* Copyright ( c ) 2015 - present Facebook , Inc .
* All rights reserved .
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree . An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* )
open ! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module MF = MarkupFormatter
type linter =
{ condition : CTL . t
; issue_desc : CIssue . issue_desc
; def_file : string option
; whitelist_paths : ALVar . t list
; blacklist_paths : ALVar . t list }
(* If in linter developer mode and if current linter was passed, filter it out *)
let filter_parsed_linters_developer parsed_linters =
if List . length parsed_linters > 1 && Config . linters_developer_mode then
match Config . linter with
| None ->
L . ( die UserError )
" In linters developer mode you should debug only one linter at a time. This is important for debugging the rule. Pass the flag --linter <name> to specify the linter you want to debug. "
| Some lint ->
List . filter ~ f : ( fun ( rule : linter ) -> String . equal rule . issue_desc . id lint ) parsed_linters
else parsed_linters
let filter_parsed_linters_by_path parsed_linters source_file =
let filter_parsed_linter_by_path linter =
let should_lint paths =
List . exists
~ f : ( fun path -> ALVar . compare_str_with_alexp ( SourceFile . to_rel_path source_file ) path )
let whitelist_ok =
List . is_empty linter . whitelist_paths | | should_lint linter . whitelist_paths
let blacklist_ok =
List . is_empty linter . blacklist_paths | | not ( should_lint linter . blacklist_paths )
whitelist_ok && blacklist_ok
List . filter ~ f : filter_parsed_linter_by_path parsed_linters
let filter_parsed_linters parsed_linters source_file =
let linters = filter_parsed_linters_developer parsed_linters in
if Config . debug_mode | | not Config . filtering then linters
(* do not filter by path if in debug or no filtering mode *)
else filter_parsed_linters_by_path linters source_file
let pp_linters fmt linters =
let pp_linter fmt { issue_desc = { id } } = F . fprintf fmt " %s@ \n " id in
List . iter ~ f : ( pp_linter fmt ) linters
(* Map a formula id to a triple ( visited, parameters, definition ) .
Visited is used during the expansion phase to understand if the
formula was already expanded and , if yes we have a cyclic definifion * )
type macros_map = ( bool * ALVar . t list * CTL . t ) ALVar . FormulaIdMap . t
(* Map a path name to a list of paths. *)
type paths_map = ALVar . t list ALVar . VarMap . t
let single_to_multi checker ctx an =
let issue_desc_opt = checker ctx an in
Option . to_list issue_desc_opt
(* List of checkers on decls * that return 0 or 1 issue * *)
let decl_single_checkers_list =
[ ComponentKit . component_with_unconventional_superclass_advice
; ComponentKit . mutable_local_vars_advice
; ComponentKit . component_factory_function_advice
; ComponentKit . component_file_cyclomatic_complexity_info ]
(* List of checkers on decls *)
let decl_checkers_list =
ComponentKit . component_with_multiple_factory_methods_advice
:: ComponentKit . component_file_line_count_info
:: List . map ~ f : single_to_multi decl_single_checkers_list
(* List of checkers on stmts * that return 0 or 1 issue * *)
let stmt_single_checkers_list =
[ ComponentKit . component_file_cyclomatic_complexity_info
; ComponentKit . component_initializer_with_side_effects_advice ]
let stmt_checkers_list = List . map ~ f : single_to_multi stmt_single_checkers_list
(* List of checkers that will be filled after parsing them from
input the linter def files * )
let parsed_linters = ref []
let evaluate_place_holder context ph an =
match ph with
| " %ivar_name% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( CFrontend_checkers . ivar_name an )
| " %decl_name% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( Ctl_parser_types . ast_node_name an )
| " %cxx_ref_captured_in_block% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( CFrontend_checkers . cxx_ref_captured_in_block an )
| " %decl_ref_or_selector_name% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( CFrontend_checkers . decl_ref_or_selector_name an )
| " %receiver_method_call% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( CFrontend_checkers . receiver_method_call an )
| " %iphoneos_target_sdk_version% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( CFrontend_checkers . iphoneos_target_sdk_version context an )
| " %available_ios_sdk% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( CFrontend_checkers . available_ios_sdk an )
| " %class_available_ios_sdk% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( CFrontend_checkers . class_available_ios_sdk an )
| " %type% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( Ctl_parser_types . ast_node_type an )
| " %class_name% " ->
CFrontend_checkers . class_name an
| " %child_type% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( Ctl_parser_types . stmt_node_child_type an )
| " %name% " ->
MF . monospaced_to_string ( Ctl_parser_types . ast_node_name an )
| _ ->
L . die InternalError " helper function %s is unknown " ph
(* given a message this function searches for a place-holder identifier,
eg % id %. Then it evaluates id and replaces % id % in message
with the result of its evaluation . The function keeps on checking if
other place - holders exist and repeats the process until there are
no place - holder left .
