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* Copyright (c) 2015 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
(** like map, but returns the original list if unchanged *)
let map_changed (f: 'a -> 'a) l =
let l', changed =
(fun (l_acc, changed) e ->
let e' = f e in
(e' :: l_acc, changed || e' != e) )
([], false) l
if changed then List.rev l' else l
(** like filter, but returns the original list if unchanged *)
let filter_changed (f: 'a -> bool) l =
let l', changed =
(fun (l_acc, changed) e -> if f e then (e :: l_acc, changed) else (l_acc, true))
([], false) l
if changed then List.rev l' else l
(** Remove consecutive equal irrelevant elements from a list
(according to the given comparison and relevance functions) *)
let remove_irrelevant_duplicates compare relevant l =
let rec remove compare acc = function
| [] ->
List.rev acc
| [x] ->
List.rev (x :: acc)
| x :: (y :: l'' as l') ->
if compare x y = 0 then
match (relevant x, relevant y) with
| false, _ ->
remove compare acc l'
| true, false ->
remove compare acc (x :: l'')
| true, true ->
remove compare (x :: acc) l'
else remove compare (x :: acc) l'
remove compare [] l
(** The function works on sorted lists without duplicates *)
let rec merge_sorted_nodup compare res xs1 xs2 =
match (xs1, xs2) with
| [], _ ->
List.rev_append res xs2
| _, [] ->
List.rev_append res xs1
| x1 :: xs1', x2 :: xs2' ->
let n = compare x1 x2 in
if n = 0 then merge_sorted_nodup compare (x1 :: res) xs1' xs2'
else if n < 0 then merge_sorted_nodup compare (x1 :: res) xs1' xs2
else merge_sorted_nodup compare (x2 :: res) xs1 xs2'
let inter compare xs ys =
let rev_sort xs = List.sort (fun x y -> compare y x) xs in
let rev_xs = rev_sort xs in
let rev_ys = rev_sort ys in
let rec inter_ is rev_xxs rev_yys =
match (rev_xxs, rev_yys) with
| [], _ | _, [] ->
| x :: rev_xs, y :: rev_ys ->
let c = compare x y in
if c = 0 then inter_ (x :: is) rev_xs rev_ys
else if c < 0 then inter_ is rev_xs rev_yys
else inter_ is rev_xxs rev_ys
inter_ [] rev_xs rev_ys
(** like fold, but apply f_last to the last element *)
let rec fold_last l ~init ~f ~f_last =
match l with
| [] ->
| [last] ->
f_last init last
| hd :: tl ->
fold_last tl ~init:(f init hd) ~f ~f_last
let uncons_exn = function [] -> failwith "uncons_exn" | hd :: tl -> (hd, tl)
let append_no_duplicates eq list1 list2 =
let list2_no_dup = List.filter (fun x2 -> List.for_all (fun x1 -> not (eq x2 x1)) list1) list2 in
list1 @ list2_no_dup