* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Equality over uninterpreted functions and linear rational arithmetic *)
(** Classification of Terms by Theory *)
type kind = Interpreted | Simplified | Atomic | Uninterpreted
[@@deriving compare, equal]
let classify e =
match (e : Term.t) with
| Add _ | Mul _ -> Interpreted
| Ap2 (Memory, _, _) | Ap3 (Extract, _, _, _) | ApN (Concat, _) ->
| Ap2 ((Eq | Dq), _, _) -> Simplified
| Ap1 _ | Ap2 _ | Ap3 _ | ApN _ -> Uninterpreted
| RecN _ | Var _ | Integer _ | Float _ | Nondet _ | Label _ -> Atomic
let interpreted e = equal_kind (classify e) Interpreted
let non_interpreted e = not (interpreted e)
let uninterpreted e = equal_kind (classify e) Uninterpreted
let rec fold_max_solvables e ~init ~f =
if non_interpreted e then f e init
else Term.fold e ~init ~f:(fun d s -> fold_max_solvables ~f d ~init:s)
let rec iter_max_solvables e ~f =
if non_interpreted e then f e else Term.iter ~f:(iter_max_solvables ~f) e
(** Solution Substitutions *)
module Subst : sig
type t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val pp : t pp
val pp_diff : (t * t) pp
val empty : t
val is_empty : t -> bool
val length : t -> int
val mem : t -> Term.t -> bool
val find : t -> Term.t -> Term.t option
val fold : t -> init:'a -> f:(key:Term.t -> data:Term.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a
val iteri : t -> f:(key:Term.t -> data:Term.t -> unit) -> unit
val for_alli : t -> f:(key:Term.t -> data:Term.t -> bool) -> bool
val apply : t -> Term.t -> Term.t
val subst : t -> Term.t -> Term.t
val norm : t -> Term.t -> Term.t
val compose : t -> t -> t
val compose1 : key:Term.t -> data:Term.t -> t -> t
val extend : Term.t -> t -> t option
val map_entries : f:(Term.t -> Term.t) -> t -> t
val to_alist : t -> (Term.t * Term.t) list
val partition_valid : Var.Set.t -> t -> t * Var.Set.t * t
end = struct
type t = Term.t Term.Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let t_of_sexp = Term.Map.t_of_sexp Term.t_of_sexp Term.t_of_sexp
let pp = Term.Map.pp Term.pp Term.pp
let pp_diff =
Term.Map.pp_diff ~data_equal:Term.equal Term.pp Term.pp Term.pp_diff
let empty = Term.Map.empty
let is_empty = Term.Map.is_empty
let length = Term.Map.length
let mem = Term.Map.mem
let find = Term.Map.find
let fold = Term.Map.fold
let iteri = Term.Map.iteri
let for_alli = Term.Map.for_alli
let to_alist = Term.Map.to_alist
(** look up a term in a substitution *)
let apply s a = Term.Map.find s a |> Option.value ~default:a
let rec subst s a = apply s (Term.map ~f:(subst s) a)
(** apply a substitution to maximal non-interpreted subterms *)
let rec norm s a =
match classify a with
| Interpreted -> Term.map ~f:(norm s) a
| Simplified -> apply s (Term.map ~f:(norm s) a)
| Atomic | Uninterpreted -> apply s a
(** compose two substitutions *)
let compose r s =
let r' = Term.Map.map ~f:(norm s) r in
Term.Map.merge_skewed r' s ~combine:(fun ~key v1 v2 ->
if Term.equal v1 v2 then v1
else fail "domains intersect: %a" Term.pp key () )
(** compose a substitution with a mapping *)
let compose1 ~key ~data s =
if Term.equal key data then s
else compose s (Term.Map.set Term.Map.empty ~key ~data)
(** add an identity entry if the term is not already present *)
let extend e s =
let exception Found in
Term.Map.update s e ~f:(function
| Some _ -> Exn.raise_without_backtrace Found
| None -> e )
| exception Found -> None
| s -> Some s
(** map over a subst, applying [f] to both domain and range, requires that
[f] is injective and for any set of terms [E], [f\[E\]] is disjoint
from [E] *)
let map_entries ~f s =
Term.Map.fold s ~init:s ~f:(fun ~key ~data s ->
let key' = f key in
let data' = f data in
if Term.equal key' key then
if Term.equal data' data then s
else Term.Map.set s ~key ~data:data'
else Term.Map.remove s key |> Term.Map.add_exn ~key:key' ~data:data'
(** Holds only if [true ⊢ ∃xs. e=f]. Clients assume
[not (is_valid_eq xs e f)] implies [not (is_valid_eq ys e f)] for
[ys ⊆ xs]. *)
let is_valid_eq xs e f =
let is_var_in xs e =
Option.exists ~f:(Var.Set.mem xs) (Var.of_term e)
( is_var_in xs e || is_var_in xs f
|| (uninterpreted e && Term.exists ~f:(is_var_in xs) e)
|| (uninterpreted f && Term.exists ~f:(is_var_in xs) f) )
$> fun b ->
"is_valid_eq %a%a=%a = %b" Var.Set.pp_xs xs Term.pp e Term.pp f b]
(** Partition ∃xs. σ into equivalent ∃xs. τ ∧ ∃ks. ν where ks
and ν are maximal where ∃ks. ν is universally valid, xs ⊇ ks and
ks ∩ fv(τ) = ∅. *)
let partition_valid xs s =
(* Move equations e=f from s to t when ∃ks.e=f fails to be provably
