
356 lines
13 KiB

* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Abstract domain *)
type t = Sh.t [@@deriving equal, sexp]
let pp fs q = Format.fprintf fs "@[{ %a@ }@]" Sh.pp q
let report_fmt_thunk = Fn.flip pp
(* set by cli *)
let simplify_states = ref true
let simplify q = if !simplify_states then Sh.simplify q else q
let init globals =
IArray.fold globals ~init:Sh.emp ~f:(fun q -> function
| {Global.reg; init= Some arr} ->
let loc = Term.var (Reg.var reg) in
let len = Term.size_of (Exp.typ arr) in
let arr = arr.term in q (Sh.seg {loc; bas= loc; len; siz= len; arr})
| _ -> q )
let join p q =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" pp p pp q]
Some (Sh.or_ p q) |> ~f:simplify
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" (Option.pp "%a" pp)]
let is_false = Sh.is_false
let dnf = Sh.dnf
let exec_assume q b = Exec.assume q (Exp.term b) |> ~f:simplify
let exec_kill q r = Exec.kill q (Reg.var r) |> simplify
let exec_move q res =
Exec.move q ( res ~f:(fun (r, e) -> (Reg.var r, Exp.term e)))
|> simplify
let exec_inst pre inst =
( match (inst : Llair.inst) with
| Move {reg_exps; _} ->
(Exec.move pre
( reg_exps ~f:(fun (r, e) -> (Reg.var r, Exp.term e))))
| Load {reg; ptr; len; _} ->
Exec.load pre ~reg:(Reg.var reg) ~ptr:(Exp.term ptr)
~len:(Exp.term len)
| Store {ptr; exp; len; _} -> pre ~ptr:(Exp.term ptr) ~exp:(Exp.term exp)
~len:(Exp.term len)
| Memset {dst; byt; len; _} ->
Exec.memset pre ~dst:(Exp.term dst) ~byt:(Exp.term byt)
~len:(Exp.term len)
| Memcpy {dst; src; len; _} ->
Exec.memcpy pre ~dst:(Exp.term dst) ~src:(Exp.term src)
~len:(Exp.term len)
| Memmov {dst; src; len; _} ->
Exec.memmov pre ~dst:(Exp.term dst) ~src:(Exp.term src)
~len:(Exp.term len)
| Alloc {reg; num; len; _} ->
Exec.alloc pre ~reg:(Reg.var reg) ~num:(Exp.term num)
~len:(Exp.term len)
| Free {ptr; _} -> pre ~ptr:(Exp.term ptr)
| Nondet {reg; _} -> Some (Exec.nondet pre ( ~f:Reg.var reg))
| Abort _ -> Exec.abort pre )
|> ~f:simplify
let exec_intrinsic ~skip_throw q r i es =
Exec.intrinsic ~skip_throw q ( ~f:Reg.var r) (Reg.var i)
( ~f:Exp.term es)
|> ~f:( ~f:simplify)
let term_eq_class_has_only_vars_in fvs cong term =
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "@[<v> fvs: @[%a@] @,cong: @[%a@] @,term: @[%a@]@]" Var.Set.pp fvs
Equality.pp cong Term.pp term]
let term_has_only_vars_in fvs term =
Var.Set.is_subset (Term.fv term) ~of_:fvs
let term_eq_class = Equality.class_of cong term in
List.exists ~f:(term_has_only_vars_in fvs) term_eq_class
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%b"]
let garbage_collect (q : t) ~wrt =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp q]
(* only support DNF for now *)
assert (List.is_empty q.djns) ;
let rec all_reachable_vars previous current (q : t) =
if Var.Set.equal previous current then current
let new_set =
List.fold ~init:current q.heap ~f:(fun current seg ->
if term_eq_class_has_only_vars_in current q.cong seg.loc then
List.fold (Equality.class_of q.cong seg.arr) ~init:current
~f:(fun c e -> Var.Set.union c (Term.fv e))
else current )
all_reachable_vars current new_set q
let r_vars = all_reachable_vars Var.Set.empty wrt q in
Sh.filter_heap q ~f:(fun seg ->
term_eq_class_has_only_vars_in r_vars q.cong seg.loc )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp]
let and_eqs sub formals actuals q =
let and_eq q formal actual =
let actual' = Term.rename sub actual in
Sh.and_ (Term.eq (Term.var formal) actual') q
List.fold2_exn ~f:and_eq formals actuals ~init:q
let localize_entry globals actuals formals freturn locals subst pre entry =
(* Add the formals here to do garbage collection and then get rid of them *)
let formals_set = Var.Set.of_list formals in
let freturn_locals = Reg.Set.vars (Reg.Set.add_option freturn locals) in
let function_summary_pre =
garbage_collect entry
~wrt:(Var.Set.union formals_set (Reg.Set.vars globals))
[ "function summary pre %a" pp function_summary_pre] ;
let foot = Sh.exists formals_set function_summary_pre in
let xs, foot = Sh.bind_exists foot in
let frame =
(Solver.infer_frame pre xs foot)
~message:"Solver couldn't infer frame of a garbage-collected pre"
let q'' =
Sh.extend_us freturn_locals (and_eqs subst formals actuals foot)
(q'', frame)
type from_call = {areturn: Var.t option; subst: Var.Subst.t; frame: Sh.t}
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
(** Express formula in terms of formals instead of actuals, and enter scope
of locals: rename formals to fresh vars in formula and actuals, add
equations between each formal and actual, and quantify fresh vars. *)
