addr_src access addr_hist_dst ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . heap
let foot_heap =
if BaseMemory . mem addr_src ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . heap then
(* HACK: do not record the history of values in the pre as they are unused *)
BaseMemory . add_edge addr_src access ( addr_dst , [] ) ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . heap
| > BaseMemory . register_address addr_dst
else ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . heap
( { post = Domain . update astate . post ~ heap : post_heap
; pre = PreDomain . update astate . pre ~ heap : foot_heap
; skipped_calls = astate . skipped_calls }
, addr_hist_dst )
let find_opt address astate = BaseMemory . find_opt address ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . heap
let mk_initial proc_desc =
(* HACK: save the formals in the stacks of the pre and the post to remember which local variables
correspond to formals * )
let formals =
let proc_name = Procdesc . get_proc_name proc_desc in
let location = Procdesc . get_loc proc_desc in
Procdesc . get_formals proc_desc
| > List . map ~ f : ( fun ( mangled , _ ) ->
let pvar = Pvar . mk mangled proc_name in
( Var . of_pvar pvar
, ( AbstractValue . mk_fresh () , [ ValueHistory . FormalDeclared ( pvar , location ) ] ) ) )
let initial_stack =
List . fold formals ~ init : ( PreDomain . empty :> BaseDomain . t ) . stack
~ f : ( fun stack ( formal , addr_loc ) -> BaseStack . add formal addr_loc stack )
let pre =
let initial_heap =
List . fold formals ~ init : ( PreDomain . empty :> base_domain ) . heap ~ f : ( fun heap ( _ , ( addr , _ ) ) ->
BaseMemory . register_address addr heap )
PreDomain . update ~ stack : initial_stack ~ heap : initial_heap PreDomain . empty
let post = Domain . update ~ stack : initial_stack Domain . empty in
let skipped_calls = SkippedCalls . empty in
{ pre ; post ; skipped_calls }
let add_skipped_calls pname trace astate =
let new_skipped_calls = SkippedCalls . add pname trace astate . skipped_calls in
if phys_equal new_skipped_calls astate . skipped_calls then astate
else { astate with skipped_calls = new_skipped_calls }
let discard_unreachable ( { pre ; post } as astate ) =
let pre_addresses = BaseDomain . reachable_addresses ( pre :> BaseDomain . t ) in
let pre_new =
PreDomain . filter_addr ~ f : ( fun address -> AbstractValue . Set . mem address pre_addresses ) pre
let post_addresses = BaseDomain . reachable_addresses ( post :> BaseDomain . t ) in
let all_addresses = AbstractValue . Set . union pre_addresses post_addresses in
let ( heap_new , attrs_new ) , ( _ , attrs_unreachable ) =
Domain . partition_addr ~ f : ( fun address -> AbstractValue . Set . mem address all_addresses ) post
let post_new = Domain . update ~ heap : heap_new ~ attrs : attrs_new post in
let astate =
if phys_equal pre_new pre && phys_equal post_new post then astate
else { astate with pre = pre_new ; post = post_new }
( astate , attrs_unreachable )
let is_local var astate = not ( Var . is_return var | | Stack . is_abducible astate var )
(* {3 Helper functions to traverse the two maps at once } *)
let find_post_cell_opt addr { post } = BaseDomain . find_cell_opt addr ( post :> BaseDomain . t )
let set_post_cell ( addr , history ) ( edges_map , attr_set ) location astate =
Memory . map_post_heap astate ~ f : ( BaseMemory . add addr edges_map )
| > AddressAttributes . map_post_attrs ~ f : ( fun attrs ->
BaseAddressAttributes . add_one addr ( WrittenTo ( Trace . Immediate { location ; history } ) ) attrs
| > BaseAddressAttributes . add addr attr_set )
module PrePost = struct
type domain_t = t
type t = domain_t
let filter_for_summary astate =
let post_stack =
BaseStack . filter
( fun var _ -> Var . appears_in_source_code var && not ( is_local var astate ) )
( astate . post :> BaseDomain . t ) . stack
(* deregister empty edges *)
let deregister_empty heap =
BaseMemory . filter ( fun _ addr edges -> not ( BaseMemory . Edges . is_empty edges ) ) heap
let pre_heap = deregister_empty ( astate . pre :> base_domain ) . heap in
let post_heap = deregister_empty ( astate . post :> base_domain ) . heap in
{ astate with
pre = PreDomain . update astate . pre ~ heap : pre_heap
; post = Domain . update ~ stack : post_stack ~ heap : post_heap astate . post }
let add_out_of_scope_attribute addr pvar location history heap typ =
BaseAddressAttributes . add_one addr
( Invalid ( GoneOutOfScope ( pvar , typ ) , Immediate { location ; history } ) )
(* * invalidate local variables going out of scope *)
let invalidate_locals pdesc astate : t =
let attrs : BaseAddressAttributes . t = ( astate . post :> BaseDomain . t ) . attrs in
let attrs' =
BaseAddressAttributes . fold