valid. When moving an equation, reduce ks by fv(e=f) to maintain ks ∩
fv(t) = ∅. This reduction may cause equations in s to no longer be
valid, so loop until no change. *)
let rec partition_valid_ t ks s =
let t', ks', s' =
Term.Map.fold s ~init:(t, ks, s) ~f:(fun ~key ~data (t, ks, s) ->
if is_valid_eq ks key data then (t, ks, s)
let t = Term.Map.set ~key ~data t
and ks =
Var.Set.diff ks (Var.Set.union (Term.fv key) (Term.fv data))
and s = Term.Map.remove s key in
(t, ks, s) )
if s' != s then partition_valid_ t' ks' s' else (t', ks', s')
partition_valid_ empty xs s
(** Theory Solver *)
(** orient equations s.t. Var < Memory < Extract < Concat < others, then
using height of aggregate nesting, and then using Term.compare *)
let orient e f =
let compare e f =
let rank e =
match (e : Term.t) with
| Var _ -> 0
| Ap2 (Memory, _, _) -> 1
| Ap3 (Extract, _, _, _) -> 2
| ApN (Concat, _) -> 3
| _ -> 4
let rec height e =
match (e : Term.t) with
| Ap2 (Memory, _, x) -> 1 + height x
| Ap3 (Extract, x, _, _) -> 1 + height x
| ApN (Concat, xs) ->
1 + Vector.fold ~init:0 ~f:(fun h x -> max h (height x)) xs
| _ -> 0
let o = compare (rank e) (rank f) in
if o <> 0 then o
let o = compare (height e) (height f) in
if o <> 0 then o else Term.compare e f
match Ordering.of_int (compare e f) with
| Less -> Some (e, f)
| Equal -> None
| Greater -> Some (f, e)
let norm (_, _, s) e = Subst.norm s e
let extend ?f ~var ~rep (us, xs, s) =
let s =
match f with
| Some f when not (f var rep) -> s
| _ -> Subst.compose1 ~key:var ~data:rep s
Some (us, xs, s)
let fresh name (us, xs, s) =
let x, us = Var.fresh name ~wrt:us in
let xs = Var.Set.add xs x in
(Term.var x, (us, xs, s))
let solve_poly ?f p q s =
match Term.sub p q with
| Integer {data} -> if Z.equal Z.zero data then Some s else None
| Var _ as var -> extend ?f ~var ~rep:Term.zero s
| p_q -> (
match Term.solve_zero_eq p_q with
| Some (var, rep) -> extend ?f ~var ~rep s
| None -> extend ?f ~var:p_q ~rep:Term.zero s )
(* α[o,l) = β ==> l = |β| ∧ α = (⟨n,c⟩[0,o) ^ β ^ ⟨n,c⟩[o+l,n-o-l)) where n
= |α| and c fresh *)
let rec solve_extract ?f a o l b s =
let n = Term.agg_size_exn a in
let c, s = fresh "c" s in
let n_c = Term.memory ~siz:n ~arr:c in
let o_l = Term.add o l in
let n_o_l = Term.sub n o_l in
let c0 = Term.extract ~agg:n_c ~off:Term.zero ~len:o in
let c1 = Term.extract ~agg:n_c ~off:o_l ~len:n_o_l in
let b, s =
match Term.agg_size b with
| None -> (Term.memory ~siz:l ~arr:b, Some s)
| Some m -> (b, solve_ ?f l m s)
s >>= solve_ ?f a (Term.concat [|c0; b; c1|])
(* α₀^…^αᵢ^αⱼ^…^αᵥ = β ==> |α₀^…^αᵥ| = |β| ∧ … ∧ αⱼ = β[n₀+…+nᵢ,nⱼ) ∧ …
where nₓ ≡ |αₓ| and m = |β| *)
and solve_concat ?f a0V b m s =
Vector.fold_until a0V ~init:(s, Term.zero)
~f:(fun (s, oI) aJ ->
let nJ = Term.agg_size_exn aJ in
let oJ = Term.add oI nJ in
match solve_ ?f aJ (Term.extract ~agg:b ~off:oI ~len:nJ) s with
| Some s -> Continue (s, oJ)
| None -> Stop None )
~finish:(fun (s, n0V) -> solve_ ?f n0V m s)
and solve_ ?f d e s =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "%a@[%a@ %a@ %a@]" Var.Set.pp_xs (snd3 s) Term.pp d Term.pp e
Subst.pp (trd3 s)]
( match orient (norm s d) (norm s e) with
(* e' = f' ==> true when e' ≡ f' *)
| None -> Some s
(* i = j ==> false when i ≠ j *)
| Some (Integer _, Integer _) -> None
(* ⟨0,a⟩ = β ==> a = β = ⟨⟩ *)
| Some (Ap2 (Memory, n, a), b) when Term.equal n Term.zero ->
s |> solve_ ?f a (Term.concat [||]) >>= solve_ ?f b (Term.concat [||])
| Some (b, Ap2 (Memory, n, a)) when Term.equal n Term.zero ->
s |> solve_ ?f a (Term.concat [||]) >>= solve_ ?f b (Term.concat [||])
(* v = ⟨n,a⟩ ==> v = a *)
| Some ((Var _ as v), Ap2 (Memory, _, a)) -> s |> solve_ ?f v a
(* ⟨n,a⟩ = ⟨m,b⟩ ==> n = m ∧ a = β *)
| Some (Ap2 (Memory, n, a), Ap2 (Memory, m, b)) ->
s |> solve_ ?f n m >>= solve_ ?f a b
(* ⟨n,a⟩ = β ==> n = |β| ∧ a = β *)
| Some (Ap2 (Memory, n, a), b) ->
( match Term.agg_size b with
| None -> Some s
| Some m -> solve_ ?f n m s )
>>= solve_ ?f a b
| Some ((Var _ as v), (Ap3 (Extract, _, _, l) as e)) ->
if not (Var.Set.mem (Term.fv e) (Var.of_ v)) then
(* v = α[o,l) ==> v ↦ α[o,l) when v ∉ fv(α[o,l)) *)
extend ?f ~var:v ~rep:e s
(* v = α[o,l) ==> α[o,l) ↦ ⟨l,v⟩ when v ∈ fv(α[o,l)) *)
extend ?f ~var:e ~rep:(Term.memory ~siz:l ~arr:v) s
| Some ((Var _ as v), (ApN (Concat, a0V) as c)) ->
if not (Var.Set.mem (Term.fv c) (Var.of_ v)) then
(* v = α₀^…^αᵥ ==> v ↦ α₀^…^αᵥ when v ∉ fv(α₀^…^αᵥ) *)
extend ?f ~var:v ~rep:c s
(* v = α₀^…^αᵥ ==> ⟨|α₀^…^αᵥ|,v⟩ = α₀^…^αᵥ when v ∈ fv(α₀^…^αᵥ) *)
let m = Term.agg_size_exn c in
solve_concat ?f a0V (Term.memory ~siz:m ~arr:v) m s
