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* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
(** Pretty Printing} *)
(** Kind of simple printing: default or with full types *)
type simple_kind = SIM_DEFAULT | SIM_WITH_TYP
(** Kind of printing *)
type print_kind = TEXT | HTML [@@deriving compare]
let equal_print_kind = [%compare.equal: print_kind]
(** Colors supported in printing *)
type color = Black | Blue | Green | Orange | Red [@@deriving compare]
let equal_color = [%compare.equal: color]
(** map subexpressions (as Obj.t element compared by physical equality) to colors *)
type colormap = Obj.t -> color
(** Print environment threaded through all the printing functions *)
type env =
{ opt: simple_kind (** Current option for simple printing *)
; kind: print_kind (** Current kind of printing *)
; break_lines: bool (** whether to let Format add its own line breaks or not *)
; cmap_norm: colormap (** Current colormap for the normal part *)
; cmap_foot: colormap (** Current colormap for the footprint part *)
; color: color (** Current color *)
; obj_sub: (Obj.t -> Obj.t) option (** generic object substitution *) }
(** Create a colormap of a given color *)
let colormap_from_color color (_ : Obj.t) = color
(** standard colormap: black *)
let colormap_black (_ : Obj.t) = Black
(** red colormap *)
let colormap_red (_ : Obj.t) = Red
(** Default text print environment *)
let text =
; kind= TEXT
; break_lines= false
; cmap_norm= colormap_black
; cmap_foot= colormap_black
; color= Black
; obj_sub= None }
[explore] print only non-default values in the attributes Summary: Attributes have lots of fields, but the majority is usually the same from one procedure to the other. This attempts to print only non-default values, where the default is the "empty" attributes (as opposed to the "most commonly seen value" for each field), in an attempt to be predictible. This is largely something that should be done with a ppx but since there's only one use case it didn't seem worth the trouble. Output of `infer explore --procedures --procedures-attributes --procedures-name` before: ``` test: examples/hello.c test <defined> {access= <Default>; captured= []; did_preanalysis= false; err_log= [ ]; exceptions= []; formals= []; const_formals= []; by_vals= []; func_attributes= []; is_abstract= false; is_bridge_method= false; is_defined= true; is_cpp_noexcept_method= false; is_java_synchronized_method= false; is_model= false; is_specialized= false; is_synthetic_method= false; clang_method_kind= C_FUNCTION; loc= line 12, column 1; translation_unit= Some examples/hello.c; locals= [{name= s;typ= ;attributes= }]; method_annotation= <> (); objc_accessor= None; proc_flags= []; proc_name= test; ret_type= ; source_file_captured=examples/hello.c} int Hello.test(): examples/ int Hello.test() <defined> {access= <Default>; captured= []; did_preanalysis= false; err_log= [ ]; exceptions= []; formals= [(this,)]; const_formals= []; by_vals= [ ]; func_attributes= []; is_abstract= false; is_bridge_method= false; is_defined= true; is_cpp_noexcept_method= false; is_java_synchronized_method= false; is_model= false; is_specialized= false; is_synthetic_method= false; clang_method_kind= C_FUNCTION; loc= line 11; translation_unit= None; locals= [{name= $irvar0;typ= ;attributes= }; {name= s;typ= ;attributes= }]; method_annotation= <> (); objc_accessor= None; proc_flags= []; proc_name= int Hello.test(); ret_type= ; source_file_captured=examples/} Hello.<init>(): examples/ Hello.<init>() <defined> {access= <Default>; captured= []; did_preanalysis= false; err_log= [ ]; exceptions= []; formals= [(this,)]; const_formals= []; by_vals= [ ]; func_attributes= []; is_abstract= false; is_bridge_method= false; is_defined= true; is_cpp_noexcept_method= false; is_java_synchronized_method= false; is_model= false; is_specialized= false; is_synthetic_method= false; clang_method_kind= C_FUNCTION; loc= line 10; translation_unit= None; locals= []; method_annotation= <> (); objc_accessor= None; proc_flags= []; proc_name= Hello.