* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
module F = Format
module TestInterpreter = AnalyzerTester.Make
let tests =
let open OUnit2 in
let open AnalyzerTester.StructuredSil in
let assert_empty = invariant "{ }" in
let test_list = [
id_assign_id "b" "a"; (* means b = *a *)
id_set_id "b" "a"; (* means *b = a *)
id_assign_var "b" "a";
invariant "{ b$0 -> &a }";
id_set_id "b" "x";
invariant "{ b$0 -> &a }"
id_assign_var "b" "a";
invariant "{ b$0 -> &a }"
var_assign_addrof_var "b" "a"; (* means b = &a *)
var_assign_id "b" "a";
invariant "{ &b -> a$0 }"
id_assign_var "b" "a";
var_assign_id "c" "b";
id_assign_var "d" "c";
invariant "{ b$0 -> &a, d$0 -> &c, &c -> b$0 }"
id_assign_var "b" "a";
invariant "{ b$0 -> &a }";
var_assign_int "a" 1;
id_assign_var "b" "a";
invariant "{ b$0 -> &a }";
var_assign_id "a" "c";
invariant "{ &a -> c$0 }"
var_assign_id "b" "a";
var_assign_id "c" "d";
invariant "{ &b -> a$0, &c -> d$0 }";
var_assign_id "c" "d";
invariant "{ &b -> a$0, &c -> d$0 }"
var_assign_id "b" "a";
If (unknown_exp,
[invariant "{ &b -> a$0 }";
var_assign_id "b" "c";
invariant "{ &b -> c$0 }"],
var_assign_id "b" "a";
var_assign_id "c" "d";
If (unknown_exp,
[invariant "{ &b -> a$0, &c -> d$0 }";
var_assign_id "c" "e";
invariant "{ &b -> a$0, &c -> e$0 }";
[invariant "{ &b -> a$0, &c -> d$0 }"]
invariant "{ &b -> a$0 }"
If (unknown_exp,
[var_assign_id "a" "b"],
[var_assign_id "a" "b"]
invariant "{ &a -> b$0 }"
If (unknown_exp,
[var_assign_id "a" "b"],
[var_assign_id "a" "c"]
var_assign_id "b" "a";
var_assign_id "c" "b";
If (unknown_exp,
[If (var_of_str "unknown2",
[ invariant "{ &b -> a$0, &c -> b$0 }";
var_assign_id "b" "d";
invariant "{ &b -> d$0, &c -> b$0 }"],
invariant "{ &c -> b$0 }"
var_assign_id "b" "a";
While (unknown_exp,
[var_assign_id "b" "c"]
var_assign_id "b" "a";
While (unknown_exp,
[var_assign_id "c" "d";
invariant "{ &b -> a$0, &c -> d$0 }"]
invariant "{ &b -> a$0 }"
var_assign_id "b" "a";
While (unknown_exp, []);
var_assign_id "c" "b";
invariant "{ &b -> a$0, &c -> b$0 }"
] |> TestInterpreter.create_tests ProcData.empty_extras in