( fun addr attrs acc ->
Attributes . get_address_of_stack_variable attrs
| > Option . value_map ~ default : acc ~ f : ( fun ( var , location , history ) ->
let get_local_typ_opt pvar =
Procdesc . get_locals pdesc
| > List . find_map ~ f : ( fun ProcAttributes . { name ; typ } ->
if Mangled . equal name ( Pvar . get_name pvar ) then Some typ else None )
match var with
| Var . ProgramVar pvar ->
get_local_typ_opt pvar
| > Option . value_map ~ default : acc
~ f : ( add_out_of_scope_attribute addr pvar location history acc )
| _ ->
acc ) )
attrs attrs
if phys_equal attrs attrs' then astate
else { astate with pre = astate . pre ; post = Domain . update astate . post ~ attrs : attrs' }
let of_post pdesc astate =
let domain = filter_for_summary astate in
let domain , _ = discard_unreachable domain in
invalidate_locals pdesc domain
(* {2 machinery to apply a pre/post pair corresponding to a function's summary in a function call
to the current state } * )
module AddressSet = AbstractValue . Set
module AddressMap = AbstractValue . Map
(* * stuff we carry around when computing the result of applying one pre/post pair *)
type call_state =
{ astate : domain_t (* * caller's abstract state computed so far *)
; subst : ( AbstractValue . t * ValueHistory . t ) AddressMap . t
(* * translation from callee addresses to caller addresses and their caller histories *)
; rev_subst : AbstractValue . t AddressMap . t
(* * the inverse translation from [subst] from caller addresses to callee addresses *)
; visited : AddressSet . t
(* * set of callee addresses that have been visited already
NOTE : this is not always equal to the domain of [ rev_subst ] : when applying the post we
visit each subgraph from each formal independently so we reset [ visited ] between the
visit of each formal * ) }
let pp_call_state fmt { astate ; subst ; rev_subst ; visited } =
F . fprintf fmt
" @[<v>{ astate=@[<hv2>%a@];@, \
\ subst = @ [< hv2 > % a @ ] ; @ , \
\ rev_subst = @ [< hv2 > % a @ ] ; @ , \
\ visited = @ [< hv2 > % a @ ] @ , \
\ } @ ] " pp astate
( AddressMap . pp ~ pp_value : ( fun fmt ( addr , _ ) -> AbstractValue . pp fmt addr ) )
( AddressMap . pp ~ pp_value : AbstractValue . pp )
rev_subst AddressSet . pp visited
type contradiction =
| Aliasing of
{ addr_caller : AbstractValue . t
; addr_callee : AbstractValue . t
; addr_callee' : AbstractValue . t
; call_state : call_state }
(* * raised when the precondition and the current state disagree on the aliasing, i.e. some
addresses [ callee_addr ] and [ callee_addr' ] that are distinct in the pre are aliased to a
single address [ caller_addr ] in the caller's current state . Typically raised when
calling [ foo ( z , z ) ] where the spec for [ foo ( x , y ) ] says that [ x ] and [ y ] are disjoint . * )
| CItv of
{ addr_caller : AbstractValue . t
; addr_callee : AbstractValue . t
; arith_caller : CItv . t option
; arith_callee : CItv . t option
; call_state : call_state }
(* * raised when the pre asserts arithmetic facts that are demonstrably false in the caller
state * )
| ArithmeticBo of
{ addr_caller : AbstractValue . t
; addr_callee : AbstractValue . t
; arith_callee : Itv . ItvPure . t
; call_state : call_state }
(* * raised when the pre asserts arithmetic facts that are demonstrably false in the caller
state * )
| FormalActualLength of
{ formals : Var . t list ; actuals : ( ( AbstractValue . t * ValueHistory . t ) * Typ . t ) list }
let pp_contradiction fmt = function
| Aliasing { addr_caller ; addr_callee ; addr_callee' ; call_state } ->
F . fprintf fmt
" address %a in caller already bound to %a, not %a@ \n note: current call state was %a "
AbstractValue . pp addr_caller AbstractValue . pp addr_callee' AbstractValue . pp addr_callee
pp_call_state call_state
| CItv { addr_caller ; addr_callee ; arith_caller ; arith_callee ; call_state } ->
F . fprintf fmt
" caller addr %a%a but callee addr %a%a; %a=%a is unsatisfiable@ \n \
note : current call state was % a " AbstractValue.pp addr_caller (Pp.option CItv.pp)
arith_caller AbstractValue . pp addr_callee ( Pp . option CItv . pp ) arith_callee
AbstractValue . pp addr_caller AbstractValue . pp addr_callee pp_call_state call_state
| ArithmeticBo { addr_caller ; addr_callee ; arith_callee ; call_state } ->
F . fprintf fmt
" callee addr %a%a is incompatible with caller addr %a's arithmetic constraints@ \n \
note : current call state was % a " AbstractValue.pp addr_callee Itv.ItvPure.pp arith_callee
AbstractValue . pp addr_caller pp_call_state call_state
| FormalActualLength { formals ; actuals } ->
F . fprintf fmt " formals have length %d but actuals have length %d " ( List . length formals )
( List . length actuals )
exception Contradiction of contradiction