<init>(); ret_type= ; source_file_captured=examples/} ``` Now: ``` test source_file: examples/hello.c proc_name: test attribute_kind: <defined> attributes: { proc_name= test ; source_file_captured= examples/hello.c ; formals= [] ; is_defined= true ; loc= line 12, column 1 ; translation_unit= <Some examples/hello.c> ; locals= [{ name= s; typ= int* }] ; ret_type= void } int Hello.test() source_file: examples/ proc_name: int Hello.test() attribute_kind: <defined> attributes: { proc_name= int Hello.test() ; source_file_captured= examples/ ; formals= [(this,Hello*)] ; is_defined= true ; loc= line 11 ; locals= [{ name= $irvar0; typ= void }; { name= s; typ= java.lang.String* }] ; ret_type= int } Hello.<init>() source_file: examples/ proc_name: Hello.<init>() attribute_kind: <defined> attributes: { proc_name= Hello.<init>() ; source_file_captured= examples/ ; formals= [(this,Hello*)] ; is_defined= true ; loc= line 10 ; ret_type= void } ``` Reviewed By: mbouaziz Differential Revision: D7757890 fbshipit-source-id: 5507ec6
7 years ago
let text_break = {text with break_lines= true}
(** Default html print environment *)
let html color =
{ text with
kind= HTML
; cmap_norm= colormap_from_color color
; cmap_foot= colormap_from_color color
; color }
(** Extend the normal colormap for the given object with the given color *)
let extend_colormap pe (x : Obj.t) (c : color) =
let colormap (y : Obj.t) = if phys_equal x y then c else pe.cmap_norm y in
{pe with cmap_norm= colormap}
(** Set the object substitution, which is supposed to preserve the type.
Currently only used for a map from (identifier) expressions to the program var containing them *)
let set_obj_sub pe (sub : 'a -> 'a) =
let new_obj_sub x =
let x' = Obj.repr (sub (Obj.obj x)) in
match pe.obj_sub with None -> x' | Some sub' -> sub' x'
{pe with obj_sub= Some new_obj_sub}
(** Reset the object substitution, so that no substitution takes place *)
let reset_obj_sub pe = {pe with obj_sub= None}
(** string representation of colors *)
let color_string = function
| Black ->
| Blue ->
| Green ->
| Orange ->
| Red ->
let seq ?(print_env = text) ?sep:(sep_text = " ") ?(sep_html = sep_text) pp =
let rec aux f = function
| [] ->
| [x] ->
pp f x
| x :: l ->
let sep = match print_env.kind with TEXT -> sep_text | HTML -> sep_html in
if print_env.break_lines then F.fprintf f "%a%s@ %a" pp x sep aux l
else F.fprintf f "%a%s%a" pp x sep aux l
let comma_seq ?print_env pp f l = seq ?print_env ~sep:"," pp f l
let semicolon_seq ?print_env pp f l = seq ?print_env ~sep:"; " pp f l
(** Print the current time and date in a format similar to the "date" command *)
let current_time f () =
let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
F.fprintf f "%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d" tm.Unix.tm_mday tm.Unix.tm_mon (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900)
tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min
let option pp fmt = function
| None ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "[None]"
| Some x ->
F.fprintf fmt "[Some %a]" pp x
let to_string ~f fmt x = F.pp_print_string fmt (f x)
let cli_args fmt args =
let pp_args fmt args =
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov2> " ;
[explore] print only non-default values in the attributes Summary: Attributes have lots of fields, but the majority is usually the same from one procedure to the other. This attempts to print only non-default values, where the default is the "empty" attributes (as opposed to the "most commonly seen value" for each field), in an attempt to be predictible. This is largely something that should be done with a ppx but since there's only one use case it didn't seem worth the trouble. Output of `infer explore --procedures --procedures-attributes --procedures-name` before: ``` test: examples/hello.c test <defined> {access= <Default>; captured= []; did_preanalysis= false; err_log= [ ]; exceptions= []; formals= []; const_formals= []; by_vals= []; func_attributes= []; is_abstract= false; is_bridge_method= false; is_defined= true; is_cpp_noexcept_method= false; is_java_synchronized_method= false; is_model= false; is_specialized= false; is_synthetic_method= false; clang_method_kind= C_FUNCTION; loc= line 12, column 1; translation_unit= Some examples/hello.c; locals= [{name= s;typ= ;attributes= }]; method_annotation= <> (); objc_accessor= None; proc_flags= []; proc_name= test; ret_type= ; source_file_captured=examples/hello.c} int Hello.test(): examples/ int Hello.test() <defined> {access= <Default>; captured= []; did_preanalysis= false; err_log= [ ]; exceptions= []; formals= [(this,)]; const_formals= []; by_vals= [ ]; func_attributes= []; is_abstract= false; is_bridge_method= false; is_defined= true; is_cpp_noexcept_method= false; is_java_synchronized_method= false; is_model= false; is_specialized= false; is_synthetic_method= false; clang_method_kind= C_FUNCTION; loc= line 11; translation_unit= None; locals= [{name= $irvar0;typ= ;attributes= }; {name= s;typ= ;attributes= }]; method_annotation= <> (); objc_accessor= None; proc_flags= []; proc_name= int Hello.test(); ret_type= ; source_file_captured=examples/} Hello.<init>(): examples/ Hello.<init>() <defined> {access= <Default>; captured= []; did_preanalysis= false; err_log= [ ]; exceptions= []; formals= [(this,)]; const_formals= []; by_vals= [ ]; func_attributes= []; is_abstract= false; is_bridge_method= false; is_defined= true; is_cpp_noexcept_method= false; is_java_synchronized_method= false; is_model= false; is_specialized= false; is_synthetic_method= false; clang_method_kind= C_FUNCTION; loc= line 10; translation_unit= None; locals= []; method_annotation= <> (); objc_accessor= None; proc_flags= []; proc_name= Hello.<init>(); ret_type= ; source_file_captured=examples/} ``` Now: ``` test source_file: examples/hello.c proc_name: test attribute_kind: <defined> attributes: { proc_name= test ; source_file_captured= examples/hello.c ; formals= [] ; is_defined= true ; loc= line 12, column 1 ; translation_unit= <Some examples/hello.c> ; locals= [{ name= s; typ= int* }] ; ret_type= void } int Hello.test() source_file: examples/ proc_name: int Hello.test() attribute_kind: <defined> attributes: { proc_name= int Hello.test() ; source_file_captured= examples/ ; formals= [(this,Hello*)] ; is_defined= true ; loc= line 11 ; locals= [{ name= $irvar0; typ= void }; { name= s; typ= java.lang.String* }] ; ret_type= int } Hello.<init>() source_file: examples/ proc_name: Hello.<init>() attribute_kind: <defined> attributes: { proc_name= Hello.<init>() ; source_file_captured= examples/ ; formals= [(this,Hello*)] ; is_defined= true ; loc= line 10 ; ret_type= void } ``` Reviewed By: mbouaziz Differential Revision: D7757890 fbshipit-source-id: 5507ec6
7 years ago
seq ~sep:"" ~print_env:text_break F.pp_print_string fmt args ;
F.fprintf fmt "@]"
let rec pp_argfile_args in_argfiles fmt args =
let at_least_one = ref false in
List.iter args ~f:(fun arg ->
String.chop_prefix ~prefix:"@" arg
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun argfile ->
if not !at_least_one then (
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov2> " ;
at_least_one := true ) ;
pp_argfile in_argfiles fmt argfile ) ) ;
if !at_least_one then F.fprintf fmt "@]@\n"
and pp_argfile in_argfiles fmt fname =
if not (String.Set.mem in_argfiles fname) then
let in_argfiles' = String.Set.add in_argfiles fname in
match In_channel.read_lines fname with
| args ->
F.fprintf fmt "++Contents of %s:@\n%a@\n"
(Escape.escape_in_single_quotes fname)
pp_args args ;
pp_argfile_args in_argfiles' fmt args ;
| exception exn ->
F.fprintf fmt "@\n++Error reading file %s:@\n %a@\n"
(Escape.escape_in_single_quotes fname)
Exn.pp exn
pp_args fmt args ;
pp_argfile_args String.Set.empty fmt args
let pair ~fst ~snd fmt (a, b) = F.fprintf fmt "(%a,@,%a)" fst a snd b
let in_backticks pp fmt x = F.fprintf fmt "`%a`" pp x