let call ~summaries ~globals ~actuals ~areturn ~formals ~freturn ~locals q =
[ fun {pf} ->
"@[<hv>actuals: (@[%a@])@ formals: (@[%a@])@ locals: {@[%a@]}@ \
globals: {@[%a@]}@ q: %a@]"
(List.pp ",@ " Exp.pp) (List.rev actuals) (List.pp ",@ " Reg.pp)
(List.rev formals) Reg.Set.pp locals Reg.Set.pp globals pp q]
let actuals = ~f:Exp.term actuals in
let areturn = ~f:Reg.var areturn in
let formals = ~f:Reg.var formals in
let freturn_locals = Reg.Set.vars (Reg.Set.add_option freturn locals) in
let modifs = Var.Set.of_option areturn in
(* quantify modifs, their current value will be overwritten and so does
not need to be saved in the freshening renaming *)
let q = Sh.exists modifs q in
(* save current values of shadowed formals and locals with a renaming *)
let q', subst =
Sh.freshen q ~wrt:(Var.Set.add_list formals freturn_locals)
assert (Var.Set.disjoint modifs (Var.Subst.domain subst)) ;
(* pass arguments by conjoining equations between formals and actuals *)
let entry = and_eqs subst formals actuals q' in
(* note: locals and formals are in scope *)
assert (
(Var.Set.add_list formals freturn_locals) ) ;
(* simplify *)
let entry = simplify entry in
( if not summaries then (entry, {areturn; subst; frame= Sh.emp})
let q'', frame =
localize_entry globals actuals formals freturn locals subst q' entry
(q'', {areturn; subst; frame}) )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (entry, {subst; frame}) ->
pf "@[<v>subst: %a@ frame: %a@ entry: %a@]" Var.Subst.pp subst pp frame
pp entry]
[sledge] Rework function return value passing Summary: The current handling of the formal return variable scope is not correct. Since it is passed as an actual argument to the return continuation, it is manipulated as if it was a local variable of the caller. However, its scope is not ended with the caller's locals, leading to clashes. This diff reworks the passing of return values to avoid this problem, mainly by introducing a notion of temporary variables during parameter passing. This essentially has the effect of taking a function spec { P } f(x) { λv. Q } and generating a "temporary" variable v, applying the post λv. Q to it to obtain the pre-state for the call to the return continuation k(v). Being a temporary variable just means that it goes out of scope just after parameter passing. This amounts to a long-winded way of applying the post-state to the formal parameter of the return continuation without violating scopes or SSA. This diff also separates the manipulation of the symbolic states as they proceed from: 1. the pre-state before the return instruction; 2. the exit-state after the return instruction (including the binding of the returned value to the return formal variable); 3. the post-state, where the locals are existentially quantified; and 4. the return-state, which is expressed in terms of actual args instead of formal parameters. Also in support of summarization, formal return and throw parameters are no longer tracked on the analyzer's stack. Note that these changes involve changing the locals of blocks and functions to no longer include the formal parameters. Reviewed By: kren1 Differential Revision: D15912148 fbshipit-source-id: e41dd6e42
6 years ago
(** Leave scope of locals: existentially quantify locals. *)
let post locals _ q =
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "@[<hv>locals: {@[%a@]}@ q: %a@]" Reg.Set.pp locals Sh.pp q]
[sledge] Rework function return value passing Summary: The current handling of the formal return variable scope is not correct. Since it is passed as an actual argument to the return continuation, it is manipulated as if it was a local variable of the caller. However, its scope is not ended with the caller's locals, leading to clashes. This diff reworks the passing of return values to avoid this problem, mainly by introducing a notion of temporary variables during parameter passing. This essentially has the effect of taking a function spec { P } f(x) { λv. Q } and generating a "temporary" variable v, applying the post λv. Q to it to obtain the pre-state for the call to the return continuation k(v). Being a temporary variable just means that it goes out of scope just after parameter passing. This amounts to a long-winded way of applying the post-state to the formal parameter of the return continuation without violating scopes or SSA. This diff also separates the manipulation of the symbolic states as they proceed from: 1. the pre-state before the return instruction; 2. the exit-state after the return instruction (including the binding of the returned value to the return formal variable); 3. the post-state, where the locals are existentially quantified; and 4. the return-state, which is expressed in terms of actual args instead of formal parameters. Also in support of summarization, formal return and throw parameters are no longer tracked on the analyzer's stack. Note that these changes involve changing the locals of blocks and functions to no longer include the formal parameters. Reviewed By: kren1 Differential Revision: D15912148 fbshipit-source-id: e41dd6e42