let fold_globals_of_stack call_loc stack call_state ~ f =
Container . fold_result ~ fold : ( IContainer . fold_of_pervasives_map_fold ~ fold : BaseStack . fold )
stack ~ init : call_state ~ f : ( fun call_state ( var , stack_value ) ->
match var with
| Var . ProgramVar pvar when Pvar . is_global pvar ->
let call_state , addr_hist_caller =
let astate , var_value =
Stack . eval [ ValueHistory . VariableAccessed ( pvar , call_loc ) ] var call_state . astate
if phys_equal astate call_state . astate then ( call_state , var_value )
else ( { call_state with astate } , var_value )
f pvar ~ stack_value ~ addr_hist_caller call_state
| _ ->
Ok call_state )
let visit call_state ~ addr_callee ~ addr_hist_caller =
let addr_caller = fst addr_hist_caller in
( match AddressMap . find_opt addr_caller call_state . rev_subst with
| Some addr_callee' when not ( AbstractValue . equal addr_callee addr_callee' ) ->
raise ( Contradiction ( Aliasing { addr_caller ; addr_callee ; addr_callee' ; call_state } ) )
| _ ->
() ) ;
if AddressSet . mem addr_callee call_state . visited then ( ` AlreadyVisited , call_state )
( ` NotAlreadyVisited
, { call_state with
visited = AddressSet . add addr_callee call_state . visited
; subst = AddressMap . add addr_callee addr_hist_caller call_state . subst
; rev_subst = AddressMap . add addr_caller addr_callee call_state . rev_subst } )
let pp f { pre ; post ; skipped_calls } =
F . fprintf f " PRE:@ \n @[%a@]@ \n " BaseDomain . pp ( pre :> BaseDomain . t ) ;
F . fprintf f " POST:@ \n @[%a@]@ \n " BaseDomain . pp ( post :> BaseDomain . t ) ;
F . fprintf f " SKIPPED_CALLS:@ @[%a@]@ \n " SkippedCalls . pp skipped_calls
(* {3 reading the pre from the current state} *)
let add_call_to_trace proc_name call_location caller_history in_call =
Trace . ViaCall { f = Call proc_name ; location = call_location ; history = caller_history ; in_call }
(* * Materialize the ( abstract memory ) subgraph of [pre] reachable from [addr_pre] in
[ call_state . astate ] starting from address [ addr_caller ] . Report an error if some invalid
addresses are traversed in the process . * )
let rec materialize_pre_from_address callee_proc_name call_location ~ pre ~ addr_pre
~ addr_hist_caller call_state =
match visit call_state ~ addr_callee : addr_pre ~ addr_hist_caller with
| ` AlreadyVisited , call_state ->
Ok call_state
| ` NotAlreadyVisited , call_state -> (
match BaseMemory . find_opt addr_pre pre . BaseDomain . heap with
| None ->
Ok call_state
| Some edges_pre ->
Container . fold_result
~ fold : ( IContainer . fold_of_pervasives_map_fold ~ fold : Memory . Edges . fold )
~ init : call_state edges_pre ~ f : ( fun call_state ( access , ( addr_pre_dest , _ ) ) ->
let astate , addr_hist_dest_caller =
Memory . eval_edge addr_hist_caller access call_state . astate
let call_state = { call_state with astate } in
materialize_pre_from_address callee_proc_name call_location ~ pre
~ addr_pre : addr_pre_dest ~ addr_hist_caller : addr_hist_dest_caller call_state ) )
(* * materialize subgraph of [pre] rooted at the address represented by a [formal] parameter that
has been instantiated with the corresponding [ actual ] into the current state
[ call_state . astate ] * )
let materialize_pre_from_actual callee_proc_name call_location ~ pre ~ formal ~ actual call_state =
L . d_printfln " Materializing PRE from [%a <- %a] " Var . pp formal AbstractValue . pp ( fst actual ) ;
( let open IOption . Let_syntax in
let * addr_formal_pre , _ = BaseStack . find_opt formal pre . BaseDomain . stack in
let + formal_pre , _ = BaseMemory . find_edge_opt addr_formal_pre Dereference pre . BaseDomain . heap in
materialize_pre_from_address callee_proc_name call_location ~ pre ~ addr_pre : formal_pre
~ addr_hist_caller : actual call_state )
| > function Some result -> result | None -> Ok call_state
let is_cell_read_only ~ edges_pre_opt ~ cell_post : ( edges_post , attrs_post ) =
match edges_pre_opt with
| None ->
| Some edges_pre when not ( Attributes . is_modified attrs_post ) ->
let are_edges_equal =
BaseMemory . Edges . equal
( fun ( addr_dest_pre , _ ) ( addr_dest_post , _ ) ->
(* NOTE: ignores traces
TODO : can the traces be leveraged here ? maybe easy to detect writes by looking at
the post trace * )
AbstractValue . equal addr_dest_pre addr_dest_post )
edges_pre edges_post
if CommandLineOption . strict_mode then assert are_edges_equal ;
| _ ->
let materialize_pre_for_parameters callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formals ~ actuals
call_state =
(* For each [ ( formal, actual ) ] pair, resolve them to addresses in their respective states then
call [ materialize_pre_from ] on them . Give up if calling the function introduces aliasing .