| Some ((Ap3 (Extract, _, _, l) as e), ApN (Concat, a0V)) ->
solve_concat ?f a0V e l s
| Some (ApN (Concat, a0V), (ApN (Concat, _) as c)) ->
solve_concat ?f a0V c (Term.agg_size_exn c) s
| Some (Ap3 (Extract, a, o, l), e) -> solve_extract ?f a o l e s
(* p = q ==> p-q = 0 *)
| Some
( ((Add _ | Mul _ | Integer _) as p), q
| q, ((Add _ | Mul _ | Integer _) as p) ) ->
solve_poly ?f p q s
| Some (rep, var) ->
assert (non_interpreted var) ;
assert (non_interpreted rep) ;
extend ?f ~var ~rep s )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->
| Some (_, xs, s) -> pf "%a%a" Var.Set.pp_xs xs Subst.pp s
| None -> pf "false"]
let solve ?f ~us ~xs d e =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Term.pp d Term.pp e]
(solve_ ?f d e (us, xs, Subst.empty) >>| fun (_, xs, s) -> (xs, s))
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->
| Some (xs, s) -> pf "%a%a" Var.Set.pp_xs xs Subst.pp s
| None -> pf "false"]
(** Equality Relations *)
(** see also [invariant] *)
type t =
{ xs: Var.Set.t
(** existential variables that did not appear in input equations *)
; sat: bool (** [false] only if constraints are inconsistent *)
; rep: Subst.t
(** functional set of oriented equations: map [a] to [a'],
indicating that [a = a'] holds, and that [a'] is the
'rep(resentative)' of [a] *) }
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let classes r =
let add key data cls =
if Term.equal key data then cls
else Term.Map.add_multi cls ~key:data ~data:key
Subst.fold r.rep ~init:Term.Map.empty ~f:(fun ~key ~data cls ->
match classify key with
| Interpreted | Atomic -> add key data cls
| Simplified | Uninterpreted ->
add (Term.map ~f:(Subst.apply r.rep) key) data cls )
let cls_of r e =
let e' = Subst.apply r.rep e in
Term.Map.find (classes r) e' |> Option.value ~default:[e']
(** Pretty-printing *)
let pp fs {sat; rep} =
let pp_alist pp_k pp_v fs alist =
let pp_assoc fs (k, v) =
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_k k pp_v (k, v)
Format.fprintf fs "[@[<hv>%a@]]" (List.pp ";@ " pp_assoc) alist
let pp_term_v fs (k, v) = if not (Term.equal k v) then Term.pp fs v in
Format.fprintf fs "@[{@[<hv>sat= %b;@ rep= %a@]}@]" sat
(pp_alist Term.pp pp_term_v)
(Subst.to_alist rep)
let pp_diff fs (r, s) =
let pp_sat fs =
if not (Bool.equal r.sat s.sat) then
Format.fprintf fs "sat= @[-- %b@ ++ %b@];@ " r.sat s.sat
let pp_rep fs =
if not (Subst.is_empty r.rep) then
Format.fprintf fs "rep= %a" Subst.pp_diff (r.rep, s.rep)
Format.fprintf fs "@[{@[<hv>%t%t@]}@]" pp_sat pp_rep
let ppx_cls x = List.pp "@ = " (Term.ppx x)
let pp_cls = ppx_cls (fun _ -> None)
let pp_diff_cls = List.pp_diff ~compare:Term.compare "@ = " Term.pp
let ppx_clss x fs cs =
List.pp "@ @<2>∧ "
(fun fs (key, data) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a@ = %a@]" (Term.ppx x) key (ppx_cls x)
(List.sort ~compare:Term.compare data) )
fs (Term.Map.to_alist cs)
let pp_clss fs cs = ppx_clss (fun _ -> None) fs cs
let pp_diff_clss =
Term.Map.pp_diff ~data_equal:(List.equal Term.equal) Term.pp pp_cls
(** Invariant *)
(** test membership in carrier *)
let in_car r e = Subst.mem r.rep e
let invariant r =
Invariant.invariant [%here] r [%sexp_of: t]
@@ fun () ->
Subst.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:_ ->
(* no interpreted terms in carrier *)
assert (non_interpreted a) ;
(* carrier is closed under subterms *)
iter_max_solvables a ~f:(fun b ->
assert (
in_car r b
|| fail "@[subterm %a of %a not in carrier of@ %a@]" Term.pp b
Term.pp a pp r () ) ) )
(** Core operations *)
let true_ =
{xs= Var.Set.empty; sat= true; rep= Subst.empty} |> check invariant
let false_ = {true_ with sat= false}
(** terms are congruent if equal after normalizing subterms *)
let congruent r a b =
(Term.map ~f:(Subst.norm r.rep) a)
(Term.map ~f:(Subst.norm r.rep) b)
(** [lookup r a] is [b'] if [a ~ b = b'] for some equation [b = b'] in rep *)
let lookup r a =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Term.pp a pp r]
( With_return.with_return
@@ fun {return} ->
(* congruent specialized to assume [a] canonized and [b] non-interpreted *)
let semi_congruent r a b =
Term.equal a (Term.map ~f:(Subst.apply r.rep) b)
Subst.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key ~data ->
if semi_congruent r a key then return data ) ;
a )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Term.pp]
(** rewrite a term into canonical form using rep and, for non-interpreted
terms, congruence composed with rep *)
let rec canon r a =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Term.pp a pp r]