6 years ago
Sh.exists (Reg.Set.vars locals) q |> simplify
[sledge] Rework function return value passing Summary: The current handling of the formal return variable scope is not correct. Since it is passed as an actual argument to the return continuation, it is manipulated as if it was a local variable of the caller. However, its scope is not ended with the caller's locals, leading to clashes. This diff reworks the passing of return values to avoid this problem, mainly by introducing a notion of temporary variables during parameter passing. This essentially has the effect of taking a function spec { P } f(x) { λv. Q } and generating a "temporary" variable v, applying the post λv. Q to it to obtain the pre-state for the call to the return continuation k(v). Being a temporary variable just means that it goes out of scope just after parameter passing. This amounts to a long-winded way of applying the post-state to the formal parameter of the return continuation without violating scopes or SSA. This diff also separates the manipulation of the symbolic states as they proceed from: 1. the pre-state before the return instruction; 2. the exit-state after the return instruction (including the binding of the returned value to the return formal variable); 3. the post-state, where the locals are existentially quantified; and 4. the return-state, which is expressed in terms of actual args instead of formal parameters. Also in support of summarization, formal return and throw parameters are no longer tracked on the analyzer's stack. Note that these changes involve changing the locals of blocks and functions to no longer include the formal parameters. Reviewed By: kren1 Differential Revision: D15912148 fbshipit-source-id: e41dd6e42
6 years ago
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" Sh.pp]
(** Express in terms of actuals instead of formals: existentially quantify
formals, and apply inverse of fresh variables for formals renaming to
restore the shadowed variables. *)
let retn formals freturn {areturn; subst; frame} q =
[sledge] Rework function return value passing Summary: The current handling of the formal return variable scope is not correct. Since it is passed as an actual argument to the return continuation, it is manipulated as if it was a local variable of the caller. However, its scope is not ended with the caller's locals, leading to clashes. This diff reworks the passing of return values to avoid this problem, mainly by introducing a notion of temporary variables during parameter passing. This essentially has the effect of taking a function spec { P } f(x) { λv. Q } and generating a "temporary" variable v, applying the post λv. Q to it to obtain the pre-state for the call to the return continuation k(v). Being a temporary variable just means that it goes out of scope just after parameter passing. This amounts to a long-winded way of applying the post-state to the formal parameter of the return continuation without violating scopes or SSA. This diff also separates the manipulation of the symbolic states as they proceed from: 1. the pre-state before the return instruction; 2. the exit-state after the return instruction (including the binding of the returned value to the return formal variable); 3. the post-state, where the locals are existentially quantified; and 4. the return-state, which is expressed in terms of actual args instead of formal parameters. Also in support of summarization, formal return and throw parameters are no longer tracked on the analyzer's stack. Note that these changes involve changing the locals of blocks and functions to no longer include the formal parameters. Reviewed By: kren1 Differential Revision: D15912148 fbshipit-source-id: e41dd6e42
6 years ago
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "@[<v>formals: {@[%a@]}%a%a@ subst: %a@ q: %a@ frame: %a@]"
(List.pp ", " Reg.pp) formals
(Option.pp "@ freturn: %a" Reg.pp)
(Option.pp "@ areturn: %a" Var.pp)