* )
IList . fold2_result formals actuals ~ init : call_state ~ f : ( fun call_state formal ( actual , _ ) ->
materialize_pre_from_actual callee_proc_name call_location
~ pre : ( pre_post . pre :> BaseDomain . t )
~ formal ~ actual call_state )
| Unequal_lengths ->
raise ( Contradiction ( FormalActualLength { formals ; actuals } ) )
| Ok result ->
let materialize_pre_for_globals callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state =
fold_globals_of_stack call_location ( pre_post . pre :> BaseDomain . t ) . stack call_state
~ f : ( fun _ var ~ stack_value : ( addr_pre , _ ) ~ addr_hist_caller call_state ->
materialize_pre_from_address callee_proc_name call_location
~ pre : ( pre_post . pre :> BaseDomain . t )
~ addr_pre ~ addr_hist_caller call_state )
let eval_sym_of_subst astate subst s bound_end =
let v = Symb . Symbol . get_pulse_value_exn s in
match PulseAbstractValue . Map . find_opt v ! subst with
| Some ( v' , _ ) ->
Itv . ItvPure . get_bound ( AddressAttributes . get_bo_itv v' astate ) bound_end
| None ->
let v' = PulseAbstractValue . mk_fresh () in
subst := PulseAbstractValue . Map . add v ( v' , [] ) ! subst ;
Bounds . Bound . of_pulse_value v'
let subst_attribute call_state subst_ref astate ~ addr_caller attr ~ addr_callee =
match ( attr : Attribute . t ) with
| CItv ( arith_callee , hist ) -> (
let arith_caller_opt = AddressAttributes . get_citv addr_caller astate | > Option . map ~ f : fst in
match CItv . abduce_binop_is_true ~ negated : false Eq arith_caller_opt ( Some arith_callee ) with
| Unsatisfiable ->
( Contradiction
( CItv
{ addr_caller
; addr_callee
; arith_caller = arith_caller_opt
; arith_callee = Some arith_callee
; call_state } ) )
| Satisfiable ( Some abduce_caller , _ abduce_callee ) ->
Attribute . CItv ( abduce_caller , hist )
| Satisfiable ( None , _ ) ->
attr )
| BoItv itv -> (
Itv . ItvPure . subst itv ( fun symb bound ->
AbstractDomain . Types . NonBottom ( eval_sym_of_subst astate subst_ref symb bound ) )
| NonBottom itv' ->
Attribute . BoItv itv'
| Bottom ->
( Contradiction ( ArithmeticBo { addr_callee ; addr_caller ; arith_callee = itv ; call_state } ) )
| AddressOfCppTemporary _
| AddressOfStackVariable _
| Allocated _
| Closure _
| Invalid _
| MustBeValid _
| StdVectorReserve
| WrittenTo _ ->
(* non-relational attributes *)
let add_call_to_attributes proc_name call_location ~ addr_callee ~ addr_caller caller_history attrs
call_state =
let add_call_to_attribute attr =
match ( attr : Attribute . t ) with
| Invalid ( invalidation , trace ) ->
Attribute . Invalid
( invalidation , add_call_to_trace proc_name call_location caller_history trace )
| CItv ( arith , trace ) ->
Attribute . CItv ( arith , add_call_to_trace proc_name call_location caller_history trace )
| Allocated trace ->
Attribute . Allocated ( add_call_to_trace proc_name call_location caller_history trace )
| AddressOfCppTemporary _
| AddressOfStackVariable _
| BoItv _
| Closure _
| MustBeValid _
| StdVectorReserve
| WrittenTo _ ->
let subst_ref = ref call_state . subst in
let attrs =
Attributes . map attrs ~ f : ( fun attr ->
let attr =
subst_attribute call_state subst_ref call_state . astate ~ addr_callee ~ addr_caller attr
add_call_to_attribute attr )
( ! subst_ref , attrs )
let apply_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state =
let one_address_sat addr_callee callee_attrs ( addr_caller , caller_history ) call_state =
let subst , attrs_caller =
add_call_to_attributes callee_proc_name call_location ~ addr_callee ~ addr_caller
caller_history callee_attrs call_state
let astate = AddressAttributes . abduce_and_add addr_caller attrs_caller call_state . astate in
if phys_equal subst call_state . subst && phys_equal astate call_state . astate then call_state
else { call_state with subst ; astate }
(* check all callee addresses that make sense for the caller, i.e. the domain of [call_state.subst] *)
AddressMap . fold
( fun addr_callee addr_hist_caller call_state ->
match BaseAddressAttributes . find_opt addr_callee ( pre_post . pre :> BaseDomain . t ) . attrs with
| None ->