( match classify a with
| Atomic -> Subst.apply r.rep a
| Interpreted -> Term.map ~f:(canon r) a
| Simplified | Uninterpreted -> (
let a' = Term.map ~f:(canon r) a in
match classify a' with
| Atomic -> Subst.apply r.rep a'
| Interpreted -> Term.map ~f:(canon r) a'
| Simplified | Uninterpreted -> lookup r a' ) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Term.pp]
let rec extend_ a r =
match classify a with
| Interpreted | Simplified -> Term.fold ~f:extend_ a ~init:r
| Uninterpreted -> (
match Subst.extend a r with
| Some r -> Term.fold ~f:extend_ a ~init:r
| None -> r )
| Atomic -> r
(** add a term to the carrier *)
let extend a r =
let rep = extend_ a r.rep in
if rep == r.rep then r else {r with rep} |> check invariant
let merge us a b r =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a@ %a" Term.pp a Term.pp b pp r]
( match solve ~us ~xs:r.xs a b with
| Some (xs, s) ->
{r with xs= Var.Set.union r.xs xs; rep= Subst.compose r.rep s}
| None -> {r with sat= false} )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
(** find an unproved equation between congruent terms *)
let find_missing r =
@@ fun {return} ->
Subst.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:a' ->
Subst.iteri r.rep ~f:(fun ~key:b ~data:b' ->
Term.compare a b < 0
&& (not (Term.equal a' b'))
&& congruent r a b
then return (Some (a', b')) ) ) ;
let rec close us r =
if not r.sat then r
match find_missing r with
| Some (a', b') -> close us (merge us a' b' r)
| None -> r
let close us r =
[sledge] Classify fully-interpreted and simplified exps differently
For some Exp forms, Exp.solve is not complete, and this is necessary
since the result of solve is a substitution that needs to encode the
input equation as a conjunction of equations each between a variable
and an exp. This is tantamount to, stronger even than, the theory
being convex. So Exp.solve is not complete for some exps, and some of
those have constructors that perform some simplification. For example,
`(1 ≠ 0)` simplifies to `-1` (i.e. true). To enable deductions such as
`((x ≠ 0) = b) && x = 1 |- b = -1` needs the equality solver to
substitute through subexps of simplifiable exps like = and ≠, as it
does for interpreted exps like + and ×. At the same time, since
Exp.solve for non-interpreted exps cannot be complete, to enable
deductions such as `((x ≠ 0) = (y ≠ 0)) && x = 1 |- y ≠ 0` needs the
equality solver to congruence-close over subexps of simplifiable exps
such as = and ≠, as it does for uninterpreted exps.
To strengthen the equality solver in these sorts of cases, this diff
adds a new class of exps for = and ≠, and revises the equality solver
to handle them in a hybrid fashion between interpreted and
I am not currently sure whether or not this breaks the termination
proof, but I have also not managed to adapt usual divergent cases to
break this. One notable point is that simplifying = and ≠ exps always
produces genuinely simpler and smaller exps, in contrast to
e.g. polynomial simplification and gaussian elimination.
Note that the real solution to this problem is likely to be to
eliminate the i1 type in favor or a genuine boolean type, and
translate all integer operations on i1 to boolean/logical ones. Then
the disjunction implicit in e.g. equations between disequations would
appear as actual disjunction, and could be dealt with as such.
Reviewed By: jvillard
Differential Revision: D15424823
fbshipit-source-id: 67d62df1f
6 years ago
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp r]
close us r
[sledge] Classify fully-interpreted and simplified exps differently
For some Exp forms, Exp.solve is not complete, and this is necessary
since the result of solve is a substitution that needs to encode the
input equation as a conjunction of equations each between a variable
and an exp. This is tantamount to, stronger even than, the theory
being convex. So Exp.solve is not complete for some exps, and some of
those have constructors that perform some simplification. For example,
`(1 ≠ 0)` simplifies to `-1` (i.e. true). To enable deductions such as
`((x ≠ 0) = b) && x = 1 |- b = -1` needs the equality solver to
substitute through subexps of simplifiable exps like = and ≠, as it
does for interpreted exps like + and ×. At the same time, since
Exp.solve for non-interpreted exps cannot be complete, to enable
deductions such as `((x ≠ 0) = (y ≠ 0)) && x = 1 |- y ≠ 0` needs the
equality solver to congruence-close over subexps of simplifiable exps
such as = and ≠, as it does for uninterpreted exps.
