* Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Monoidics ltd.
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
(** Pretty Printing} *)
(** Kind of simple printing: default or with full types *)
type simple_kind = SIM_DEFAULT | SIM_WITH_TYP
(** Kind of printing *)
type print_kind = TEXT | HTML [@@deriving compare]
let equal_print_kind = [%compare.equal: print_kind]
(** Colors supported in printing *)
type color = Black | Blue | Green | Orange | Red [@@deriving compare]
let equal_color = [%compare.equal: color]
(** map subexpressions (as Obj.t element compared by physical equality) to colors *)
type colormap = Obj.t -> color
(** Print environment threaded through all the printing functions *)
type env =
{ opt: simple_kind (** Current option for simple printing *)
; kind: print_kind (** Current kind of printing *)
; break_lines: bool (** whether to let Format add its own line breaks or not *)
; cmap_norm: colormap (** Current colormap for the normal part *)
; cmap_foot: colormap (** Current colormap for the footprint part *)
; color: color (** Current color *)
; obj_sub: (Obj.t -> Obj.t) option (** generic object substitution *) }
(** Create a colormap of a given color *)
let colormap_from_color color (_ : Obj.t) = color
(** standard colormap: black *)
let colormap_black (_ : Obj.t) = Black
(** red colormap *)
let colormap_red (_ : Obj.t) = Red
(** Default text print environment *)
let text =
; kind= TEXT
; break_lines= false
; cmap_norm= colormap_black
; cmap_foot= colormap_black
; color= Black
; obj_sub= None }
let text_break = {text with break_lines= true}
(** Default html print environment *)
let html color =
{ text with
kind= HTML
; cmap_norm= colormap_from_color color
; cmap_foot= colormap_from_color color
; color }
(** Extend the normal colormap for the given object with the given color *)
let extend_colormap pe (x : Obj.t) (c : color) =
let colormap (y : Obj.t) = if phys_equal x y then c else pe.cmap_norm y in
{pe with cmap_norm= colormap}
(** Set the object substitution, which is supposed to preserve the type.
Currently only used for a map from (identifier) expressions to the program var containing them *)
let set_obj_sub pe (sub : 'a -> 'a) =
let new_obj_sub x =
let x' = Obj.repr (sub (Obj.obj x)) in
match pe.obj_sub with None -> x' | Some sub' -> sub' x'
{pe with obj_sub= Some new_obj_sub}
(** Reset the object substitution, so that no substitution takes place *)
let reset_obj_sub pe = {pe with obj_sub= None}
(** string representation of colors *)
let color_string = function
| Black ->
| Blue ->
| Green ->
| Orange ->
| Red ->
let seq ?(print_env = text) ?sep:(sep_text = " ") ?(sep_html = sep_text) pp =
let rec aux f = function
| [] ->
| [x] ->
pp f x
| x :: l ->
let sep = match print_env.kind with TEXT -> sep_text | HTML -> sep_html in
if print_env.break_lines then F.fprintf f "%a%s@ %a" pp x sep aux l
else F.fprintf f "%a%s%a" pp x sep aux l
let comma_seq ?print_env pp f l = seq ?print_env ~sep:"," pp f l
let semicolon_seq ?print_env pp f l = seq ?print_env ~sep:"; " pp f l
(** Print the current time and date in a format similar to the "date" command *)
let current_time f () =
let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
F.fprintf f "%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d" tm.Unix.tm_mday tm.Unix.tm_mon (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900)
tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min
let option pp fmt = function
| None ->
F.pp_print_string fmt "[None]"
| Some x ->
F.fprintf fmt "[Some %a]" pp x
let to_string ~f fmt x = F.pp_print_string fmt (f x)
let cli_args fmt args =
let pp_args fmt args =
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov2> " ;
seq ~sep:"" ~print_env:text_break F.pp_print_string fmt args ;
F.fprintf fmt "@]"
let rec pp_argfile_args in_argfiles fmt args =
let at_least_one = ref false in
List.iter args ~f:(fun arg ->
String.chop_prefix ~prefix:"@" arg
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun argfile ->
if not !at_least_one then (
F.fprintf fmt "@[<hov2> " ;
at_least_one := true ) ;
pp_argfile in_argfiles fmt argfile ) ) ;
if !at_least_one then F.fprintf fmt "@]@\n"
and pp_argfile in_argfiles fmt fname =
if not (String.Set.mem in_argfiles fname) then
let in_argfiles' = String.Set.add in_argfiles fname in
match In_channel.read_lines fname with
| args ->
F.fprintf fmt "++Contents of %s:@\n%a@\n"
(Escape.escape_in_single_quotes fname)
pp_args args ;
pp_argfile_args in_argfiles' fmt args ;
| exception exn ->
F.fprintf fmt "@\n++Error reading file %s:@\n %a@\n"
(Escape.escape_in_single_quotes fname)
Exn.pp exn
pp_args fmt args ;
pp_argfile_args String.Set.empty fmt args
let pair ~fst ~snd fmt (a, b) = F.fprintf fmt "(%a,@,%a)" fst a snd b
let in_backticks pp fmt x = F.fprintf fmt "`%a`" pp x