| Some callee_attrs ->
one_address_sat addr_callee callee_attrs addr_hist_caller call_state )
call_state . subst call_state
let materialize_pre callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formals ~ actuals call_state =
PerfEvent . ( log ( fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~ name : " pulse call pre " () ) ) ;
let r =
let open IResult . Let_syntax in
(* first make as large a mapping as we can between callee values and caller values... *)
materialize_pre_for_parameters callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formals ~ actuals
> > = materialize_pre_for_globals callee_proc_name call_location pre_post
> > | (* ...then relational arithmetic constraints in the callee's attributes will make sense in
terms of the caller's values * )
apply_arithmetic_constraints callee_proc_name call_location pre_post
PerfEvent . ( log ( fun logger -> log_end_event logger () ) ) ;
(* {3 applying the post to the current state} *)
let subst_find_or_new subst addr_callee ~ default_hist_caller =
match AddressMap . find_opt addr_callee subst with
| None ->
let addr_hist_fresh = ( AbstractValue . mk_fresh () , default_hist_caller ) in
( AddressMap . add addr_callee addr_hist_fresh subst , addr_hist_fresh )
| Some addr_hist_caller ->
( subst , addr_hist_caller )
let call_state_subst_find_or_new call_state addr_callee ~ default_hist_caller =
let new_subst , addr_hist_caller =
subst_find_or_new call_state . subst addr_callee ~ default_hist_caller
if phys_equal new_subst call_state . subst then ( call_state , addr_hist_caller )
else ( { call_state with subst = new_subst } , addr_hist_caller )
let delete_edges_in_callee_pre_from_caller ~ addr_callee : _ ~ edges_pre_opt ~ addr_caller call_state =
match BaseMemory . find_opt addr_caller ( call_state . astate . post :> base_domain ) . heap with
| None ->
BaseMemory . Edges . empty
| Some old_post_edges -> (
match edges_pre_opt with
| None ->
| Some edges_pre ->
BaseMemory . Edges . merge
( fun _ access old_opt pre_opt ->
(* TODO: should apply [call_state.subst] to [_access]! Actually, should rewrite the
whole [ cell_pre ] beforehand so that [ Edges . merge ] makes sense . * )
if Option . is_some pre_opt then
(* delete edge if some edge for the same access exists in the pre *)
else (* keep old edge if it exists *) old_opt )
old_post_edges edges_pre )
let record_post_cell callee_proc_name call_loc ~ addr_callee ~ edges_pre_opt
~ cell_post : ( edges_post , attrs_post ) ~ addr_hist_caller : ( addr_caller , hist_caller ) call_state =
let post_edges_minus_pre =
delete_edges_in_callee_pre_from_caller ~ addr_callee ~ edges_pre_opt ~ addr_caller call_state
let call_state =
let subst , attrs_post_caller =
add_call_to_attributes ~ addr_callee ~ addr_caller callee_proc_name call_loc hist_caller
attrs_post call_state
let astate =
AddressAttributes . abduce_and_add addr_caller attrs_post_caller call_state . astate
{ call_state with subst ; astate }
let heap = ( call_state . astate . post :> base_domain ) . heap in
let attrs = ( call_state . astate . post :> base_domain ) . attrs in
let subst , translated_post_edges =
BaseMemory . Edges . fold_map ~ init : call_state . subst edges_post
~ f : ( fun subst ( addr_callee , trace_post ) ->
let subst , ( addr_curr , hist_curr ) =
subst_find_or_new subst addr_callee ~ default_hist_caller : hist_caller
( subst
, ( addr_curr
, ValueHistory . Call { f = Call callee_proc_name ; location = call_loc ; in_call = trace_post }
:: hist_curr ) ) )
let heap =
let edges_post_caller =
BaseMemory . Edges . union
( fun _ _ post_cell -> Some post_cell )
post_edges_minus_pre translated_post_edges
BaseMemory . add addr_caller edges_post_caller heap
let attrs =
[pulse] Only propagate existing WrittenTo attributes at function calls
Previously, at each function call, we added a `WrittenTo` attribute for applying the address of the actuals. However, this results in mistakenly considering each function application that inspects its argument as impure. Instead, we should only propagate `WrittenTo` if the actuals have already `WrittenTo` attributes.