To strengthen the equality solver in these sorts of cases, this diff
adds a new class of exps for = and ≠, and revises the equality solver
to handle them in a hybrid fashion between interpreted and
I am not currently sure whether or not this breaks the termination
proof, but I have also not managed to adapt usual divergent cases to
break this. One notable point is that simplifying = and ≠ exps always
produces genuinely simpler and smaller exps, in contrast to
e.g. polynomial simplification and gaussian elimination.
Note that the real solution to this problem is likely to be to
eliminate the i1 type in favor or a genuine boolean type, and
translate all integer operations on i1 to boolean/logical ones. Then
the disjunction implicit in e.g. equations between disequations would
appear as actual disjunction, and could be dealt with as such.
Reviewed By: jvillard
Differential Revision: D15424823
fbshipit-source-id: 67d62df1f
6 years ago
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
let and_eq us a b r =
if not r.sat then r
let a' = canon r a in
let b' = canon r b in
let r = extend a' r in
let r = extend b' r in
if Term.equal a' b' then r else close us (merge us a' b' r)
let extract_xs r = (r.xs, {r with xs= Var.Set.empty})
(** Exposed interface *)
let is_true {sat; rep} =
sat && Subst.for_alli rep ~f:(fun ~key:a ~data:a' -> Term.equal a a')
let is_false {sat} = not sat
let entails_eq r d e = Term.is_true (canon r (Term.eq d e))
let entails r s =
Subst.for_alli s.rep ~f:(fun ~key:e ~data:e' -> entails_eq r e e')
let normalize = canon
let class_of r e =
let e' = normalize r e in
e' :: Term.Map.find_multi (classes r) e'
let fold_uses_of r t ~init ~f =
let rec fold_ e ~init:s ~f =
let s =
Term.fold e ~init:s ~f:(fun sub s ->
if Term.equal t sub then f s e else s )
if interpreted e then
Term.fold e ~init:s ~f:(fun d s -> fold_ ~f d ~init:s)
else s
Subst.fold r.rep ~init ~f:(fun ~key:trm ~data:rep s ->
let f trm s = fold_ trm ~init:s ~f in
f trm (f rep s) )
let difference r a b =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a@ %a" Term.pp a Term.pp b pp r]
let a = canon r a in
let b = canon r b in
( if Term.equal a b then Some Z.zero
match normalize r (Term.sub a b) with
| Integer {data} -> Some data
| _ -> None )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->
function Some d -> pf "%a" Z.pp_print d | None -> pf ""]
let apply_subst us s r =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Subst.pp s pp r]
Term.Map.fold (classes r) ~init:true_ ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls r ->
let rep' = Subst.subst s rep in
List.fold cls ~init:r ~f:(fun r trm ->
let trm' = Subst.subst s trm in
and_eq us trm' rep' r ) )
|> extract_xs
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (xs, r') -> pf "%a%a" Var.Set.pp_xs xs pp r']
let and_ us r s =
( if not r.sat then r
else if not s.sat then s
let s, r =
if Subst.length s.rep <= Subst.length r.rep then (s, r) else (r, s)
Subst.fold s.rep ~init:r ~f:(fun ~key:e ~data:e' r -> and_eq us e e' r)
|> extract_xs
let or_ us r s =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@[<hv 1> %a@ @<2>∨ %a@]" pp r pp s]
( if not s.sat then r
else if not r.sat then s
let merge_mems rs r s =
Term.Map.fold (classes s) ~init:rs ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls rs ->
List.fold cls
~init:([rep], rs)
~f:(fun (reps, rs) exp ->
match List.find ~f:(entails_eq r exp) reps with
| Some rep -> (reps, and_eq us exp rep rs)
| None -> (exp :: reps, rs) )
|> snd )
let rs = true_ in
let rs = merge_mems rs r s in
let rs = merge_mems rs s r in
rs )
|> extract_xs
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (_, r) -> pf "%a" pp r]
let orN us rs =
match rs with
| [] -> (us, false_)
| r :: rs -> List.fold ~f:(fun (us, s) r -> or_ us s r) ~init:(us, r) rs
let rec and_term_ us e r =
let eq_false b r = and_eq us b Term.false_ r in
match (e : Term.t) with
| Integer {data} -> if Z.is_false data then false_ else true_
| Ap2 (And, a, b) -> and_term_ us a (and_term_ us b r)
| Ap2 (Eq, a, b) -> and_eq us a b r
| Ap2 (Xor, Integer {data}, a) when Z.is_true data -> eq_false a r
| Ap2 (Xor, a, Integer {data}) when Z.is_true data -> eq_false a r
| _ -> r
let and_term us e r = and_term_ us e r |> extract_xs
let and_eq us a b r =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a = %a@ %a" Term.pp a Term.pp b pp r]
and_eq us a b r |> extract_xs
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (_, r') ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
let rename r sub =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp r]
let rep = Subst.map_entries ~f:(Term.rename sub) r.rep in
(if rep == r.rep then r else {r with rep})
[sledge] Classify fully-interpreted and simplified exps differently
For some Exp forms, Exp.solve is not complete, and this is necessary
since the result of solve is a substitution that needs to encode the
input equation as a conjunction of equations each between a variable
and an exp. This is tantamount to, stronger even than, the theory
being convex. So Exp.solve is not complete for some exps, and some of
those have constructors that perform some simplification. For example,
`(1 ≠ 0)` simplifies to `-1` (i.e. true). To enable deductions such as
`((x ≠ 0) = b) && x = 1 |- b = -1` needs the equality solver to
substitute through subexps of simplifiable exps like = and ≠, as it
does for interpreted exps like + and ×. At the same time, since
Exp.solve for non-interpreted exps cannot be complete, to enable
deductions such as `((x ≠ 0) = (y ≠ 0)) && x = 1 |- y ≠ 0` needs the
equality solver to congruence-close over subexps of simplifiable exps
such as = and ≠, as it does for uninterpreted exps.