areturn Var.Subst.pp (Var.Subst.invert subst) pp q pp frame]
let formals = ~f:Reg.var formals in
let freturn = ~f:Reg.var freturn in
let inv_subst = Var.Subst.invert subst in
let q, inv_subst =
match areturn with
| Some areturn -> (
(* reenter scope of areturn just before exiting scope of formals *)
let q = Sh.extend_us (Var.Set.of_ areturn) q in
(* pass return value *)
match freturn with
| Some freturn ->
(Exec.move q (IArray.of_ (areturn, Term.var freturn)), inv_subst)
| None -> (Exec.kill q areturn, inv_subst) )
| None -> (q, inv_subst)
(* exit scope of formals *)
let q =
Sh.exists (Var.Set.add_list formals (Var.Set.of_option freturn)) q
(* reinstate shadowed values of locals *)
let q = Sh.rename inv_subst q in
(* reconjoin frame *) frame q
(* simplify *)
|> simplify
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} -> pf "%a" pp]
let resolve_callee lookup ptr q =
match Reg.of_exp ptr with
| Some callee -> (lookup ( callee), q)
| None -> ([], q)
let recursion_beyond_bound = `prune
type summary = {xs: Var.Set.t; foot: t; post: t}
let pp_summary fs {xs; foot; post} =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<v>xs: @[%a@]@ foot: %a@ post: %a @]" Var.Set.pp xs
pp foot pp post
let create_summary ~locals ~formals ~entry ~current:(post : Sh.t) =
[ fun {pf} ->
pf "formals %a@ entry: %a@ current: %a" Reg.Set.pp formals pp entry pp
let locals = Reg.Set.vars locals in
let formals = Reg.Set.vars formals in
let foot = Sh.exists locals entry in
let foot, subst = Sh.freshen ~wrt:(Var.Set.union foot in
let restore_formals q =
Var.Set.fold formals ~init:q ~f:(fun q var ->
let var = Term.var var in
let renamed_var = Term.rename subst var in
Sh.and_ (Term.eq renamed_var var) q )
(* Add back the original formals name *)
let post = Sh.rename subst post in
let foot = restore_formals foot in
let post = restore_formals post in
[ "subst: %a" Var.Subst.pp subst] ;
let xs = Var.Set.inter (Sh.fv foot) (Sh.fv post) in
let xs = Var.Set.diff xs formals in
let xs_and_formals = Var.Set.union xs formals in
let foot = Sh.exists (Var.Set.diff xs_and_formals) foot in
let post = Sh.exists (Var.Set.diff xs_and_formals) post in
let current = Sh.extend_us xs post in
({xs; foot; post}, current)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (fs, _) -> pf "@,%a" pp_summary fs]
let apply_summary q ({xs; foot; post} as fs) =
[ fun {pf} -> pf "fs: %a@ q: %a" pp_summary fs pp q]
let xs_in_q = Var.Set.inter xs in
let xs_in_fv_q = Var.Set.inter xs (Sh.fv q) in
(* Between creation of a summary and its use, the vocabulary of q (
might have been extended. That means infer_frame would fail, because q
and foot have different vocabulary. This might indicate that the
summary cannot be applied to q, however in the case where
free-variables of q and foot match it is benign. In the case where free
variables match, we temporarily reduce the vocabulary of q to match the
vocabulary of foot. *)
[ "xs inter %a" Var.Set.pp xs_in_q] ;
[ "xs inter fv.q %a" Var.Set.pp xs_in_fv_q] ;
let q, add_back =
if Var.Set.is_empty xs_in_fv_q then (Sh.exists xs_in_q q, xs_in_q)
else (q, Var.Set.empty)
let frame =
if Var.Set.is_empty xs_in_fv_q then Solver.infer_frame q xs foot
else None
[ "frame %a" (Option.pp "%a" pp) frame] ; ~f:(Sh.extend_us add_back) ( ~f:( post) frame)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} r ->
match r with None -> pf "None" | Some q -> pf "@,%a" pp q]
let%test_module _ =
( module struct
let pp = Format.printf "@.%a@." Sh.pp
let wrt = Var.Set.empty
let main_, wrt = Var.fresh "main" ~wrt
let a_, wrt = Var.fresh "a" ~wrt
let n_, wrt = Var.fresh "n" ~wrt
let b_, wrt = Var.fresh "b" ~wrt
let end_, _ = Var.fresh "end" ~wrt
let a = Term.var a_
let main = Term.var main_
let b = Term.var b_
let n = Term.var n_
let endV = Term.var end_
let seg_main = Sh.seg {loc= main; bas= b; len= n; siz= n; arr= a}
let seg_a = Sh.seg {loc= a; bas= b; len= n; siz= n; arr= endV}
let seg_cycle = Sh.seg {loc= a; bas= b; len= n; siz= n; arr= main}
let%expect_test _ =
pp (garbage_collect seg_main ~wrt:(Var.Set.of_list [])) ;
[%expect {| emp |}]
let%expect_test _ =
(garbage_collect ( seg_a seg_main)
~wrt:(Var.Set.of_list [a_])) ;
[%expect {| %a_2 -[ %b_4, %n_3 )-> %n_3,%end_5 |}]
let%expect_test _ =
(garbage_collect ( seg_a seg_main)
~wrt:(Var.Set.of_list [main_])) ;
%main_1 -[ %b_4, %n_3 )-> %n_3,%a_2
* %a_2 -[ %b_4, %n_3 )-> %n_3,%end_5 |}]
let%expect_test _ =
( seg_cycle seg_main)
~wrt:(Var.Set.of_list [a_])) ;
%main_1 -[ %b_4, %n_3 )-> %n_3,%a_2
* %a_2 -[ %b_4, %n_3 )-> %n_3,%main_1 |}]
end )