For instance, for the following functions
public static boolean is_null(Byte a) {
return a == null;
public static boolean call_is_null(Byte a) {
return is_null(a);
We used to get the following pulse summary for `call_is_null` (showing only one of the disjuncts):
#0: PRE:
{ roots={ &a=v1 };
mem ={ v1 -> { * -> v2 } };
attrs={ v1 -> { MustBeValid },
v2 -> { Arith =null, BoItv ([max(0, v2), min(0, v2)]) } };}
{ roots={ &a=v1, &return=v8 };
mem ={ v1 -> { * -> v2 }, v8 -> { * -> v4 } };
attrs={ v2 -> { Arith =null,
BoItv ([max(0, v2), min(0, v2)]),
WrittenTo-----------WRONG },
v4 -> { Arith =1,
BoItv (1),
Invalid ConstantDereference(is the constant 1),
WrittenTo-----------WRONG },
v8 -> { WrittenTo } };}
where we mistakenly recorded a `WrittenTo` for `v2` (what `a` points to). As a result, we considered `call_is_null` as impure :( This diff fixes that since the callee `is_null` doesn't have any `WrittenTo` attributes for its parameter `a`. So, we don't propagate `WrittenTo` and get the following summary
#0: PRE:
{ roots={ &a=v1 };
mem ={ v1 -> { * -> v2 } };
attrs={ v1 -> { MustBeValid },
v2 -> { Arith =null, BoItv ([max(0, v2), min(0, v2)]) } };}
{ roots={ &a=v1, &return=v8 };
mem ={ v1 -> { * -> v2 }, v8 -> { * -> v4 } };
attrs={ v2 -> { Arith =null, BoItv ([max(0, v2), min(0, v2)]) },
v4 -> { Arith =1,
BoItv (1),
Invalid ConstantDereference(is the constant 1) },
v8 -> { WrittenTo } };}
Reviewed By: skcho
Differential Revision: D20490102
fbshipit-source-id: 253d8ef64
5 years ago
let written_to_callee_opt =
let open IOption . Let_syntax in
let * attrs = BaseAddressAttributes . find_opt addr_caller attrs in
Attributes . get_written_to attrs
[pulse] Only propagate existing WrittenTo attributes at function calls
Previously, at each function call, we added a `WrittenTo` attribute for applying the address of the actuals. However, this results in mistakenly considering each function application that inspects its argument as impure. Instead, we should only propagate `WrittenTo` if the actuals have already `WrittenTo` attributes.
For instance, for the following functions
public static boolean is_null(Byte a) {
return a == null;
public static boolean call_is_null(Byte a) {
return is_null(a);
We used to get the following pulse summary for `call_is_null` (showing only one of the disjuncts):
#0: PRE:
{ roots={ &a=v1 };
mem ={ v1 -> { * -> v2 } };
attrs={ v1 -> { MustBeValid },
v2 -> { Arith =null, BoItv ([max(0, v2), min(0, v2)]) } };}
{ roots={ &a=v1, &return=v8 };
mem ={ v1 -> { * -> v2 }, v8 -> { * -> v4 } };
attrs={ v2 -> { Arith =null,
BoItv ([max(0, v2), min(0, v2)]),
WrittenTo-----------WRONG },
v4 -> { Arith =1,
BoItv (1),
Invalid ConstantDereference(is the constant 1),
WrittenTo-----------WRONG },
v8 -> { WrittenTo } };}
where we mistakenly recorded a `WrittenTo` for `v2` (what `a` points to). As a result, we considered `call_is_null` as impure :( This diff fixes that since the callee `is_null` doesn't have any `WrittenTo` attributes for its parameter `a`. So, we don't propagate `WrittenTo` and get the following summary
#0: PRE:
{ roots={ &a=v1 };
mem ={ v1 -> { * -> v2 } };
attrs={ v1 -> { MustBeValid },
v2 -> { Arith =null, BoItv ([max(0, v2), min(0, v2)]) } };}
{ roots={ &a=v1, &return=v8 };
mem ={ v1 -> { * -> v2 }, v8 -> { * -> v4 } };
attrs={ v2 -> { Arith =null, BoItv ([max(0, v2), min(0, v2)]) },
v4 -> { Arith =1,
BoItv (1),
Invalid ConstantDereference(is the constant 1) },
v8 -> { WrittenTo } };}
Reviewed By: skcho
Differential Revision: D20490102
fbshipit-source-id: 253d8ef64
5 years ago
match written_to_callee_opt with
| None ->
| Some callee_trace ->
let written_to =
Attribute . WrittenTo
( ViaCall
{ in_call = callee_trace
; f = Call callee_proc_name
; location = call_loc
; history = hist_caller } )
BaseAddressAttributes . add_one addr_caller written_to attrs
let caller_post = Domain . update ~ heap ~ attrs call_state . astate . post in
{ call_state with subst ; astate = { call_state . astate with post = caller_post } }
let rec record_post_for_address callee_proc_name call_loc ( { pre } as pre_post ) ~ addr_callee
~ addr_hist_caller call_state =
L . d_printfln " %a<->%a " AbstractValue . pp addr_callee AbstractValue . pp ( fst addr_hist_caller ) ;
match visit call_state ~ addr_callee ~ addr_hist_caller with
| ` AlreadyVisited , call_state ->
| ` NotAlreadyVisited , call_state -> (
match find_post_cell_opt addr_callee pre_post with
| None ->
| Some ( ( edges_post , _ attrs_post ) as cell_post ) ->