To strengthen the equality solver in these sorts of cases, this diff
adds a new class of exps for = and ≠, and revises the equality solver
to handle them in a hybrid fashion between interpreted and
I am not currently sure whether or not this breaks the termination
proof, but I have also not managed to adapt usual divergent cases to
break this. One notable point is that simplifying = and ≠ exps always
produces genuinely simpler and smaller exps, in contrast to
e.g. polynomial simplification and gaussian elimination.
Note that the real solution to this problem is likely to be to
eliminate the i1 type in favor or a genuine boolean type, and
translate all integer operations on i1 to boolean/logical ones. Then
the disjunction implicit in e.g. equations between disequations would
appear as actual disjunction, and could be dealt with as such.
Reviewed By: jvillard
Differential Revision: D15424823
fbshipit-source-id: 67d62df1f
6 years ago
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r' ->
pf "%a" pp_diff (r, r') ;
invariant r']
let fold_terms r ~init ~f =
Subst.fold r.rep ~f:(fun ~key ~data z -> f (f z data) key) ~init
let fold_vars r ~init ~f =
fold_terms r ~init ~f:(fun init -> Term.fold_vars ~f ~init)
let fv e = fold_vars e ~f:Var.Set.add ~init:Var.Set.empty
let pp_classes fs r = pp_clss fs (classes r)
let ppx_classes x fs r = ppx_clss x fs (classes r)
let ppx_classes_diff x fs (r, s) =
let clss = classes s in
let clss =
Term.Map.filter_mapi clss ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls ->
List.filter cls ~f:(fun exp -> not (entails_eq r rep exp))
| [] -> None
| cls -> Some cls )
List.pp "@ @<2>∧ "
(fun fs (rep, cls) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a@ = %a@]" (Term.ppx x) rep
(List.pp "@ = " (Term.ppx x))
(List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:Term.compare cls) )
fs (Term.Map.to_alist clss)
(** Existential Witnessing and Elimination *)
let subst_invariant us s0 s =
assert (s0 == s || not (Subst.equal s0 s)) ;
assert (
Subst.iteri s ~f:(fun ~key ~data ->
(* dom of new entries not ito us *)
assert (
Option.for_all ~f:(Term.equal data) (Subst.find s0 key)
|| not (Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv key) ~of_:us) ) ;
(* rep not ito us implies trm not ito us *)
assert (
Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv data) ~of_:us
|| not (Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv key) ~of_:us) ) ) ;
true )
type 'a zom = Zero | One of 'a | Many
(** try to solve [p = q] such that [fv (p - q) ⊆ us ∪ xs] and [p - q]
has at most one maximal solvable subterm, [kill], where
[fv kill ⊈ us]; solve [p = q] for [kill]; extend subst mapping [kill]
to the solution *)
let solve_poly_eq us p' q' subst =
let diff = Term.sub p' q' in
let max_solvables_not_ito_us =
fold_max_solvables diff ~init:Zero ~f:(fun solvable_subterm -> function
| Many -> Many
| zom when Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv solvable_subterm) ~of_:us -> zom
| One _ -> Many
| Zero -> One solvable_subterm )
match max_solvables_not_ito_us with
| One kill ->
let+ kill, keep = Term.solve_zero_eq diff ~for_:kill in
Subst.compose1 ~key:kill ~data:keep subst
| Many | Zero -> None
let solve_memory_eq us e' f' subst =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a = %a" Term.pp e' Term.pp f']
let f x u =
(not (Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv x) ~of_:us))
&& Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv u) ~of_:us
let solve_concat ms n a =
let a, n =
match Term.agg_size a with
| Some n -> (a, n)
| None -> (Term.memory ~siz:n ~arr:a, n)
let+ _, xs, s = solve_concat ~f ms a n (us, Var.Set.empty, subst) in
assert (Var.Set.is_empty xs) ;
( match ((e' : Term.t), (f' : Term.t)) with
| (ApN (Concat, ms) as c), a when f c a ->
solve_concat ms (Term.agg_size_exn c) a
| a, (ApN (Concat, ms) as c) when f c a ->
solve_concat ms (Term.agg_size_exn c) a
| (Ap2 (Memory, _, (Var _ as v)) as m), u when f m u ->
Some (Subst.compose1 ~key:v ~data:u subst)
| u, (Ap2 (Memory, _, (Var _ as v)) as m) when f m u ->
Some (Subst.compose1 ~key:v ~data:u subst)
| _ -> None )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} subst' ->
pf "@[%a@]" Subst.pp_diff (subst, Option.value subst' ~default:subst)]
let solve_interp_eq us e' (cls, subst) =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "trm: @[%a@]@ cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" Term.pp e' pp_cls cls
Subst.pp subst]
List.find_map cls ~f:(fun f ->