* )
let rec expand_message_string context message an =
(* reg exp should match alphanumeric id with possibly somee _ *)
let re = Str . regexp " %[a-zA-Z0-9_]+% " in
let _ = Str . search_forward re message 0 in
let ms = Str . matched_string message in
let res = evaluate_place_holder context ms an in
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " @ \n Matched string '%s'@ \n " ms ;
let re_ms = Str . regexp_string ms in
let message' = Str . replace_first re_ms res message in
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " Replacing %s in message: @ \n %s @ \n " ms message ;
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " Resulting message: @ \n %s @ \n " message' ;
expand_message_string context message' an
with Not_found -> message
let remove_new_lines_and_whitespace message =
let words = List . map ~ f : String . strip ( String . split ~ on : '\n' message ) in
String . concat words ~ sep : " "
let string_to_err_kind = function
| " WARNING " ->
Exceptions . Kwarning
| " ERROR " ->
Exceptions . Kerror
| " INFO " ->
Exceptions . Kinfo
| " ADVICE " ->
Exceptions . Kadvice
| " LIKE " ->
Exceptions . Klike
| s ->
L . die InternalError " Severity %s does not exist " s
let string_to_issue_mode m =
match m with
| " ON " ->
CIssue . On
| " OFF " ->
CIssue . Off
| s ->
L . die InternalError " Mode %s does not exist. Please specify ON/OFF " s
let post_process_linter_definition ( linter : linter ) =
List . find Config . linters_doc_url ~ f : ( fun ( linter_doc_url : Config . linter_doc_url ) ->
String . equal linter . issue_desc . id linter_doc_url . linter )
| Some linter_doc_url ->
let issue_desc = { linter . issue_desc with doc_url = Some linter_doc_url . doc_url } in
{ linter with issue_desc }
| None ->
(* * Convert a parsed checker in list of linters *)
let create_parsed_linters linters_def_file checkers : linter list =
let open CIssue in
let open CTL in
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " @ \n Converting checkers in (condition, issue) pairs@ \n " ;
let do_one_checker checker : linter =
let dummy_issue =
{ id = checker . id
; name = None
; description = " "
; suggestion = None
; loc = Location . dummy
; severity = Exceptions . Kwarning
; doc_url = None
; mode = CIssue . On }
let issue_desc , condition , whitelist_paths , blacklist_paths =
let process_linter_definitions ( issue , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths ) description =
match description with
| CSet ( av , phi ) when ALVar . is_report_when_keyword av ->
( issue , phi , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CDesc ( av , msg ) when ALVar . is_message_keyword av ->
( { issue with description = msg } , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CDesc ( av , sugg ) when ALVar . is_suggestion_keyword av ->
( { issue with suggestion = Some sugg } , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CDesc ( av , sev ) when ALVar . is_severity_keyword av ->
( { issue with severity = string_to_err_kind sev } , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CDesc ( av , m ) when ALVar . is_mode_keyword av ->
( { issue with mode = string_to_issue_mode m } , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CDesc ( av , doc ) when ALVar . is_doc_url_keyword av ->
( { issue with doc_url = Some doc } , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CDesc ( av , name ) when ALVar . is_name_keyword av ->