let edges_pre_opt =
BaseMemory . find_opt addr_callee ( pre :> BaseDomain . t ) . BaseDomain . heap
let call_state_after_post =
if is_cell_read_only ~ edges_pre_opt ~ cell_post then call_state
record_post_cell callee_proc_name call_loc ~ addr_callee ~ edges_pre_opt
~ addr_hist_caller ~ cell_post call_state
IContainer . fold_of_pervasives_map_fold ~ fold : Memory . Edges . fold ~ init : call_state_after_post
edges_post ~ f : ( fun call_state ( _ access , ( addr_callee_dest , _ ) ) ->
let call_state , addr_hist_curr_dest =
call_state_subst_find_or_new call_state addr_callee_dest
~ default_hist_caller : ( snd addr_hist_caller )
record_post_for_address callee_proc_name call_loc pre_post
~ addr_callee : addr_callee_dest ~ addr_hist_caller : addr_hist_curr_dest call_state ) )
let record_post_for_actual callee_proc_name call_loc pre_post ~ formal ~ actual call_state =
L . d_printfln_escaped " Recording POST from [%a] <-> %a " Var . pp formal AbstractValue . pp
( fst actual ) ;
let open IOption . Let_syntax in
let * addr_formal_pre , _ =
BaseStack . find_opt formal ( pre_post . pre :> BaseDomain . t ) . BaseDomain . stack
let + formal_pre , _ =
BaseMemory . find_edge_opt addr_formal_pre Dereference
( pre_post . pre :> BaseDomain . t ) . BaseDomain . heap
record_post_for_address callee_proc_name call_loc pre_post ~ addr_callee : formal_pre
~ addr_hist_caller : actual call_state
| Some call_state ->
| None ->
let record_post_for_return callee_proc_name call_loc pre_post call_state =
let return_var = Var . of_pvar ( Pvar . get_ret_pvar callee_proc_name ) in
match BaseStack . find_opt return_var ( pre_post . post :> BaseDomain . t ) . stack with
| None ->
( call_state , None )
| Some ( addr_return , _ ) -> (
BaseMemory . find_edge_opt addr_return Dereference
( pre_post . post :> BaseDomain . t ) . BaseDomain . heap
| None ->
( call_state , None )
| Some ( return_callee , _ ) ->
let return_caller_addr_hist =
match AddressMap . find_opt return_callee call_state . subst with
| Some return_caller_hist ->
| None ->
( AbstractValue . mk_fresh ()
, [ (* this could maybe include an event like "returned here" *) ] )
let call_state =
record_post_for_address callee_proc_name call_loc pre_post ~ addr_callee : return_callee
~ addr_hist_caller : return_caller_addr_hist call_state
( call_state , Some return_caller_addr_hist ) )
let apply_post_for_parameters callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formals ~ actuals call_state
(* for each [ ( formal_i, actual_i ) ] pair, do [post_i = post union subst ( graph reachable from
formal_i in post ) ] , deleting previous info when comparing pre and post shows a difference
( TODO : record in the pre when a location is written to instead of just comparing values
between pre and post since it's unreliable , eg replace value read in pre with same value in
post but nuke other fields in the meantime ? is that possible ? ) . * )
List . fold2 formals actuals ~ init : call_state ~ f : ( fun call_state formal ( actual , _ ) ->
record_post_for_actual callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formal ~ actual call_state
| Unequal_lengths ->
(* should have been checked before by [materialize_pre] *)
assert false
| Ok call_state ->
let apply_post_for_globals callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state =
fold_globals_of_stack call_location ( pre_post . pre :> BaseDomain . t ) . stack call_state
~ f : ( fun _ var ~ stack_value : ( addr_callee , _ ) ~ addr_hist_caller call_state ->
( record_post_for_address callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ addr_callee
~ addr_hist_caller call_state ) )
| Error _ ->
(* always return [Ok _] above *) assert false
| Ok call_state ->
let record_post_remaining_attributes callee_proc_name call_loc pre_post call_state =
BaseAddressAttributes . fold
( fun addr_callee attrs call_state ->
if AddressSet . mem addr_callee call_state . visited then
(* already recorded the attributes when we were walking the edges map *)
match AddressMap . find_opt addr_callee call_state . subst with
| None ->
(* callee address has no meaning for the caller *) call_state
| Some ( addr_caller , history ) ->
let subst , attrs' =
add_call_to_attributes callee_proc_name call_loc ~ addr_callee ~ addr_caller history
attrs call_state
let astate = AddressAttributes . abduce_and_add addr_caller attrs' call_state . astate in
{ call_state with subst ; astate } )
( pre_post . post :> BaseDomain . t ) . attrs call_state