let f' = Subst.norm subst f in
match solve_memory_eq us e' f' subst with
| Some subst -> Some subst
| None -> solve_poly_eq us e' f' subst )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} subst' ->
pf "@[%a@]" Subst.pp_diff (subst, Option.value subst' ~default:subst) ;
Option.iter ~f:(subst_invariant us subst) subst']
(** move equations from [cls] to [subst] which are between interpreted terms
and can be expressed, after normalizing with [subst], as [x ↦ u] where
[us ∪ xs ⊇ fv x ⊈ us] and [fv u ⊆ us] or else
[fv u ⊆ us ∪ xs] *)
let rec solve_interp_eqs us (cls, subst) =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" pp_cls cls Subst.pp subst]
let rec solve_interp_eqs_ cls' (cls, subst) =
match cls with
| [] -> (cls', subst)
| trm :: cls ->
let trm' = Subst.norm subst trm in
if interpreted trm' then
match solve_interp_eq us trm' (cls, subst) with
| Some subst -> solve_interp_eqs_ cls' (cls, subst)
| None -> solve_interp_eqs_ (trm' :: cls') (cls, subst)
else solve_interp_eqs_ (trm' :: cls') (cls, subst)
let cls', subst' = solve_interp_eqs_ [] (cls, subst) in
( if subst' != subst then solve_interp_eqs us (cls', subst')
else (cls', subst') )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (cls', subst') ->
pf "cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" pp_diff_cls (cls, cls') Subst.pp_diff
(subst, subst')]
type cls_solve_state =
{ rep_us: Term.t option (** rep, that is ito us, for class *)
; cls_us: Term.t list (** cls that is ito us, or interpreted *)
; rep_xs: Term.t option (** rep, that is *not* ito us, for class *)
; cls_xs: Term.t list (** cls that is *not* ito us *) }
let dom_trm e =
match (e : Term.t) with
| Ap2 (Memory, _, (Var _ as v)) -> Some v
| _ when non_interpreted e -> Some e
| _ -> None
(** move equations from [cls] (which is assumed to be normalized by [subst])
to [subst] which can be expressed as [x ↦ u] where [x] is
non-interpreted [us ∪ xs ⊇ fv x ⊈ us] and [fv u ⊆ us] or else
[fv u ⊆ us ∪ xs] *)
let solve_uninterp_eqs us (cls, subst) =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" pp_cls cls Subst.pp subst]
let compare e f =
[%compare: kind * Term.t] (classify e, e) (classify f, f)
let {rep_us; cls_us; rep_xs; cls_xs} =
List.fold cls ~init:{rep_us= None; cls_us= []; rep_xs= None; cls_xs= []}
~f:(fun ({rep_us; cls_us; rep_xs; cls_xs} as s) trm ->
if Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv trm) ~of_:us then
match rep_us with
| Some rep when compare rep trm <= 0 ->
{s with cls_us= trm :: cls_us}
| Some rep -> {s with rep_us= Some trm; cls_us= rep :: cls_us}
| None -> {s with rep_us= Some trm}
match rep_xs with
| Some rep -> (
if compare rep trm <= 0 then
match dom_trm trm with
| Some trm -> {s with cls_xs= trm :: cls_xs}
| None -> {s with cls_us= trm :: cls_us}
match dom_trm rep with
| Some rep ->
{s with rep_xs= Some trm; cls_xs= rep :: cls_xs}
| None -> {s with rep_xs= Some trm; cls_us= rep :: cls_us} )
| None -> {s with rep_xs= Some trm} )
( match rep_us with
| Some rep_us ->
let cls = rep_us :: cls_us in
let cls, cls_xs =
match rep_xs with
| Some rep -> (
match dom_trm rep with
| Some rep -> (cls, rep :: cls_xs)
| None -> (rep :: cls, cls_xs) )
| None -> (cls, cls_xs)
let subst =
List.fold cls_xs ~init:subst ~f:(fun subst trm_xs ->
Subst.compose1 ~key:trm_xs ~data:rep_us subst )
(cls, subst)
| None -> (
match rep_xs with
| Some rep_xs ->
let cls = rep_xs :: cls_us in
let subst =
List.fold cls_xs ~init:subst ~f:(fun subst trm_xs ->
Subst.compose1 ~key:trm_xs ~data:rep_xs subst )
(cls, subst)
| None -> (cls, subst) ) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (cls', subst') ->
pf "cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" pp_diff_cls (cls, cls') Subst.pp_diff
(subst, subst') ;
subst_invariant us subst subst']
(** move equations between terms in [rep]'s class [cls] from [classes] to
[subst] which can be expressed, after normalizing with [subst], as
[x ↦ u] where [us ∪ xs ⊇ fv x ⊈ us] and [fv u ⊆ us] or else
[fv u ⊆ us ∪ xs] *)
let solve_class us us_xs ~key:rep ~data:cls (classes, subst) =
let classes0 = classes in
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "rep: @[%a@]@ cls: @[%a@]@ subst: @[%a@]" Term.pp rep pp_cls cls
Subst.pp subst]
let cls, cls_not_ito_us_xs =
~f:(fun e -> Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv e) ~of_:us_xs)
(rep :: cls)
let cls, subst = solve_interp_eqs us (cls, subst) in
let cls, subst = solve_uninterp_eqs us (cls, subst) in
let cls = List.rev_append cls_not_ito_us_xs cls in
let cls =