( { issue with name = Some name } , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CPath ( ` WhitelistPath , paths ) ->
( issue , cond , paths , bl_paths )
| CPath ( ` BlacklistPath , paths ) ->
( issue , cond , wl_paths , paths )
| _ ->
( issue , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
List . fold ~ f : process_linter_definitions ~ init : ( dummy_issue , CTL . False , [] , [] )
checker . definitions
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " @ \n Making condition and issue desc for checker '%s'@ \n " checker . id ;
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " @ \n Condition =@ \n %a@ \n " CTL . Debug . pp_formula condition ;
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " @ \n Issue_desc = %a@ \n " CIssue . pp_issue issue_desc ;
let linter =
{ condition ; issue_desc ; def_file = Some linters_def_file ; whitelist_paths ; blacklist_paths }
post_process_linter_definition linter
List . map ~ f : do_one_checker checkers
let rec apply_substitution f sub =
let sub_param p =
try snd ( List . find_exn sub ~ f : ( fun ( a , _ ) -> ALVar . equal p a ) ) with Not_found -> p
let sub_list_param ps = List . map ps ~ f : sub_param in
let open CTL in
match f with
| True | False ->
| Atomic ( name , ps ) ->
Atomic ( name , sub_list_param ps )
| Not f1 ->
Not ( apply_substitution f1 sub )
| And ( f1 , f2 ) ->
And ( apply_substitution f1 sub , apply_substitution f2 sub )
| Or ( f1 , f2 ) ->
Or ( apply_substitution f1 sub , apply_substitution f2 sub )
| Implies ( f1 , f2 ) ->
Implies ( apply_substitution f1 sub , apply_substitution f2 sub )
| InNode ( node_type_list , f1 ) ->
InNode ( sub_list_param node_type_list , apply_substitution f1 sub )
| AU ( trans , f1 , f2 ) ->
AU ( trans , apply_substitution f1 sub , apply_substitution f2 sub )
| EU ( trans , f1 , f2 ) ->
EU ( trans , apply_substitution f1 sub , apply_substitution f2 sub )
| EF ( trans , f1 ) ->
EF ( trans , apply_substitution f1 sub )
| AF ( trans , f1 ) ->
AF ( trans , apply_substitution f1 sub )
| AG ( trans , f1 ) ->
AG ( trans , apply_substitution f1 sub )
| EX ( trans , f1 ) ->
EX ( trans , apply_substitution f1 sub )
| AX ( trans , f1 ) ->
AX ( trans , apply_substitution f1 sub )
| EH ( cl , f1 ) ->
EH ( sub_list_param cl , apply_substitution f1 sub )
| EG ( trans , f1 ) ->
EG ( trans , apply_substitution f1 sub )
| ET ( ntl , sw , f1 ) ->
ET ( sub_list_param ntl , sw , apply_substitution f1 sub )
let expand_formula phi map_ error_msg_ =
let fail_with_circular_macro_definition name error_msg =
L . ( die ExternalError ) " Macro '%s' has a circular definition.@ \n Cycle:@ \n %s " name error_msg
let open CTL in
let rec expand acc map error_msg =
match acc with
| True | False ->
| Atomic ( ( ALVar . Formula_id name as av ) , actual_param )
-> (
(* it may be a macro *)
let error_msg' = error_msg ^ " -Expanding formula identifier ' " ^ name ^ " '@ \n " in
match ALVar . FormulaIdMap . find av map with
| true , _ , _ ->
fail_with_circular_macro_definition name error_msg'
| false , fparams , f1 ->
(* in this case it should be a defined macro *)
match List . zip fparams actual_param with
| Some sub ->
let f1_sub = apply_substitution f1 sub in
let map' = ALVar . FormulaIdMap . add av ( true , fparams , f1 ) map in
expand f1_sub map' error_msg'
| None ->
L . ( die ExternalError )
" Formula identifier '%s' is not called with the right number of parameters " name