let record_skipped_calls callee_proc_name call_loc pre_post call_state =
let callee_skipped_map = pre_post . skipped_calls in
let caller_skipped_map =
SkippedCalls . map
( fun trace -> add_call_to_trace callee_proc_name call_loc [] trace )
| > (* favor calls we already knew about somewhat arbitrarily *)
SkippedCalls . union
( fun _ orig_call _ callee_call -> Some orig_call )
call_state . astate . skipped_calls
{ call_state with astate = { call_state . astate with skipped_calls = caller_skipped_map } }
let apply_post callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formals ~ actuals call_state =
PerfEvent . ( log ( fun logger -> log_begin_event logger ~ name : " pulse call post " () ) ) ;
let r =
apply_post_for_parameters callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formals ~ actuals call_state
| > apply_post_for_globals callee_proc_name call_location pre_post
| > record_post_for_return callee_proc_name call_location pre_post
| > fun ( call_state , return_caller ) ->
( record_post_remaining_attributes callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state
| > record_skipped_calls callee_proc_name call_location pre_post
, return_caller )
| > fun ( { astate } , return_caller ) -> ( astate , return_caller )
PerfEvent . ( log ( fun logger -> log_end_event logger () ) ) ;
let check_all_valid callee_proc_name call_location { pre ; post = _ } call_state =
AddressMap . fold
( fun addr_pre ( addr_caller , hist_caller ) astate_result ->
match astate_result with
| Error _ ->
| Ok astate -> (
match BaseAddressAttributes . get_must_be_valid addr_pre ( pre :> BaseDomain . t ) . attrs with
| None ->
| Some callee_access_trace ->
let access_trace =
Trace . ViaCall
{ in_call = callee_access_trace
; f = Call callee_proc_name
; location = call_location
; history = hist_caller }
AddressAttributes . check_valid access_trace addr_caller astate
| > Result . map_error ~ f : ( fun ( invalidation , invalidation_trace ) ->
L . d_printfln " ERROR: caller's %a invalid! " AbstractValue . pp addr_caller ;
Diagnostic . AccessToInvalidAddress
{ invalidation ; invalidation_trace ; access_trace } ) ) )
call_state . subst ( Ok call_state . astate )
(* - read all the pre, assert validity of addresses and materializes * everything * ( to throw stuff
in the * current * pre as appropriate so that callers of the current procedure will also know
about the deeper reads )
- for each actual , write the post for that actual
- if aliasing is introduced at any time then give up
questions :
- what if some preconditions raise lifetime issues but others don't ? Have to be careful with
the noise that this will introduce since we don't care about values . For instance , if the pre
is for a path where [ formal != 0 ] and we pass [ 0 ] then it will be an FP . Maybe the solution is
to bake in some value analysis . * )
let apply callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formals ~ actuals astate =
L . d_printfln " Applying pre/post for %a(%a):@ \n %a " Procname . pp callee_proc_name
( Pp . seq ~ sep : " , " Var . pp ) formals pp pre_post ;
let empty_call_state =
{ astate ; subst = AddressMap . empty ; rev_subst = AddressMap . empty ; visited = AddressSet . empty }
(* read the precondition *)
materialize_pre callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formals ~ actuals empty_call_state
| exception Contradiction reason ->
(* can't make sense of the pre-condition in the current context: give up on that particular
pre / post pair * )
L . d_printfln " Cannot apply precondition: %a " pp_contradiction reason ;
Ok None
| Error _ as error ->
(* error: the function call requires to read some state known to be invalid *)
| Ok call_state -> (
L . d_printfln " Pre applied successfully. call_state=%a " pp_call_state call_state ;
let open IResult . Let_syntax in
let + astate = check_all_valid callee_proc_name call_location pre_post call_state in
(* reset [visited] *)
let call_state = { call_state with astate ; visited = AddressSet . empty } in
(* apply the postcondition *)
apply_post callee_proc_name call_location pre_post ~ formals ~ actuals call_state
| Ok post ->
Ok ( Some post )
| exception Contradiction reason ->
L . d_printfln " Cannot apply post-condition: %a " pp_contradiction reason ;
Ok None
| Error _ as error ->
error )
let get_pre { pre } = ( pre :> BaseDomain . t )
let get_post { post } = ( post :> BaseDomain . t )
let get_skipped_calls { skipped_calls } = skipped_calls