List.remove ~equal:Term.equal cls (Subst.norm subst rep)
|> Option.value ~default:cls
let classes =
if List.is_empty cls then Term.Map.remove classes rep
else Term.Map.set classes ~key:rep ~data:cls
(classes, subst)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (classes', subst') ->
pf "subst: @[%a@]@ classes: @[%a@]" Subst.pp_diff (subst, subst')
pp_diff_clss (classes0, classes')]
let solve_concat_extracts_eq r x =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Term.pp x pp r]
let uses =
fold_uses_of r x ~init:[] ~f:(fun uses -> function
| Ap2 (Memory, _, _) as m ->
fold_uses_of r m ~init:uses ~f:(fun uses -> function
| Ap3 (Extract, _, _, _) as e -> e :: uses | _ -> uses )
| _ -> uses )
let find_extracts_at_off off =
List.filter uses ~f:(fun use ->
match (use : Term.t) with
| Ap3 (Extract, _, o, _) -> entails_eq r o off
| _ -> false )
let rec find_extracts full_rev_extracts rev_prefix off =
List.fold (find_extracts_at_off off) ~init:full_rev_extracts
~f:(fun full_rev_extracts e ->
match e with
| Ap3 (Extract, Ap2 (Memory, n, _), o, l) ->
let o_l = Term.add o l in
if entails_eq r n o_l then
(e :: rev_prefix) :: full_rev_extracts
else find_extracts full_rev_extracts (e :: rev_prefix) o_l
| _ -> full_rev_extracts )
find_extracts [] [] Term.zero
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} ->
pf "@[[%a]@]" (List.pp ";@ " (List.pp ",@ " Term.pp))]
let solve_concat_extracts r us x (classes, subst, us_xs) =
List.filter_map (solve_concat_extracts_eq r x) ~f:(fun rev_extracts ->
List.fold_option rev_extracts ~init:[] ~f:(fun suffix e ->
let+ rep_ito_us =
List.fold (cls_of r e) ~init:None ~f:(fun rep_ito_us trm ->
match rep_ito_us with
| Some rep when Term.compare rep trm <= 0 -> rep_ito_us
| _ when Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv trm) ~of_:us ->
Some trm
| _ -> rep_ito_us )
Term.memory ~siz:(Term.agg_size_exn e) ~arr:rep_ito_us :: suffix
) )
|> List.min_elt ~compare:[%compare: Term.t list]
| Some extracts ->
let concat = Term.concat (Array.of_list extracts) in
let subst = Subst.compose1 ~key:x ~data:concat subst in
(classes, subst, us_xs)
| None -> (classes, subst, us_xs)
let solve_for_xs r us xs (classes, subst, us_xs) =
Var.Set.fold xs ~init:(classes, subst, us_xs)
~f:(fun (classes, subst, us_xs) x ->
let x = Term.var x in
if Subst.mem subst x then (classes, subst, us_xs)
else solve_concat_extracts r us x (classes, subst, us_xs) )
(** move equations from [classes] to [subst] which can be expressed, after
normalizing with [subst], as [x ↦ u] where [us ∪ xs ⊇ fv x ⊈ us]
and [fv u ⊆ us] or else [fv u ⊆ us ∪ xs]. *)
let solve_classes r (classes, subst, us) xs =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "us: {@[%a@]}@ xs: {@[%a@]}" Var.Set.pp us Var.Set.pp xs]
let rec solve_classes_ (classes0, subst0, us_xs) =
let classes, subst =
Term.Map.fold ~f:(solve_class us us_xs) classes0
~init:(classes0, subst0)
if subst != subst0 then solve_classes_ (classes, subst, us_xs)
else (classes, subst, us_xs)
(classes, subst, Var.Set.union us xs)
|> solve_classes_ |> solve_for_xs r us xs
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (classes', subst', _) ->
pf "subst: @[%a@]@ classes: @[%a@]" Subst.pp_diff (subst, subst')
pp_diff_clss (classes, classes')]
let pp_vss fs vss =
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@]]"
(List.pp ";@ " (fun fs vs -> Format.fprintf fs "{@[%a@]}" Var.Set.pp vs))
(** enumerate variable contexts vᵢ in [v₁;…] and accumulate a solution
subst with entries [x ↦ u] where [r] entails [x = u] and
[⋃ⱼ₌₁ⁱ vⱼ ⊇ fv x ⊈ ⋃ⱼ₌₁ⁱ⁻¹ vⱼ] and
[fv u ⊆ ⋃ⱼ₌₁ⁱ⁻¹ vⱼ] if possible and otherwise
[fv u ⊆ ⋃ⱼ₌₁ⁱ vⱼ] *)
let solve_for_vars vss r =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ @[%a@]" pp_vss vss pp_classes r]
let us, vss =
match vss with us :: vss -> (us, vss) | [] -> (Var.Set.empty, vss)
List.fold ~f:(solve_classes r) ~init:(classes r, Subst.empty, us) vss
|> snd3
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} subst ->
pf "%a" Subst.pp subst ;
Subst.iteri subst ~f:(fun ~key ~data ->
assert (
entails_eq r key data
|| fail "@[%a = %a not entailed by@ %a@]" Term.pp key Term.pp data
pp_classes r () ) ;
assert (
List.fold_until vss ~init:us
~f:(fun us xs ->
let us_xs = Var.Set.union us xs in
let ks = Term.fv key in
let ds = Term.fv data in
Var.Set.is_subset ks ~of_:us_xs
&& Var.Set.is_subset ds ~of_:us_xs
&& ( Var.Set.is_subset ds ~of_:us
|| not (Var.Set.is_subset ks ~of_:us) )
then Stop true
else Continue us_xs )
~finish:(fun _ -> false) ) )]