with Not_found -> acc
(* in this case it should be a predicate *) )
| Not f1 ->
Not ( expand f1 map error_msg )
| And ( f1 , f2 ) ->
And ( expand f1 map error_msg , expand f2 map error_msg )
| Or ( f1 , f2 ) ->
Or ( expand f1 map error_msg , expand f2 map error_msg )
| Implies ( f1 , f2 ) ->
Implies ( expand f1 map error_msg , expand f2 map error_msg )
| InNode ( node_type_list , f1 ) ->
InNode ( node_type_list , expand f1 map error_msg )
| AU ( trans , f1 , f2 ) ->
AU ( trans , expand f1 map error_msg , expand f2 map error_msg )
| EU ( trans , f1 , f2 ) ->
EU ( trans , expand f1 map error_msg , expand f2 map error_msg )
| EF ( trans , f1 ) ->
EF ( trans , expand f1 map error_msg )
| AF ( trans , f1 ) ->
AF ( trans , expand f1 map error_msg )
| AG ( trans , f1 ) ->
AG ( trans , expand f1 map error_msg )
| EX ( trans , f1 ) ->
EX ( trans , expand f1 map error_msg )
| AX ( trans , f1 ) ->
AX ( trans , expand f1 map error_msg )
| EH ( cl , f1 ) ->
EH ( cl , expand f1 map error_msg )
| EG ( trans , f1 ) ->
EG ( trans , expand f1 map error_msg )
| ET ( tl , sw , f1 ) ->
ET ( tl , sw , expand f1 map error_msg )
expand phi map_ error_msg_
let rec expand_path paths path_map =
match paths with
| [] ->
| ( ALVar . Var path_var ) :: rest -> (
let paths = ALVar . VarMap . find path_var path_map in
List . append paths ( expand_path rest path_map )
with Not_found -> L . ( die ExternalError ) " Path variable %s not found. " path_var )
| path :: rest ->
path :: expand_path rest path_map
let build_macros_map_ macros init_map =
let macros_map =
List . fold
~ f : ( fun map' data ->
match data with
| CTL . CLet ( key , params , formula ) ->
if ALVar . FormulaIdMap . mem key map' then
L . ( die ExternalError )
" Macro '%s' has more than one definition. " ( ALVar . formula_id_to_string key )
else ALVar . FormulaIdMap . add key ( false , params , formula ) map'
| _ ->
map' )
~ init : init_map macros
let build_macros_map macros =
let init_map : macros_map = ALVar . FormulaIdMap . empty in
build_macros_map_ macros init_map
let build_paths_map paths =
let build_paths_map_aux paths init_map =
let paths_map =
List . fold
~ f : ( fun map' data ->
match data with path_name , paths ->
if ALVar . VarMap . mem path_name map' then
L . ( die ExternalError ) " Path '%s' has more than one definition. " path_name
else ALVar . VarMap . add path_name paths map' )
~ init : init_map paths
build_paths_map_aux paths ALVar . VarMap . empty
(* expands use of let defined formula id in checkers with their definition *)
let expand_checkers macro_map path_map checkers =
let open CTL in
let expand_one_checker c =
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " +Start expanding %s@ \n " c . id ;
let map = build_macros_map_ c . definitions macro_map in
let exp_defs =
List . fold
~ f : ( fun defs clause ->
match clause with
| CSet ( report_when_const , phi ) ->
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " -Expanding report_when@ \n " ;
CSet ( report_when_const , expand_formula phi map " " ) :: defs
| CPath ( black_or_white_list , paths ) ->
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " -Expanding path@ \n " ;
CPath ( black_or_white_list , expand_path paths path_map ) :: defs
| cl ->
cl :: defs )
~ init : [] c . definitions
{ c with definitions = exp_defs }
List . map ~ f : expand_one_checker checkers
let get_err_log translation_unit_context method_decl_opt =
let procname =
match method_decl_opt with
| Some method_decl ->
CProcname . from_decl_for_linters translation_unit_context method_decl
| None ->
Typ . Procname . Linters_dummy_method
LintIssues . get_err_log procname
(* * Add a frontend warning with a description desc at location loc to the errlog of a proc desc *)
let log_frontend_issue translation_unit_context method_decl_opt ( node : Ctl_parser_types . ast_node )
( issue_desc : CIssue . issue_desc ) linters_def_file =
let errlog = get_err_log translation_unit_context method_decl_opt in
let err_desc =
Errdesc . explain_frontend_warning issue_desc . description issue_desc . suggestion issue_desc . loc
let exn = Exceptions . Frontend_warning ( ( issue_desc . id , issue_desc . name ) , err_desc , _ _ POS__ ) in
let trace = [ Errlog . make_trace_element 0 issue_desc . loc " " [] ] in
let err_kind = issue_desc . severity in
let key_str =
match node with
| Decl dec ->
CAst_utils . generate_key_decl dec
| Stmt st ->
CAst_utils . generate_key_stmt st
let key = Utils . better_hash key_str in
Reporting . log_issue_from_errlog err_kind errlog exn ~ loc : issue_desc . loc ~ ltr : trace
~ node_id : ( 0 , key ) ? linters_def_file ? doc_url : issue_desc . doc_url
let fill_issue_desc_info_and_log context an ( issue_desc : CIssue . issue_desc ) linters_def_file loc =
let process_message message =
remove_new_lines_and_whitespace ( expand_message_string context message an )
let description = process_message issue_desc . description in
let suggestion = Option . map ~ f : process_message issue_desc . suggestion in
let issue_desc' = { issue_desc with description ; loc ; suggestion } in
log_frontend_issue context . CLintersContext . translation_unit_context
context . CLintersContext . current_method an issue_desc' linters_def_file
(* Calls the set of hard coded checkers ( if any ) *)
let invoke_set_of_hard_coded_checkers_an context ( an : Ctl_parser_types . ast_node ) =
let checkers = match an with Decl _ -> decl_checkers_list | Stmt _ -> stmt_checkers_list in
List . iter
~ f : ( fun checker ->
let issue_desc_list = checker context an in
List . iter
~ f : ( fun issue_desc ->
if CIssue . should_run_check issue_desc . CIssue . mode then
fill_issue_desc_info_and_log context an issue_desc None issue_desc . CIssue . loc )
issue_desc_list )
(* Calls the set of checkers parsed from files ( if any ) *)
let invoke_set_of_parsed_checkers_an parsed_linters context ( an : Ctl_parser_types . ast_node ) =
List . iter
~ f : ( fun ( linter : linter ) ->
if CIssue . should_run_check linter . issue_desc . CIssue . mode then
match CTL . eval_formula linter . condition an context with
| None ->
| Some witness ->
let loc = CFrontend_checkers . location_from_an context witness in
fill_issue_desc_info_and_log context witness linter . issue_desc linter . def_file loc )
(* We decouple the hardcoded checkers from the parsed ones *)
let invoke_set_of_checkers_on_node context an =
( match an with
| Ctl_parser_types . Decl Clang_ast_t . TranslationUnitDecl _ ->
(* Don't run parsed linters on TranslationUnitDecl node.
Because depending on the formula it may give an error at line - 1 * )
| _ ->
if not CFrontend_config . tableaux_evaluation then
invoke_set_of_parsed_checkers_an ! parsed_linters context an ) ;
if Config . default_linters then invoke_set_of_hard_coded_checkers_an context an